/** * @class Ext.env.Browser * Provides information about browser. * * Should not be manually instantiated unless for unit-testing. * Access the global instance stored in {@link Ext.browser} instead. * @private */(Ext.env || (Ext.env = {})).Browser = function (userAgent, publish) {// @define Ext.env.Browser // @define Ext.browser // @require Ext.Object // @require Ext.Version var me = this, browserPrefixes = Ext.Boot.browserPrefixes, browserNames = Ext.Boot.browserNames, enginePrefixes = me.enginePrefixes, engineNames = me.engineNames, browserMatch = userAgent.match(new RegExp('((?:' + Ext.Object.getValues(browserPrefixes).join(')|(?:') + '))([\\w\\._]+)')), engineMatch = userAgent.match(new RegExp('((?:' + Ext.Object.getValues(enginePrefixes).join(')|(?:') + '))([\\w\\._]+)')), browserName = browserNames.other, engineName = engineNames.other, browserVersion = '', engineVersion = '', majorVer = '', isWebView = false, edgeRE = /(Edge\/)([\w.]+)/, ripple = '', i, prefix, name; /** * @property {String} * Browser User Agent string. */ me.userAgent = userAgent; /** * A "hybrid" property, can be either accessed as a method call, for example: * * if (Ext.browser.is('IE')) { * // ... * } * * Or as an object with Boolean properties, for example: * * if (Ext.browser.is.IE) { * // ... * } * * Versions can be conveniently checked as well. For example: * * if (Ext.browser.is.IE10) { * // Equivalent to (Ext.browser.is.IE && Ext.browser.version.equals(10)) * } * * __Note:__ Only {@link Ext.Version#getMajor major component} and {@link Ext.Version#getShortVersion simplified} * value of the version are available via direct property checking. * * Supported values are: * * - IE * - Firefox * - Safari * - Chrome * - Opera * - WebKit * - Gecko * - Presto * - Trident * - WebView * - Other * * @param {String} name The OS name to check. * @return {Boolean} */ this.is = function (name) { // Since this function reference also acts as a map, we do not want it to be // shared between instances, so it is defined here, not on the prototype. return !!this.is[name]; }; // Edge has a userAgent with All browsers so we manage it separately // "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.10240" if (/Edge\//.test(userAgent)) { browserMatch = userAgent.match(edgeRE); engineMatch = userAgent.match(edgeRE); } if (browserMatch) { browserName = browserNames[Ext.Object.getKey(browserPrefixes, browserMatch[1])]; //<feature legacyBrowser> if (browserName === 'Safari' && /^Opera/.test(userAgent)) { // Prevent Opera 12 and earlier from being incorrectly reported as Safari browserName = 'Opera'; } //</feature> browserVersion = new Ext.Version(browserMatch[2]); } if (engineMatch) { engineName = engineNames[Ext.Object.getKey(enginePrefixes, engineMatch[1])]; engineVersion = new Ext.Version(engineMatch[2]); } if (engineName === 'Trident' && browserName !== 'IE') { browserName = 'IE'; var version = userAgent.match(/.*rv:(\d+.\d+)/); if (version && version.length) { version = version[1]; browserVersion = new Ext.Version(version); } } if (browserName && browserVersion) { Ext.setVersion(browserName, browserVersion); } /** * @property chromeVersion * The current version of Chrome (0 if the browser is not Chrome). * @readonly * @type Number * @member Ext */ /** * @property firefoxVersion * The current version of Firefox (0 if the browser is not Firefox). * @readonly * @type Number * @member Ext */ /** * @property ieVersion * The current version of IE (0 if the browser is not IE). This does not account * for the documentMode of the current page, which is factored into {@link #isIE8}, * and {@link #isIE9}. Thus this is not always true: * * Ext.isIE8 == (Ext.ieVersion == 8) * * @readonly * @type Number * @member Ext */ /** * @property isChrome * True if the detected browser is Chrome. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isGecko * True if the detected browser uses the Gecko layout engine (e.g. Mozilla, Firefox). * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE8 * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE8m * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x or lower. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE8p * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x or higher. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE9 * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE9m * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x or lower. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE9p * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x or higher. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE10 * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE10m * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x or lower. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE10p * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x or higher. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE11 * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 11.x. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE11m * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 11.x or lower. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isIE11p * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 11.x or higher. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isEdge * True if the detected browser is Edge. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isLinux * True if the detected platform is Linux. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isMac * True if the detected platform is Mac OS. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isOpera * True if the detected browser is Opera. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isSafari * True if the detected browser is Safari. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isWebKit * True if the detected browser uses WebKit. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property isWindows * True if the detected platform is Windows. * @readonly * @type Boolean * @member Ext */ /** * @property operaVersion * The current version of Opera (0 if the browser is not Opera). * @readonly * @type Number * @member Ext */ /** * @property safariVersion * The current version of Safari (0 if the browser is not Safari). * @readonly * @type Number * @member Ext */ /** * @property webKitVersion * The current version of WebKit (0 if the browser does not use WebKit). * @readonly * @type Number * @member Ext */ // Facebook changes the userAgent when you view a website within their iOS app. For some reason, the strip out information // about the browser, so we have to detect that and fake it... if (userAgent.match(/FB/) && browserName === 'Other') { browserName = browserNames.safari; engineName = engineNames.webkit; } if (userAgent.match(/Android.*Chrome/g)) { browserName = 'ChromeMobile'; } if (userAgent.match(/OPR/)) { browserName = 'Opera'; browserMatch = userAgent.match(/OPR\/(\d+.\d+)/); browserVersion = new Ext.Version(browserMatch[1]); } Ext.apply(this, { engineName: engineName, engineVersion: engineVersion, name: browserName, version: browserVersion }); this.setFlag(browserName, true, publish); // e.g., Ext.isIE if (browserVersion) { majorVer = browserVersion.getMajor() || ''; //<feature legacyBrowser> if (me.is.IE) { majorVer = document.documentMode || parseInt(majorVer, 10); for (i = 7; i <= 11; ++i) { prefix = 'isIE' + i; Ext[prefix] = majorVer === i; Ext[prefix + 'm'] = majorVer <= i; Ext[prefix + 'p'] = majorVer >= i; } } if (me.is.Opera && parseInt(majorVer, 10) <= 12) { Ext.isOpera12m = true; } //</feature> Ext.chromeVersion = Ext.isChrome ? majorVer : 0; Ext.firefoxVersion = Ext.isFirefox ? majorVer : 0; Ext.ieVersion = Ext.isIE ? majorVer : 0; Ext.operaVersion = Ext.isOpera ? majorVer : 0; Ext.safariVersion = Ext.isSafari ? majorVer : 0; Ext.webKitVersion = Ext.isWebKit ? majorVer : 0; this.setFlag(browserName + majorVer, true, publish); // Ext.isIE10 this.setFlag(browserName + browserVersion.getShortVersion()); } for (i in browserNames) { if (browserNames.hasOwnProperty(i)) { name = browserNames[i]; this.setFlag(name, browserName === name); } } this.setFlag(name); if (engineVersion) { this.setFlag(engineName + (engineVersion.getMajor() || '')); this.setFlag(engineName + engineVersion.getShortVersion()); } for (i in engineNames) { if (engineNames.hasOwnProperty(i)) { name = engineNames[i]; this.setFlag(name, engineName === name, publish); } } this.setFlag('Standalone', !!navigator.standalone); // Cross domain access could throw an error try { ripple = window.top.ripple; } catch (e) { // Do nothing, can't access cross frame so leave it empty } this.setFlag('Ripple', !!document.getElementById("tinyhippos-injected") && !Ext.isEmpty(ripple)); this.setFlag('WebWorks', !!window.blackberry); if (window.PhoneGap !== undefined || window.Cordova !== undefined || window.cordova !== undefined) { isWebView = true; this.setFlag('PhoneGap'); this.setFlag('Cordova'); } // Check if running in UIWebView if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)(?!.*FBAN)/i.test(userAgent)) { isWebView = true; } // Flag to check if it we are in the WebView this.setFlag('WebView', isWebView); /** * @property {Boolean} * `true` if browser is using strict mode. */ this.isStrict = Ext.isStrict = document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat"; /** * @property {Boolean} * `true` if page is running over SSL. */ this.isSecure = Ext.isSecure; // IE10Quirks, Chrome26Strict, etc. this.identity = browserName + majorVer + (this.isStrict ? 'Strict' : 'Quirks');}; Ext.env.Browser.prototype = { constructor: Ext.env.Browser, engineNames: { edge: 'Edge', webkit: 'WebKit', gecko: 'Gecko', presto: 'Presto', trident: 'Trident', other: 'Other' }, enginePrefixes: { edge: 'Edge/', webkit: 'AppleWebKit/', gecko: 'Gecko/', presto: 'Presto/', trident: 'Trident/' }, styleDashPrefixes: { WebKit: '-webkit-', Gecko: '-moz-', Trident: '-ms-', Presto: '-o-', Other: '' }, stylePrefixes: { WebKit: 'Webkit', Gecko: 'Moz', Trident: 'ms', Presto: 'O', Other: '' }, propertyPrefixes: { WebKit: 'webkit', Gecko: 'moz', Trident: 'ms', Presto: 'o', Other: '' }, // scope: Ext.env.Browser.prototype /** * The full name of the current browser. * Possible values are: * * - IE * - Firefox * - Safari * - Chrome * - Opera * - Other * @type String * @readonly */ name: null, /** * Refer to {@link Ext.Version}. * @type Ext.Version * @readonly */ version: null, /** * The full name of the current browser's engine. * Possible values are: * * - WebKit * - Gecko * - Presto * - Trident * - Other * @type String * @readonly */ engineName: null, /** * Refer to {@link Ext.Version}. * @type Ext.Version * @readonly */ engineVersion: null, setFlag: function(name, value, publish) { if (value === undefined) { value = true; } this.is[name] = value; this.is[name.toLowerCase()] = value; if (publish) { Ext['is' + name] = value; } return this; }, getStyleDashPrefix: function() { return this.styleDashPrefixes[this.engineName]; }, getStylePrefix: function() { return this.stylePrefixes[this.engineName]; }, getVendorProperyName: function(name) { var prefix = this.propertyPrefixes[this.engineName]; if (prefix.length > 0) { return prefix + Ext.String.capitalize(name); } return name; }}; /** * @class Ext.browser * @extends Ext.env.Browser * @singleton * Provides useful information about the current browser. * * Example: * * if (Ext.browser.is.IE) { * // IE specific code here * } * * if (Ext.browser.is.WebKit) { * // WebKit specific code here * } * * console.log("Version " + Ext.browser.version); * * For a full list of supported values, refer to {@link #is} property/method. * */(function (userAgent) { Ext.browser = new Ext.env.Browser(userAgent, true); Ext.userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase(); /** * @property {String} SSL_SECURE_URL * URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady src * to prevent the IE insecure content warning (`'about:blank'`, except for IE * in secure mode, which is `'javascript:""'`). * @member Ext */ Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL = Ext.isSecure && Ext.isIE ? 'javascript:\'\'' : 'about:blank'; // jshint ignore:line }(Ext.global.navigator.userAgent));