/** * @private */Ext.define('Ext.tree.ViewDropZone', { extend: 'Ext.view.DropZone', /** * @cfg {Boolean} allowParentInserts * Allow inserting a dragged node between an expanded parent node and its first child that will become a * sibling of the parent when dropped. */ allowParentInserts: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} allowContainerDrops * True if drops on the tree container (outside of a specific tree node) are allowed. * * These are treated as appends to the root node. */ allowContainerDrops: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} appendOnly * True if the tree should only allow append drops (use for trees which are sorted). */ appendOnly: false, /** * @cfg {Number} expandDelay * The delay in milliseconds to wait before expanding a target tree node while dragging a droppable node * over the target. */ expandDelay : 500, indicatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-ddindicator', // @private expandNode : function(node) { var view = this.view; this.expandProcId = false; if (!node.isLeaf() && !node.isExpanded()) { view.expand(node); this.expandProcId = false; } }, // @private queueExpand : function(node) { this.expandProcId = Ext.Function.defer(this.expandNode, this.expandDelay, this, [node]); }, // @private cancelExpand : function() { if (this.expandProcId) { clearTimeout(this.expandProcId); this.expandProcId = false; } }, getPosition: function(e, node) { var view = this.view, record = view.getRecord(node), y = e.getY(), noAppend = record.isLeaf(), noBelow = false, region = Ext.fly(node).getRegion(), fragment; // If we are dragging on top of the root node of the tree, we always want to append. if (record.isRoot()) { return 'append'; } // Return 'append' if the node we are dragging on top of is not a leaf else return false. if (this.appendOnly) { return noAppend ? false : 'append'; } if (!this.allowParentInserts) { noBelow = record.hasChildNodes() && record.isExpanded(); } fragment = (region.bottom - region.top) / (noAppend ? 2 : 3); if (y >= region.top && y < (region.top + fragment)) { return 'before'; } else if (!noBelow && (noAppend || (y >= (region.bottom - fragment) && y <= region.bottom))) { return 'after'; } else { return 'append'; } }, isValidDropPoint : function(node, position, dragZone, e, data) { if (!node || !data.item) { return false; } var view = this.view, targetNode = view.getRecord(node), draggedRecords = data.records, dataLength = draggedRecords.length, ln = draggedRecords.length, i, record; // No drop position, or dragged records: invalid drop point if (!(targetNode && position && dataLength)) { return false; } // If the targetNode is within the folder we are dragging for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { record = draggedRecords[i]; if (record.isNode && record.contains(targetNode)) { return false; } } // Respect the allowDrop field on Tree nodes if (position === 'append' && targetNode.get('allowDrop') === false) { return false; } else if (position !== 'append' && targetNode.parentNode.get('allowDrop') === false) { return false; } // If the target record is in the dragged dataset, then invalid drop if (Ext.Array.contains(draggedRecords, targetNode)) { return false; } return view.fireEvent('nodedragover', targetNode, position, data, e) !== false; }, onNodeOver : function(node, dragZone, e, data) { var position = this.getPosition(e, node), returnCls = this.dropNotAllowed, view = this.view, targetNode = view.getRecord(node), indicator = this.getIndicator(), indicatorY = 0; // auto node expand check this.cancelExpand(); if (position === 'append' && !this.expandProcId && !Ext.Array.contains(data.records, targetNode) && !targetNode.isLeaf() && !targetNode.isExpanded()) { this.queueExpand(targetNode); } if (this.isValidDropPoint(node, position, dragZone, e, data)) { this.valid = true; this.currentPosition = position; this.overRecord = targetNode; indicator.setWidth(Ext.fly(node).getWidth()); indicatorY = Ext.fly(node).getY() - Ext.fly(view.el).getY() - 1; // If view is scrolled using CSS translate, account for then when positioning the indicator if (view.touchScroll === 2) { indicatorY += view.getScrollY(); } /* * In the code below we show the proxy again. The reason for doing this is showing the indicator will * call toFront, causing it to get a new z-index which can sometimes push the proxy behind it. We always * want the proxy to be above, so calling show on the proxy will call toFront and bring it forward. */ if (position === 'before') { returnCls = targetNode.isFirst() ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-drop-ok-above' : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-drop-ok-between'; indicator.showAt(0, indicatorY); dragZone.proxy.show(); } else if (position === 'after') { returnCls = targetNode.isLast() ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-drop-ok-below' : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-drop-ok-between'; indicatorY += Ext.fly(node).getHeight(); indicator.showAt(0, indicatorY); dragZone.proxy.show(); } else { returnCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-drop-ok-append'; // @TODO: set a class on the parent folder node to be able to style it indicator.hide(); } } else { this.valid = false; } this.currentCls = returnCls; return returnCls; }, // The mouse is no longer over a tree node, so dropping is not valid onNodeOut : function(n, dd, e, data){ this.valid = false; this.getIndicator().hide(); }, onContainerOver : function(dd, e, data) { return this.allowContainerDrops ? this.dropAllowed : e.getTarget('.' + this.indicatorCls) ? this.currentCls : this.dropNotAllowed; }, // This will be called is allowContainerDrops is set. // The target node is the root onContainerDrop: function(dragZone, e, data) { if (this.allowContainerDrops) { this.valid = true; this.currentPosition = 'append'; this.overRecord = this.view.store.getRoot(); this.onNodeDrop(this.overRecord, dragZone, e, data); } }, notifyOut: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.cancelExpand(); }, handleNodeDrop : function(data, targetNode, position) { var me = this, targetView = me.view, parentNode = targetNode ? targetNode.parentNode : targetView.panel.getRootNode(), Model = targetView.store.getModel(), records, i, len, record, insertionMethod, argList, needTargetExpand, transferData; // If the copy flag is set, create a copy of the models if (data.copy) { records = data.records; data.records = []; for (i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) { record = records[i]; if (record.isNode) { data.records.push(record.copy(undefined, true)); } else { // If it's not a node, make a node copy data.records.push(new Model(Ext.apply({}, record.data))); } } } // Cancel any pending expand operation me.cancelExpand(); // Grab a reference to the correct node insertion method. // Create an arg list array intended for the apply method of the // chosen node insertion method. // Ensure the target object for the method is referenced by 'targetNode' if (position === 'before') { insertionMethod = parentNode.insertBefore; argList = [null, targetNode]; targetNode = parentNode; } else if (position === 'after') { if (targetNode.nextSibling) { insertionMethod = parentNode.insertBefore; argList = [null, targetNode.nextSibling]; } else { insertionMethod = parentNode.appendChild; argList = [null]; } targetNode = parentNode; } else { if (!(targetNode.isExpanded() || targetNode.isLoading())) { needTargetExpand = true; } insertionMethod = targetNode.appendChild; argList = [null]; } // A function to transfer the data into the destination tree transferData = function() { var color, n; // Coalesce layouts caused by node removal, appending and sorting Ext.suspendLayouts(); // Insert the records into the target node for (i = 0, len = data.records.length; i < len; i++) { record = data.records[i]; if (!record.isNode) { if (record.isModel) { record = new Model(record.data, record.getId()); } else { record = new Model(record); } data.records[i] = record; } argList[0] = record; insertionMethod.apply(targetNode, argList); // Focus the dropped node. targetView.getNavigationModel().setPosition(record); } // If configured to sort on drop, do it according to the TreeStore's comparator if (me.sortOnDrop) { targetNode.sort(targetNode.getOwnerTree().store.getSorters().sortFn); } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); // Kick off highlights after everything's been inserted, so they are // more in sync without insertion/render overhead. // Element.highlight can handle highlighting table nodes. if (Ext.enableFx && me.dropHighlight) { color = me.dropHighlightColor; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { n = targetView.getNode(data.records[i]); if (n) { Ext.fly(n).highlight(color); } } } }; // If dropping right on an unexpanded node, transfer the data after it is expanded. if (needTargetExpand) { targetNode.expand(false, transferData); } // If the node is waiting for its children, we must transfer the data after the expansion. // The expand event does NOT signal UI expansion, it is the SIGNAL for UI expansion. // It's listened for by the NodeStore on the root node. Which means that listeners on the target // node get notified BEFORE UI expansion. So we need a delay. // TODO: Refactor NodeInterface.expand/collapse to notify its owning tree directly when it needs to expand/collapse. else if (targetNode.isLoading()) { targetNode.on({ expand: transferData, delay: 1, single: true }); } // Otherwise, call the data transfer function immediately else { transferData(); } } });