/** * @class Ext.picker.Date */ /** * @var {number} * The border-width of the DatePicker */$datepicker-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of the DatePicker */$datepicker-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of the DatePicker */$datepicker-background-color: dynamic(#fff); /** * @var {string} * The background-image of the DatePicker next arrow */$datepicker-next-image: dynamic('datepicker/arrow-right'); /** * @var {list} * The background-position of the DatePicker next arrow */$datepicker-next-background-position: dynamic(0 0); /** * @var {string} * The background-image of the DatePicker previous arrow */$datepicker-prev-image: dynamic('datepicker/arrow-left'); /** * @var {list} * The background-position of the DatePicker previous arrow */$datepicker-prev-background-position: dynamic(0 0); /** * @var {color} * Color of the Date Picker arrows when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-arrow-glyph-color: dynamic($color); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the Date Picker next arrow when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-next-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-angle-double-right 16px $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the Date Picker previous arrow when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-prev-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-angle-double-left 16px $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {number} * The width of DatePicker arrows */$datepicker-arrow-width: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {number} * The height of DatePicker arrows */$datepicker-arrow-height: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {string} * The type of cursor to display when the cursor is over a DatePicker arrow */$datepicker-arrow-cursor: dynamic(pointer); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of the DatePicker arrows */$datepicker-arrow-opacity: dynamic(1); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of the DatePicker arrows when hovered */$datepicker-arrow-opacity-over: dynamic(1); /** * @var {string/list} * The Date Picker header background gradient. Can be either the name of a predefined gradient * or a list of color stops. Used as the `$type` parameter for {@link Global_CSS#background-gradient}. */$datepicker-header-background-gradient: dynamic('none'); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding of the Date Picker header */$datepicker-header-padding: dynamic(4px 6px); /** * @var {color} * The color of the Date Picker month button */$datepicker-month-button-color: dynamic(#fff); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of the Date Picker month button */$datepicker-month-button-background-color: dynamic(transparent); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of the Date Picker month button when hovered */$datepicker-month-button-over-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-month-button-background-color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of the Date Picker month button when pressed */$datepicker-month-button-pressed-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-month-button-over-background-color); /** * @var {number} * The font-size of the Date Picker month button */$datepicker-month-button-font-size: dynamic($button-small-font-size); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding of the Date Picker month button */$datepicker-month-button-padding: dynamic($button-small-padding); /** * @var {number} * The width of the arrow on the Date Picker month button */$datepicker-month-button-arrow-width: dynamic($button-small-arrow-width); /** * @var {string} * The background-image of the arrow on the Date Picker month button */$datepicker-month-button-arrow-image: dynamic('datepicker/month-arrow'); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the arrow on the Date Picker month button when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-month-button-arrow-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-angle-down 16px $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {color} * Color of the arrow on the Date Picker month button when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-month-button-arrow-glyph-color: dynamic($button-toolbar-arrow-glyph-color); /** * @var {string} * The text-align of the Date Picker header */$datepicker-header-text-align: dynamic(center); /** * @var {number} * The height of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-height: dynamic(25px); /** * @var {number} * The width of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-width: dynamic(30px); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-padding: dynamic(0 7px 0 0); /** * @var {string} * The font-family of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-font-family: dynamic($font-family); /** * @var {number} * The font-size of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-font-size: dynamic($font-size); /** * @var {string} * The font-weight of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-font-weight: dynamic($font-weight); /** * @var {string} * The text-align of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-text-align: dynamic(right); /** * @var {color} * The text color of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-color: dynamic($color); /** * @var {string} * The type of cursor to display when the cursor is over a Date Picker item */$datepicker-item-cursor: dynamic(pointer); /** * @var {string} * The font-family of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-font-family: dynamic($datepicker-item-font-family); /** * @var {number} * The font-size of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-font-size: dynamic($datepicker-item-font-size); /** * @var {string} * The font-weight of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-font-weight: dynamic($datepicker-item-font-weight); /** * @var {string/list} * The background-gradient of Date Picker column headers. Can be either the name of a * predefined gradient or a list of color stops. Used as the `$type` parameter for * {@link Global_CSS#background-gradient}. */$datepicker-column-header-background-gradient: dynamic('none'); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-border-width: dynamic(0 0 1px); /** * @var {string} * The text-align of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-text-align: dynamic($datepicker-item-text-align); /** * @var {number} * The height of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-height: dynamic($datepicker-item-height); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding of Date Picker column headers */$datepicker-column-header-item-padding: dynamic(0 9px 0 0); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-border-color: dynamic($datepicker-background-color); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of today's date on the Date Picker */$datepicker-item-today-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of today's date on the Date Picker */$datepicker-item-today-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-background-color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of hovered Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-hover-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-background-color); /** * @var {color} * The text color of selected Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-selected-color: dynamic($datepicker-item-color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of selected Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-selected-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-background-color); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of selected Date Picker itemds */$datepicker-item-selected-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of selected Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-selected-border-color: dynamic($datepicker-item-border-color); /** * @var {string} * The font-weight of the selected item */$datepicker-item-selected-font-weight: dynamic($font-weight-bold); /** * @var {color} * The text color of the items in the previous and next months */$datepicker-item-prev-next-color: dynamic(lighten($datepicker-item-color, 75%)); /** * @var {string} * The type of cursor to display when the cursor is over a disabled item */$datepicker-item-disabled-cursor: dynamic(default); /** * @var {color} * The text color of disabled Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-disabled-color: dynamic(lighten($datepicker-item-color, 50%)); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of disabled Date Picker items */$datepicker-item-disabled-background-color: dynamic(#eee); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of the Date Picker footer */$datepicker-footer-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-column-header-background-color); /** * @var {string/list} * The background-gradient of the Date Picker footer. Can be either the name of a * predefined gradient or a list of color stops. Used as the `$type` parameter for * {@link Global_CSS#background-gradient}. */$datepicker-footer-background-gradient: dynamic('none'); /** * @var {number/list} * The border-width of the Date Picker footer */$datepicker-footer-border-width: dynamic(1px 0 0); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of the Date Picker footer */$datepicker-footer-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {string} * The text-align of the Date Picker footer */$datepicker-footer-text-align: dynamic(center); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding of the Date Picker footer */$datepicker-footer-padding: dynamic(3px 0); /** * @var {number} * The space between the footer buttons */$datepicker-footer-button-spacing: dynamic(4px); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of the Month Picker */$datepicker-monthpicker-border-color: dynamic($datepicker-border-color); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of the Month Picker */$datepicker-monthpicker-border-width: dynamic($datepicker-border-width); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of the Month Picker */$datepicker-monthpicker-border-style: dynamic($datepicker-border-style); /** * @var {color} * The text color of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-color: dynamic($color); /** * @var {color} * The text color of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-border-width: dynamic($datepicker-item-border-width); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-border-color: dynamic($datepicker-item-border-color); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-border-style: dynamic($datepicker-item-border-style); /** * @var {string} * The font-family of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-font-family: dynamic($datepicker-item-font-family); /** * @var {number} * The font-size of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-font-size: dynamic($datepicker-item-font-size); /** * @var {string} * The font-weight of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-font-weight: dynamic($datepicker-item-font-weight); /** * @var {number/list} * The margin of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-margin: dynamic(5px); /** * @var {string} * The text-align of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-text-align: dynamic(center); /** * @var {number} * The height of Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-height: dynamic(24px); /** * @var {string} * The type of cursor to display when the cursor is over a Month Picker item */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-cursor: dynamic(pointer); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of hovered Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-hover-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-item-hover-background-color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of selected Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-selected-background-color: dynamic($datepicker-item-selected-background-color); /** * @var {color} * The text color of selected Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-selected-color: dynamic($datepicker-item-selected-color); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of selected Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-selected-border-style: dynamic($datepicker-item-selected-border-style); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of selected Month Picker items */$datepicker-monthpicker-item-selected-border-color: dynamic($datepicker-item-selected-border-color); /** * @var {number} * The height of the Month Picker year navigation buttons */$datepicker-monthpicker-yearnav-button-height: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {number} * The width of the Month Picker year navigation buttons */$datepicker-monthpicker-yearnav-button-width: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {string} * The type of cursor to display when the cursor is over a Month Picker year navigation button */$datepicker-monthpicker-yearnav-button-cursor: dynamic(pointer); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of the Month Picker year navigation buttons */$datepicker-monthpicker-yearnav-button-opacity: dynamic(1); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of hovered Month Picker year navigation buttons */$datepicker-monthpicker-yearnav-button-opacity-over: dynamic(1); /** * @var {string} * The background-image of the Month Picker next year navigation button */$datepicker-monthpicker-next-image: dynamic('datepicker/arrow-right'); /** * @var {string} * The background-image of the Month Picker previous year navigation button */$datepicker-monthpicker-prev-image: dynamic('datepicker/arrow-left'); /** * @var {list} * The background-poisition of the Month Picker next year navigation button */$datepicker-monthpicker-next-background-position: dynamic(0 0); /** * @var {list} * The background-poisition of the hovered Month Picker next year navigation button */$datepicker-monthpicker-next-background-position-over: dynamic(0 0); /** * @var {list} * The background-poisition of the Month Picker previous year navigation button */$datepicker-monthpicker-prev-background-position: dynamic(0 0); /** * @var {list} * The background-poisition of the hovered Month Picker previous year navigation button */$datepicker-monthpicker-prev-background-position-over: dynamic(0 0); /** * @var {color} * Color of the Month Picker arrows when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-monthpicker-arrow-glyph-color: dynamic($datepicker-arrow-glyph-color); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the Month Picker next year arrow when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-monthpicker-next-glyph: dynamic($datepicker-next-glyph); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the Month Picker previous year arrow when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$datepicker-monthpicker-prev-glyph: dynamic($datepicker-prev-glyph); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of the Month Picker separator */$datepicker-monthpicker-separator-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of the Month Picker separator */$datepicker-monthpicker-separator-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of the Month Picker separator */$datepicker-monthpicker-separator-border-color: dynamic($datepicker-border-color); /** * @var {number/list} * The margin of Month Picker items when the datepicker does not have footer buttons */$datepicker-monthpicker-small-item-margin: dynamic(2px 5px); /** * @var {number} * The height of Month Picker items when the datepicker does not have footer buttons */$datepicker-monthpicker-small-item-height: dynamic($datepicker-monthpicker-item-height);