/** * This class generates an Excel XML workbook. * * The workbook is the top level object of an xml Excel file. * It should have at least one Worksheet before rendering. * * This is how an xml Excel file looks like: * * - Workbook * - Style[] * - Worksheet[] * - Table[] * - Column[] * - Row[] * - Cell[] * * * Check Microsoft's website for more info about Excel XML: * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/Library/aa140066(v=office.10).aspx * * * Here is an example of how to create an Excel XML document: * * var workbook = Ext.create('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Workbook', { * title: 'My document', * author: 'John Doe' * }), * table = workbook.addWorksheet({ * name: 'Sheet 1' * }).addTable(); * * // add formatting to the first two columns of the spreadsheet * table.addColumn({ * width: 120, * styleId: workbook.addStyle({ * format: 'Long Time' * }).getId() * }); * table.addColumn({ * width: 100, * styleId: workbook.addStyle({ * format: 'Currency' * }).getId() * }); * * // add rows and cells with data * table.addRow().addCell([{ * value: 'Date' * },{ * value: 'Value' * }]); * table.addRow().addCell([{ * value: new Date('06/17/2015') * },{ * value: 15 * }]); * table.addRow().addCell([{ * value: new Date('06/18/2015') * },{ * value: 30 * }]); * * //add a formula on the 4th row which sums up the previous 2 rows * table.addRow().addCell({ * index: 2, * formula: '=SUM(R[-2]C:R[-1]C)' * }); * * // save the document in the browser * Ext.exporter.File.saveAs(workbook.render(), 'document.xml', 'UTF-8'); * */Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Workbook', { extend: 'Ext.exporter.file.Base', requires: [ 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Table', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Row', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Column', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Cell' ], config: { /** * @cfg {String} [title="Workbook"] * * The title of the workbook */ title: "Workbook", /** * @cfg {String} [author="Sencha"] * * The author of the generated Excel file */ author: 'Sencha', /** * @cfg {Number} [windowHeight=9000] * * Excel window height */ windowHeight: 9000, /** * @cfg {Number} [windowWidth=50000] * * Excel window width */ windowWidth: 50000, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [protectStructure=false] * * Protect structure */ protectStructure: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [protectWindows=false] * * Protect windows */ protectWindows: false, /** * @cfg {Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style[]} styles * * Collection of styles available in this workbook */ styles: [], /** * @cfg {Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet[]} worksheets * * Collection of worksheets available in this workbook */ worksheets: [] }, /** * @method getStyles * @returns {Ext.util.Collection} * * Returns the collection of styles available in this workbook */ /** * @method getWorksheets * @returns {Ext.util.Collection} * * Returns the collection of worksheets available in this workbook */ tpl:[ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n', '<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>\n', '<Workbook ', 'xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" ', 'xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ', 'xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" ', 'xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" ', 'xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">\n', ' <DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">\n', ' <Title>{title:htmlEncode}</Title>\n', ' <Author>{author:htmlEncode}</Author>\n', ' <Created>{createdAt}</Created>\n', ' </DocumentProperties>\n', ' <ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">\n', ' <WindowHeight>{windowHeight}</WindowHeight>\n', ' <WindowWidth>{windowWidth}</WindowWidth>\n', ' <ProtectStructure>{protectStructure}</ProtectStructure>\n', ' <ProtectWindows>{protectWindows}</ProtectWindows>\n', ' </ExcelWorkbook>\n', ' <Styles>\n', '<tpl for="styles">{[values.render()]}</tpl>', ' </Styles>\n', '<tpl for="worksheets">{[values.render()]}</tpl>', '</Workbook>' ], destroy: function(){ this.getStyles().destroy(); this.getWorksheets().destroy(); return this.callParent(arguments); }, getRenderData: function(){ return Ext.apply(this.callParent(arguments), { worksheets: this.getWorksheets().getRange(), styles: this.getStyles().getRange() }); }, applyStyles: function(data, dataCollection){ return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style'); }, applyWorksheets: function(data, dataCollection){ return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet'); }, /** * Convenience method to add styles. You can also use workbook.getStyles().add(config). * @param {Object/Array} config * @returns {Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style/Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style[]} */ addStyle: function (config) { return this.getStyles().add(config || {}); }, /** * Convenience method to fetch a style by its id. * @param id * @returns {Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style} */ getStyle: function(id){ return this.getStyles().get(id); }, /** * Convenience method to add worksheets. You can also use workbook.getWorksheets().add(config). * @param {Object/Array} config * @returns {Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet/Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet[]} */ addWorksheet: function(config){ return this.getWorksheets().add(config || {}); }, /** * Convenience method to fetch a worksheet by its id. * @param id * @returns {Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet} */ getWorksheet: function(id){ return this.getWorksheets().get(id); } });