/** * This mixin allows users to easily require external scripts in their classes. This load * process delays application launch (`Ext.onReady`) until all such scripts are loaded * ensuring that your class will have access to its required scripts from the start. * * For example: * * Ext.define('Feed', { * mixins: 'Ext.mixin.Mashup', * * requiredScripts: [ * 'http://www.foo.com/code/bar.js' * ], * * // The code in "bar.js" will be available at application launch * }); * * @since 5.0.0 * @cmd.optimizer.requires.async */Ext.define('Ext.mixin.Mashup', function (Mashup) { return { extend: 'Ext.Mixin', mixinConfig: { id: 'mashup', extended: function (baseClass, derivedClass) { Mashup.process(derivedClass); } }, statics: { process: function (targetClass) { var body = targetClass.prototype, requiredScripts = body.requiredScripts, hooks = targetClass._classHooks, onCreated = hooks.onCreated; if (requiredScripts) { delete body.requiredScripts; hooks.onCreated = function () { var me = this, args = Ext.Array.slice(arguments); Ext.Loader.loadScripts({ url: requiredScripts, cache: true, // no cache busting onLoad: function () { hooks.onCreated = onCreated; hooks.onCreated.call(me, args); } }); }; } } }, onClassMixedIn: function (targetClass) { Mashup.process(targetClass); }}});