/** * This is a specialized field which shows a {@link Ext.picker.Date} when tapped. If it has a predefined value, * or a value is selected in the {@link Ext.picker.Date}, it will be displayed like a normal {@link Ext.field.Text} * (but not selectable/changable). * * Ext.create('Ext.field.DatePicker', { * label: 'Birthday', * value: new Date() * }); * * {@link Ext.field.DatePicker} fields are very simple to implement, and have no required configurations. * * ## Examples * * It can be very useful to set a default {@link #value} configuration on {@link Ext.field.DatePicker} fields. In * this example, we set the {@link #value} to be the current date. You can also use the {@link #setValue} method to * update the value at any time. * * @example miniphone preview * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * fullscreen: true, * items: [ * { * xtype: 'fieldset', * items: [ * { * xtype: 'datepickerfield', * label: 'Birthday', * name: 'birthday', * value: new Date() * } * ] * }, * { * xtype: 'toolbar', * docked: 'bottom', * items: [ * { xtype: 'spacer' }, * { * text: 'setValue', * handler: function() { * var datePickerField = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('datepickerfield')[0]; * * var randomNumber = function(from, to) { * return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from); * }; * * datePickerField.setValue({ * month: randomNumber(0, 11), * day : randomNumber(0, 28), * year : randomNumber(1980, 2011) * }); * } * }, * { xtype: 'spacer' } * ] * } * ] * }); * * When you need to retrieve the date from the {@link Ext.field.DatePicker}, you can either use the {@link #getValue} or * {@link #getFormattedValue} methods: * * @example preview * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * fullscreen: true, * items: [ * { * xtype: 'fieldset', * items: [ * { * xtype: 'datepickerfield', * label: 'Birthday', * name: 'birthday', * value: new Date() * } * ] * }, * { * xtype: 'toolbar', * docked: 'bottom', * items: [ * { * text: 'getValue', * handler: function() { * var datePickerField = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('datepickerfield')[0]; * Ext.Msg.alert(null, datePickerField.getValue()); * } * }, * { xtype: 'spacer' }, * { * text: 'getFormattedValue', * handler: function() { * var datePickerField = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('datepickerfield')[0]; * Ext.Msg.alert(null, datePickerField.getFormattedValue()); * } * } * ] * } * ] * }); * * */Ext.define('Ext.field.DatePicker', { extend: 'Ext.field.Picker', alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.DatePicker', xtype: 'datepickerfield', requires: [ 'Ext.picker.Date' ], /** * @event change * Fires when a date is selected * @param {Ext.field.DatePicker} this * @param {Date} newDate The new date * @param {Date} oldDate The old date */ config: { ui: 'select', /** * @cfg {Object/Ext.picker.Date} picker * An object that is used when creating the internal {@link Ext.picker.Date} component or a direct instance of {@link Ext.picker.Date}. * @accessor */ picker: true, /** * @cfg {Object/Date} value * Default value for the field and the internal {@link Ext.picker.Date} component. Accepts an object of 'year', * 'month' and 'day' values, all of which should be numbers, or a {@link Date}. * * Example: {year: 1989, day: 1, month: 5} = 1st May 1989 or new Date() * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} destroyPickerOnHide * Whether or not to destroy the picker widget on hide. This save memory if it's not used frequently, * but increase delay time on the next show due to re-instantiation. * @accessor */ destroyPickerOnHide: false, /** * @cfg {String} [dateFormat=Ext.util.Format.defaultDateFormat] The format to be used when displaying the date in this field. * Accepts any valid date format. You can view formats over in the {@link Ext.Date} documentation. */ dateFormat: '' }, applyValue: function(value, oldValue) { if (!Ext.isDate(value)) { if (value) { value = Ext.Date.parse(value, this.getDateFormat()); } else { value = null; } } // The same date value may not be the same reference, so compare them by time. // If we have dates for both, then compare the time. If they're the same we // don't need to do anything. if (value && oldValue && value.getTime() === oldValue.getTime()) { value = undefined; } return value; }, updateValue: function(value, oldValue) { var me = this, picker = me._picker; if (picker && picker.isPicker) { picker.setValue(value); } // Ext.Date.format expects a Date if (value !== null) { me.getComponent().setValue(Ext.Date.format(value, me.getDateFormat())); } else { me.getComponent().setValue(''); } me.fireEvent('change', me, value, oldValue); }, applyDateFormat: function(dateFormat) { return dateFormat || Ext.util.Format.defaultDateFormat; }, /** * Updates the date format in the field. * @private */ updateDateFormat: function(newDateFormat) { var value = this.getValue(); if (Ext.isDate(value)) { this.getComponent().setValue(Ext.Date.format(value, newDateFormat)); } }, /** * Returns the {@link Date} value of this field. * If you wanted a formatted date use the {@link #getFormattedValue} method. * @return {Date} The date selected * * @method getValue */ /** * Returns the value of the field formatted using the specified format. If it is not specified, it will default to * {@link #dateFormat} and then {@link Ext.util.Format#defaultDateFormat}. * @param {String} format The format to be returned. * @return {String} The formatted date. */ getFormattedValue: function(format) { var value = this.getValue(); return Ext.isDate(value) ? Ext.Date.format(value, format || this.getDateFormat()) : ''; }, applyPicker: function(picker, pickerInstance) { if (pickerInstance && pickerInstance.isPicker) { picker = pickerInstance.setConfig(picker); } return picker; }, getPicker: function() { var picker = this._picker, value = this.getValue(); if (picker && !picker.isPicker) { picker = Ext.factory(picker, Ext.picker.Date); if (value !== null) { picker.setValue(value); } } picker.on({ scope: this, change: 'onPickerChange', hide : 'onPickerHide' }); this._picker = picker; return picker; }, /** * Called when the picker changes its value. * @param {Ext.picker.Date} picker The date picker. * @param {Object} value The new value from the date picker. * @private */ onPickerChange: function(picker, value) { var me = this, oldValue = me.getValue(); me.setValue(value); me.fireEvent('select', me, value); }, /** * Destroys the picker when it is hidden, if * {@link Ext.field.DatePicker#destroyPickerOnHide destroyPickerOnHide} is set to `true`. * @private */ onPickerHide: function() { var me = this, picker = me.getPicker(); if (me.getDestroyPickerOnHide() && picker) { picker.destroy(); me._picker = me.getInitialConfig().picker || true; } }, reset: function() { this.setValue(this.originalValue); }, onFocus: function(e) { var component = this.getComponent(); this.fireEvent('focus', this, e); if (Ext.os.is.Android4) { component.input.dom.focus(); } component.input.dom.blur(); if (this.getReadOnly()) { return false; } this.isFocused = true; this.getPicker().show(); }, /** * @private */ destroy: function() { var picker = this._picker; if (picker && picker.isPicker) { picker.destroy(); } this.callParent(); }});