/** * Private utility class for Ext.BorderSplitter. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.resizer.BorderSplitterTracker', { extend: 'Ext.resizer.SplitterTracker', requires: ['Ext.util.Region'], getPrevCmp: null, getNextCmp: null, // calculate the constrain Region in which the splitter el may be moved. calculateConstrainRegion: function() { var me = this, splitter = me.splitter, collapseTarget = splitter.collapseTarget, defaultSplitMin = splitter.defaultSplitMin, sizePropCap = splitter.vertical ? 'Width' : 'Height', minSizeProp = 'min' + sizePropCap, maxSizeProp = 'max' + sizePropCap, getSizeMethod = 'get' + sizePropCap, neighbors = splitter.neighbors, length = neighbors.length, box = collapseTarget.el.getBox(), left = box.x, top = box.y, right = box.right, bottom = box.bottom, size = splitter.vertical ? (right - left) : (bottom - top), //neighborSizes = [], i, neighbor, neighborMaxSize, minRange, maxRange, maxGrowth, maxShrink, targetSize; // if size=100 and minSize=80, we can reduce by 20 so minRange = minSize-size = -20 minRange = (collapseTarget[minSizeProp] || Math.min(size,defaultSplitMin)) - size; // if maxSize=150, maxRange = maxSize - size = 50 maxRange = collapseTarget[maxSizeProp]; if (!maxRange) { maxRange = 1e9; } else { maxRange -= size; } targetSize = size; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { neighbor = neighbors[i]; size = neighbor[getSizeMethod](); neighborMaxSize = neighbor[maxSizeProp]; if (neighborMaxSize === null) { // calculations that follow expect NaN as a result if max size is undefined // e.g. (10 - undefined) returns NaN // Unfortunately the same is not true for null - (10 - null === 10) so // we convert null into undefined to make sure they both behave the same neighborMaxSize = undefined; } maxGrowth = size - neighborMaxSize; // NaN if no maxSize or negative maxShrink = size - (neighbor[minSizeProp] || Math.min(size,defaultSplitMin)); if (!isNaN(maxGrowth)) { // if neighbor can only grow by 10 (maxGrowth = -10), minRange cannot be // -20 anymore, but now only -10: if (minRange < maxGrowth) { minRange = maxGrowth; } } // if neighbor can shrink by 20 (maxShrink=20), maxRange cannot be 50 anymore, // but now only 20: if (maxRange > maxShrink) { maxRange = maxShrink; } } if (maxRange - minRange < 2) { return null; } box = new Ext.util.Region(top, right, bottom, left); me.constraintAdjusters[me.getCollapseDirection()](box, minRange, maxRange, splitter); me.dragInfo = { minRange: minRange, maxRange: maxRange, //neighborSizes: neighborSizes, targetSize: targetSize }; return box; }, constraintAdjusters: { // splitter is to the right of the box left: function (box, minRange, maxRange, splitter) { box[0] = box.x = box.left = box.right + minRange; box.right += maxRange + splitter.getWidth(); }, // splitter is below the box top: function (box, minRange, maxRange, splitter) { box[1] = box.y = box.top = box.bottom + minRange; box.bottom += maxRange + splitter.getHeight(); }, // splitter is above the box bottom: function (box, minRange, maxRange, splitter) { box.bottom = box.top - minRange; box.top -= maxRange + splitter.getHeight(); }, // splitter is to the left of the box right: function (box, minRange, maxRange, splitter) { box.right = box.left - minRange; box[0] = box.x = box.left = box.x - maxRange + splitter.getWidth(); } }, onBeforeStart: function(e) { var me = this, splitter = me.splitter, collapseTarget = splitter.collapseTarget, neighbors = splitter.neighbors, length = neighbors.length, i, neighbor; if (collapseTarget.collapsed) { return false; } // disabled if any neighbors are collapsed in parallel direction. for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { neighbor = neighbors[i]; if (neighbor.collapsed && neighbor.isHorz === collapseTarget.isHorz) { return false; } } if (!(me.constrainTo = me.calculateConstrainRegion())) { return false; } return true; }, performResize: function(e, offset) { var me = this, splitter = me.splitter, collapseDirection = splitter.getCollapseDirection(), collapseTarget = splitter.collapseTarget, // a vertical splitter adjusts horizontal dimensions adjusters = me.splitAdjusters[splitter.vertical ? 'horz' : 'vert'], delta = offset[adjusters.index], dragInfo = me.dragInfo, //neighbors = splitter.neighbors, //length = neighbors.length, //neighborSizes = dragInfo.neighborSizes, //isVert = collapseTarget.isVert, //i, neighbor, owner; if (collapseDirection == 'right' || collapseDirection == 'bottom') { // these splitters grow by moving left/up, so flip the sign of delta... delta = -delta; } // now constrain delta to our computed range: delta = Math.min(Math.max(dragInfo.minRange, delta), dragInfo.maxRange); if (delta) { (owner = splitter.ownerCt).suspendLayouts(); adjusters.adjustTarget(collapseTarget, dragInfo.targetSize, delta); //for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // neighbor = neighbors[i]; // if (!neighbor.isCenter && !neighbor.maintainFlex && neighbor.isVert == isVert) { // delete neighbor.flex; // adjusters.adjustNeighbor(neighbor, neighborSizes[i], delta); // } //} owner.resumeLayouts(true); } }, splitAdjusters: { horz: { index: 0, //adjustNeighbor: function (neighbor, size, delta) { // neighbor.setSize(size - delta); //}, adjustTarget: function (target, size, delta) { target.flex = null; target.setSize(size + delta); } }, vert: { index: 1, //adjustNeighbor: function (neighbor, size, delta) { // neighbor.setSize(undefined, size - delta); //}, adjustTarget: function (target, targetSize, delta) { target.flex = null; target.setSize(undefined, targetSize + delta); } } }, getCollapseDirection: function() { return this.splitter.getCollapseDirection(); }});