/** * The container that holds and manages instances of the {@link Ext.draw.Surface} * in which sprites are rendered. * * One way to create a draw container is: * * var drawContainer = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Container', { * renderTo: Ext.getBody(), * width:200, * height:200, * sprites: [{ * type: 'circle', * fillStyle: '#79BB3F', * r: 100, * x: 100, * y: 100 * }] * }); * * In this case we created a draw container and added a sprite to it. * The *type* of the sprite is *circle*, so if you run this code you'll see a green circle. * * One can attach sprite event listeners to the draw container with the help of the * {@link Ext.draw.plugin.SpriteEvents} plugin. * * For more information on Sprites, the core elements added to a draw container's surface, * refer to the {@link Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite} documentation. */Ext.define('Ext.draw.Container', { extend: 'Ext.draw.ContainerBase', alternateClassName: 'Ext.draw.Component', xtype: 'draw', defaultType: 'surface', requires: [ 'Ext.draw.Surface', 'Ext.draw.engine.Svg', 'Ext.draw.engine.Canvas', 'Ext.draw.gradient.GradientDefinition' ], /** * @cfg {String} [engine="Ext.draw.engine.Canvas"] * Defines the engine (type of surface) used to render draw container contents. * * The render engine is selected automatically depending on the platform used. Priority * is given to the {@link Ext.draw.engine.Canvas} engine due to its performance advantage. * * You may also set the engine config to be `Ext.draw.engine.Svg` if so desired. */ engine: 'Ext.draw.engine.Canvas', /** * @event spritemousemove * Fires when the mouse is moved on a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ /** * @event spritemouseup * Fires when a mouseup event occurs on a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ /** * @event spritemousedown * Fires when a mousedown event occurs on a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ /** * @event spritemouseover * Fires when the mouse enters a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ /** * @event spritemouseout * Fires when the mouse exits a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ /** * @event spriteclick * Fires when a click event occurs on a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ /** * @event spritedblclick * Fires when a double click event occurs on a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ /** * @event spritetap * Fires when a tap event occurs on a sprite. * @param {Object} sprite * @param {Event} event */ config: { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'draw-container', /** * @cfg {Function} [resizeHandler] * The resize function that can be configured to have a behavior, * e.g. resize draw surfaces based on new draw container dimensions. * * __Note:__ since resize events trigger {@link #renderFrame} calls automatically, * return `false` from the resize function, if it also calls `renderFrame`, * to prevent double rendering. */ resizeHandler: null, /** * @cfg {Object[]} sprites * Defines a set of sprites to be added to the drawContainer surface. * * For example: * * sprites: [{ * type: 'circle', * fillStyle: '#79BB3F', * r: 100, * x: 100, * y: 100 * }] * */ sprites: null, /** * @cfg {Object[]} gradients * Defines a set of gradients that can be used as color properties * (fillStyle and strokeStyle, but not shadowColor) in sprites. * The gradients array is an array of objects with the following properties: * - **id** - string - The unique name of the gradient. * - **type** - string, optional - The type of the gradient. Available types are: 'linear', 'radial'. Defaults to 'linear'. * - **angle** - number, optional - The angle of the gradient in degrees. * - **stops** - array - An array of objects with 'color' and 'offset' properties, where 'offset' is a real number from 0 to 1. * * For example: * * gradients: [{ * id: 'gradientId1', * type: 'linear', * angle: 45, * stops: [{ * offset: 0, * color: 'red' * }, { * offset: 1, * color: 'yellow' * }] * }, { * id: 'gradientId2', * type: 'radial', * stops: [{ * offset: 0, * color: '#555', * }, { * offset: 1, * color: '#ddd', * }] * }] * * Then the sprites can use 'gradientId1' and 'gradientId2' by setting the color attributes to those ids, for example: * * sprite.setAttributes({ * fillStyle: 'url(#gradientId1)', * strokeStyle: 'url(#gradientId2)' * }); */ gradients: [] }, /** * @property {String} [defaultDownloadServerUrl="http://svg.sencha.io"] * The default URL used by {@link #download}. */ defaultDownloadServerUrl: 'http://svg.sencha.io', /** * @property {Array} [supportedFormats=["png", "pdf", "jpeg", "gif"]] * A list of export types supported by the server. * @private */ supportedFormats: ['png', 'pdf', 'jpeg', 'gif'], supportedOptions: { version: Ext.isNumber, data: Ext.isString, format: function (format) { return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.supportedFormats, format) >= 0; }, filename: Ext.isString, width: Ext.isNumber, height: Ext.isNumber, scale: Ext.isNumber, pdf: Ext.isObject, jpeg: Ext.isObject }, initAnimator: function() { this.frameCallbackId = Ext.draw.Animator.addFrameCallback('renderFrame', this); }, applyGradients: function (gradients) { var result = [], i, n, gradient, offset; if (!Ext.isArray(gradients)) { return result; } for (i = 0, n = gradients.length; i < n; i++) { gradient = gradients[i]; if (!Ext.isObject(gradient)) { continue; } // ExtJS only supported linear gradients, so we didn't have to specify their type if (typeof gradient.type !== 'string') { gradient.type = 'linear'; } if (gradient.angle) { gradient.degrees = gradient.angle; delete gradient.angle; } // Convert ExtJS stops object to Touch stops array if (Ext.isObject(gradient.stops)) { gradient.stops = (function (stops) { var result = [], stop; for (offset in stops) { stop = stops[offset]; stop.offset = offset / 100; result.push(stop); } return result; })(gradient.stops); } result.push(gradient); } Ext.draw.gradient.GradientDefinition.add(result); return result; }, applySprites: function (sprites) { // Never update if (!sprites) { return; } sprites = Ext.Array.from(sprites); var ln = sprites.length, i, surface; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { if (sprites[i].surface instanceof Ext.draw.Surface) { surface = sprites[i].surface; } else if (Ext.isString(sprites[i].surface)) { surface = this.getSurface(sprites[i].surface); } else { surface = this.getSurface('main'); } surface.add(sprites[i]); } }, /** * @protected * Place watermark after resize. * @param {Number} width * @param {Number} height */ onPlaceWatermark: Ext.emptyFn, onBodyResize: function () { var el = this.element; if (!el) { return; } this.setBodySize(el.getSize()); }, setBodySize: function(size) { var me = this, resizeHandler = me.getResizeHandler(), result; me.fireEvent('resize', me, size); result = resizeHandler.call(me, size); if (result !== false) { me.renderFrame(); me.onPlaceWatermark(size.width, size.height); } }, resizeHandler: function (size) { this.getItems().each(function (surface) { surface.setRect([0, 0, size.width, size.height]); }); }, /** * Get a surface by the given id or create one if it doesn't exist. * @param {String} [id="main"] * @return {Ext.draw.Surface} */ getSurface: function (id) { id = this.getId() + '-' + (id || 'main'); var me = this, surfaces = me.getItems(), surface = surfaces.get(id); if (!surface) { surface = me.add({xclass: me.engine, id: id}); me.onBodyResize(); } return surface; }, /** * Render all the surfaces in the container. */ renderFrame: function () { var me = this, surfaces = me.getItems(), i, ln, item; for (i = 0, ln = surfaces.length; i < ln; i++) { item = surfaces.items[i]; if (item.isSurface) { item.renderFrame(); } } }, /** * Produces an image of the chart / drawing. * @param {String} [format] Possible options are 'image' (the method will return an * Image object) and 'stream' (the method will return the image as a byte stream). * If missing, the DataURL of the drawing's (or chart's) image will be returned. * @return {Object} * @return {String} return.data Image element, byte stream or DataURL. * @return {String} return.type The type of the data (e.g. 'png' or 'svg'). */ getImage: function (format) { var size = this.innerElement.getSize(), surfaces = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.items.items), image, imageElement, zIndexes = this.surfaceZIndexes, i, j, surface, zIndex; // Sort the surfaces by zIndex using insertion sort. for (j = 1; j < surfaces.length; j++) { surface = surfaces[j]; zIndex = zIndexes[surface.type]; i = j - 1; while (i >= 0 && zIndexes[surfaces[i].type] > zIndex) { surfaces[i + 1] = surfaces[i]; i--; } surfaces[i + 1] = surface; } image = surfaces[0].flatten(size, surfaces); if (format === 'image') { imageElement = new Image(); imageElement.src = image.data; image.data = imageElement; return image; } if (format === 'stream') { image.data = image.data.replace(/^data:image\/[^;]+/, 'data:application/octet-stream'); return image; } return image; }, /** * Downloads an image or PDF of the chart / drawing or opens it in a separate * browser tab/window if the download can't be triggered. The exact behavior is * platform and browser specific. For more consistent results on mobile devices use * the {@link #preview} method instead. * * @param {Object} [config] The following config options are supported: * * @param {String} config.url The url to post the data to. Defaults to * the {@link #defaultDownloadServerUrl} configuration on the class. * * @param {String} config.format The format of image to export. See the * {@link #supportedFormats}. Defaults to 'png' on the Sencha IO server. * Note that you can't export to 'svg' format if the {@link Ext.draw.engine.Canvas Canvas} * {@link Ext.draw.Container#engine engine} is used. * * @param {Number} config.width A width to send to the server for * configuring the image width. Defaults to natural image width on * the Sencha IO server. * * @param {Number} config.height A height to send to the server for * configuring the image height. Defaults to natural image height on * the Sencha IO server. * * @param {String} config.filename The filename of the downloaded image. * Defaults to 'chart' on the Sencha IO server. The config.format is used * as a filename extension. * * @param {Number} config.scale The scaling of the downloaded image. * Defaults to 1 on the Sencha IO server. The server will try to determine the natural * size of the image unless the width/height configs have been set. If the * {@link Ext.draw.engine.Canvas Canvas} {@link Ext.draw.Container#engine engine} is * used the natural image size will depend on the value of the window.devicePixelRatio. * For example, for devices with devicePixelRatio of 2 the produced image will be * two times larger than for devices with devicePixelRatio of 1 for the same drawing. * This is done so that the users with devices with HiDPI screens get a downloaded * image that looks as crisp on their device as the original drawing. * If you want image size to be consistent across devices with different device * pixel ratios, you can set the value of this config to 1/devicePixelRatio. * This parameter is ignored by the Sencha IO server if config.format is set to 'svg'. * * @param {Object} config.pdf PDF specific options. * This config is only used if config.format is set to 'pdf'. * The given object should be in either this format: * * { * width: '200px', * height: '300px', * border: '0px' * } * * or this format: * * { * format: 'A4', * orientation: 'portrait', * border: '1cm' * } * * Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'. No unit means 'px'. * Supported formats are: 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter', 'Tabloid'. * Orientation ('portrait', 'landscape') is optional and defaults to 'portrait'. * * @param {Object} config.jpeg JPEG specific options. * This config is only used if config.format is set to 'jpeg'. * The given object should be in this format: * * { * quality: 80 * } * * Where quality is an integer between 0 and 100. * * @return {Boolean} True if request was successfully sent to the server. */ download: function (config) { var me = this, inputs = [], markup, name, value; config = Ext.apply({ version: 2, data: me.getImage().data }, config); for (name in config) { if (config.hasOwnProperty(name)) { value = config[name]; if (name in me.supportedOptions) { if (me.supportedOptions[name].call(me, value)) { inputs.push({ tag: 'input', type: 'hidden', name: name, value: Ext.isObject(value) ? Ext.JSON.encode(value) : value }); } //<debug> else { Ext.log.error('Invalid value for image download option "' + name + '": ' + value); } //</debug> } //<debug> else { Ext.log.error('Invalid image download option: "' + name + '"'); } //</debug> } } markup = Ext.dom.Helper.markup({ tag: 'html', children: [ {tag: 'head'}, { tag: 'body', children: [ { tag: 'form', method: 'POST', action: config.url || me.defaultDownloadServerUrl, children: inputs }, { tag: 'script', type: 'text/javascript', children: 'document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].submit();' } ] } ] }); window.open('', 'ImageDownload_' + Date.now()).document.write(markup); }, /** * @method preview * Displays an image of a Ext.draw.Container on screen. * On mobile devices this lets users tap-and-hold to bring up the menu * with image saving options. * Note: some browsers won't save the preview image if it's SVG based * (i.e. generated from a draw container that uses 'Ext.draw.engine.Svg' engine). * And some platforms may not have the means of viewing successfully saved SVG images. */ destroy: function () { var callbackId = this.frameCallbackId; if (callbackId) { Ext.draw.Animator.removeFrameCallback(callbackId); } this.callParent(); } }, function () { if (location.search.match('svg')) { Ext.draw.Container.prototype.engine = 'Ext.draw.engine.Svg'; } else if ((Ext.os.is.BlackBerry && Ext.os.version.getMajor() === 10) || (Ext.browser.is.AndroidStock4 && (Ext.os.version.getMinor() === 1 || Ext.os.version.getMinor() === 2 || Ext.os.version.getMinor() === 3))) { // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=37529 Ext.draw.Container.prototype.engine = 'Ext.draw.engine.Svg'; }});