/** * A small abstract class that contains the shared behaviour for any summary * calculations to be used in the grid. */Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary', { extend: 'Ext.grid.feature.Feature', alias: 'feature.abstractsummary', summaryRowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-summary', readDataOptions: { recordCreator: Ext.identityFn }, // High priority rowTpl interceptor which sees summary rows early, and renders them correctly and then aborts the row rendering chain. // This will only see action when summary rows are being updated and Table.onUpdate->Table.bufferRender renders the individual updated sumary row. summaryRowTpl: { fn: function(out, values, parent) { // If a summary record comes through the rendering pipeline, render it simply instead of proceeding through the tplchain if (values.record.isSummary && this.summaryFeature.showSummaryRow) { this.summaryFeature.outputSummaryRecord(values.record, values, out, parent); } else { this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent); } }, priority: 1000 }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} * True to show the summary row. */ showSummaryRow: true, // Listen for store updates. Eg, from an Editor. init: function() { var me = this; me.view.summaryFeature = me; me.rowTpl = me.view.self.prototype.rowTpl; // Add a high priority interceptor which renders summary records simply // This will only see action ona bufferedRender situation where summary records are updated. me.view.addRowTpl(me.summaryRowTpl).summaryFeature = me; // Define on the instance to store info needed by summary renderers. me.summaryData = {}; me.groupInfo = {}; // Cell widths in the summary table are set directly into the cells. There's no <colgroup><col> // Some browsers use content box and some use border box when applying the style width of a TD if (!me.summaryTableCls) { me.summaryTableCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-item'; } me.summaryRowSelector = '.' + me.summaryRowCls; }, bindStore: function(grid, store) { var me = this; Ext.destroy(me.readerListeners); if (me.remoteRoot) { me.readerListeners = store.getProxy().getReader().on({ scope: me, destroyable: true, rawdata: me.onReaderRawData }); } }, onReaderRawData: function(data) { // Invalidate potentially existing summaryRows to force recalculation this.summaryRows = null; this.readerRawData = data; }, /** * Toggle whether or not to show the summary row. * @param {Boolean} visible True to show the summary row * @param fromLockingPartner (private) */ toggleSummaryRow: function(visible, fromLockingPartner) { var me = this, prev = me.showSummaryRow, doRefresh; visible = visible != null ? !!visible : !me.showSummaryRow; me.showSummaryRow = visible; if (visible && visible !== prev) { // If being shown, something may have changed while not visible, so // force the summary records to recalculate me.updateSummaryRow = true; } // If there is another side to be toggled, then toggle it (as long as we are not already being commanded from that other side); // Then refresh the whole arrangement. if (me.lockingPartner) { if (!fromLockingPartner) { me.lockingPartner.toggleSummaryRow(visible, true); doRefresh = true; } } else { doRefresh = true; } if (doRefresh) { me.grid.ownerGrid.getView().refresh(); } }, createRenderer: function (column, record) { var me = this, ownerGroup = record.ownerGroup, summaryData = ownerGroup ? me.summaryData[ownerGroup] : me.summaryData, // Use the column.getItemId() for columns without a dataIndex. The populateRecord method does the same. dataIndex = column.dataIndex || column.getItemId(); return function (value, metaData) { return column.summaryRenderer ? column.summaryRenderer(record.data[dataIndex], summaryData, dataIndex, metaData) : // For no summaryRenderer, return the field value in the Feature record. record.data[dataIndex]; }; }, outputSummaryRecord: function(summaryRecord, contextValues, out) { var view = contextValues.view, savedRowValues = view.rowValues, columns = contextValues.columns || view.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(), colCount = columns.length, i, column, // Set up a row rendering values object so that we can call the rowTpl directly to inject // the markup of a grid row into the output stream. values = { view: view, record: summaryRecord, rowStyle: '', rowClasses: [ this.summaryRowCls ], itemClasses: [], recordIndex: -1, rowId: view.getRowId(summaryRecord), columns: columns }; // Because we are using the regular row rendering pathway, temporarily swap out the renderer for the summaryRenderer for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { column = columns[i]; column.savedRenderer = column.renderer; if (column.summaryType || column.summaryRenderer) { column.renderer = this.createRenderer(column, summaryRecord); } else { column.renderer = Ext.emptyFn; } } // Use the base template to render a summary row view.rowValues = values; view.self.prototype.rowTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent); view.rowValues = savedRowValues; // Restore regular column renderers for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { column = columns[i]; column.renderer = column.savedRenderer; column.savedRenderer = null; } }, /** * Get the summary data for a field. * @private * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The store to get the data from * @param {String/Function} type The type of aggregation. If a function is specified it will * be passed to the stores aggregate function. * @param {String} field The field to aggregate on * @param {Boolean} group True to aggregate in grouped mode * @return {Number/String/Object} See the return type for the store functions. * if the group parameter is `true` An object is returned with a property named for each group who's * value is the summary value. */ getSummary: function (store, type, field, group) { var isGrouped = !!group, item = isGrouped ? group : store; if (type) { if (Ext.isFunction(type)) { if (isGrouped) { return item.aggregate(field, type); } else { return item.aggregate(type, null, false, [field]); } } switch (type) { case 'count': return item.count(); case 'min': return item.min(field); case 'max': return item.max(field); case 'sum': return item.sum(field); case 'average': return item.average(field); default: return ''; } } }, getRawData: function() { var data = this.readerRawData; if (data) { return data; } // Synchronous Proxies such as Memory proxy will set keepRawData to true // on their Reader instances, and may have been loaded before we were bound // to the store. Or the Reader may have been configured with keepRawData: true // manually. // In these cases, the Reader should have rawData on the instance. return this.view.getStore().getProxy().getReader().rawData; }, generateSummaryData: function(groupField) { var me = this, summaryRows = me.summaryRows, convertedSummaryRow = {}, remoteData = {}, storeReader, reader, rawData, i, len, summaryRows, rows, row; // Summary rows may have been cached by previous run if (!summaryRows) { rawData = me.getRawData(); if (!rawData) { return; } // Construct a new Reader instance of the same type to avoid // munging the one in the Store storeReader = me.view.store.getProxy().getReader(); reader = Ext.create('reader.' + storeReader.type, storeReader.getConfig()); // reset reader root and rebuild extractors to extract summaries data reader.setRootProperty(me.remoteRoot); // At this point summaryRows is still raw data, e.g. XML node summaryRows = reader.getRoot(rawData); if (summaryRows) { rows = []; if (!Ext.isArray(summaryRows)) { summaryRows = [summaryRows]; } len = summaryRows.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // Convert a raw data row into a Record's hash object using the Reader. row = reader.extractRecordData(summaryRows[i], me.readDataOptions); rows.push(row); } me.summaryRows = summaryRows = rows; } // By the next time the configuration may change reader.destroy(); // We also no longer need the whole raw dataset me.readerRawData = null; } if (summaryRows) { for (i = 0, len = summaryRows.length; i < len; i++) { convertedSummaryRow = summaryRows[i]; if (groupField) { remoteData[convertedSummaryRow[groupField]] = convertedSummaryRow; } } } return groupField ? remoteData : convertedSummaryRow; }, setSummaryData: function (record, colId, summaryValue, groupName) { var summaryData = this.summaryData; if (groupName) { if (!summaryData[groupName]) { summaryData[groupName] = {}; } summaryData[groupName][colId] = summaryValue; } else { summaryData[colId] = summaryValue; } }, destroy: function() { Ext.destroy(this.readerListeners); this.readerRawData = this.summaryRows = null; this.callParent(); }});