/** * @class Ext.window.Window */ /** * @var {color} * The base color of Windows */$window-base-color: dynamic($base-color); /** * @var {number} * The padding of Windows. * * The padding value must be equal to or greater than value specified in the * {@link #$window-border-radius} variable (or the maximum value if corner values * are specified individually). * See also: {@link #$window-ignore-frame-padding} */$window-padding: dynamic($panel-frame-padding); /** * @var {number} * The border-radius of Windows */$window-border-radius: dynamic($panel-frame-border-radius); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of Windows */$window-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of Windows */$window-border-color: dynamic($window-base-color); /** * @var {color} * The inner border-color of Windows */$window-inner-border-color: dynamic(#fff); /** * @var {number} * The inner border-width of Windows */$window-inner-border-width: dynamic(0); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of Windows */$window-background-color: dynamic(#fff); /** * @var {number} * The body border-width of Windows */$window-body-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {string} * The body border-style of Windows */$window-body-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {color} * The body border-color of Windows */$window-body-border-color: dynamic($window-base-color); /** * @var {color} * The body background-color of Windows */$window-body-background-color: dynamic(#fff); /** * @var {color} * The body text color of Windows */$window-body-color: dynamic(#000); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding of Window Headers */$window-header-padding: dynamic($panel-frame-header-padding); /** * @var {number} * The font-size of Window Headers */$window-header-font-size: dynamic($panel-header-font-size); /** * @var {number} * The line-height of Window Headers */$window-header-line-height: dynamic($panel-header-line-height); /** * @var {color} * The text color of Window Headers */$window-header-color: dynamic($panel-header-color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of Window Headers */$window-header-background-color: dynamic($window-base-color); /** * @var {string} * The font-weight of Window Headers */$window-header-font-weight: dynamic($panel-header-font-weight); /** * @var {number} * The space between the Window {@link Ext.panel.Tool Tools} */$window-tool-spacing: dynamic($panel-tool-spacing); /** * @var {string} * The background sprite to use for Window {@link Ext.panel.Tool Tools} */$window-tool-background-image: dynamic('tools/tool-sprites'); /** * @var {color} * The color of the outline around Window {@link Ext.panel.Tool Tools} when focused */$window-tool-focus-outline-color: dynamic($panel-tool-focus-outline-color); /** * @var {string} * The outline-style of Window {@link Ext.panel.Tool Tools} when focused */$window-tool-focus-outline-style: dynamic($panel-tool-focus-outline-style); /** * @var {number} * The outline-width of Window {@link Ext.panel.Tool Tools} when focused */$window-tool-focus-outline-width: dynamic($panel-tool-focus-outline-width); /** * @var {number} * The outline-offset of Window {@link Ext.panel.Tool Tools} when focused */$window-tool-focus-outline-offset: dynamic($panel-tool-focus-outline-offset); /** * @var {string} * The font-family of Window Headers */$window-header-font-family: dynamic($panel-header-font-family); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding of the Window Header's text element */$window-header-text-padding: dynamic($panel-header-text-padding); /** * @var {string} * The text-transform of Window Headers */$window-header-text-transform: dynamic($panel-header-text-transform); /** * @var {number} * The width of the Window Header icon */$window-header-icon-width: dynamic($panel-header-icon-width); /** * @var {number} * The height of the Window Header icon */$window-header-icon-height: dynamic($panel-header-icon-height); /** * @var {number} * The space between the Window Header icon and text */$window-header-icon-spacing: dynamic($panel-header-icon-spacing); /** * @var {list} * The background-position of the Window Header icon */$window-header-icon-background-position: dynamic($panel-header-icon-background-position); /** * @var {color} * The color of the Window Header glyph icon */$window-header-glyph-color: dynamic($window-header-color); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of the Window Header glyph icon */$window-header-glyph-opacity: dynamic($panel-header-glyph-opacity); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of Window Headers */$window-header-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {color} * The inner border-color of Window Headers */$window-header-inner-border-color: dynamic(#fff); /** * @var {number} * The inner border-width of Window Headers */$window-header-inner-border-width: dynamic(0); /** * @var {boolean} $ui-force-header-border * True to force the window header to have a border on the side facing the window body. * Overrides dock layout's border management border removal rules. */$window-force-header-border: dynamic(true); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of ghost Windows while dragging */$window-ghost-opacity: dynamic($panel-ghost-opacity); /** * @var {boolean} * True to include neptune style border management rules. */$window-include-border-management-rules: dynamic(false); /** * @var {color} * The color to apply to the border that wraps the body and docked items. The presence of * the wrap border is controlled by the {@link #border} config. Only applicable when * `$window-include-border-management-rules` is `true`. */$window-wrap-border-color: dynamic($window-border-color); /** * @var {number} * The width to apply to the border that wraps the body and docked items. The presence of * the wrap border is controlled by the {@link #border} config. Only applicable when * `$window-include-border-management-rules` is `true`. */$window-wrap-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {boolean} * True to include the "default" window UI */$include-window-default-ui: dynamic($include-default-uis); /** * @var {boolean} * @inheritdoc Ext.panel.Panel#css_var-$panel-ignore-frame-padding */$window-ignore-frame-padding: dynamic($panel-ignore-frame-padding); /** * @var {number} * The default font-size of the Window body */$window-body-font-size: dynamic($panel-body-font-size); /** * @var {string} * The default font-weight of the Window body */$window-body-font-weight: dynamic($panel-body-font-weight); /** * @var {string} * The default font-family of the Window body */$window-body-font-family: dynamic($panel-body-font-family); // private $window-use-classic-header-padding: dynamic(false);