/** * This class allows a {@link Ext.Panel Panel} to be collapsible via user interaction. * * @since 6.5.0 */Ext.define('Ext.panel.Collapser', { requires: [ 'Ext.panel.Collapsible', 'Ext.fx.Animation', 'Ext.Deferred' ], mixins: [ 'Ext.mixin.ConfigProxy' ], config: { /** * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [animation] * Animation effect to apply when the Panel is being expanded or collapsed. * Set to `null` for no animations. For more fine grained control, see * {@link #cfg-expandAnimation} and {@link #cfg-collapseAnimation}. */ animation: { duration: 250 }, /** * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [collapseAnimation] * Animation effect to apply when the panel is being collapsed. If not specified, * this falls back to {@link #cfg-animation}. */ collapseAnimation: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} collapsed * True to make the panel collapsed. False to expand the panel. */ collapsed: false, /** * @cfg {String} collapseToolText Text to be announced by screen readers when * **collapse** {@link Ext.panel.Tool tool} is focused. Will also be set as the * collapse tool's {@link Ext.panel.Tool#cfg-tooltip tooltip} text. * @locale */ collapseToolText: 'Collapse panel', /** * @cfg {'top'/'right'/'bottom'/'left'} [direction='top'] * The direction to collapse the Panel when the toggle button is clicked. * Defaults to {@link Ext.Panel#headerPosition}. */ direction: 'top', /** * @cfg {Object} [drawer] * The configuration for the drawer component that can display the collapsed * component contents without expanding. * when {@link Ext.Panel#titleCollapse} `false` */ drawer: { xtype: 'panel', border: true, top: 0, left: 0, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'drawer' }, /** * @cfg {Number} drawerHideDelay */ drawerHideDelay: 500, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [dynamic=null] * `true` to "live resize" the panels as they collapse. `false` to pre-determine * the size of surrounding components and then animate. `false` provides a performance * benefit because it won't trigger reflow of other components during resizing. * * The value defaults to `null` and the behavior is determined via the current state. * `true` for floated containers, or containers that are not inside a parent container. * * This config only applies when using animation. */ dynamic: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [expandAnimation] * Animation effect to apply when the panel is being expanded. If not specified, * this falls back to {@link #cfg-animation}. */ expandAnimation: null, /** * @cfg {String} expandToolText Text to be announced by screen readers when * **expand** {@link Ext.panel.Tool tool} is focused. Will also be set as the * expand tool's {@link Ext.panel.Tool#cfg-tooltip tooltip} text. * * @locale */ expandToolText: 'Expand panel', /** * @cfg {Ext.Panel} target * The panel to be collapsed. * * @readonly */ target: null, /** * @cfg {Object} [tool] * The configuration for the collapsible tool. This may be set to `null` to not * show the tool. */ tool: { xtype: 'tool', weight: 900 }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [useDrawer] * True to enable the {@link #drawer} to display from user interaction. */ useDrawer: true }, proxyConfig: { target: [ 'titleCollapse' ] }, constructor: function(config) { this.initConfig(config); }, initialize: function() { var me = this; me.rendered = true; me.ensureCollapseTool(); me.initialized = true; if (me.getCollapsed()) { me.doExpandCollapse(true, true); } me.setupDrawerListeners(); }, destroy: function() { var me = this, active = me.activeOperation, task = me.drawerTask; me.destroying = true; if (task) { task.cancel(); } if (active) { // This should trigger the callback and cause anu outstanding promise to be triggered active.anim.end(); } if (!me.getTarget().destroying) { me.reattachBodyWrap(); } Ext.destroy(me.drawerHeaderListener, me.drawerListeners, me.drawer, me.collapsibleTool); me.destroying = false; me.callParent(); }, /** * Collapses the panel body so that the body becomes hidden. Fires the * {@link Ext.Panel#beforecollapse} event which will cancel the collapse action * if it returns false. * * It also fires the {@link Ext.Panel#collapse} event after the panel body is collapsed. * * @param {Boolean/Object} [animation] The animation to execute. This setting overrides * any {@link #cfg-animation} configuration. Do not pass a value to use the values configured * on the class. * * @return {Ext.Promise} A promise that resolves when the collapse completes. */ collapse: function(animation) { return this.toggleCollapsed(true, animation); }, /** * Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the {@link Ext.Panel#beforeexpand} * event which will cancel the expand action if it returns false. * * It also fires the {@link Ext.Panel#expand} event after the panel is expanded. * * @param {Boolean/Object} [animation] The animation to execute. This setting overrides * any {@link #cfg-animation} configuration. Do not pass a value to use the values configured * on the class. * * @return {Ext.Promise} A promise that resolves when the expand completes. */ expand: function(animation) { return this.toggleCollapsed(false, animation); }, /** * Hide the {@link #cfg-drawer}. * @param {Boolean/Object} [animation] The animation to execute. This setting overrides * any {@link #cfg-animation} configuration. Do not pass a value to use the values configured * on the class. * @return {Ext.Promise} A promise that resolves when the hide completes. */ hideDrawer: function(animation) { var me = this, drawer = me.drawer, ret; if (me.isSliding || !me.getCollapsed() || !drawer || !me.drawerVisible) { return; // TODO store promise and return it here } animation = me.parseAnimation(false, animation); if (animation) { me.getTarget().element.addCls(me.slidingCls); ret = me.doAnimation(false, me.getSlideOutCfg( me.getDirection(), me.afterDrawerHide, animation ) ); me.isSliding = true; } else { me.afterDrawerHide(); ret = Ext.Promise.resolve(); } return ret; }, /** * Checks the method of expansion, see {@link #dynamic}. If a value is configured, * it will be used, otherwise it will be determined. * @return {Boolean} If the animated expand/collapse is dynamic. */ isDynamic: function() { var dynamic = this.getDynamic(), target; if (dynamic === null) { target = this.getTarget(); dynamic = target.getFloated() || !target.getRefOwner(); } return dynamic; }, /** * Show the {@link #cfg-drawer}. * @param {Boolean/Object} [animation] The animation to execute. This setting overrides * any {@link #cfg-animation} configuration. Do not pass a value to use the values * configured on the class. * @return {Ext.Promise} A promise that resolves when the show completes. */ showDrawer: function(animation) { var me = this, savedProps = me.savedProps, direction = me.getDirection(), target = me.getTarget(), headerSize = me.getHeaderSize(), endDirection = me.endDirection, vertical = me.verticalMap[direction], drawer, w, h, ret, header; if (me.isSliding || !me.getCollapsed() || !me.getDrawer()) { return Ext.Promise.resolve(); } drawer = me.createDrawer(); if (vertical) { h = '100%'; w = savedProps.measuredWidth || me.defaultSize; drawer.setTop(0); drawer.setBottom(0); if (endDirection[direction]) { drawer.setLeft(null); drawer.setRight(headerSize); } else { drawer.setRight(null); drawer.setLeft(headerSize); } } else { w = '100%'; h = savedProps.measuredHeight || me.defaultSize; drawer.setRight(0); drawer.setLeft(0); if (endDirection[direction]) { drawer.setTop(null); drawer.setBottom(headerSize); } else { drawer.setBottom(null); drawer.setTop(headerSize); } if (target.getHeader() && target.getHeaderPosition() === direction) { header = drawer.ensureHeader(); if (header) { header.hide(); } } } me.configureDrawer(drawer, w, h); drawer.show(); animation = me.parseAnimation(false, animation); me.isSliding = true; if (animation) { animation = me.getSlideInCfg(direction, me.afterDrawerShow, animation); animation.preserveEndState = true; me.getTarget().element.addCls(me.slidingCls); ret = me.doAnimation(false, animation); } else { me.afterDrawerShow(); ret = Ext.Promise.resolve(); } return ret; }, /** * Set the collapsed state of the panel. * @param {Boolean} collapsed The collapsed state. * @param {Boolean/Object} [animation] The animation to execute. This setting overrides * any {@link #cfg-animation} configuration. Do not pass a value to use the values * configured on the class. * @return {Ext.Promise} A promise that resolves when the collapse/expand completes. */ toggleCollapsed: function(collapsed, animation) { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), current = me.getCollapsed(), event, ret; if (collapsed === current) { return Ext.Promise.resolve(); } event = 'before' + (collapsed ? 'collapse' : 'expand'); if (me.initialized && target.hasListeners[event] && target.fireEvent(event, target) === false) { return Ext.Promise.resolve(); } if (me.rendered) { animation = me.parseAnimation(collapsed, animation); } else { animation = null; } me.hideDrawer(false); if (animation) { ret = me.doExpandCollapseAnimated(collapsed, animation); } else { ret = me.doExpandCollapse(collapsed); } return ret; }, applyAnimation: function(config) { if (config === true) { config = {}; } return config; }, updateCollapsed: function(collapsed) { var me = this; if (me.rendered && !me.preventUpdate) { // Force the property back to the previous state, it will be set // either at the end of the animation, or immediately after the collapse // operation completes me._collapsed = !collapsed; me.toggleCollapsed(collapsed); } }, updateCollapseToolText: function(text) { this.setToolTextIf(text, this.getCollapsed()); }, updateDirection: function(direction, oldDirection) { var me = this; if (!me.isConfiguring) { if (me.getCollapsed()) { me.getTarget().moveHeaderPosition(direction, oldDirection); } me.ensureCollapseTool(); } }, updateDynamic: function(dynamic) { var me = this, drawer = me.drawer; if (dynamic && drawer) { if (me.hasDetachedBody) { me.reattachBodyWrap(); } me.drawer = Ext.destroy(drawer); } }, updateExpandToolText: function(text) { this.setToolTextIf(text, !this.getCollapsed()); }, updateUseDrawer: function() { if (this.rendered) { this.setupDrawerListeners(); } }, privates: { animateEndCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'placeholder-animate-end', collapsingDirections: { top: ['up', 'down'], left: ['left', 'right'], bottom: ['down', 'up'], right: ['right', 'left'] }, defaultSize: 300, endDirection: { right: 1, bottom: 1 }, headerChangePosition: { top: ['top', 'bottom'], left: ['left', 'right'], bottom: ['bottom', 'top'], right: ['right', 'left'] }, hasDetachedBody: false, rendered: false, slidingCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'sliding', verticalMap: { right: 1, left: 1 }, afterAnimation: function(active) { active.deferred.resolve(); this.activeOperation = null; }, afterDrawerHide: function() { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), active = me.activeOperation, drawer = me.drawer, header; target.element.removeCls(me.slidingCls); me.drawerVisible = me.isSliding = false; if (!me.destroying) { me.drawerListeners = Ext.destroy(me.drawerListeners); drawer.hide(); header = drawer.getHeader(); if (header) { header.show(); } target.fireEvent('drawerhide', target); } if (active) { me.afterAnimation(active); } }, afterDrawerShow: function() { var me = this, active = me.activeOperation, drawerListeners, listenerCfg, target = me.getTarget(), header; me.isSliding = false; me.drawerVisible = true; if (!me.destroying) { target.element.removeCls(me.slidingCls); listenerCfg = { mouseleave: 'handleElMouseLeave', mouseenter: 'handleElMouseEnter', scope: me, destroyable: true }; drawerListeners = [ Ext.on('mousedown', 'handleGlobalDrawerEvent', me, { destroyable: true }), Ext.getDoc().on('mousemove', 'handleGlobalDrawerEvent', me, { destroyable: true }), me.drawer.element.on(listenerCfg) ]; header = target.getHeader(); if (header) { drawerListeners.push(header.element.on(listenerCfg)); } me.drawerListeners = drawerListeners; target.fireEvent('drawershow', target); } if (active) { me.afterAnimation(active); } }, afterExpandCollapseAnimation: function() { var me = this, active = me.activeOperation, target = me.getTarget(), cls = active.animCls, header, bodyWrap; if (!me.destroying) { header = target.getHeader(); if (active.placeHolder) { me.drawer.hide(); } if (active.reattach) { me.reattachBodyWrap(); } if (header && active.restoreHeaderVis) { header.element.setVisibility(true); } if (cls) { target.element.removeCls(cls); } if (active.restore) { me.restoreProps(); bodyWrap = target.bodyWrapElement; bodyWrap.setWidth(null).setHeight(null); header = header && header.element; if (header) { header.setWidth(null).setHeight(null); } } me.afterExpandCollapse(active.collapsed, true); } me.afterAnimation(active); }, afterExpandCollapse: function(collapsed) { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), types = me.headerChangePosition, direction = me.getDirection(), headerPosition = target.getHeaderPosition(), event = collapsed ? 'collapse' : 'expand'; target.bodyWrapElement.setVisible(!collapsed); if (types[headerPosition].indexOf(direction) < 0) { target.moveHeaderPosition(collapsed ? direction : headerPosition, !collapsed ? direction : headerPosition); } me.preventUpdate = true; // Ensure the panel's collapsed config is maintained (so it can be stateful but // also just to be correct if user calls getCollapsed): target._collapsed = !collapsed; target.setCollapsed(collapsed); me.preventUpdate = false; me.ensureCollapseTool(); if (me.initialized && target.hasListeners[event]) { target.fireEvent(event, target); } // This is largely going to be a no-op, since the target will // essentially just call collapser.setCollapsed, however this allows // consumers the ability to override updateCollapsed to detect changes // in state target.setCollapsed(collapsed); }, createDrawer: function() { var me = this, p = me.drawer; if (!p) { me.drawer = p = Ext.create(me.getDrawer()); p.bodyWrapElement.hide(); } return p; }, configureDrawer: function(drawer, width, height, resetPos) { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), bodyWrap = target.bodyWrapElement; drawer.setTitle(target.getTitle()); drawer.setWidth(width); drawer.setHeight(height); if (resetPos) { drawer.setTop(0); drawer.setRight(null); drawer.setBottom(null); drawer.setLeft(0); } drawer.element.append(bodyWrap); me.getContainerTarget().appendChild(drawer.element); bodyWrap.show(); drawer.show(); me.hasDetachedBody = true; }, doAnimation: function(collapsed, animation, activeOperation) { var deferred, anim; activeOperation = activeOperation || {}; deferred = activeOperation.deferred || new Ext.Deferred(); anim = new Ext.fx.Animation(animation); activeOperation.anim = anim; activeOperation.deferred = deferred; activeOperation.collapsed = collapsed; this.activeOperation = activeOperation; Ext.Animator.run(anim); return deferred.promise; }, doExpandCollapse: function(collapsed, initial) { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), direction; if (me.rendered) { if (collapsed) { me.saveProps(); target.setFlex(null); direction = me.getDirection(); if (direction === 'top' || direction === 'bottom') { target.setHeight(null); } else { target.setWidth(null); } } else { me.reattachBodyWrap(); me.restoreProps(); } me.afterExpandCollapse(collapsed); } return initial ? null : Ext.Promise.resolve(); }, doExpandCollapseAnimated: function(collapsed, animation) { if (this.isDynamic()) { return this.doExpandCollapseDynamic(collapsed, animation); } return this.doExpandCollapsePlaceholder(collapsed, animation); }, doExpandCollapseDynamic: function(collapsed, animation) { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), headerPosition = target.getHeaderPosition(), direction = me.getDirection(), targetEl = target.element, bodyWrap = target.bodyWrapElement, header = target.getHeader(), headerEl = header && header.element, from = {}, to = {}, directionVertical = direction === 'top' || direction === 'bottom', headerVertical = headerPosition === 'top' || headerPosition === 'bottom', headerSize = me.getHeaderSize(), headerDifferent = headerPosition !== direction, height, width, savedProps, size; if (collapsed) { savedProps = me.saveProps(); height = savedProps.measuredHeight; width = savedProps.measuredWidth; if (directionVertical) { me.measureAndSet(bodyWrap, 'Height'); if (headerDifferent) { me.measureAndSet(headerEl, 'Height'); } from.height = height; to.height = headerVertical ? headerSize : 0; target.setHeight(null); target.setMinHeight(null); } else { me.measureAndSet(bodyWrap, 'Width'); if (headerDifferent) { me.measureAndSet(headerEl, 'Width'); } from.width = width; to.width = headerVertical ? headerSize : 0; target.setWidth(null); target.setMinWidth(null); } target.setFlex(null); } else { headerDifferent = headerPosition !== direction; me.reattachBodyWrap(); // Clear any stamped on size from the collapse before we measure and restore. // The size could be influenced by a css size, so restoring may end up doing nothing if (directionVertical) { targetEl.setHeight(null); } else { targetEl.setWidth(null); } me.restoreProps(true); if (headerDifferent) { target.moveHeaderPosition( collapsed ? direction : headerPosition, !collapsed ? direction : headerPosition ); } bodyWrap.show(); if (headerEl) { headerEl.setWidth(null).setHeight(null); } me.measureAndSet(bodyWrap, directionVertical ? 'Height' : 'Width', true); size = targetEl.measure(); height = size.height; width = size.width; target.setFlex(null); me.measureAndSet(headerEl, directionVertical ? 'Height' : 'Width'); if (directionVertical) { from.height = headerSize; to.height = height; target.setHeight(null); } else { from.width = headerSize; to.width = width; target.setWidth(null); } } return me.doAnimation(collapsed, Ext.apply({ scope: me, callback: me.afterExpandCollapseAnimation, element: targetEl, preserveEndState: true, from: from, to: to }, animation), { restore: !collapsed }); }, doExpandCollapsePlaceholder: function(collapsed, animation) { var me = this, types = me.collapsingDirections, target = me.getTarget(), targetEl = target.element, headerPosition = target.getHeaderPosition(), direction = me.getDirection(), directionVertical = direction === 'top' || direction === 'bottom', headerVertical = headerPosition === 'top' || headerPosition === 'bottom', header = target.getHeader(), headerDifferent = directionVertical !== headerVertical, containerBox = me.getContainerTarget().getBox(), height, width, drawer, anim, animCls, restoreHeaderVis, savedProps, size, active; drawer = me.createDrawer(); if (collapsed) { savedProps = me.saveProps(); height = savedProps.measuredHeight; width = savedProps.measuredWidth; } else { me.reattachBodyWrap(); me.restoreProps(true); size = targetEl.measure(); height = size.height; width = size.width; } me.configureDrawer(drawer, width, height, true); drawer.setLeft(targetEl.getLeft() - containerBox.left); drawer.setTop(targetEl.getTop() - containerBox.top); if (directionVertical) { target.setHeight(null); target.setMinHeight(null); } else { target.setWidth(null); target.setMinWidth(null); } target.setFlex(null); if (collapsed) { if (headerDifferent && types[headerPosition].indexOf(direction) < 0) { target.moveHeaderPosition( collapsed ? direction : headerPosition, !collapsed ? direction : headerPosition ); } if (header) { // Keep the header size, but make it invisible header.element.setVisibility(false); } anim = me.getSlideOutCfg(direction, function() { if (me.destroying) { return; } active = me.activeOperation; drawer.hide(); if (header) { header.element.setVisibility(true); me.doAnimation(collapsed, { type: 'slideIn', element: header.element, reverse: true, direction: direction, isElementBoxFit: false, scope: me, callback: me.afterExpandCollapseAnimation }, active); } else { me.afterExpandCollapseAnimation(); } }, animation); } else { anim = me.getSlideInCfg(direction, me.afterExpandCollapseAnimation, animation); if (me.endDirection[direction]) { animCls = me.animateEndCls; targetEl.addCls(animCls); } if (!headerDifferent) { header.element.setVisibility(false); restoreHeaderVis = true; } } return me.doAnimation(collapsed, anim, { placeHolder: true, restore: !collapsed, reattach: true, animCls: animCls, restoreHeaderVis: restoreHeaderVis }); }, ensureCollapseTool: function() { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), header = target.ensureHeader(), pos = me.getDirection(), collapsed = me.getCollapsed(), types = me.collapsingDirections, tool = me.collapsibleTool, cfg = me.getTool(); if (header && cfg) { if (!tool) { me.collapsibleTool = tool = target.addTool(Ext.apply({ handler: me.onToggleToolTap, scope: me, $internal: true }, cfg))[0]; } tool.setType(collapsed ? types[pos][1] : types[pos][0]); tool.setTooltip(collapsed ? me.getExpandToolText() : me.getCollapseToolText()); } else { me.collapsibleTool = Ext.destroy(tool); } }, getAnimationFor: function(collapsed) { var anim = collapsed ? this.getCollapseAnimation() : this.getExpandAnimation(); return anim || this.getAnimation(); }, getContainerTarget: function() { return this.getTarget().element.parent(); }, getDrawerTask: function() { var me = this, task = me.drawerTask; if (!task) { me.drawerTask = task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.hideDrawer, me); } return task; }, getHeaderSize: function() { var header = this.getTarget().ensureHeader(), headerEl = header && header.element; return headerEl ? Math.min(headerEl.measure('h'), headerEl.measure('w')) : 0; }, getSlideInCfg: function(direction, callback, animation) { return Ext.apply({ type: 'slideIn', direction: direction, reverse: true, element: this.drawer.element, isElementBoxFit: false, scope: this, callback: callback }, animation); }, getSlideOutCfg: function(direction, callback, animation) { return Ext.apply({ type: 'slideOut', direction: direction, element: this.drawer.element, isElementBoxFit: false, scope: this, callback: callback }, animation); }, handleElMouseEnter: function() { this.getDrawerTask().cancel(); }, handleElMouseLeave: function(e) { var me = this, toElement = e.getRelatedTarget(), target = me.getTarget(); // If the toElement is in the component tree, do not collapse if (toElement && (target.owns(toElement) || me.drawer.owns(toElement))) { return; } me.getDrawerTask().delay(me.getDrawerHideDelay()); }, handleGlobalDrawerEvent: function(e) { var me = this, drawer = me.drawer, target = me.getTarget(), task; task = me.getDrawerTask(); if (target.owns(e) || drawer.owns(e)) { task.cancel(); } else { task.delay(me.getDrawerHideDelay()); } }, measureAndSet: function(el, dimension, clear) { var setter, getter; if (!el) { return; } setter = 'set' + dimension; getter = 'get' + dimension; if (clear) { el[setter](null); } el[setter](el[getter](false, true)); }, onHeaderTap: function(e) { var me = this, tool = me.collapsibleTool, titleCollapse = me.getTitleCollapse(), collapsed = me.getCollapsed(); if (tool && tool.owns(e)) { return; } if (titleCollapse) { me.toggleCollapsed(!collapsed); } else if (collapsed && !me.isDynamic()) { me[me.drawerVisible ? 'hideDrawer' : 'showDrawer'](); } }, onToggleToolTap: function() { this.toggleCollapsed(!this.getCollapsed()); }, parseAnimation: function(collapsed, animation) { if (animation === undefined) { animation = this.getAnimationFor(collapsed); } else if (animation) { if (typeof animation === 'boolean') { animation = {}; } animation = Ext.apply({}, animation, this.getAnimationFor(collapsed)); } return animation; }, reattachBodyWrap: function() { if (this.hasDetachedBody) { this.getTarget().reattachBodyWrap(); this.hasDetachedBody = false; } }, restoreProps: function(keep) { var target = this.getTarget(), savedProps = this.savedProps, prop; if (savedProps) { prop = savedProps.flex; if (prop) { target.setFlex(prop); } target.setMinHeight(savedProps.minHeight); target.setMinWidth(savedProps.minWidth); target.setHeight(savedProps.height); target.setWidth(savedProps.width); } if (!keep) { this.savedProps = null; } }, saveProps: function() { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), size = target.element.measure(); me.savedProps = { flex: target.getFlex(), minHeight: target.getMinHeight(), minWidth: target.getMinWidth(), height: target.getHeight(), width: target.getWidth(), measuredWidth: size.width, measuredHeight: size.height }; return me.savedProps; }, setToolTextIf: function(text, doSet) { var tool = this.collapsibleTool; if (text && tool && doSet) { tool.setTooltip(text); } }, setupDrawerListeners: function() { var me = this, header = me.getTarget().getHeader(); me.drawerHeaderListener = Ext.destroy(me.drawerHeaderListener); if (header && me.getUseDrawer()) { me.drawerHeaderListener = header.element.on({ destroyable: true, scope: me, tap: 'onHeaderTap' }); } } }});