/** * The Number field creates an HTML5 text input that allows the editing of number values, * and is usually created inside a form. Most browsers will show a specialized virtual keyboard * for entering numbers. The Number field only accepts numerical input. If you want a Number field * with up/down spinners, see {@link Ext.field.Spinner}. * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * fullscreen: true, * items: [ * { * xtype: 'fieldset', * title: 'How old are you?', * items: [ * { * xtype: 'numberfield', * label: 'Age', * minValue: 18, * maxValue: 150, * name: 'age' * } * ] * } * ] * }); * * Or on its own, outside of a form: * * Ext.create('Ext.field.Number', { * label: 'Age', * value: '26' * }); * * ## minValue, maxValue * * The {@link #minValue} and {@link #maxValue} configurations are self-explanatory and * simply constrain the value * For example, to create a salary field that limits entry to between 25,000 and 50,000 * we can do this: * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * fullscreen: true, * items: [ * { * xtype: 'fieldset', * title: 'Are you rich yet?', * items: [ * { * xtype: 'numberfield', * label: 'Salary', * value: 30000, * minValue: 25000, * maxValue: 50000 * } * ] * } * ] * }); * * This creates a field that starts with a value of $30,000 and will not go beneath $25,000 * or above $50,000. * * Because number field inherits from {@link Ext.field.Text textfield} it gains all of the * functionality that text fields provide, including getting and setting the value at runtime, * validations and various events that are fired as the user interacts with the component. * Check out the {@link Ext.field.Text} docs to see the additional functionality available. */Ext.define('Ext.field.Number', { extend: 'Ext.field.Text', xtype: 'numberfield', alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.Number', requires: [ 'Ext.data.validator.Number' ], config: { /** * @cfg {Number} minValue * The minimum value that this Number field can accept. Defaults to no minimum. */ minValue: null, /** * @cfg {Number} maxValue * The maximum value that this Number field can accept. Defaults to no maximum. */ maxValue: null, /** * @cfg {Number} decimals * The maximum precision to display after the decimal separator. */ decimals: 2, /** * @cfg {Boolean} trim * `false` to always show zeros when formatting the number */ trim: true, /** * @cfg {String} decimalSeparator * Character(s) to allow as the decimal separator. * Defaults to {@link Ext.util.Format#decimalSeparator decimalSeparator}. * @since 7.0 */ decimalSeparator: null }, /** * @cfg {String} inputType * For desktop environments, an input of `type=text` is used and a rich user experience * is provided for numeric entry. For mobile environments, an input of `type=number` is * used and basic validation is performed on keystroke and `minValue` and `maxValue` * clamping is only done on blur or `setValue` if the field is not focused. * * If you specify `inputType` of `'text'`, the text input will be used on all devices * at the expense of numeric input keyboard on non-iOS devices. Alternatively, you may * specify an `inputType` of `'tel'` which will bring up the phone number input * keyboard, which isn't as ideal as the numeric keyboard. */ inputType: Ext.os.is.Desktop ? 'text' : 'number', /** * @cfg {String} minValueText * The error message that will be displayed if the field's value is less than minValue * @Locale * @since 6.5.1 */ minValueText: 'The minimum value for this field is {0}', /** * @cfg {String} maxValueText * The error message that will be displayed if the field's value is greater than maxValue. * @Locale * @since 6.5.1 */ maxValueText: 'The maximum value for this field is {0}', /** * @cfg {String} decimalsText * The error message that will be displayed if the field's value has incorrect number of * decimal places. * @Locale * @since 6.5.1 */ decimalsText: 'The maximum decimal places is {0}', badFormatMessage: 'Value is not a valid number', classCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'numberfield', parseValidator: 'number', initialize: function() { var me = this; // Force numberFormat creation me.getDecimals(); if (me.getDecimalSeparator() === null) { me.setDecimalSeparator(Ext.util.Format.decimalSeparator); } me.callParent(); // This isn't supported in browsers yet, but is part of the spec. me.inputElement.dom.setAttribute('inputmode', 'numeric'); //<debug> // Check after configuration to catch subclasses with config in prototype // We cannot uses masks. The parsing would not be able to deal with // fixed characters such as commas. if (me.getInputMask()) { Ext.raise('NumberFields cannot use input masks'); } //</debug> }, updateDecimals: function(decimals) { var me = this, format = '0', zeroChar = me.getTrim() ? '#' : '0', value; if (decimals) { format += '.' + Ext.String.repeat(zeroChar, decimals); } me.numberFormat = format; if (!me.isConfiguring) { value = me.getValue(); if (Ext.isDate(value)) { me.setInputValue(value); } } }, applyInputValue: function(value) { var me = this, decimalSeparator = me.getDecimalSeparator(); // Force numberFormat creation this.getDecimals(); if (typeof value === 'number') { value = Ext.util.Format.number(value, this.numberFormat); } if (value && Ext.isString(value) && decimalSeparator) { value = value.replace(Ext.util.Format.decimalSeparator, decimalSeparator); } return value; }, doValidate: function(value, errors, skipLazy) { var me = this, String = Ext.String, minValue = me.getMinValue(), maxValue = me.getMaxValue(); me.callParent([ value, errors, skipLazy ]); if (minValue != null && value < minValue) { errors.push(String.format(me.minValueText, minValue)); } else if (maxValue != null && value > maxValue) { errors.push(String.format(me.maxValueText, maxValue)); } }, onKeyDown: function(e) { var me = this, raw; // Prevalidate the result of the keystroke unless we are using DOM inputType of number. if (me.getInputType() !== 'number') { if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) { raw = me.calculateNewValue(e.key()); // If the resulting raw value would be invalid, veto the event if (!me.specialKeys[e.getCharCode()] && !me.isAllowableValue(raw)) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } } } me.callParent([e]); }, transformValue: function(value) { if (!(value || value === 0)) { value = null; } return value; }, updateDecimalSeparator: function(separator) { var me = this; me.setParseValidator( Ext.create('Ext.data.validator.Number', { decimalSeparator: separator }) ); me.validate(); }, privates: { calculateNewValue: function(text) { var me = this, textSelection = me.getTextSelection(), raw = me.getInputValue(); // Characters are selected, replace them. if (textSelection[1]) { raw = raw.substr(0, textSelection[0]) + text + raw.substr(textSelection[1]); } // No characters are selected, just insert at caret. else { raw = Ext.String.insert(raw, text, me.getCaretPos()); } return raw; }, handlePaste: function(e) { var me = this, text; if (me.getInputType() !== 'number') { text = e.getClipboardData('text/plain'); if (text) { text = me.calculateNewValue(text); if (me.isAllowableValue(text)) { me.setValue(text); } e.preventDefault(); return false; } } me.callParent([e]); me.validate(); }, isAllowableValue: function(value) { var minValue = this.getMinValue(), allowNegative = minValue == null || minValue < 0; if (!allowNegative && Ext.String.startsWith(value, '-')) { return false; } return this.isPartialValue(value) || this.parseValue(value) !== null; }, isPartialValue: function(value) { var me = this, minValue = me.getMinValue(), allowNegative = minValue == null || minValue < 0; // '-' should not tickle the validation process if -ve is allowed. // '.' should not tickle the validation process if decimals are allowed. // '-.' likewise if both are allowed. // We do not want the validation to kick in and rewrite the calculated // value back into the field if the user is typing "-.5" which entails // going through invalid states. if (allowNegative && value === '-') { return true; } if (me.getDecimals() && (value === '.' || (allowNegative && value === '-.'))) { return true; } return false; } }}, function(C) { var E = Ext.event.Event; C.prototype.specialKeys = Ext.Array.toMap([ E.BACKSPACE, E.TAB, E.RETURN, E.CTRL, E.DELETE, E.LEFT, E.RIGHT, E.UP, E.DOWN, E.HOME, E.END, E.META ]);});