/** * This class provides extra contextual information for components/elements by * attaching to a {@link #target}. The tip will show based on mouseover (or touch, * depending on the environment) and {@link #align} itself to the {@link #target}. * * Typically, tooltips will be created via {@link Ext.Component#tooltip components}, however * it is possible to create instances directly. * * new Ext.tip.ToolTip({ * target: myComponent, * html: 'Here is some help text about this!' * }); * * # Shared instance * New instances of tooltips do not need to be created for every item that requires * a tooltip. In most cases it is sufficient to use a single shared instance across * the application, which provides a performance benefit. See {@link Ext.tip.Manager} * for an explanation of how shared tips are used. * * # Delegation * * It is common to want to show a tooltip for a repeated view and dynamically update * the content based on the current item within this view. This can be achieved using * the {@link #delegate} configuration. This means that the tip will only activate * when over an item inside the target that matches the {@link #delegate}. After this, * the {@link #currentTarget} can be interrogated to get contextual information about which * delegate item triggered the show. * * var el = Ext.getBody().createChild({ * html: '<div data-num="1" class="item">Foo</div>' + * '<div data-num="2" class="item">Bar</div>' + * '<div data-num="3" class="item">Baz</div>' + * '<div class="notip">No tip here</div>' * }); * * new Ext.tip.ToolTip({ * target: el, * delegate: '.item', * listeners: { * beforeshow: function(tip) { * var current = tip.currentTarget.dom; * tip.setHtml('Item #' + current.getAttribute('data-num')); * } * } * }); * * # Alignment * * The following configuration properties allow control over how the ToolTip is aligned relative to * the target element and/or mouse pointer: * * - {@link #anchor} * - {@link #anchorToTarget} * - {@link #trackMouse} * - {@link #mouseOffset} * * # Showing/Hiding * * The following configuration properties allow control over how and when the ToolTip is automatically * shown and hidden: * * - {@link #autoHide} * - {@link #showDelay} * - {@link #hideDelay} * - {@link #dismissDelay} * * * @since 6.2.0 */Ext.define('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { extend: 'Ext.Panel', xtype: 'tooltip', floated: true, hidden: true, shadow: true, border: true, bodyBorder: false, anchor: false, closeAction: 'hide', config: { /** * @cfg {String} [align] * A string which specifies how this ToolTip is to align with regard to its * {@link #currentTarget} by means of identifying the point of the tooltip to * join to the point of the target. * * By default, the tooltip shows at {@link #mouseOffset} pixels from the * triggering pointer event. Using this config anchors the ToolTip to its target * instead. * * This may take the following forms: * * - **Blank**: Defaults to aligning the element's top-left corner to the target's * bottom-left corner ("tl-bl"). * - **Two anchors**: If two values from the table below are passed separated by a dash, * the first value is used as the element's anchor point, and the second value is * used as the target's anchor point. * - **Two edge/offset descriptors:** An edge/offset descriptor is an edge initial * (`t`/`r`/`b`/`l`) followed by a percentage along that side. This describes a * point to align with a similar point in the target. So `'t0-b0'` would be * the same as `'tl-bl'`, `'l0-r50'` would place the top left corner of this item * halfway down the right edge of the target item. This allows more flexibility * and also describes which two edges are considered adjacent when positioning a tip pointer. * * In addition to the anchor points, the position parameter also supports the "?" * character. If "?" is passed at the end of the position string, the element will * attempt to align as specified, but the position will be adjusted to constrain to * the viewport if necessary. Note that the element being aligned might be swapped to * align to a different position than that specified in order to enforce the viewport * constraints. Following are all of the supported anchor positions: * * Value Description * ----- ----------------------------- * tl The top left corner * t The center of the top edge * tr The top right corner * l The center of the left edge * c The center * r The center of the right edge * bl The bottom left corner * b The center of the bottom edge * br The bottom right corner * * Example Usage: * * // align the top left corner of the tooltip with the top right corner of its target * // (constrained to viewport). * align: 'tl-tr?' * * // align the bottom right corner of the tooltip with the center left edge of its target. * align: 'br-l?' * * // align the top center of the tooltip with the bottom left corner of its target. * align: 't-bl' * * // align the 25% point on the bottom edge of this tooltip * // with the 75% point on the top edge of its target. * align: 'b25-c75' */ align: 'l-r?', /** * @cfg {String} [alignDelegate] * A selector which identifies child elements of the {@link #currentTarget} to * align to upon show. */ alignDelegate: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [allowOver=false] * Set to `true` to allow mouse exiting the target, but moving into the ToolTip to * keep the ToolTip visible. This may be useful for interactive tips. * * While the mouse is over the tip, the {@link dismissDelay dismiss timer} is * inactive, so the tip will not {@link #autoHide}. * * On touch platforms, a touch on the tooltip is the equivalent, and this cancels * the dismiss timer so that a tap outside is then necessary to hide the tip. * * This is incompatible with the {@link #cfg-trackMouse} config. */ allowOver: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [anchorToTarget] * By default, the {@link #align} config aligns to the {@link #target}. * * Configure this as `false` if an anchor is required, but positioning is still * relative to the pointer position on show. */ anchorToTarget: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [autoHide] * True to automatically hide the tooltip after the mouse exits the target element * or after the `{@link #dismissDelay}` has expired if set. * * If `{@link #closable} = true` a close tool button will be rendered into the * tooltip header. */ autoHide: true, /** * @cfg {String} [delegate] * A selector which identifies child elements of the target which trigger showing * this ToolTip. The {@link #currentTarget} property is set to the triggering * element. */ delegate: null, /** * @cfg {Number} [dismissDelay] * Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip automatically hides. * * Set this value to `0` to disable automatic hiding. */ dismissDelay: 5000, /** * @cfg {Number} [hideDelay] * Delay in milliseconds after the mouse exits the target element but before the * tooltip actually hides. * * Set to `0` for the tooltip to hide immediately. */ hideDelay: 300, /** * @cfg {Number[]} [mouseOffset] * An XY offset from the triggering pointer event position where the tooltip * should be shown unless aligned to the target element. */ mouseOffset: [15, 18], /** * @cfg {Number} [quickShowInterval] * If a show is triggered within this number of milliseconds of this ToolTip being * hidden, it shows immediately regardless of the delay. If rapidly moving from * target to target, this ensure that each separate target does not get its own * delay. */ quickShowInterval: 250, /** * @cfg {Number} [showDelay] * Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip displays after the mouse enters the * target element. * * On touch platforms, if {@link #showOnTap} is `true`, a tap on the target shows * the tip, and this timer is ignored - the tip is shown immediately. */ showDelay: 500, /** * @cfg {Boolean/String[]} [showOnTap=false] * `true` to show this tip on a tap event on the target. If specified as a string, * it should be the {@link Ext.event.Event#pointerType} of the event that should * trigger a show. Typically, this will be `touch`. * * This is useful for adding tips on elements which do not have tap listeners. It * would not be appropriate for a ToolTip on a {@link Ext.Button Button}. */ showOnTap: null, /** * @cfg {Ext.Component/Ext.dom.Element} target * The target that should trigger showing this ToolTip. */ target: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [trackMouse] * True to have the tooltip follow the mouse as it moves over the target element. * * Only effective on platforms with pointing devices, this does not address touch * events. */ trackMouse: false }, classCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tooltip', headerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tooltipheader', titleCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tooltiptitle', toolCls: [ Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'paneltool', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tooltiptool' ], closeToolText: null, constructor: function (config) { /** * @property {Ext.dom.Fly} currentTarget * Only attached to a DOM element when this ToolTip is active. The current target. * This is usually the {@link #cfg-target}, but if the {@link #cfg-delegate} option * is used, it may be a child element of the main target. * @readonly */ this.currentTarget = new Ext.dom.Fly(); this.callParent([config]); this.attachTargetListeners(); }, getRefOwner: function() { var target = this.getTarget(); return (target && target.isComponent) ? target : this.callParent(); }, updateAnchor: function() { this.doRealignToTarget(); }, applyAlign: function(align) { var lastChar = align[align.length - 1]; // Tooltips constrain themselves. if (lastChar !== '?' && lastChar !== '!') { align += '?'; } return align; }, updateAlign: function() { this.doRealignToTarget(); }, updateAllowOver: function(allowOver) { var me = this; me.overListeners = Ext.destroy(me.overListeners); // Use the mouseleave and mouseenter events because we do not need delegation if (allowOver) { me.overListeners = me.el.on({ mouseenter: 'onTipOver', mouseleave: 'onTipOut', scope: me, destroyable: true }); } }, applyTarget: function(target) { if (target) { if (!target.isComponent) { target = Ext.get(target.el || target); } } return target; }, updateTarget: function(target, oldTarget) { var me = this; if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.targetListeners = Ext.destroy(me.targetListeners); me.attachTargetListeners(); } }, updateTrackMouse: function(trackMouse) { // If tracking mouse, allow mouse to enter the tooltip without triggering dismiss if (!this.getAnchor()) { this.setAllowOver(trackMouse); } }, updateDisabled: function(disabled, oldDisabled) { var me = this, val; me.callParent([disabled, oldDisabled]); if (disabled) { me.clearTimers(); me.hide(); val = null; } // If we pass null, it won't attempt to attach listeners me.attachTargetListeners(val); }, updateShowOnTap: function(showOnTap) { if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.attachTargetListeners(); } }, /** * Realign this tip to the current target if it is currently visible. * * @since 6.2.1 */ realignToTarget: function() { this.doRealignToTarget(); }, showBy: function(target, alignment, passedOptions) { var me = this, alignDelegate = me.getAlignDelegate(); // If we are trackMouse: true, we will be asked to show by a pointer event if (target.isEvent) { me.alignToEvent(target); } else { if (target.isWidget) { me.updateCurrentTarget(target.element.dom); } else if (target.isElement) { me.updateCurrentTarget(target.dom); } else if (target.nodeType) { me.updateCurrentTarget(target); } me.callParent([alignDelegate ? target.child(alignDelegate, true) : target, alignment || me.getAlign(), passedOptions]); } }, beforeShow: function(options) { var me = this, result = me.callParent(arguments); // Show is going ahead. Ensure there is alignment if a raw show() call used. // Cancel an impending hide. if (result !== false) { // A call to show with no alignment specified should align to the target if (!options.alignment && (me.pointerEvent || me.getTarget())) { options.alignment = { component: me.getElFromTarget(), alignment: me.getAlign(), options: { overlap: me.getTrackMouse() && !me.getAnchor() } }; } me.clearTimer('dismiss'); } }, afterShow: function() { var me = this, dismissDelay = me.getDismissDelay(); me.callParent(arguments); me.clearTimer('show'); if (dismissDelay && me.getAutoHide()) { me.dismissTimer = Ext.defer(me.hide, dismissDelay, me); } me.toFront(); me.mousedownListener = Ext.on({ mousedown: 'onDocMouseDown', scope: me, destroyable: true }); }, hide: function() { var me = this; me.clearTimer('hide'); me.clearTimer('dismiss'); me.callParent(); me.lastHidden = new Date(); me.updateCurrentTarget(null); Ext.destroy(me.mousedownListener); }, doDestroy: function() { var me = this; me.clearTimers(); me.setTarget(null); me.destroyMembers('mousedownListener', 'overListeners'); me.callParent(); }, privates: { allowRealign: true, onDocMouseDown: function(e) { var me = this, delegate = me.getDelegate(); if (e.within(me.el.dom)) { // A real touch event inside the tip is the equivalent of // mousing over the tip to keep it visible, so cancel the // dismiss timer. if (e.pointerType !== 'mouse' && me.getAllowOver()) { me.clearTimer('dismiss'); } } // Only respond to the mousedown if it's not on this tip, and it's not on a target. // If it's on a target, onTargetTap will handle it. else if (!me.getClosable()) { if (e.within(me.getElFromTarget()) && (!delegate || e.getTarget(delegate))) { me.delayHide(); } else { me.disable(); me.enableTimer = Ext.defer(me.enable, 100, me); } } }, onTargetOver: function(e) { var me = this, myTarget = me.getElFromTarget(), delegate = me.getDelegate(), currentTarget = me.currentTarget, newTarget; if (me.getDisabled()) { return; } // If mouse moves over the tip, ignore it if that is allowed. if (me.getAllowOver() && me.el.contains(e.target)) { return; } if (delegate) { // Moving inside a delegate if (currentTarget.contains(e.target)) { return; } newTarget = e.getTarget(delegate); // Mouseovers while within a target do nothing if (newTarget && e.getRelatedTarget(delegate) === newTarget) { return; } } // Moved from outside the target else if (!myTarget.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { newTarget = myTarget.dom; } // Moving inside the target else { return; } // If pointer entered the target or a delegate child, then show. if (newTarget) { me.handleTargetOver(e, newTarget); } // If over a non-delegate child, behave as in target out else if (currentTarget.dom) { me.handleTargetOut(); } }, handleTargetOver: function(e, newTarget) { var me = this, myListeners = me.hasListeners; me.pointerEvent = e; me.updateCurrentTarget(newTarget); // We are over a new target. If we are still visible, we // do not want to hide to avoid flickering. But if there is a // beforeshow listener which may mutate us, we still have to // consult it. If it returns a veto, then we do in fact hide. // Under normal circumstances we continue with no delay into // showByTarget in a visible state. if (me.isVisible()) { if (myListeners.beforeshow && me.fireEvent('beforeshow', me) === false) { return me.hide(); } me.clearTimer('hide'); me.clearTimer('dismiss'); me.showByTarget(newTarget); if (myListeners.show) { me.fireEvent('show', me); } } else { me.delayShow(newTarget); } }, onTargetTap: function(e) { // On hybrid mouse/touch systems, we want to show the tip on touch, but // we don't want to show it if this is coming from a click event, because // the mouse is already hovered. Tap occasionally hides - eg: pickers, menus. if (e.pointerType !== 'mouse' && Ext.fly(e.target).isVisible(true)) { this.onTargetOver(e); } }, onTargetOut: function(e) { // We have exited the current target if (this.currentTarget.dom && !this.currentTarget.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { this.handleTargetOut(); } }, handleTargetOut: function() { // Separated from onTargetOut so that subclasses can handle target out in any way. var me = this; if (me.showTimer) { me.clearTimer('show'); } if (me.isVisible() && me.getAutoHide()) { me.delayHide(); } }, onTipOver: function() { this.clearTimer('hide'); this.clearTimer('dismiss'); }, onTipOut: function() { // A mouseout of the tip itself is only a mouseout if the pointer has already moved // outside the target and we have no current target, or the mouseout point is outside // of the target. if (!this.currentTarget.dom || !this.pointerEvent.getPoint().isContainedBy(this.currentTarget.getRegion())) { this.handleTargetOut(); } }, onMouseMove: function(e) { var me = this, dismissDelay = me.getDismissDelay(); // Always update pointerEvent, so that if there's a delayed show // scheduled, it gets the latest pointer to align to. if (!me.el.contains(e.target)) { me.pointerEvent = e; } if (me.isVisible() && me.currentTarget.contains(e.target)) { // If they move the mouse, restart the dismiss delay if (dismissDelay && me.getAutoHide() !== false) { me.clearTimer('dismiss'); me.dismissTimer = Ext.defer(me.hide, dismissDelay, me); } if (me.getTrackMouse()) { me.alignToEvent(e); } } }, delayShow: function(target) { var me = this; me.clearTimer('hide'); if (me.getHidden() && !me.showTimer) { // Allow rapid movement from delegate to delegate to show immediately if (me.getDelegate() && Ext.Date.getElapsed(me.lastHidden) < me.getQuickShowInterval()) { me.showByTarget(target); } else { // If a tap event triggered, do not wait. Show immediately. me.showTimer = Ext.defer(me.showByTarget, (!me.pointerEvent || me.pointerEvent.pointerType === 'mouse') ? me.getShowDelay() : 0, me, [target]); } } else if (!me.getHidden() && me.getAutoHide() !== false) { me.showByTarget(target); } }, showByTarget: function(target) { var me = this, isTarget = me.getAnchorToTarget() && !me.getTrackMouse(); me.lastShowWasPointer = !isTarget; // Show by the correct thing. // If trackMouse, or we are not anchored to the target, then it's the current pointer event. // Otherwise it's either the current target, or the alignDelegate within that. me.showBy(isTarget ? target : me.pointerEvent, me.getAlign(), {overlap: me.getTrackMouse() && !me.getAnchor()}); }, delayHide: function() { var me = this; if (!me.isHidden() && !me.hideTimer) { me.clearTimer('dismiss'); me.hideTimer = Ext.defer(me.hide, me.getHideDelay(), me); } }, alignToEvent: function(event) { var me = this, options = { // Allow the "exclusion area", the zone of mouseOffset // created as a Region around the mouse to overlap // the tip position. overlap: me.getTrackMouse() && !me.getAnchor() }, mouseOffset = me.getMouseOffset(), target = event.getPoint().adjust(-Math.abs(mouseOffset[1]), Math.abs(mouseOffset[0]), Math.abs(mouseOffset[1]), -Math.abs(mouseOffset[0])), align = me.getAnchor() ? me.getAlign() : null; if (!align && mouseOffset) { if (mouseOffset[0] > 0) { if (mouseOffset[1] > 0) { align = 'tl-br?'; } else { align = 'bl-tr?'; } } else { if (mouseOffset[1] > 0) { align = 'tr-bl?'; } else { align = 'br-tl?'; } } } if (me.isVisible()) { me.clearTimer('hide'); me.alignTo(target, align, options); } else { me.showBy(target, align, options); } }, _timerNames: {}, clearTimer: function (name) { var me = this, names = me._timerNames, propName = names[name] || (names[name] = name + 'Timer'), timer = me[propName]; if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); me[propName] = null; // We were going to show against the target, but now not. if (name === 'show' && me.isHidden()) { me.updateCurrentTarget(null); } } }, /** * @private */ clearTimers: function() { var me = this; me.clearTimer('show'); me.clearTimer('dismiss'); me.clearTimer('hide'); me.clearTimer('enable'); }, clipTo: function(clippingEl, sides) { // Override because we also need to clip the anchor var clippingRegion; // Allow a Region to be passed if (clippingEl.isRegion) { clippingRegion = clippingEl; } else { clippingRegion = (clippingEl.isComponent ? clippingEl.el : Ext.fly(clippingEl)).getConstrainRegion(); } // this method is borrowed by the Widget override // @noOptimize.callParent this.callParent([clippingRegion, sides]); // Clip the anchor to the same bounds this.tipElement.clipTo(clippingRegion, sides); }, doRealignToTarget: function() { var me = this, currentTarget = me.currentTarget, dom = currentTarget && currentTarget.dom; me.clearTimers(); if (me.allowRealign && me.isVisible() && dom) { // Realign, overriding possibly stale alignment me.realign(null, me.getAlign()); } }, updateCurrentTarget: function (dom) { var me = this, currentTarget = me.currentTarget, was = currentTarget.dom; currentTarget.attach(dom); if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.fireEvent('hovertarget', me, currentTarget, was); } }, getElFromTarget: function() { var target = this.getTarget(); if (target) { if (target.isComponent) { target = target.element; } } return target; }, attachTargetListeners: function(target) { var me = this, listeners; if (target !== null) { target = me.getElFromTarget(); } me.targetListeners = Ext.destroy(me.targetListeners); if (target) { listeners = { mouseover: 'onTargetOver', mouseout: 'onTargetOut', mousemove: 'onMouseMove', scope: me, destroyable: true }; if (me.getShowOnTap()) { listeners.tap = 'onTargetTap'; } me.targetListeners = target.on(listeners); } } }});