/** * Private utility class for Ext.Splitter. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.resizer.SplitterTracker', { extend: 'Ext.dd.DragTracker', requires: ['Ext.util.Region'], enabled: true, overlayCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizable-overlay', createDragOverlay: function () { var overlay, El = Ext.dom.Element; overlay = this.overlay = Ext.getBody().createChild({ role: 'presentation', cls: this.overlayCls, html: ' ' }); overlay.unselectable(); overlay.setSize(El.getDocumentWidth(), El.getDocumentHeight()); overlay.show(); }, getPrevCmp: function() { var splitter = this.getSplitter(); return splitter.previousSibling(':not([hidden])'); }, getNextCmp: function() { var splitter = this.getSplitter(); return splitter.nextSibling(':not([hidden])'); }, // ensure the tracker is enabled, store boxes of previous and next // components and calculate the constrain region onBeforeStart: function(e) { var me = this, prevCmp = me.getPrevCmp(), nextCmp = me.getNextCmp(), collapseEl = me.getSplitter().collapseEl, target = e.getTarget(), box; if (!prevCmp || !nextCmp) { return false; } if (collapseEl && target === collapseEl.dom) { return false; } // SplitterTracker is disabled if any of its adjacents are collapsed. if (nextCmp.collapsed || prevCmp.collapsed) { return false; } // store boxes of previous and next me.prevBox = prevCmp.getEl().getBox(); me.nextBox = nextCmp.getEl().getBox(); me.constrainTo = box = me.calculateConstrainRegion(); if (!box) { return false; } return box; }, // We move the splitter el. Add the proxy class. onStart: function(e) { var splitter = this.getSplitter(); this.createDragOverlay(); splitter.addCls(splitter.baseCls + '-active'); }, onResizeKeyDown: function(e) { var me = this, splitter = me.getSplitter(), key = e.getKey(), incrIdx = splitter.orientation === 'vertical' ? 0 : 1, incr = key === e.UP || key === e.LEFT ? -1 : 1, easing; if (!me.active && me.onBeforeStart(e)) { Ext.fly(e.target).on('keyup', me.onResizeKeyUp, me); me.triggerStart(e); me.onMouseDown(e); me.startXY = splitter.getXY(); me.lastKeyDownXY = Ext.Array.slice(me.startXY); // Movement increment eases to 4 over two seconds. easing = me.easing = new Ext.fx.easing.Linear(); easing.setStartTime(Ext.Date.now()); easing.setStartValue(1); easing.setEndValue(4); easing.setDuration(2000); } if (me.active) { me.lastKeyDownXY[incrIdx] = Math.round(me.lastKeyDownXY[incrIdx] + (incr * me.easing.getValue())); me.lastXY = me.lastKeyDownXY; splitter.setXY(me.getXY('dragTarget')); } }, onResizeKeyUp: function(e) { this.onMouseUp(e); }, // calculate the constrain Region in which the splitter el may be moved. calculateConstrainRegion: function() { var me = this, splitter = me.getSplitter(), splitWidth = splitter.getWidth(), defaultMin = splitter.defaultSplitMin, orient = splitter.orientation, prevBox = me.prevBox, prevCmp = me.getPrevCmp(), nextBox = me.nextBox, nextCmp = me.getNextCmp(), // prev and nextConstrainRegions are the maximumBoxes minus the // minimumBoxes. The result is always the intersection // of these two boxes. prevConstrainRegion, nextConstrainRegion, constrainOptions; // vertical splitters, so resizing left to right if (orient === 'vertical') { constrainOptions = { prevCmp: prevCmp, nextCmp: nextCmp, prevBox: prevBox, nextBox: nextBox, defaultMin: defaultMin, splitWidth: splitWidth }; // Region constructor accepts (top, right, bottom, left) // anchored/calculated from the left prevConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region( prevBox.y, me.getVertPrevConstrainRight(constrainOptions), prevBox.bottom, me.getVertPrevConstrainLeft(constrainOptions) ); // anchored/calculated from the right nextConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region( nextBox.y, me.getVertNextConstrainRight(constrainOptions), nextBox.bottom, me.getVertNextConstrainLeft(constrainOptions) ); } else { // anchored/calculated from the top prevConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region( prevBox.y + (prevCmp.minHeight || defaultMin), prevBox.right, // Bottom boundary is y + maxHeight if there IS a maxHeight. // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minWidth of the next Component (prevCmp.maxHeight ? prevBox.y + prevCmp.maxHeight : nextBox.bottom - (nextCmp.minHeight || defaultMin)) + splitWidth, prevBox.x ); // anchored/calculated from the bottom nextConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region( // Top boundary is bottom - maxHeight if there IS a maxHeight. // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minHeight of the previous Component (nextCmp.maxHeight ? nextBox.bottom - nextCmp.maxHeight : prevBox.y + (prevCmp.minHeight || defaultMin)) - splitWidth, nextBox.right, nextBox.bottom - (nextCmp.minHeight || defaultMin), nextBox.x ); } // intersection of the two regions to provide region draggable return prevConstrainRegion.intersect(nextConstrainRegion); }, // Performs the actual resizing of the previous and next components performResize: function(e, offset) { var me = this, splitter = me.getSplitter(), orient = splitter.orientation, prevCmp = me.getPrevCmp(), nextCmp = me.getNextCmp(), owner = splitter.ownerCt, flexedSiblings = owner.query('>[flex]'), len = flexedSiblings.length, vertical = orient === 'vertical', i = 0, dimension = vertical ? 'width' : 'height', totalFlex = 0, item, size; // Convert flexes to pixel values proportional to the total pixel width of all flexes. for (; i < len; i++) { item = flexedSiblings[i]; size = vertical ? item.getWidth() : item.getHeight(); totalFlex += size; item.flex = size; } offset = vertical ? offset[0] : offset[1]; if (prevCmp) { size = me.prevBox[dimension] + offset; if (prevCmp.flex) { prevCmp.flex = size; } else { prevCmp[dimension] = size; } } if (nextCmp) { size = me.nextBox[dimension] - offset; if (nextCmp.flex) { nextCmp.flex = size; } else { nextCmp[dimension] = size; } } owner.updateLayout(); }, // Cleans up the overlay (if we have one) and calls the base. This cannot be done in // onEnd, because onEnd is only called if a drag is detected but the overlay is created // regardless (by onBeforeStart). endDrag: function () { var me = this; if (me.overlay) { me.overlay.destroy(); delete me.overlay; } me.callParent(arguments); // this calls onEnd }, // perform the resize and remove the proxy class from the splitter el onEnd: function(e) { var me = this, splitter = me.getSplitter(); splitter.removeCls(splitter.baseCls + '-active'); me.performResize(e, me.getResizeOffset()); }, // Track the proxy and set the proper XY coordinates // while constraining the drag onDrag: function(e) { var me = this, offset = me.getOffset('dragTarget'), splitter = me.getSplitter(), splitEl = splitter.getEl(), orient = splitter.orientation; if (orient === "vertical") { splitEl.setX(me.startRegion.left + offset[0]); } else { splitEl.setY(me.startRegion.top + offset[1]); } }, getSplitter: function() { return this.splitter; }, getVertPrevConstrainRight: function(o) { // Right boundary is x + maxWidth if there IS a maxWidth. // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minWidth of the next Component return (o.prevCmp.maxWidth ? o.prevBox.x + o.prevCmp.maxWidth : o.nextBox.right - (o.nextCmp.minWidth || o.defaultMin)) + o.splitWidth; }, getVertPrevConstrainLeft: function(o) { return o.prevBox.x + (o.prevCmp.minWidth || o.defaultMin); }, getVertNextConstrainRight: function(o) { return o.nextBox.right - (o.nextCmp.minWidth || o.defaultMin); }, getVertNextConstrainLeft: function(o) { // Left boundary is right - maxWidth if there IS a maxWidth. // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minWidth of the previous Component return (o.nextCmp.maxWidth ? o.nextBox.right - o.nextCmp.maxWidth : o.prevBox.x + (o.prevBox.minWidth || o.defaultMin)) - o.splitWidth; }, getResizeOffset: function() { return this.getOffset('dragTarget'); }});