/** * @class Cmd.codebase.json.Compressor */ /** * @cfg {"cmd"} compressor.type * In the current version only Sencha Cmd's own compressor (`"cmd"`) is supported. Support * for `"yui"` has been removed due to incompatibility with ES6 as well as its inability * to parse reserved words as object properties. */ /** * @cfg {"all"/"syntax"/"none"/"auto"} polyfills */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} renameFunctions * Enables / disables compressing function names */ /** * @cfg {Number} wrapLines * Sets the minimum number of characters to print before a line ending character is added. */ /** * @cfg {String} charset * Sets the output character set for the compression operation */ /** * @cfg {"ES5"/"ES6"} language */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} transpileOnly * Disables compression / optimization passes and only enables es 6 to 5 transpile passes */