/** * adds a css outline to an element with compatibility for IE8/outline-offset * NOTE: the element receiving the outline must be positioned (either relative or absolute) * in order for the outline to work in IE8 * * @param {number} [$width=1px] * The width of the outline * * @param {string} [$style=solid] * The style of the outline * * @param {color} [$color=#000] * The color of the outline * * @param {number} [$offset=0] * The offset of the outline * * @param {number/list} [$border-width=0] * The border-width of the element receiving the outline. * Required in order for outline-offset to work in IE8 * * @member Global_CSS */@mixin css-outline( $width: 1px, $style: solid, $color: #000, $offset: 0, $border-width: 0) { outline: $width $style $color; outline-offset: $offset; @if $include-ie { .#{$prefix}ie8 & { outline: none; &:after { position: absolute; content: ' '; top: -$offset - $width - top($border-width) ; right: -$offset - $width - right($border-width); bottom: -$offset - $width - bottom($border-width); left: -$offset - $width - left($border-width); border: $width $style $color; } } }}