/** * This class and its derived classes are used to manage access to the properties of an * object stored in a `Session`. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.app.bind.Stub', { extend: 'Ext.app.bind.AbstractStub', requires: [ 'Ext.app.bind.Binding' ], isStub: true, dirty: true, formula: null, validationKey: 'validation', statics: { trackHadValue: function(value, owner, path, stub) { var children = stub && stub.children, child, key, hadValue; // Keep track of the fact that we've had a value set. We may get set // to undefined in the future, we only need to know whether we // are initially in an undefined state hadValue = value !== undefined; if (!owner.hadValue[path]) { owner.hadValue[path] = hadValue; } if (stub) { stub.hadValue = hadValue; } if (value && (value.constructor === Object || value.isModel)) { if (value.isModel) { value = value.data; } for (key in value) { Ext.app.bind.Stub.trackHadValue(value[key], owner, path + '.' + key, children && children[key]); } } } }, constructor: function (owner, name, parent) { var me = this, path = name; me.callParent([ owner, name ]); me.boundValue = null; if (parent) { parent.add(me); if (!parent.isRootStub) { path = parent.path + '.' + name; } } me.hadValue = owner.hadValue[path]; me.path = path; }, destroy: function() { var me = this, formula = me.formula, parent = me.parent, storeBinding = me.storeBinding; if (formula) { formula.destroy(); } if (storeBinding) { storeBinding.destroy(); } me.detachBound(); me.parentValue = me.formula = me.storeBinding = null; me.callParent(); }, bindValidation: function (callback, scope) { var parent = this.parent; return parent && parent.descend([this.validationKey, this.name]).bind(callback, scope); }, bindValidationField: function(callback, scope) { var parent = this.parent, name = this.name, lateBound = typeof callback === 'string', ret; if (parent) { ret = parent.bind(function(value) { var field = null; if (value && value.isModel) { field = value.getField(name); } if (lateBound) { scope[callback](field, null, this); } else { callback.call(scope, field, null, this); } }); } return ret || null; }, descend: function (path, index) { var me = this, children = me.children || (me.children = {}), pos = index || 0, name = path[pos++], ret; if (!(ret = children[name])) { ret = new Ext.app.bind.Stub(me.owner, name, me); } if (pos < path.length) { ret = ret.descend(path, pos); } return ret; }, getChildValue: function (parentData) { var me = this, name = me.name, ret; if (!parentData && !Ext.isString(parentData)) { // since these forms of falsey values (0, false, etc.) are not things we // can index into, this child stub must be null. ret = me.hadValue ? null : undefined; } else { ret = me.inspectValue(parentData); if (!ret) { if (parentData.isEntity) { // If we get here, we know it's not an association ret = parentData.data[name]; } else { ret = parentData[name]; } } } return ret; }, getDataObject: function () { var me = this, parentData = me.parent.getDataObject(), // RootStub does not get here name = me.name, ret = parentData ? parentData[name] : null, associations, association; if (!ret && parentData && parentData.isEntity) { // Check if the item is an association, if it is, grab it but don't load it. associations = parentData.associations; if (associations && name in associations) { ret = parentData[associations[name].getterName](); } } if (!ret || !(ret.$className || Ext.isObject(ret))) { parentData[name] = ret = {}; // We're implicitly setting a value on the object here me.hadValue = me.owner.hadValue[me.path] = true; // If we're creating the parent data object, invalidate the dirty // flag on our children. me.invalidate(true, true); } return ret; }, getRawValue: function () { // NOTE: The RootStub class does not call here so we will *always* have a parent // unless dark energy has won and the laws of physics have broken down. return this.getChildValue(this.getParentValue()); }, graft: function (replacement) { var me = this, parent = me.parent, children = me.children, name = me.name, i; replacement.parent = parent; replacement.children = children; if (parent) { parent.children[name] = replacement; } if (children) { for (i in children) { children[i].parent = replacement; } } me.children = null; return me.callParent([ replacement ]); }, isLoading: function () { var me = this, parent = me.parent, loading = false, associations, parentValue, value, loadSet; if (parent && !(loading = parent.isLoading())) { parentValue = me.getParentValue(); value = me.inspectValue(parentValue); // If we get a value back, it's something we can ask for the loading state if (value) { loading = value.isLoading(); } else { if (parentValue && parentValue.isModel) { associations = parentValue.associations; // At this point, we know the value is not a record or a store, otherwise // something would have been returned from inspectValue. We also check here // that we are not a defined association, because we don't treat it like a field. // Otherwise, we are a field on a model, so we're never in a loading state. if (!(associations && me.name in associations)) { loading = false; loadSet = true; } } if (!loadSet) { loading = !me.hadValue && me.getRawValue() === undefined; } } } return loading; }, invalidate: function (deep, dirtyOnly) { var me = this, children = me.children, name; me.dirty = true; if (!dirtyOnly && !me.isLoading()) { if (!me.scheduled) { // If we have no children, we're a leaf me.schedule(); } } if (deep && children) { for (name in children) { children[name].invalidate(deep, dirtyOnly); } } }, isReadOnly: function() { var formula = this.formula; return !!(formula && !formula.set); }, set: function (value) { var me = this, parent = me.parent, name = me.name, formula = me.formula, parentData, associations, association, formulaStub; if (formula && !formula.settingValue && formula.set) { formula.setValue(value); return; } else if (me.isLinkStub) { formulaStub = me.getLinkFormulaStub(); formula = formulaStub ? formulaStub.formula : null; if (formula) { //<debug> if (formulaStub.isReadOnly()) { Ext.Error.raise('Cannot setValue on a readonly formula'); } //</debug> formula.setValue(value); return; } } // To set a child property, the parent must be an object... parentData = parent.getDataObject(); if (parentData.isEntity) { associations = parentData.associations; if (associations && (name in associations)) { association = associations[name]; parentData[association.setterName](value); // We may be setting a record here, force the value to recalculate me.invalidate(true); } else { // If not an association then it is a data field parentData.set(name, value); } // Setting fields or associated records will fire change notifications so we // handle the side effects there } else if ((value && value.constructor === Object) || value !== parentData[name]) { if (!me.setByLink(value)) { if (value === undefined) { delete parentData[name]; } else { parentData[name] = value; Ext.app.bind.Stub.trackHadValue(value, me.owner, me.path, me); } me.inspectValue(parentData); // We have children, but we're overwriting the value with something else, so // we need to schedule our children me.invalidate(true); } } }, onStoreLoad: function() { this.invalidate(true); }, afterLoad: function(record) { this.invalidate(true); }, afterCommit: function(record) { // Essentially the same as an edit, but we don't know what changed. this.afterEdit(record, null); }, afterEdit: function(record, modifiedFieldNames) { var children = this.children, len = modifiedFieldNames && modifiedFieldNames.length, associations = record.associations, key, i, child, scheduled; // No point checking anything if we don't have children if (children) { if (len) { // We know what changed, check for it and schedule it. for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { child = children[modifiedFieldNames[i]]; if (child) { child.invalidate(); } } } else { // We don't know what changed, so loop over everything. // If the child is not an association, then it's a field so we // need to trigger them so we can respond to field changes for (key in children) { if (!(associations && key in associations)) { children[key].invalidate(); } } } } this.invalidate(); }, afterReject: function(record) { // Essentially the same as an edit, but we don't know what changed. this.afterEdit(record, null); }, setByLink: function (value) { var me = this, n = 0, i, link, path, stub; for (stub = me; stub; stub = stub.parent) { if (stub.isLinkStub) { link = stub; if (n) { for (path = [], i = 0, stub = me; stub !== link; stub = stub.parent) { ++i; path[n - i] = stub.name; } } break; } ++n; } if (!link || !(stub = link.getTargetStub())) { return false; } // We are a child of a link stub and that stub links to a Stub, so forward the set // call over there. This is needed to fire the bindings on that side of the link // and that will also arrive back here since we are a linked to it. if (path) { stub = stub.descend(path); } stub.set(value); return true; }, setFormula: function (formula) { var me = this, oldFormula = me.formula; if (oldFormula) { oldFormula.destroy(); } // The new formula will bind to what it needs and that will schedule it (and then // us when it sets our value). me.formula = new Ext.app.bind.Formula(me, formula); }, react: function() { var me = this, bound = this.boundValue, children = me.children, generation; if (bound) { if (bound.isValidation) { bound.refresh(); generation = bound.generation; // Don't react if we haven't changed if (me.lastValidationGeneration === generation) { return; } me.lastValidationGeneration = generation; } else if (bound.isModel) { // At this point we're guaranteed to have a non-validation model // Check if we're interested in it, if so, validate it and let // the record fire off any changes if (children && children[me.validationKey]) { // Trigger validity checks bound.isValid(); } } else if (bound.isStore) { // If we're loading and never delivered, don't do it here if (bound.isLoading() && !bound.loadCount) { return; } } } this.callParent(); }, privates: { collect: function() { var me = this, result = me.callParent(), storeBinding = me.storeBinding ? 1 : 0, formula = me.formula ? 1 : 0; return result + storeBinding + formula; }, getLinkFormulaStub: function() { // Setting the value on a link backed by a formula should set the // formula. So we climb the hierarchy until we find the rootStub // and set it there if it be a formula. var stub = this; while (stub.isLinkStub) { stub = stub.binding.stub; } return stub.formula ? stub : null; }, getParentValue: function() { var me = this; // Cache the value of the parent here. Inside onSchedule we clear the value // because it may be invalidated. if (me.dirty) { me.parentValue = me.parent.getValue(); me.dirty = false; } return me.parentValue; }, setStore: function(storeBinding) { this.storeBinding = storeBinding; }, inspectValue: function(parentData) { var me = this, name = me.name, current = me.boundValue, boundValue = null, associations, raw, changed, associatedEntity; if (parentData && parentData.isEntity) { associations = parentData.associations; if (associations && (name in associations)) { boundValue = parentData[associations[name].getterName](); if (boundValue && boundValue.isStore) { boundValue.$associatedStore = true; } } else if (name === me.validationKey) { boundValue = parentData.getValidation(); // Binding a new one, reset the generation me.lastValidationGeneration = null; } } else if (parentData) { raw = parentData[name]; if (raw && (raw.isModel || raw.isStore)) { boundValue = raw; } } // Check if we have a current binding that changed. If so, we need // to detach ourselves from it changed = current !== boundValue; if (changed) { if (current) { me.detachBound(); } if (boundValue) { if (boundValue.isModel) { boundValue.join(me); } else { // Only want to trigger automatic loading if we've come from an association. Otherwise leave // the user in charge of that. associatedEntity = boundValue.associatedEntity; if (associatedEntity && !associatedEntity.phantom && !boundValue.complete && !boundValue.hasPendingLoad()) { boundValue.load(); } // We only want to listen for the first load, since the actual // store object won't change from then on boundValue.on('load', me.onStoreLoad, me, {single: true}); } } me.boundValue = boundValue; } return boundValue; }, detachBound: function() { var me = this, current = me.boundValue; if (current) { if (current.isModel) { current.unjoin(me); } else { current.un('load', me.onStoreLoad, me); } } }, sort: function () { var me = this, formula = me.formula, scheduler = me.scheduler, storeBinding = me.storeBinding; me.callParent(); if (storeBinding) { scheduler.sortItem(storeBinding); } if (formula) { // Our formula must run before we do so it can set the value on us. Our // bindings in turn depend on us so they will be scheduled as part of the // current sweep if the formula produces a different result. scheduler.sortItem(formula); } } }});