/** * @class Ext.chart.CartesianChart * @extends Ext.chart.AbstractChart * @xtype cartesian * * Represents a chart that uses cartesian coordinates. * A cartesian chart has two directions, X direction and Y direction. * The series and axes are coordinated along these directions. * By default the x direction is horizontal and y direction is vertical, * You can swap the direction by setting the {@link #flipXY} config to `true`. * * Cartesian series often treats x direction an y direction differently. * In most cases, data on x direction are assumed to be monotonically increasing. * Based on this property, cartesian series can be trimmed and summarized properly * to gain a better performance. * */Ext.define('Ext.chart.CartesianChart', { extend: 'Ext.chart.AbstractChart', alternateClassName: 'Ext.chart.Chart', requires: [ 'Ext.chart.grid.HorizontalGrid', 'Ext.chart.grid.VerticalGrid' ], xtype: [ 'cartesian', 'chart' ], isCartesian: true, config: { /** * @cfg {Boolean} flipXY Flip the direction of X and Y axis. * If flipXY is `true`, the X axes will be vertical and Y axes will be horizontal. * Note that {@link Ext.chart.axis.Axis#position positions} of chart axes have * to be updated accordingly: axes positioned to the `top` and `bottom` should * be positioned to the `left` or `right` and vice versa. */ flipXY: false, /* While it may seem tedious to change the position config of all axes every time when the value of the flipXY config is changed, it's hard to predict the expectaction of the user here, as illustrated below. The 'num' and 'cat' here stand for the numeric and the category axis, respectively. And the right column shows the expected (subjective) result of setting the flipXY config of the chart to 'true'. As one can see, there's no single rule (e.g. position swapping, clockwise 90° chart rotation) that will produce a universally accepted result. So we are letting the user decide, instead of doing it for them. --------------------------------------------- | flipXY: false | flipXY: true | --------------------------------------------- | ^ | ^ | | | * | | * * * | | num1 | * * | cat | * * | | | * * * | | * | | --------> | --------> | | cat | num1 | --------------------------------------------- | | num1 | | ^ ^ | ^-------> | | | * | | | * * * | | num1 | * * | num2 | cat | * * | | | * * * | | | * | | --------> | --------> | | cat | num2 | --------------------------------------------- */ innerRect: [0, 0, 1, 1], /** * @cfg {Object} innerPadding The amount of inner padding in pixels. * Inner padding is the padding from the innermost axes to the series. */ innerPadding: { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 } }, applyInnerPadding: function (padding, oldPadding) { if (!Ext.isObject(padding)) { return Ext.util.Format.parseBox(padding); } else if (!oldPadding) { return padding; } else { return Ext.apply(oldPadding, padding); } }, getDirectionForAxis: function (position) { var flipXY = this.getFlipXY(); if (position === 'left' || position === 'right') { if (flipXY) { return 'X'; } else { return 'Y'; } } else { if (flipXY) { return 'Y'; } else { return 'X'; } } }, /** * Layout the axes and series. */ performLayout: function () { var me = this; me.animationSuspendCount++; if (me.callParent() === false) { --me.animationSuspendCount; return; } me.suspendThicknessChanged(); var chartRect = me.getSurface('chart').getRect(), width = chartRect[2], height = chartRect[3], axes = me.getAxes(), axis, seriesList = me.getSeries(), series, axisSurface, thickness, insetPadding = me.getInsetPadding(), innerPadding = me.getInnerPadding(), surface, gridSurface, shrinkBox = Ext.apply({}, insetPadding), mainRect, innerWidth, innerHeight, elements, floating, floatingValue, matrix, i, ln, isRtl = me.getInherited().rtl, flipXY = me.getFlipXY(); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } for (i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) { axis = axes[i]; axisSurface = axis.getSurface(); floating = axis.getFloating(); floatingValue = floating ? floating.value : null; thickness = axis.getThickness(); switch (axis.getPosition()) { case 'top': axisSurface.setRect([0, shrinkBox.top + 1, width, thickness]); break; case 'bottom': axisSurface.setRect([0, height - (shrinkBox.bottom + thickness), width, thickness]); break; case 'left': axisSurface.setRect([shrinkBox.left, 0, thickness, height]); break; case 'right': axisSurface.setRect([width - (shrinkBox.right + thickness), 0, thickness, height]); break; } if (floatingValue === null) { shrinkBox[axis.getPosition()] += thickness; } } width -= shrinkBox.left + shrinkBox.right; height -= shrinkBox.top + shrinkBox.bottom; mainRect = [shrinkBox.left, shrinkBox.top, width, height]; shrinkBox.left += innerPadding.left; shrinkBox.top += innerPadding.top; shrinkBox.right += innerPadding.right; shrinkBox.bottom += innerPadding.bottom; innerWidth = width - innerPadding.left - innerPadding.right; innerHeight = height - innerPadding.top - innerPadding.bottom; me.setInnerRect([shrinkBox.left, shrinkBox.top, innerWidth, innerHeight]); if (innerWidth <= 0 || innerHeight <= 0) { return; } me.setMainRect(mainRect); me.getSurface().setRect(mainRect); for (i = 0, ln = me.surfaceMap.grid && me.surfaceMap.grid.length; i < ln; i++) { gridSurface = me.surfaceMap.grid[i]; gridSurface.setRect(mainRect); gridSurface.matrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, innerPadding.left, innerPadding.top); gridSurface.matrix.inverse(gridSurface.inverseMatrix); } for (i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) { axis = axes[i]; axisSurface = axis.getSurface(); matrix = axisSurface.matrix; elements = matrix.elements; switch (axis.getPosition()) { case 'top': case 'bottom': elements[4] = shrinkBox.left; axis.setLength(innerWidth); break; case 'left': case 'right': elements[5] = shrinkBox.top; axis.setLength(innerHeight); break; } axis.updateTitleSprite(); matrix.inverse(axisSurface.inverseMatrix); } for (i = 0, ln = seriesList.length; i < ln; i++) { series = seriesList[i]; surface = series.getSurface(); surface.setRect(mainRect); if (flipXY) { if (isRtl) { surface.matrix.set(0, -1, -1, 0, innerPadding.left + innerWidth, innerPadding.top + innerHeight); } else { surface.matrix.set(0, -1, 1, 0, innerPadding.left, innerPadding.top + innerHeight); } } else { surface.matrix.set(1, 0, 0, -1, innerPadding.left, innerPadding.top + innerHeight); } surface.matrix.inverse(surface.inverseMatrix); series.getOverlaySurface().setRect(mainRect); } me.redraw(); me.animationSuspendCount--; me.resumeThicknessChanged(); }, refloatAxes: function () { var me = this, axes = me.getAxes(), axesCount = (axes && axes.length) || 0, axis, axisSurface, axisRect, floating, value, alongAxis, matrix, size = me.getChartSize(), inset = me.getInsetPadding(), inner = me.getInnerPadding(), width = size.width - inset.left - inset.right, height = size.height - inset.top - inset.bottom, isHorizontal, i; for (i = 0; i < axesCount; i++) { axis = axes[i]; floating = axis.getFloating(); value = floating ? floating.value : null; if (value === null) { delete axis.floatingAtCoord; continue; } axisSurface = axis.getSurface(); axisRect = axisSurface.getRect(); if (!axisRect) { continue; } axisRect = axisRect.slice(); alongAxis = me.getAxis(floating.alongAxis); if (alongAxis) { isHorizontal = alongAxis.getAlignment() === 'horizontal'; if (Ext.isString(value)) { value = alongAxis.getCoordFor(value); } alongAxis.floatingAxes[axis.getId()] = value; matrix = alongAxis.getSprites()[0].attr.matrix; if (isHorizontal) { value = value * matrix.getXX() + matrix.getDX(); axis.floatingAtCoord = value + inner.left + inner.right; } else { value = value * matrix.getYY() + matrix.getDY(); axis.floatingAtCoord = value + inner.top + inner.bottom; } } else { isHorizontal = axis.getAlignment() === 'horizontal'; if (isHorizontal) { axis.floatingAtCoord = value + inner.top + inner.bottom; } else { axis.floatingAtCoord = value + inner.left + inner.right; } value = axisSurface.roundPixel(0.01 * value * (isHorizontal ? height : width)); } switch (axis.getPosition()) { case 'top': axisRect[1] = inset.top + inner.top + value - axisRect[3] + 1; break; case 'bottom': axisRect[1] = inset.top + inner.top + (alongAxis ? value : height - value); break; case 'left': axisRect[0] = inset.left + inner.left + value - axisRect[2]; break; case 'right': axisRect[0] = inset.left + inner.left + (alongAxis ? value : width - value) - 1; break; } axisSurface.setRect(axisRect); } }, redraw: function () { var me = this, seriesList = me.getSeries(), axes = me.getAxes(), rect = me.getMainRect(), innerWidth, innerHeight, innerPadding = me.getInnerPadding(), sprites, xRange, yRange, isSide, attr, i, j, ln, axis, axisX, axisY, range, visibleRange, flipXY = me.getFlipXY(), zBase = 1000, zIndex, markersZIndex, series, sprite, markers; if (!rect) { return; } innerWidth = rect[2] - innerPadding.left - innerPadding.right; innerHeight = rect[3] - innerPadding.top - innerPadding.bottom; for (i = 0; i < seriesList.length; i++) { series = seriesList[i]; if ((axisX = series.getXAxis())) { visibleRange = axisX.getVisibleRange(); xRange = axisX.getRange(); xRange = [ xRange[0] + (xRange[1] - xRange[0]) * visibleRange[0], xRange[0] + (xRange[1] - xRange[0]) * visibleRange[1] ]; } else { xRange = series.getXRange(); } if ((axisY = series.getYAxis())) { visibleRange = axisY.getVisibleRange(); yRange = axisY.getRange(); yRange = [ yRange[0] + (yRange[1] - yRange[0]) * visibleRange[0], yRange[0] + (yRange[1] - yRange[0]) * visibleRange[1] ]; } else { yRange = series.getYRange(); } attr = { visibleMinX: xRange[0], visibleMaxX: xRange[1], visibleMinY: yRange[0], visibleMaxY: yRange[1], innerWidth: innerWidth, innerHeight: innerHeight, flipXY: flipXY }; sprites = series.getSprites(); for (j = 0, ln = sprites.length; j < ln; j++) { // All the series now share the same surface, so we must assign // the sprites a zIndex that depends on the index of their series. sprite = sprites[j]; zIndex = sprite.attr.zIndex; if (zIndex < zBase) { // Set the sprite's zIndex zIndex += (i + 1) * 100 + zBase; sprite.attr.zIndex = zIndex; // If the sprite is a MarkerHolder, set zIndex of the bound markers as well. // Do this for the 'items' markers only, as those are the only ones // that go into the 'series' surface. 'labels' and 'markers' markers // go into the 'overlay' surface instead. markers = sprite.getMarker('items'); if (markers) { markersZIndex = markers.attr.zIndex; if (markersZIndex === Number.MAX_VALUE) { markers.attr.zIndex = zIndex; } else if (markersZIndex < zBase) { markers.attr.zIndex = zIndex + markersZIndex; } } } sprite.setAttributes(attr, true); } } for (i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) { axis = axes[i]; isSide = axis.isSide(); sprites = axis.getSprites(); range = axis.getRange(); visibleRange = axis.getVisibleRange(); attr = { dataMin: range[0], dataMax: range[1], visibleMin: visibleRange[0], visibleMax: visibleRange[1] }; if (isSide) { attr.length = innerHeight; attr.startGap = innerPadding.bottom; attr.endGap = innerPadding.top; } else { attr.length = innerWidth; attr.startGap = innerPadding.left; attr.endGap = innerPadding.right; } for (j = 0, ln = sprites.length; j < ln; j++) { sprites[j].setAttributes(attr, true); } } me.renderFrame(); me.callParent(arguments); }, renderFrame: function () { this.refloatAxes(); this.callParent(); }});