/** * Private record store class which takes the place of the view's data store to provide a grouped * view of the data when the Grouping feature is used. * * Relays granular mutation events from the underlying store as refresh events to the view. * * On mutation events from the underlying store, updates the summary rows by firing update events on the corresponding * summary records. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.GroupStore', { extend: 'Ext.util.Observable', isStore: true, // Number of records to load into a buffered grid before it has been bound to a view of known size defaultViewSize: 100, // Use this property moving forward for all feature stores. It will be used to ensure // that the correct object is used to call various APIs. See EXTJSIV-10022. isFeatureStore: true, badGrouperKey: '[object Object]', constructor: function(groupingFeature, store) { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.groupingFeature = groupingFeature; me.bindStore(store); }, bindStore: function(store) { var me = this; if (!store || me.store !== store) { Ext.destroy(me.storeListeners); me.store = null; } if (store) { me.storeListeners = store.on({ groupchange: me.onGroupChange, remove: me.onRemove, add: me.onAdd, idchanged: me.onIdChanged, update: me.onUpdate, refresh: me.onRefresh, clear: me.onClear, scope: me, destroyable: true }); me.store = store; me.processStore(store); } }, processStore: function (store) { var me = this, groupingFeature = me.groupingFeature, collapseAll = groupingFeature.startCollapsed, data = me.data, ExtArray = Ext.Array, indexOf = ExtArray.indexOf, splice = ExtArray.splice, groups = store.getGroups(), groupCount = groups ? groups.length : 0, groupField = store.getGroupField(), // We need to know all of the possible unique group names. The only way to know this is to check itemGroupKeys, which will keep a // list of all potential group names. It's not enough to get the key of the existing groups since the collection may be filtered. groupNames = groups && ExtArray.unique(Ext.Object.getValues(groups.itemGroupKeys)), isCollapsed = false, oldMetaGroupCache = groupingFeature.getCache(), metaGroup, metaGroupCache, i, len, featureGrouper, group, groupName, groupPlaceholder, key, modelData, Model; groupingFeature.invalidateCache(); // Get a new cache since we invalidated the old one. metaGroupCache = groupingFeature.getCache(); if (data) { data.clear(); } else { data = me.data = new Ext.util.Collection({ rootProperty: 'data', extraKeys: { byInternalId: { property: 'internalId', rootProperty: '' } } }); } if (store.getCount()) { // Upon first process of a loaded store, clear the "always" collapse" flag groupingFeature.startCollapsed = false; if (groupCount > 0) { Model = store.getModel(); for (i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { group = groups.getAt(i); // Cache group information by group name. key = group.getGroupKey(); // If there is no store grouper and the groupField looks up a complex data type, the store will stringify it and // the group name will be '[object Object]'. To fix this, groupers can be defined in the feature config, so we'll // simply do a lookup here and re-group the store. // // Note that if a grouper wasn't defined on the feature that we'll just default to the old behavior and still try // to group. if (me.badGrouperKey === key && (featureGrouper = groupingFeature.getGrouper(groupField))) { // We must reset the value b/c store.group() will call into this method again! groupingFeature.startCollapsed = collapseAll; store.group(featureGrouper); return; } // If there is a previous metaGroup then use it, otherwise, return a new metaGroup. // TODO: Create a method in Grouping to create new metaGroups? metaGroup = metaGroupCache[key] = oldMetaGroupCache[key] || groupingFeature.getMetaGroup(key); // It's necessary to get the raw value of the group item which will then be passed to the column renderer. // The renderer callbacks are expectind the complete data value, not a stringified value of a complex type, // so we cache this in the group's metaGroup for easy lookup. // See Grouping#setupRowData(). metaGroup.raw = group.getAt(0).get(groupField); // Remove the group name from the list of all possible group names. This is how we'll know if any remaining groups // in the old cache should be retained. splice(groupNames, indexOf(groupNames, key), 1); isCollapsed = metaGroup.isCollapsed = collapseAll || metaGroup.isCollapsed; // If group is collapsed, then represent it by one dummy row which is never visible, but which acts // as a start and end group trigger. if (isCollapsed) { modelData = {}; modelData[groupField] = key; metaGroup.placeholder = groupPlaceholder = new Model(modelData); groupPlaceholder.isNonData = groupPlaceholder.isCollapsedPlaceholder = true; groupPlaceholder.group = group; data.add(groupPlaceholder); } // Expanded group - add the group's child records. else { data.insert(me.data.length, group.items); } } if (groupNames.length) { // The remainig group names in this list may refer to potential groups that have been filtered/sorted. If the group // name exists in the old cache, we must retain it b/c the groups could be recreated. See EXTJS-15755 for an example. // Anything left in the old cache can be discarded. for (i = 0, len = groupNames.length; i < len; i++) { groupName = groupNames[i]; metaGroupCache[groupName] = oldMetaGroupCache[groupName]; } } oldMetaGroupCache = null; } else { data.add(store.getRange()); } } }, isCollapsed: function(name) { return this.groupingFeature.getCache()[name].isCollapsed; }, isLoading: function() { return false; }, getData: function() { return this.data; }, getCount: function() { return this.data.getCount(); }, getTotalCount: function() { return this.data.getCount(); }, // This class is only created for fully loaded, non-buffered stores rangeCached: function(start, end) { return end < this.getCount(); }, getRange: function(start, end, options) { // Collection's getRange is exclusive. Do NOT mutate the value: it is passed to the callback. var result = this.data.getRange(start, Ext.isNumber(end) ? end + 1 : end); if (options && options.callback) { options.callback.call(options.scope || this, result, start, end, options); } return result; }, getAt: function(index) { return this.data.getAt(index); }, /** * Get the Record with the specified id. * * This method is not affected by filtering, lookup will be performed from all records * inside the store, filtered or not. * * @param {Mixed} id The id of the Record to find. * @return {Ext.data.Model} The Record with the passed id. Returns null if not found. */ getById: function(id) { return this.store.getById(id); }, /** * @private * Get the Record with the specified internalId. * * This method is not effected by filtering, lookup will be performed from all records * inside the store, filtered or not. * * @param {Mixed} internalId The id of the Record to find. * @return {Ext.data.Model} The Record with the passed internalId. Returns null if not found. */ getByInternalId: function (internalId) { // Find the record in the base store. // If it was a placeholder, then it won't be there, it will be in our data Collection. return this.store.getByInternalId(internalId) || this.data.byInternalId.get(internalId); }, expandGroup: function(group) { var me = this, groupingFeature = me.groupingFeature, metaGroup, placeholder, startIdx, items; if (typeof group === 'string') { group = groupingFeature.getGroup(group); } if (group) { items = group.items; metaGroup = groupingFeature.getMetaGroup(group); placeholder = metaGroup.placeholder; } if (items.length && (startIdx = me.data.indexOf(placeholder)) !== -1) { // Any event handlers must see the new state metaGroup.isCollapsed = false; me.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 1; // Remove the collapsed group placeholder record me.data.removeAt(startIdx); // Insert the child records in its place me.data.insert(startIdx, group.items); // Update views me.fireEvent('replace', me, startIdx, [placeholder], group.items); me.fireEvent('groupexpand', me, group); me.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 0; } }, collapseGroup: function(group) { var me = this, groupingFeature = me.groupingFeature, startIdx, placeholder, len, items; if (typeof group === 'string') { group = groupingFeature.getGroup(group); } if (group) { items = group.items; } if (items && (len = items.length) && (startIdx = me.data.indexOf(items[0])) !== -1) { // Any event handlers must see the new state groupingFeature.getMetaGroup(group).isCollapsed = true; me.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 2; // Remove the group child records me.data.removeAt(startIdx, len); // Insert a placeholder record in their place me.data.insert(startIdx, placeholder = me.getGroupPlaceholder(group)); // Update views me.fireEvent('replace', me, startIdx, items, [placeholder]); me.fireEvent('groupcollapse', me, group); me.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 0; } }, getGroupPlaceholder: function(group) { var metaGroup = this.groupingFeature.getMetaGroup(group); if (!metaGroup.placeholder) { var store = this.store, Model = store.getModel(), modelData = {}, key = group.getGroupKey(), groupPlaceholder; modelData[store.getGroupField()] = key; groupPlaceholder = metaGroup.placeholder = new Model(modelData); groupPlaceholder.isNonData = groupPlaceholder.isCollapsedPlaceholder = true; // TODO: do we need a ref to the group here? groupPlaceholder.group = group; } return metaGroup.placeholder; }, // Find index of record in group store. // If it's in a collapsed group, then it's -1, not present indexOf: function(record) { if (!record.isCollapsedPlaceholder) { return this.data.indexOf(record); } return -1; }, /** * Get the index within the store of the Record with the passed id. * * Like #indexOf, this method is effected by filtering. * * @param {String} id The id of the Record to find. * @return {Number} The index of the Record. Returns -1 if not found. */ indexOfId: function(id) { return this.data.indexOfKey(id); }, /** * Get the index within the entire dataset. From 0 to the totalCount. * * Like #indexOf, this method is effected by filtering. * * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The Ext.data.Model object to find. * @return {Number} The index of the passed Record. Returns -1 if not found. */ indexOfTotal: function(record) { return this.store.indexOf(record); }, onRefresh: function(store) { this.processStore(this.store); this.fireEvent('refresh', this); }, onRemove: function(store, records, index, isMove) { var me = this; // If we're moving, we'll soon come back around to add, // so prevent doing it twice if (store.isMoving()) { return; } me.processStore(me.store); me.fireEvent('refresh', me); }, onClear: function(store, records, startIndex) { var me = this; me.processStore(me.store); me.fireEvent('clear', me); }, onAdd: function(store, records, startIndex) { var me = this; me.processStore(me.store); // Use indexOf to find the index of the records added. // It will be different in this store, and this store is what the View sees. me.fireEvent('replace', me, me.indexOf(records[0]), [], records); }, onIdChanged: function(store, rec, oldId, newId) { this.data.updateKey(rec, oldId); }, onUpdate: function(store, record, operation, modifiedFieldNames) { var me = this, groupingFeature = me.groupingFeature, group, metaGroup, firstRec, lastRec, items; // The grouping field value has been modified. // This could either move a record from one group to another, or introduce a new group. // Either way, we have to refresh the grid if (store.isGrouped()) { // Updating a single record, attach the group to the record for Grouping.setupRowData to use. group = record.group = groupingFeature.getGroup(record); metaGroup = groupingFeature.getMetaGroup(record); if (modifiedFieldNames && Ext.Array.contains(modifiedFieldNames, groupingFeature.getGroupField())) { return me.onRefresh(me.store); } // Fire an update event on the collapsed metaGroup placeholder record if (metaGroup.isCollapsed) { me.fireEvent('update', me, metaGroup.placeholder); } // Not in a collapsed group, fire update event on the modified record // and, if in a grouped store, on the first and last records in the group. else { Ext.suspendLayouts(); // Propagate the record's update event me.fireEvent('update', me, record, operation, modifiedFieldNames); // Fire update event on first and last record in group (only once if a single row group) // So that custom header TPL is applied, and the summary row is updated items = group.items; firstRec = items[0]; lastRec = items[items.length - 1]; // Fire an update on the first and last row in the group (ensure we don't refire update on the modified record). // This is to give interested Features the opportunity to update the first item (a wrapped group header + data row), // and last item (a wrapped data row + group summary) if (firstRec !== record) { firstRec.group = group; me.fireEvent('update', me, firstRec, 'edit', modifiedFieldNames); delete firstRec.group; } if (lastRec !== record && lastRec !== firstRec && groupingFeature.showSummaryRow) { lastRec.group = group; me.fireEvent('update', me, lastRec, 'edit', modifiedFieldNames); delete lastRec.group; } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); } delete record.group; } else { // Propagate the record's update event me.fireEvent('update', me, record, operation, modifiedFieldNames); } }, // Relay the groupchange event onGroupChange: function(store, grouper) { if (!grouper) { this.processStore(store); } this.fireEvent('groupchange', store, grouper); }, destroy: function() { var me = this; me.bindStore(null); me.clearListeners(); Ext.destroyMembers(me, 'data', 'groupingFeature'); }});