/** * The base class for all items in the `{@link Ext.list.Tree treelist}`. * @since 6.0.0 */Ext.define('Ext.list.AbstractTreeItem', { extend: 'Ext.Widget', isTreeListItem: true, /** * @method setExpandable * @ignore */ /** * @method setExpanded * @ignore */ /** * @method setIconCls * @ignore */ /** * @method setLeaf * @ignore */ /** * @method setOwner * @ignore */ /** * @method setLoading * @ignore */ /** * @method setNode * @ignore */ /** * @method setParentItem * @ignore */ /** * @method setText * @ignore */ cachedConfig: { /** * @cfg {Boolean} expandable * `true` if this item is expandable. This value is taken from * the underlying {@link #node}. */ expandable: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} expanded * `true` if this item is expanded. This value is taken from * the underlying {@link #node}. */ expanded: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} floated * `true` if this item is current floated. This mode applies when the owning * `{@link Ext.list.Tree treelist}` is in `{@link Ext.list.Tree#micro micro}` * mode and the sub-tree under this item should be presented as a floating * element. */ floated: false, /** * @cfg {String} iconCls * @inheritdoc Ext.panel.Header#cfg-iconCls * @localdoc **Note:** This value is taken from the underlying {@link #node}. */ iconCls: '', /** * @cfg {Boolean} leaf * `true` if this item is a leaf. This value is taken from * the underlying {@link #node}. */ leaf: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} loading * `true` if this item is currently loading data. This value is taken from * the underlying {@link #node}. */ loading: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} selected * `true` if this is the selected item in the tree. */ selected: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} selectedParent * `true` if this item contains the {@link #selected} item in the tree. */ selectedParent: false }, config: { /** * @cfg {String} iconClsProperty * The property from the {@link #node} to map for the {@link #iconCls} config. */ iconClsProperty: 'iconCls', indent: null, /** * @cfg {Ext.list.Tree} owner * The owning list for this container. */ owner: null, /** * @cfg {Ext.data.TreeModel} node * The backing node for this item. */ node: null, /** * @cfg {Number} over * One of three possible values: * * - 0 if mouse is not over this item or any of its descendants. * - 1 if mouse is not over this item but is over one of this item's descendants. * - 2 if mouse is directly over this item. */ over: null, /** * @cfg {Ext.list.AbstractTreeItem} parentItem * The parent item for this item. */ parentItem: null, /** * @cfg {String} text * The text for this item. This value is taken from * the underlying {@link #node}. */ text: { lazy: true, $value: '' }, /** * @cfg {String} textProperty * The property from the {@link #node} to map for the {@link #text} config. */ textProperty: 'text' }, updateNode: function (node) { if (node) { var me = this, map = me.itemMap, childNodes, owner, len, i, item, child; me.element.dom.setAttribute('data-recordId', node.internalId); if (!map) { childNodes = node.childNodes; owner = me.getOwner(); me.itemMap = map = {}; for (i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) { child = childNodes[i]; item = owner.createItem(child, me); map[child.internalId] = item; me.insertItem(item, null); } } me.setExpanded(node.isExpanded()); me.doNodeUpdate(node); } }, updateSelected: function(selected) { if (!this.isConfiguring) { var parent = this.getParentItem(); while (parent && !parent.isRootListItem) { parent.setSelectedParent(selected); parent = parent.getParentItem(); } } }, /** * Collapse this item. Does nothing if already collapsed. */ collapse: function () { this.getNode().collapse(); }, /** * Expand this item. Does nothing if already expanded. */ expand: function () { this.getNode().expand(); }, /** * @method * Gets the element to be used for the tree when it is in * {@link Ext.list.Tree#micro micro} mode. * @return {Ext.dom.Element} The element. * * @protected * @template */ getToolElement: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @method * Append a new child item to the DOM. * @param {Ext.list.AbstractTreeItem} item The item to insert. * @param {Ext.list.AbstractTreeItem} refItem The item the node is to * be inserted before. `null` if the item is to be added to the end. * * @protected * @template */ insertItem: Ext.emptyFn, /** * Check if the current item is expanded. * @return {Boolean} `true` if this item is expanded. */ isExpanded: function () { return this.getExpanded(); }, /** * @method * Checks whether the event is an event that should select this node. * @param {Ext.event.Event} e The event object. * @return {Boolean} `true` if the event should select this node. * * @protected * @template */ isSelectionEvent: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @method * Checks whether the event is an event that should toggle the expand/collapse state. * @param {Ext.event.Event} e The event object. * @return {Boolean} `true` if the event should toggle the expand/collapsed state. * * @protected * @template */ isToggleEvent: Ext.emptyFn, /** * Handle this node being collapsed. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} node The node being collapsed. * * @protected */ nodeCollapse: function (node, collapsingForExpand) { var me = this, owner = me.getOwner(), animation = me.preventAnimation ? null : owner.getAnimation(); me.nodeCollapseBegin(animation, collapsingForExpand); if (!animation) { me.nodeCollapseEnd(collapsingForExpand); } }, nodeCollapseBegin: function (animation, collapsingForExpand) { var me = this, owner = me.getOwner(); me.setExpanded(false); owner.fireEvent('itemcollapse', owner, me); }, nodeCollapseEnd: function (collapsingForExpand) { if (!collapsingForExpand) { this.getOwner().updateLayout(); } }, /** * Handle this node being expanded. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} node The node being expanded. * * @protected */ nodeExpand: function (node) { var me = this, owner = me.getOwner(), floated = me.getFloated(), animation = !floated && owner.getAnimation(); me.nodeExpandBegin(animation); if (!animation) { me.nodeExpandEnd(); } }, nodeExpandBegin: function (animation) { var me = this, owner = me.getOwner(); me.setExpanded(true); owner.fireEvent('itemexpand', owner, me); }, nodeExpandEnd: function () { this.getOwner().updateLayout(); }, /** * Handle a node being inserted as a child of this item. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} node The node being inserted. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} refNode The node that is to be inserted before. `null` * if this operation is an append. * * @protected */ nodeInsert: function (node, refNode) { var me = this, owner = me.getOwner(), map = me.itemMap, id = node.internalId, item = owner.getItem(node), refItem = null, oldParent; if (item) { oldParent = item.getParentItem(); // May have some kind of custom removal processing, allow it to happen, even if it's us oldParent.removeItem(item); if (oldParent !== me) { oldParent.doUpdateExpandable(); item.setParentItem(me); } } else { item = me.getOwner().createItem(node, me); } map[id] = item; if (refNode) { refItem = map[refNode.internalId]; } me.insertItem(item, refItem); me.doUpdateExpandable(); owner.fireEvent('iteminsert', owner, me, item, refItem); owner.updateLayout(); }, /** * Handle a node being removed as a child of this item. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} node The node being removed. * * @protected */ nodeRemove: function (node) { var me = this, map = me.itemMap, owner = me.getOwner(), id = node.internalId, item = map[id]; if (item) { delete map[id]; me.removeItem(item); item.destroy(); me.doUpdateExpandable(); owner.fireEvent('itemremove', owner, me, item); owner.updateLayout(); } }, /** * Handle this node having fields changed. * * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} node The node. * @param {String[]} modifiedFieldNames The modified field names, if known. * * @protected */ nodeUpdate: function (node, modifiedFieldNames) { this.doNodeUpdate(node); }, /** * @method * * Remove a child item from the DOM. * @param {Ext.list.AbstractTreeItem} item The item to remove. * * @protected * @template */ removeItem: Ext.emptyFn, updateFloated: function (floated) { var me = this, el = me.element, placeholder = me.placeholder, node, wasExpanded; if (floated) { placeholder = el.clone(false, true); // shallow, asDom placeholder.id += '-placeholder'; // avoid duplicate id me.placeholder = Ext.get(placeholder); me.wasExpanded = me.getExpanded(); me.setExpanded(true); el.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(placeholder, el.dom); me.floater = me.createFloater(); // toolkit-specific } else if (placeholder) { wasExpanded = me.wasExpanded; node = me.getNode(); me.setExpanded(wasExpanded); if (!wasExpanded && node.isExpanded()) { // If we have been floating and expanded a child, we may have been // expanded as part of the ancestors. Attempt to restore state. me.preventAnimation = true; node.collapse(); me.preventAnimation = false; } me.floater.remove(me, false); // don't destroy placeholder.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(el.dom, placeholder.dom); placeholder.destroy(); me.floater.destroy(); me.placeholder = me.floater = null; me.floatedByHover = false; } }, /** * @inheritdoc */ destroy: function () { var me = this, map = me.itemMap, owner = me.getOwner(), key; if (map) { for (key in map) { map[key].destroy(); } me.itemMap = null; } if (owner) { owner.removeItem(me.getNode()); } me.setNode(null); me.setParentItem(null); me.setOwner(null); me.callParent(); }, privates: { /** * Update properties after a node update. * * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} node The node. * @param {String[]} modifiedFieldNames The modified field names, if known. * * @private */ doNodeUpdate: function (node) { var me = this, textProperty = this.getTextProperty(), iconClsProperty = this.getIconClsProperty(); if (textProperty) { me.setText(node.data[textProperty]); } if (iconClsProperty) { me.setIconCls(node.data[iconClsProperty]); } me.setLoading(node.isLoading()); me.setLeaf(node.isLeaf()); me.doUpdateExpandable(); }, doUpdateExpandable: function () { var node = this.getNode(); this.setExpandable(node.isExpandable()); }, /** * Handle a click on this item. * @param {Ext.event.Event} e The event * * @private */ onClick: function (e) { var me = this, owner = me.getOwner(), node = me.getNode(), info = { event: e, item: me, node: node, tree: owner, select: node.get('selectable') !== false && me.isSelectionEvent(e), toggle: me.isToggleEvent(e) }; /** * @event itemclick * * @param {Ext.list.Tree} sender The `treelist` that fired this event. * * @param {Object} info * @param {Ext.event.Event} info.event The DOM event that precipitated this * event. * @param {Ext.list.AbstractTreeItem} info.item The tree node that was clicked. * @param {Ext.list.Tree} info.tree The `treelist` that fired this event. * @param {Boolean} info.select On input this is value is the result of the * {@link #isSelectionEvent} method. On return from event handlers (assuming a * `false` return does not cancel things) this property is used to determine * if the clicked node should be selected. * @param {Boolean} info.toggle On input this is value is the result of the * {@link #isToggleEvent} method. On return from event handlers (assuming a * `false` return does not cancel things) this property is used to determine * if the clicked node's expand/collapse state should be toggled. * * @since 6.0.1 */ if (owner.fireEvent('itemclick', owner, info) !== false) { if (info.toggle) { me.toggleExpanded(); } if (info.select) { owner.setSelection(me.getNode()); } } }, toggleExpanded: function() { if (this.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); } }, updateIndent: function (value) { var items = this.itemMap, id; for (id in items) { items[id].setIndent(value); } } }});