/* * Vars for fields which are rendered to fit inside grid cells. * This includes cell and row editor fields and fields in widget columns. */ // <editor-fold desc="Grid Editor Base Variables"> /** * @class Ext.form.field.Base */ /** * @var {Number} * The height of text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. Defaults to $form-field-height. If grid row * height is smaller than $form-field-height, defaults to the grid row height. Grid row * height is calculated by adding $grid-row-cell-line-height to the top and bottom values of * $grid-cell-inner-padding. */$grid-cell-field-height: if($grid-row-height < $form-field-height, $grid-row-height, $form-field-height) !default; /** * @var {number/list} $grid-cell-field-padding * The padding of grid fields. */$grid-cell-field-padding: top($form-field-padding) right($grid-cell-inner-padding) - $form-field-border-width bottom($form-field-padding) left($grid-cell-inner-padding) - $form-field-border-width !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-field-color * The color of the grid field text */$grid-cell-field-color: $grid-row-cell-color !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-field-font-size * The font size of the grid field text */$grid-cell-field-font-size: $grid-row-cell-font-size !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-field-font-weight * The font-weight of the grid field text */$grid-cell-field-font-weight: $grid-row-cell-font-weight !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-field-font-family * The font-family of the grid field text */$grid-cell-field-font-family: $grid-row-cell-font-family !default; /** * @var {Boolean} $include-grid-cell-field-ui * True to include the "grid-cell" form field UIs input fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. * * This defaults to `true`. It is required if either grid editors * ({@link Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing cell} or {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing row}) * are being used, or if a {@link Ext.grid.column.Widget WidgetColumn} is being used to * house an input field. */$include-grid-cell-field-ui: false !default; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold desc="Grid Editor Text Field Variables"> /** * @class Ext.form.field.Text */ /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-text-field-height * The height of text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-text-field-height: $grid-cell-field-height !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-text-field-font-size * Font size for text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-font-size: $grid-cell-field-font-size !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-text-field-font-family * Font family for text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-font-family: $grid-cell-field-font-family !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-text-field-font-weight * Font weight for text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-font-weight: $grid-cell-field-font-weight !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-text-field-color * The color of a text field's input element when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-text-field-color: $grid-cell-field-color !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-text-field-background-color * The background color of a text field's input element when entered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-background-color: $form-text-field-background-color !default; /** * @var {number/list} $grid-cell-text-field-border-width * @var {number/list} * The border width of text fields endered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-border-width: $form-text-field-border-width !default; /** * @var {string/list} $grid-cell-text-field-border-style * The border style of text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-text-field-border-style: $form-text-field-border-style !default; /** * @var {color/list} $grid-cell-text-field-border-color * The border color of text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-text-field-border-color: $form-text-field-border-color !default; /** * @var {color/list} $grid-cell-text-field-focus-border-color * The border color of the focused text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-text-field-focus-border-color: $form-text-field-focus-border-color !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-text-field-invalid-border-color * Border color for invalid text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-invalid-border-color: $form-text-field-invalid-border-color !default; /** * @var {number/list} $grid-cell-text-field-border-radius * Border radius for text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-border-radius: $form-text-field-border-radius !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-text-field-background-image * The background image of a text field's input element when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-text-field-background-image: $form-text-field-background-image !default; /** * @var {number/list} $grid-cell-text-field-padding * The padding of a text field's input element when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-text-field-padding: $grid-cell-field-padding !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-text-field-empty-color * Text color for empty text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-empty-color: $form-text-field-empty-color !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-text-field-body-width * @private * The default width of a text field's body element (the element that contains the input * element and triggers) when the field is rendered in the context of a grid cell and not sized explicitly using the {@link #width} * config, or sized by it's containing layout. */$grid-cell-text-field-body-width: $form-text-field-body-width !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-color * Background color of a text field's input element when rendered in the context of a grid cell and the field value is invalid. */$grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-color: $form-text-field-invalid-background-color !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-image * Background image of a grid field text field's input element when the field value is invalid. */$grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-image: $form-text-field-invalid-background-image !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-repeat * Background repeat of the grid field text field's input element when the field value is invalid. */$grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-repeat: $form-text-field-invalid-background-repeat !default; /** * @var {string/list} $grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-position * Background position of the grid field text field's input element when rendered in the context of a grid cell and the field value is invalid. */$grid-cell-text-field-invalid-background-position: $form-text-field-invalid-background-position !default; /** * @var {Boolean} $grid-cell-text-field-classic-border * `true` to use classic-theme styled border for text fields rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-text-field-classic-border: $form-text-field-classic-border !default; /** * @var {number/string} $grid-cell-textarea-line-height * The line-height to use for the TextArea's text when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-textarea-line-height: $form-textarea-line-height !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-textarea-body-height * The default width of the grid field TextArea's body element (the element that * contains the textarea html element when the field is rendered in the context of a grid cell and not sized explicitly using the * {@link #width} config, or sized by it's containing layout. */$grid-cell-textarea-body-height: $form-textarea-body-height !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-file-field-color * Text color for file fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-file-field-color: $form-file-field-color !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-field-trigger-width * The width of a text field's trigger element when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-field-trigger-width: $form-trigger-width !default; /** * @var {number/list} $grid-cell-field-trigger-border-width * The width of a text field's trigger's border when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-field-trigger-border-width: $form-trigger-border-width !default; /** * @var {color/list} $grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color * The color of a text field's trigger's border when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color: $form-trigger-border-color !default; /** * @var {string/list} $grid-cell-field-trigger-border-style * The style of a text field's trigger's border when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-field-trigger-border-style: $form-trigger-border-style !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color-over * The color of a text field's trigger's border when rendered in the context of a grid cell and hovered */$grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color-over: $form-trigger-border-color !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color-focus * The color of a text field's trigger's border when rendered in the context of a grid cell and the field is focused */$grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color-focus: $form-trigger-border-color-focus !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color-pressed * The color of a text field's trigger's border when rendered in the context of a grid cell and the field is focused and the trigger is hovered */$grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color-pressed: $grid-cell-field-trigger-border-color-over !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-field-trigger-background-image * The default background image for text field triggers when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-field-trigger-background-image: $form-trigger-background-image !default; /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-field-trigger-background-color * The background color of a text field's trigger element when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-field-trigger-background-color: $form-trigger-background-color !default; /** * @var {Boolean} $include-text-field-grid-ui * True to include the "grid-cell" text field UI */$include-text-field-grid-ui: $include-grid-cell-field-ui !default; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold desc="Grid Editor Spinner Variables" /** * @class Ext.form.field.Spinner */ /** * @var {Boolean} $grid-cell-spinner-trigger-vertical * True to use vertically oriented spinner triggers when rendered in the context of a grid cell. */$grid-cell-spinner-trigger-vertical: $spinner-trigger-vertical !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-spinner-trigger-vertical-background-image * Background image for vertically oriented grid field spinner triggers when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-spinner-trigger-vertical-background-image: $spinner-trigger-vertical-background-image !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-spinner-trigger-up-background-image * Background image for the "up" trigger when grid field spinner trigger buttons are rendered in the context of a grid cell and horizontally aligned */$grid-cell-spinner-trigger-up-background-image: $spinner-trigger-up-background-image !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-spinner-trigger-down-background-image * Background image for the "down" trigger when grid field spinner trigger buttons are rendered in the context of a grid cell and horizontally aligned */$grid-cell-spinner-trigger-down-background-image: $spinner-trigger-down-background-image !default; /** * @var {Boolean} $include-spinner-trigger-grid-ui * True to include the "grid-cell" spinner UI */$include-spinner-trigger-grid-ui: $include-grid-cell-field-ui !default; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold desc="Grid Editor Checkbox Variables" /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-checkbox-size * The size of a checkbox when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-checkbox-size: $form-checkbox-size !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-checkbox-background-image * The background-image of a checkbox when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-checkbox-background-image: $form-checkbox-background-image !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-radio-background-image * The background-image of a radio button when rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-radio-background-image: $form-radio-background-image !default; /** * @var {Boolean} $include-checkbox-grid-ui * True to include the "grid-cell" checkbox UI */$include-checkbox-grid-ui: $include-grid-cell-field-ui !default; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold desc="Grid Editor Display Field Variables"> /** * @class Ext.form.field.Display */ /** * @var {Color} $grid-cell-display-field-color * The text color of display fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-display-field-color: $grid-cell-field-color !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-display-field-font-size * The font-size of display fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-display-field-font-size: $grid-cell-field-font-size !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-display-field-font-family * The font-family of display fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-display-field-font-family: $grid-cell-field-font-family !default; /** * @var {String} $grid-cell-display-field-font-weight * The font-weight of display fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-display-field-font-weight: $grid-cell-field-font-weight !default; /** * @var {Number} $grid-cell-display-field-line-height * The line-height of display fields rendered in the context of a grid cell */$grid-cell-display-field-line-height: $grid-row-cell-line-height !default; /** * @var {Boolean} $include-display-field-grid-ui * True to include the "default" display field UI */$include-display-field-grid-ui: $include-grid-cell-field-ui !default; // </editor-fold>