 * @class Ext.Toolbar

.x-toolbar {
    padding: 0 $toolbar-spacing;

    &.x-docked-left {
        width: 7em;
        padding: $toolbar-spacing;

    &.x-docked-right {
        width: 7em;
        padding: $toolbar-spacing;

.x-title {
    line-height: $global-row-height - .5em;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    margin: 0 0.3em;
    padding: 0 .3em;

* Creates a theme UI for toolbars.
*     // SCSS
*     @include sencha-toolbar-ui('sub', #58710D, 'glossy');
*     // JS
*     var myTb = new Ext.Toolbar({title: 'My Green Glossy Toolbar', ui: 'sub'})
* @param {string} $ui-label The name of the UI being created.
*   Can not included spaces or special punctuation (used in class names)
* @param {color} $color Base color for the UI.
* @param {string} $gradient: $toolbar-gradien Background gradient style for the UI.
@mixin sencha-toolbar-ui($ui-label, $color, $gradient: $toolbar-gradient) {
    $toolbar-border-color: darken($color, 50%);
    $toolbar-button-color: darken($color, 5%);

    .x-toolbar-#{$ui-label} {
        @include background-gradient($color, $gradient);
        border-color: $toolbar-border-color;

        .x-title {
            @include color-by-background($color);
            @include bevel-by-background($color);

        &.x-docked-top {
            border-bottom-color: $toolbar-border-color;

        &.x-docked-bottom {
            border-top-color: $toolbar-border-color;

        &.x-docked-left {
            border-right-color: $toolbar-border-color;

        &.x-docked-right {
            border-left-color: $toolbar-border-color;

        .x-field-select .x-component-outer {
        // .x-field-select .x-component-outer:before {
            @include toolbar-button($toolbar-button-color, $gradient);

        .x-form-label {
            font-weight: bold;
            @include color-by-background($color);
            @include bevel-by-background($color);

@if $include-toolbar-uis {
    @include sencha-toolbar-ui('dark', darken($toolbar-base-color, 10%));
    @include sencha-toolbar-ui('light', $toolbar-base-color);
    @include sencha-toolbar-ui('neutral', $neutral-color);

    .x-toolbar.x-toolbar-neutral .x-toolbar-inner .x-button.x-button-pressing {
        $mask-radial-glow: lighten($base-color, 25);
        @include background-image(radial-gradient(fade-out($mask-radial-glow, .3), fade-out($mask-radial-glow, 1) 24px));
        .x-button-icon.x-button-mask {
            @include background-gradient(#fff, 'recessed');

 * @class Ext.field.Field

 * @var {color} $toolbar-input-bg
 * Background-color for toolbar form fields.
$toolbar-input-bg: #fff !default;

 * @var {color} $toolbar-input-color
 * Text color for toolbar form fields.
$toolbar-input-color: #000 !default;

 * @var {measurement} $toolbar-input-height
 * Text color for toolbar form fields.
$toolbar-input-height: 1.6em !default;

 * @var {color} $toolbar-input-border-color
 * Border color for toolbar form fields.
$toolbar-input-border-color: rgba(#000, .5) !default;

// Private
$toolbar-select-overflow-mask-width: 3em;
$toolbar-search-left-padding: 1.67em;

// Includes default toolbar form field styles.

//so disabled fields are still dark
.x-spinner .x-input-el,
.x-field-select .x-input-el {
    -webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
    -webkit-opacity: 1;

.x-spinner.x-item-disabled .x-input-el,
.x-field-select.x-item-disabled .x-input-el {
    -webkit-text-fill-color: currentcolor;

//and inside toolbars
.x-toolbar .x-field-select .x-input-el {
    -webkit-text-fill-color: #fff;

.x-toolbar .x-field-select.x-item-disabled .x-input-el {
    -webkit-text-fill-color: rgba(255,255,255,.6);

.x-toolbar {
    .x-form-field-container {
        @if $include-border-radius {
            padding: 0 .3em;

    .x-toggle-field {
        .x-component-outer {
            padding: 0em .3em;

    .x-field {
        width: 13em;
        padding: .5em;
        min-height: 0;
        border-bottom: 0;
        background: transparent;

        .x-clear-icon {
            background-size: 50% 50%;
            right: -0.8em;
            margin-top: -1.06em;

    .x-field-input {
        padding-right: 1.6em !important;

    .x-field-search {
        .x-component-outer {
            background-color: $toolbar-input-bg;

            @if $include-border-radius {
                @include border-radius(.3em);

            @if $include-highlights {
              @include box-shadow($toolbar-input-border-color 0 .1em 0 inset, $toolbar-input-border-color 0 -.1em 0 inset, $toolbar-input-border-color .1em 0 0 inset, $toolbar-input-border-color -.1em 0 0 inset, rgba(#000, .5) 0 .15em .4em inset);

    .x-form-label {
        background: transparent;
        border: 0;
        padding: 0;
        line-height: 1.4em;

    .x-form-field {
        height: $toolbar-input-height;
        color: lighten($toolbar-input-color, 43%);
        background: transparent;
        min-height: 0;
        -webkit-appearance: none;
        padding: 0em .3em;
        margin: 0;

        &:focus {
            color: $toolbar-input-color;

    .x-field-search {
        .x-component-outer {
            @if $include-border-radius {
                @include border-radius($toolbar-input-height/2);

    .x-field-search {
        .x-field-input {
            background-position: .5em 50%;

    .x-field-select {
        -webkit-box-shadow: none;

        .x-form-field {
            height: 1.4em;

    .x-field-select {
        background: transparent;

        .x-component-outer {
            &:after {
                right: .4em;

        &.x-item-disabled {
            .x-component-outer:after {
                opacity: .6;

        // Background is set in _toolbar file
        .x-component-outer:before {
            width: $toolbar-select-overflow-mask-width;
            border-left: none;

            @if $include-border-radius {
                @include border-right-radius($toolbar-input-height/2);
            @if $include-highlights {
                -webkit-mask: theme_image('default', "select_mask.png");
                -webkit-mask-position: right top;
                -webkit-mask-repeat: repeat-y;
                -webkit-mask-size: $toolbar-select-overflow-mask-width .05em;
            @else {
                width: 0.5em !important;

        .x-input-text {
            color: #fff;

.x-android .x-field-search .x-field-input {
    padding-left: .2em !important;
    padding-right: 2.2em !important;