/** * The `editable` plugin enables form-based, grid row editing. Editing begins by double-tapping * a row. This can be set to any event, which we'll discuss below. The editor consists of a form * positioned on the right side of the viewport. * * There is a button to save or cancel all changes for the edit in the toolbar, and the * row is deletable by default. * * The default editable grid can be defined like so: * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'grid', * fullscreen: true, * plugins: { * grideditable: true * }, * store: { * fields: [], * data: [{ * name: 'Jake' * }, { * name: 'Finn' * }] * }, * columns: [{ * text: 'Name', * dataIndex: 'name', * flex: 1, * editable: true * }] * }); * * By opening up the plugins type as an object (or an array of objects), you can modify your * editor more significantly. You can see the changeable bits below: * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'grid', * fullscreen: true, * plugins: { * grideditable: { * triggerEvent: 'childdoubletap', * enableDeleteButton: true, * formConfig: null, // See more below * * defaultFormConfig: { * xtype: 'formpanel', * scrollable: true, * items: [{ * xtype: 'fieldset' * }] * }, * * toolbarConfig: { * xtype: 'titlebar', * docked: 'top', * items: [{ * xtype: 'button', * ui: 'decline', * text: 'Cancel', * align: 'left', * action: 'cancel' * }, { * xtype: 'button', * ui: 'confirm', * text: 'Submit', * align: 'right', * action: 'submit' * }] * }, * } * }, * store: { * fields: [], * data: [{ * name: 'Jake' * }, { * name: 'Finn' * }] * }, * columns: [{ * text: 'Name', * dataIndex: 'name', * flex: 1, * editable: true * }] * }); * * As you can see, you can easily modify nearly every bit of the editor window. As mentioned * above, the toolbar and delete button are the only components included by default. That's * where formConfig comes into play. * * By adding formConfig, you can hardcode the form that gets created when editing a row. * There are no fields set on the form initially, so you will need to define them * yourself. For example, if you had a "name" column, and you wanted it to be editable, * you would do something like this in your plugins object: * * formConfig: { * items: [{ * xtype: 'textfield', * name: 'name', * label: 'Name' * }] * } * * Now, upon opening the editor, you would see a textfield populated with the editable value from * its corresponding record. * * If you want to alter certain form configurations, but still have the default editor fields * applied, use the defaultFormConfig instead. */Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.Editable', { extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract', alias: 'plugin.grideditable', requires: [ 'Ext.form.FieldSet', 'Ext.form.Panel', 'Ext.Sheet', 'Ext.TitleBar' ], config: { /** * @private */ grid: null, /** * @cfg {String} triggerEvent * The event used to trigger the showing of the editor form. This event should * be an event that is fired by the grid. */ triggerEvent: 'childdoubletap', /** * @cfg {Object} formConfig * By changing the formConfig you can hardcode the form that gets created when * editing a row. * Note that the fields are not set on this form, so you will have to define them * yourself in this config. If you want to alter certain form configurations, but * still have the default editor fields applied, use the defaultFormConfig instead. */ formConfig: null, /** * @cfg {Object} defaultFormConfig * Configures the default form appended to the editable panel. */ defaultFormConfig: { xtype: 'formpanel', scrollable: true, items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset' }] }, /** * @cfg {Object} toolbarConfig * Configures the toolbar appended to the editable panel. */ toolbarConfig: { xtype: 'titlebar', docked: 'top', items: [{ xtype: 'button', ui: 'alt', text: 'Cancel', align: 'left', action: 'cancel' }, { xtype: 'button', ui: 'alt', text: 'Submit', align: 'right', action: 'submit' }] }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableDeleteButton * Creates a delete button, which allows the user to delete the selected row. */ enableDeleteButton: true }, init: function(grid) { this.setGrid(grid); grid.setTouchAction({ doubleTapZoom: false }); }, destroy: function() { this.cleanup(); this.callParent(); }, updateGrid: function(grid, oldGrid) { var triggerEvent = this.getTriggerEvent(); if (oldGrid) { oldGrid.un(triggerEvent, 'onTrigger', this); } if (grid) { grid.on(triggerEvent, 'onTrigger', this); } }, onCancelTap: function() { this.sheet.hide(); }, onSubmitTap: function() { this.form.getRecord().set(this.form.getValues()); this.sheet.hide(); }, onSheetHide: function() { this.cleanup(); }, getEditorFields: function(columns) { var fields = [], ln = columns.length, //<debug> map = {}, //</debug> i, column, editor, editable, cfg; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { column = columns[i]; editable = column.getEditable(); editor = editable !== false && column.getEditor(); if (!editor && editable) { cfg = column.getDefaultEditor(); editor = Ext.create(cfg); column.setEditor(editor); } if (editor) { //<debug> if (map[column.getDataIndex()]) { Ext.raise('An editable column with the same dataIndex "' + column.getDataIndex() + '" already exists.'); } map[column.getDataIndex()] = true; //</debug> if (editor.isEditor) { editor = editor.getField(); } editor.setLabel(column.getText()); editor.setName(column.getDataIndex()); fields.push(editor); } } return fields; }, onTrigger: function(grid, location) { var me = this, record = location.record, formConfig = me.getFormConfig(), toolbarConfig = me.getToolbarConfig(), fields, form, sheet, toolbar; // Don't want to react to grid headers etc if (!record || !location.row) { return; } if (formConfig) { me.form = form = Ext.factory(formConfig, Ext.form.Panel); } else { me.form = form = Ext.factory(me.getDefaultFormConfig()); fields = me.getEditorFields(grid.getColumns()); form.down('fieldset').setItems(fields); form.clearFields = true; } toolbar = Ext.factory(toolbarConfig, Ext.form.TitleBar); me.submitButton = toolbar.down('button[action=submit]'); toolbar.down('button[action=cancel]').on('tap', 'onCancelTap', me); me.submitButton.on('tap', 'onSubmitTap', me); // We sync the enabled state of the submit button with form validity form.on({ change: 'onFieldChange', delegate: 'field', scope: me }); form.setRecord(record); me.sheet = sheet = grid.add({ xtype: 'sheet', items: [toolbar, form], hideOnMaskTap: true, enter: 'right', exit: 'right', right: 0, width: 320, layout: 'fit', stretchY: true, hidden: true }); if (me.getEnableDeleteButton()) { form.add({ xtype: 'button', text: 'Delete', ui: 'decline', margin: 10, handler: function() { grid.getStore().remove(record); sheet.hide(); } }); } sheet.on('hide', 'onSheetHide', me); sheet.show(); }, privates: { onFieldChange: function() { this.submitButton.setDisabled(!this.form.isValid()); }, cleanup: function() { var me = this, form = me.form; if (form && !form.destroyed && form.clearFields) { form.removeAll(false); } me.form = me.sheet = Ext.destroy(me.sheet); } }});