/** * This Container Field is useful for containing multiple form fields * to be a single field within a form and will line up nicely with other * fields. This allows it to be configured with a {@link #label field label} * and optional {@link #errorTarget error message} around it's sub-items. * A common use is for grouping a set of related fields under a single label * in a form. * * The container's configured {@link #cfg-items} will be layed out within * the field body area according to the configured {@link #layout} type. * The default layout is `'hbox'`. * * # Example * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * fullscreen: true, * title: 'FieldContainer Example', * bodyPadding: 10, * * items: [{ * xtype: 'containerfield', * label: 'Name', * name: 'name', * items: [{ * flex: 1, * name: 'first', * placeholder: 'First' * }, { * margin: '0 10', * name: 'middle', * placeholder: 'MI', * width: 50 * }, { * flex: 1, * name: 'last', * placeholder: 'Last' * }] * }] * }); */Ext.define('Ext.field.Container', { extend: 'Ext.field.Field', xtype: [ 'containerfield', 'fieldcontainer' // classic compat ], mixins: [ 'Ext.field.Manager', 'Ext.mixin.ConfigProxy', 'Ext.mixin.FieldDefaults' ], /** * @cfg error * @hide */ config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.Container} container * The configuration of the container used to maintain child items. */ container: { xtype: 'container', autoSize: null, defaultType: 'textfield', defaults: { errorTarget: 'parent' }, layout: { type: 'hbox' } } /** * @cfg {Object} fieldDefaults * The properties in this object are used as default config values for field instance. */ }, proxyConfig: { container: { configs: [ /** * @cfg defaults * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#defaults */ 'defaults', /** * @cfg defaultType * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#defaultType */ 'defaultType', /** * @cfg items * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#items */ 'items', /** * @cfg layout * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#layout */ 'layout', /** * @cfg autoSize * @inheritdoc Ext.Container# */ 'autoSize' ], methods: [ /** * @method add * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#add */ 'add', /** * @method insert * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#insert */ 'insert', /** * @method remove * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#remove */ 'remove', /** * @method removeAll * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#removeAll */ 'removeAll', /** * @method getAt * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#getAt */ 'getAt', /** * @method child * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#child */ 'child', /** * @method down * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#down */ 'down', /** * @method query * @inheritdoc Ext.Container#query */ 'query' ] } }, bodyAlign: 'stretch', classCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'containerfield', isField: false, isContainer: true, isContainerField: true, errorTpl: '<tpl if="count == 1">' + '<tpl for="errors">{label:htmlEncode}: {error:htmlEncode}</tpl>' + '<tpl elseif="count">' + '<ul class="{listCls}">' + '<tpl for="errors">' + '<li>{label:htmlEncode}: {error:htmlEncode}</li>' + '</tpl>' + '</ul>' + '</tpl>', doDestroy: function() { this.setContainer(null); this.callParent(); }, applyContainer: function(container, oldContainer) { if (container) { if (!container.isInstance) { container = this.mergeProxiedConfigs('container', container); container.$initParent = this; container = Ext.create(container); delete container.$initParent; } container.ownerCmp = this; } return container; }, updateContainer: function(container, oldContainer) { var bodyElement = this.bodyElement; if (oldContainer) { bodyElement.removeChild(oldContainer.el); oldContainer.destroy(); } if (container) { bodyElement.appendChild(container.el); } }, updateRecord: function(record) { this.consumeRecord(record); }, onFieldErrorChange: function(field) { var me = this, errors = me.getErrors(), fields = me.getFields(), name, fieldErrors, label, messages; for (name in errors) { field = fields[name]; fieldErrors = errors[name]; if (fieldErrors) { label = field.getLabel() || field.getPlaceholder() || field.getName(); fieldErrors = Ext.Array .from(fieldErrors) .map(function(error) { return { label: label, error: error }; }); if (messages) { messages = messages.concat(fieldErrors); } else { messages = fieldErrors; } } } me.setError(messages || null); }, /** * @private * Used by {@link Ext.ComponentQuery} to find all items * which can potentially be considered a child of this container. * @param {Boolean} deep `true` to find grandchildren of child containers. */ getRefItems: function(deep) { var refItems = [], container = this.getContainer(); if (container) { refItems.push(container); if (deep && container.getRefItems) { refItems.push.apply(refItems, container.getRefItems(deep)); } } return refItems; }, /** * @localdoc Finds the first form field that can be focused. */ getFocusEl: function() { var items = this.getFields(false), length = items && items.length, i, item, focusEl; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; focusEl = item.getFocusEl(); if (focusEl) { return focusEl; } } return this.callParent(); }, reset: function(clearInvalid) { if (clearInvalid) { this.setError(null); } return this.mixins.fieldmanager.reset.call(this, clearInvalid); }, /** * Marks each field invalid based on the messages passed. The object will * be iterated over and a child field is found based on the key matching * a field's name. The field will then be marked invalid with that message. * If the value is falsey, that field will be not be marked invalid. Example: * * @example * var form = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * fullscreen: true, * title: 'FieldContainer Example', * bodyPadding: 10, * * items: [{ * xtype: 'containerfield', * label: 'Name', * name: 'name', * items: [{ * flex: 1, * name: 'first', * placeholder: 'First', * required: true * }, { * margin: '0 10', * name: 'middle', * placeholder: 'MI', * width: 50 * }, { * flex: 1, * name: 'last', * placeholder: 'Last', * required: true * }] * }] * }); * * var fieldcontainer = form.child('containerfield'); * * fieldcontainer.setErrors({ * first: 'First name is required', * last: 'Last name is required', * middle: null //clears any errors on the field * }); * * @param {Object} errors The errors to set child fields with. * @return {Ext.field.Container} this */ setErrors: function(errors) { var me = this, fields = me.getFields(), fieldname, field, messages; //<debug> if (!Ext.isObject(errors)) { Ext.raise('setErrors requires an Object parameter'); } //</debug> me.setError(null); for (fieldname in errors) { field = fields[fieldname]; if (field) { messages = errors[fieldname]; if (messages == null || (Ext.isArray(messages) && messages.length === 0)) { field.setError(null); } else { field.setError(Ext.Array.from(messages)); } } } return me; }, isValid: function() { return this.mixins.fieldmanager.isValid.call(this); }, validate: function(skiplazy) { return this.mixins.fieldmanager.validate.call(this, skiplazy); }, getFields: function(byName, deep) { if (deep == null) { // if not passed in, default to false deep = false; } return this.mixins.fieldmanager.getFields.call(this, byName, deep); }});