 * @author Robert Dougan <[email protected]>
 * NavigationView is basically a {@link Ext.Container} with a {@link Ext.layout.Card card} layout, so only one view
 * can be visible at a time. However, NavigationView also adds extra functionality on top of this to allow
 * you to `push` and `pop` views at any time. When you do this, your NavigationView will automatically animate
 * between your current active view, and the new view you want to `push`, or the previous view you want to `pop`.
 * Using the NavigationView is very simple. Here is a basic example of it in action:
 *     @example
 *     var view = Ext.create('Ext.NavigationView', {
 *         fullscreen: true,
 *         items: [{
 *             title: 'First',
 *             items: [{
 *                 xtype: 'button',
 *                 text: 'Push a new view!',
 *                 handler: function() {
 *                     // use the push() method to push another view. It works much like
 *                     // add() or setActiveItem(). it accepts a view instance, or you can give it
 *                     // a view config.
 *                     view.push({
 *                         title: 'Second',
 *                         html: 'Second view!'
 *                     });
 *                 }
 *             }]
 *         }]
 *     });
 * Now, here comes the fun part: you can push any view/item into the NavigationView, at any time, and it will
 * automatically handle the animations between the two views, including adding a back button (if necessary)
 * and showing the new title.
 *     view.push({
 *         title: 'A new view',
 *         html: 'Some new content'
 *     });
 * As you can see, it is as simple as calling the {@link #method-push} method, with a new view (instance or object). Done.
 * You can also `pop` a view at any time. This will remove the top-most view from the NavigationView, and animate back
 * to the previous view. You can do this using the {@link #method-pop} method (which requires no arguments).
 *     view.pop();
 * @aside guide navigation_view
Ext.define('Ext.navigation.View', {
    extend: 'Ext.Container',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.NavigationView',
    xtype: 'navigationview',
    requires: ['Ext.navigation.Bar'],

    config: {
         * @cfg
         * @inheritdoc
        baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'navigationview',

         * @cfg {Boolean/Object} navigationBar
         * The NavigationBar used in this navigation view. It defaults to be docked to the top.
         * You can just pass in a normal object if you want to customize the NavigationBar. For example:
         *     navigationBar: {
         *         ui: 'dark',
         *         docked: 'bottom'
         *     }
         * You **cannot** specify a *title* property in this configuration. The title of the navigationBar is taken
         * from the configuration of this views children:
         *     view.push({
         *         title: 'This views title which will be shown in the navigation bar',
         *         html: 'Some HTML'
         *     });
         * @accessor
        navigationBar: {
            docked: 'top'

         * @cfg {String} defaultBackButtonText
         * The text to be displayed on the back button if:
         * - The previous view does not have a title.
         * - The {@link #useTitleForBackButtonText} configuration is `true`.
         * @accessor
        defaultBackButtonText: 'Back',

         * @cfg {Boolean} useTitleForBackButtonText
         * Set to `false` if you always want to display the {@link #defaultBackButtonText} as the text
         * on the back button. `true` if you want to use the previous views title.
         * @accessor
        useTitleForBackButtonText: false,

         * @cfg {Array/Object} items The child items to add to this NavigationView. This is usually an array of Component
         * configurations or instances, for example:
         *     Ext.create('Ext.Container', {
         *         items: [
         *             {
         *                 xtype: 'panel',
         *                 title: 'My title',
         *                 html: 'This is an item'
         *             }
         *         ]
         *     });
         * If you want a title to be displayed in the {@link #navigationBar}, you must specify a `title` configuration in your
         * view, like above.
         * __Note:__ Only one view will be visible at a time. If you want to change to another view, use the {@link #method-push} or
         * {@link #setActiveItem} methods.
         * @accessor

         * @cfg
         * @hide
        layout: {
            type: 'card',
            animation: {
                duration: 300,
                easing: 'ease-out',
                type: 'slide',
                direction: 'left'

        // See https://sencha.jira.com/browse/TOUCH-1568
        // If you do, add to #navigationBar config docs:
        //     If you want to add a button on the right of the NavigationBar,
        //     use the {@link #rightButton} configuration.

     * @event push
     * Fires when a view is pushed into this navigation view
     * @param {Ext.navigation.View} this The component instance
     * @param {Mixed} view The view that has been pushed

     * @event pop
     * Fires when a view is popped from this navigation view
     * @param {Ext.navigation.View} this The component instance
     * @param {Mixed} view The view that has been popped

     * @event back
     * Fires when the back button in the navigation view was tapped.
     * @param {Ext.navigation.View} this The component instance\

    // @private
    initialize: function() {
        var me     = this,
            navBar = me.getNavigationBar();

        //add a listener onto the back button in the navigationbar
            back: me.onBackButtonTap,
            scope: me

        me.relayEvents(navBar, 'rightbuttontap');

        me.relayEvents(me, {
            add: 'push',
            remove: 'pop'

        var layout = me.getLayout();
        if (layout && !layout.isCard) {
            Ext.Logger.error('The base layout for a NavigationView must always be a Card Layout');

     * @private
    applyLayout: function(config) {
        config = config || {};

        return config;

     * @private
     * Called when the user taps on the back button
    onBackButtonTap: function() {
        this.fireEvent('back', this);

     * Pushes a new view into this navigation view using the default animation that this view has.
     * @param {Object} view The view to push.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The new item you just pushed.
    push: function(view) {
        return this.add(view);

     * Removes the current active view from the stack and sets the previous view using the default animation
     * of this view. You can also pass a {@link Ext.ComponentQuery} selector to target what inner item to pop to.
     * @param {Mixed} count If a Number, the number of views you want to pop. If a String, the pops to a matching
     * component query. If an Object, the pops to a matching view instance.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The new active item
    pop: function(count) {
        if (this.beforePop(count)) {
            return this.doPop();

     * @private
     * Calculates whether it needs to remove any items from the stack when you are popping more than 1
     * item. If it does, it removes those views from the stack and returns `true`.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if it has removed views.
    beforePop: function(count) {
        var me = this,
            innerItems = me.getInnerItems();

        if (Ext.isString(count) || Ext.isObject(count)) {
            var last = innerItems.length - 1,

            for (i = last; i >= 0; i--) {
                if ((Ext.isString(count) && Ext.ComponentQuery.is(innerItems[i], count)) || (Ext.isObject(count) && count == innerItems[i])) {
                    count = last - i;

            if (!Ext.isNumber(count)) {
                return false;

        var ln = innerItems.length,

        //default to 1 pop
        if (!Ext.isNumber(count) || count < 1) {
            count = 1;

        //check if we are trying to remove more items than we have
        count = Math.min(count, ln - 1);

        if (count) {
            //we need to reset the backButtonStack in the navigation bar

            //get the items we need to remove from the view and remove theme
            toRemove = innerItems.splice(-count, count - 1);
            for (i = 0; i < toRemove.length; i++) {

            return true;

        return false;

     * @private
    doPop: function() {
        var me = this,
            innerItems = this.getInnerItems();

        //set the new active item to be the new last item of the stack
        me.remove(innerItems[innerItems.length - 1]);
        return this.getActiveItem();

     * Returns the previous item, if one exists.
     * @return {Mixed} The previous view
    getPreviousItem: function() {
        var innerItems = this.getInnerItems();
        return innerItems[innerItems.length - 2];

     * Updates the backbutton text accordingly in the {@link #navigationBar}
     * @private
    updateUseTitleForBackButtonText: function(useTitleForBackButtonText) {
        var navigationBar = this.getNavigationBar();
        if (navigationBar) {

     * Updates the backbutton text accordingly in the {@link #navigationBar}
     * @private
    updateDefaultBackButtonText: function(defaultBackButtonText) {
        var navigationBar = this.getNavigationBar();
        if (navigationBar) {

    // @private
    applyNavigationBar: function(config) {
        if (!config) {
            config = {
                hidden: true,
                docked: 'top'

        if (config.title) {
            delete config.title;
            Ext.Logger.warn("Ext.navigation.View: The 'navigationBar' configuration does not accept a 'title' property. You " +
                            "set the title of the navigationBar by giving this navigation view's children a 'title' property.");

        config.view = this;
        config.useTitleForBackButtonText = this.getUseTitleForBackButtonText();

        return Ext.factory(config, Ext.navigation.Bar, this.getNavigationBar());

    // @private
    updateNavigationBar: function(newNavigationBar, oldNavigationBar) {
        if (oldNavigationBar) {
            this.remove(oldNavigationBar, true);

        if (newNavigationBar) {

     * @private
    applyActiveItem: function(activeItem, currentActiveItem) {
        var me = this,
            innerItems = me.getInnerItems();

        // Make sure the items are already initialized

        // If we are not initialzed yet, we should set the active item to the last item in the stack
        if (!me.initialized) {
            activeItem = innerItems.length - 1;

        return this.callParent([activeItem, currentActiveItem]);

    doResetActiveItem: function(innerIndex) {
        var me = this,
            innerItems = me.getInnerItems(),
            animation = me.getLayout().getAnimation();

        if (innerIndex > 0) {
            if (animation && animation.isAnimation) {
            me.setActiveItem(innerIndex - 1);
            me.getNavigationBar().onViewRemove(me, innerItems[innerIndex], innerIndex);

     * @private
    doRemove: function() {
        var animation = this.getLayout().getAnimation();

        if (animation && animation.isAnimation) {


     * @private
    onItemAdd: function(item, index) {
        this.doItemLayoutAdd(item, index);

        if (!this.isItemsInitializing && item.isInnerItem()) {
            this.getNavigationBar().onViewAdd(this, item, index);

        if (this.initialized) {
            this.fireEvent('add', this, item, index);

     * Resets the view by removing all items between the first and last item.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The view that is now active
    reset: function() {
        return this.pop(this.getInnerItems().length);