* A Component or Element by which to position this component according to the {@link #defaultAlign}.* @cfg {Ext.plugin.Abstract[]/Ext.plugin.Abstract/Object[]/Object/Ext.enums.Plugin[]/Ext.enums.Plugin} plugins* The data used by {@link #renderTpl} in addition to the following property values of the component:* Fires after the component is shown when calling the {@link Ext.Component#method-show show} method.* - **a string** : it is assumed to be the id of an existing element and is used as the component id* - **anything else** : it is assumed to be a standard config object and is applied to the component* @param {Number/undefined} oldHeight The old height, or `undefined` if this was the initial layout.* Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.* @param {Boolean} [silent=false] Passing `true` will suppress the `disable` event from being fired.* @param {Boolean} [local=false] If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY.* All config options passed to the constructor are applied to `this` before initComponent is called,for (it = ownerCt.items.items, i = Ext.Array.indexOf(it, node) + 1, len = it.length; i < len; i++) {* Called after the component is moved, this method is empty by default but can be implemented by any* @return {Ext.Component} The previous sibling (or the previous sibling which matches the selector).* This is to support components being clipped to their logical owner, such as a button menu when the