/** * The rowbody feature enhances the grid's markup to have an additional * tr -> td -> div which spans the entire width of the original row. * * This is useful to to associate additional information with a particular * record in a grid. * * Rowbodies are initially hidden unless you override setupRowData. * * Will expose additional events on the gridview with the prefix of 'rowbody'. * For example: 'rowbodyclick', 'rowbodydblclick', 'rowbodycontextmenu'. * * # Example * * @example * Ext.define('Animal', { * extend: 'Ext.data.Model', * fields: ['name', 'latin', 'desc'] * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * width: 400, * height: 300, * renderTo: Ext.getBody(), * store: { * model: 'Animal', * data: [ * {name: 'Tiger', latin: 'Panthera tigris', * desc: 'The largest cat species, weighing up to 306 kg (670 lb).'}, * {name: 'Roman snail', latin: 'Helix pomatia', * desc: 'A species of large, edible, air-breathing land snail.'}, * {name: 'Yellow-winged darter', latin: 'Sympetrum flaveolum', * desc: 'A dragonfly found in Europe and mid and Northern China.'}, * {name: 'Superb Fairy-wren', latin: 'Malurus cyaneus', * desc: 'Common and familiar across south-eastern Australia.'} * ] * }, * columns: [{ * dataIndex: 'name', * text: 'Common name', * width: 125 * }, { * dataIndex: 'latin', * text: 'Scientific name', * flex: 1 * }], * features: [{ * ftype: 'rowbody', * setupRowData: function(record, rowIndex, rowValues) { * var headerCt = this.view.headerCt, * colspan = headerCt.getColumnCount(); * * // Usually you would style the my-body-class in CSS file * Ext.apply(rowValues, { * rowBody: '<div style="padding: 1em">'+record.get("desc")+'</div>', * rowBodyCls: "my-body-class", * rowBodyColspan: colspan * }); * } * }] * }); * * # Cell Editing and Cell Selection Model * * Note that if {@link Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing cell editing} or the {@link Ext.selection.CellModel cell selection model} are going * to be used, then the {@link Ext.grid.feature.RowBody RowBody} feature, or {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander RowExpander} plugin MUST * be used for intra-cell navigation to be correct. * */Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.RowBody', { extend: 'Ext.grid.feature.Feature', alias: 'feature.rowbody', rowBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-body', rowBodyHiddenCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-body-hidden', rowBodyTdSelector: 'td.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-rowbody', eventPrefix: 'rowbody', eventSelector: 'tr.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody-tr', colSpanDecrement: 0, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [bodyBefore=false] * Configure as `true` to put the row expander body *before* the data row. * */ bodyBefore: false, outerTpl: { fn: function(out, values, parent) { var view = values.view, rowValues = view.rowValues; this.rowBody.setup(values.rows, rowValues); this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent); this.rowBody.cleanup(values.rows, rowValues); }, priority: 100 }, extraRowTpl: [ '{%', 'if(this.rowBody.bodyBefore) {', // MUST output column sizing elements because the first row in this table // contains one colspanning TD, and that overrides subsequent column width settings. 'values.view.renderColumnSizer(values, out);', '} else {', 'this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);', '}', 'values.view.rowBodyFeature.setupRowData(values.record, values.recordIndex, values);', '%}', '<tr class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody-tr {rowBodyCls}" {ariaRowAttr}>', '<td class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-td ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-rowbody" colspan="{rowBodyColspan}" {ariaCellAttr}>', '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody {rowBodyDivCls}" {ariaCellInnerAttr}>{rowBody}</div>', '</td>', '</tr>', '{%', 'if(this.rowBody.bodyBefore) {', 'this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);', '}', '%}', { priority: 100, beginRowSync: function (rowSync) { rowSync.add('rowBody', this.owner.eventSelector); }, syncContent: function(destRow, sourceRow, columnsToUpdate) { var owner = this.owner, destRowBody = Ext.fly(destRow).down(owner.eventSelector, true), sourceRowBody; // Sync the heights of row body elements in each row if they need it. if (destRowBody && (sourceRowBody = Ext.fly(sourceRow).down(owner.eventSelector, true))) { Ext.fly(destRowBody).syncContent(sourceRowBody); } } } ], init: function(grid) { var me = this, view = me.view = grid.getView(); // The extra data means variableRowHeight grid.variableRowHeight = view.variableRowHeight = true; view.rowBodyFeature = me; grid.mon(view, { element: 'el', click: me.onClick, scope: me }); view.headerCt.on({ columnschanged: me.onColumnsChanged, scope: me }); view.addTpl(me.outerTpl).rowBody = me; view.addRowTpl(Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, 'extraRowTpl')).rowBody = me; me.callParent(arguments); }, // Needed to select the data row when clicked on the body row. onClick: function(e) { var me = this, tableRow = e.getTarget(me.eventSelector); // If we have clicked on a row body TR and its previous (or next - we can put the body first) sibling is a grid row, // pass that onto the view for processing if (tableRow && Ext.fly(tableRow = (tableRow.previousSibling || tableRow.nextSibling)).is(me.view.rowSelector)) { e.target = tableRow; me.view.handleEvent(e); } }, getSelectedRow: function(view, rowIndex) { var selectedRow = view.getNode(rowIndex); if (selectedRow) { return Ext.fly(selectedRow).down(this.eventSelector); } return null; }, // When columns added/removed, keep row body colspan in sync with number of columns. onColumnsChanged: function(headerCt) { var items = this.view.el.query(this.rowBodyTdSelector), colspan = headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length, len = items.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { items[i].setAttribute('colSpan', colspan); } }, /** * @method getAdditionalData * Provides additional data to the prepareData call within the grid view. * The rowbody feature adds 3 additional variables into the grid view's template. * These are rowBodyCls, rowBodyColspan, and rowBody. * @param {Object} data The data for this particular record. * @param {Number} idx The row index for this record. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record instance * @param {Object} orig The original result from the prepareData call to massage. */ setupRowData: function(record, rowIndex, rowValues) { if (this.getAdditionalData) { Ext.apply(rowValues, this.getAdditionalData(record.data, rowIndex, record, rowValues)); } }, setup: function(rows, rowValues) { rowValues.rowBodyCls = this.rowBodyCls; rowValues.rowBodyColspan = this.view.headerCt.visibleColumnManager.getColumns().length - this.colSpanDecrement; }, cleanup: function(rows, rowValues) { rowValues.rowBodyCls = rowValues.rowBodyColspan = rowValues.rowBody = null; }});