 * @aside guide dataview
 * DataView makes it easy to create lots of components dynamically, usually based off a {@link Ext.data.Store Store}.
 * It's great for rendering lots of data from your server backend or any other data source and is what powers
 * components like {@link Ext.List}.
 * Use DataView whenever you want to show sets of the same component many times, for examples in apps like these:
 * - List of messages in an email app
 * - Showing latest news/tweets
 * - Tiled set of albums in an HTML5 music player
 * # Creating a Simple DataView
 * At its simplest, a DataView is just a Store full of data and a simple template that we use to render each item:
 *     @example miniphone preview
 *     var touchTeam = Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
 *         fullscreen: true,
 *         store: {
 *             fields: ['name', 'age'],
 *             data: [
 *                 {name: 'Jamie',  age: 100},
 *                 {name: 'Rob',   age: 21},
 *                 {name: 'Tommy', age: 24},
 *                 {name: 'Jacky', age: 24},
 *                 {name: 'Ed',   age: 26}
 *             ]
 *         },
 *         itemTpl: '<div>{name} is {age} years old</div>'
 *     });
 * Here we just defined everything inline so it's all local with nothing being loaded from a server. For each of the 5
 * data items defined in our Store, DataView will render a {@link Ext.Component Component} and pass in the name and age
 * data. The component will use the tpl we provided above, rendering the data in the curly bracket placeholders we
 * provided.
 * Because DataView is integrated with Store, any changes to the Store are immediately reflected on the screen. For
 * example, if we add a new record to the Store it will be rendered into our DataView:
 *     touchTeam.getStore().add({
 *         name: 'Abe Elias',
 *         age: 33
 *     });
 * We didn't have to manually update the DataView, it's just automatically updated. The same happens if we modify one
 * of the existing records in the Store:
 *     touchTeam.getStore().getAt(0).set('age', 42);
 * This will get the first record in the Store (Jamie), change the age to 42 and automatically update what's on the
 * screen.
 *     @example miniphone
 *     var touchTeam = Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
 *         fullscreen: true,
 *         store: {
 *             fields: ['name', 'age'],
 *             data: [
 *                 {name: 'Jamie',  age: 100},
 *                 {name: 'Rob',   age: 21},
 *                 {name: 'Tommy', age: 24},
 *                 {name: 'Jacky', age: 24},
 *                 {name: 'Ed',   age: 26}
 *             ]
 *         },
 *         itemTpl: '<div>{name} is {age} years old</div>'
 *     });
 *     touchTeam.getStore().add({
 *         name: 'Abe Elias',
 *         age: 33
 *     });
 *     touchTeam.getStore().getAt(0).set('age', 42);
 * # Loading data from a server
 * We often want to load data from our server or some other web service so that we don't have to hard code it all
 * locally. Let's say we want to load all of the latest tweets about Sencha Touch into a DataView, and for each one
 * render the user's profile picture, user name and tweet message. To do this all we have to do is modify the
 * {@link #store} and {@link #itemTpl} a little:
 *     @example portrait
 *     Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
 *         fullscreen: true,
 *         cls: 'twitterView',
 *         store: {
 *             autoLoad: true,
 *             fields: ['from_user', 'text', 'profile_image_url'],
 *             proxy: {
 *                 type: 'jsonp',
 *                 url: 'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=Sencha Touch',
 *                 reader: {
 *                     type: 'json',
 *                     rootProperty: 'results'
 *                 }
 *             }
 *         },
 *         itemTpl: '<img src="{profile_image_url}" /><h2>{from_user}</h2><p>{text}</p><div style="clear: both"></div>'
 *     });
 * The Store no longer has hard coded data, instead we've provided a {@link Ext.data.proxy.Proxy Proxy}, which fetches
 * the data for us. In this case we used a JSON-P proxy so that we can load from Twitter's JSON-P search API. We also
 * specified the fields present for each tweet, and used Store's {@link Ext.data.Store#autoLoad autoLoad} configuration
 * to load automatically. Finally, we configured a Reader to decode the response from Twitter, telling it to expect
 * JSON and that the tweets can be found in the 'results' part of the JSON response.
 * The last thing we did is update our template to render the image, twitter username and message. All we need to do
 * now is add a little CSS to style the list the way we want it and we end up with a very basic twitter viewer. Click
 * the preview button on the example above to see it in action.
Ext.define('Ext.dataview.DataView', {
    extend: 'Ext.Container',

    alternateClassName: 'Ext.DataView',

    mixins: ['Ext.mixin.Selectable'],

    xtype: 'dataview',

    requires: [

     * @event containertap
     * Fires when a tap occurs and it is not on a template node.
     * @removed 2.0.0

     * @event itemtouchstart
     * Fires whenever an item is touched
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item touched
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem touched
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event itemtouchmove
     * Fires whenever an item is moved
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item moved
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem moved
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event itemtouchend
     * Fires whenever an item is touched
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item touched
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem touched
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event itemtap
     * Fires whenever an item is tapped
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item tapped
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem tapped
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event itemtaphold
     * Fires whenever an item's taphold event fires
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item touched
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem touched
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event itemsingletap
     * Fires whenever an item is singletapped
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item singletapped
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem singletapped
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event itemdoubletap
     * Fires whenever an item is doubletapped
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item doubletapped
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem doubletapped
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event itemswipe
     * Fires whenever an item is swiped
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the item swiped
     * @param {Ext.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} target The element or DataItem swiped
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object

     * @event select
     * @preventable doItemSelect
     * Fires whenever an item is selected
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item

     * @event deselect
     * @preventable doItemDeselect
     * Fires whenever an item is deselected
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record assosciated to the item
     * @param {Boolean} supressed Flag to supress the event

     * @event refresh
     * @preventable doRefresh
     * Fires whenever the DataView is refreshed
     * @param {Ext.dataview.DataView} this

     * @hide
     * @event add

     * @hide
     * @event remove

     * @hide
     * @event move

    config: {
         * @cfg layout
         * Hide layout config in DataView. It only causes confusion.
         * @accessor
         * @private

         * @cfg {Ext.data.Store/Object} store
         * Can be either a Store instance or a configuration object that will be turned into a Store. The Store is used
         * to populate the set of items that will be rendered in the DataView. See the DataView intro documentation for
         * more information about the relationship between Store and DataView.
         * @accessor
        store: null,

         * @cfg
         * @inheritdoc
        baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dataview',

         * @cfg {String} emptyText
         * The text to display in the view when there is no data to display
        emptyText: null,

         * @cfg {Boolean} deferEmptyText True to defer emptyText being applied until the store's first load
        deferEmptyText: true,

         * @cfg {String/String[]/Ext.XTemplate} itemTpl
         * The tpl to use for each of the items displayed in this DataView.
        itemTpl: '<div>{text}</div>',

         * @cfg {String} pressedCls
         * The CSS class to apply to an item on the view while it is being pressed.
         * @accessor
        pressedCls: 'x-item-pressed',

         * @cfg {String} itemCls
         * An additional CSS class to apply to items within the DataView.
         * @accessor
        itemCls: null,

         * @cfg {String} selectedCls
         * The CSS class to apply to an item on the view while it is selected.
         * @accessor
        selectedCls: 'x-item-selected',

         * @cfg {String} triggerEvent
         * Determines what type of touch event causes an item to be selected. Defaults to 'itemtap'.
         * Valid options are 'itemtap', 'itemsingletap', 'itemdoubletap', 'itemswipe', 'itemtaphold'.
         * @accessor
        triggerEvent: 'itemtap',

         * @cfg {String} triggerCtEvent
         * Determines what type of touch event is recognized as a touch on the container.
         * Valid options are 'tap' and 'singletap'.
         * @accessor
        triggerCtEvent: 'tap',

         * @cfg {Boolean} deselectOnContainerClick
         * When set to true, tapping on the DataView's background (i.e. not on
         * an item in the DataView) will deselect any currently selected items.
         * @accessor
        deselectOnContainerClick: true,

         * @cfg
         * @inheritdoc
        scrollable: true,

         * @cfg {Boolean/Object} inline
         * When set to true the items within the DataView will have their display set to inline-block
         * and be arranged horizontally. By default the items will wrap to the width of the DataView.
         * Passing an object with { wrap: false } will turn off this wrapping behavior and overflowed
         * items will need to be scrolled to horizontally.
         * @accessor
        inline: null,

         * @cfg {Number} pressedDelay
         * The amount of delay between the tapstart and the moment we add the pressedCls.
         * Settings this to true defaults to 100ms.
         * @accessor
        pressedDelay: 100,

         * @cfg {String} loadingText
         * A string to display during data load operations (defaults to 'Loading...').  If specified, this text will be
         * displayed in a loading div and the view's contents will be cleared while loading, otherwise the view's
         * contents will continue to display normally until the new data is loaded and the contents are replaced.
        loadingText: 'Loading...',

         * @cfg {Boolean} useComponents
         * Flag the use a component based DataView implementation.  This allows the full use of components in the
         * DataView at the cost of some performance.
         * Checkout the [DataView Guide](#!/guide/dataview) for more information on using this configuration.
         * @accessor
        useComponents: null,

         * @cfg {Object} itemConfig
         * A configuration object that is passed to every item created by a component based DataView. Because each
         * item that a DataView renders is a Component, we can pass configuration options to each component to
         * easily customize how each child component behaves.
         * Note this is only used when useComponents is true.
         * @accessor
        itemConfig: {},

         * @cfg {Number} maxItemCache
         * Maintains a cache of reusable components when using a component based DataView.  Improveing performance at
         * the cost of memory.
         * Note this is currently only used when useComponents is true.
         * @accessor
        maxItemCache: 20,

         * @cfg {String} defaultType
         * The xtype used for the component based DataView. Defaults to dataitem.
         * Note this is only used when useComponents is true.
         * @accessor
        defaultType: 'dataitem',

         * @cfg {String} scrollToTopOnRefresh
         * Scroll the DataView to the top when the DataView is refreshed
         * @accessor
        scrollToTopOnRefresh: true

    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;

        // <debug warn>
        if (config && config.layout) {
            Ext.Logger.warn('Attempting to create a DataView with a layout. DataViews do not have a layout configuration as their items are laid out automatically.');
            delete config.layout;
        // </debug>

        me.hasLoadedStore = false;

        me.mixins.selectable.constructor.apply(me, arguments);


    updateItemCls: function(newCls, oldCls) {
        var container = this.container;
        if (container) {
            if (oldCls) {
            if (newCls) {

    storeEventHooks: {
        beforeload: 'onBeforeLoad',
        load: 'onLoad',
        refresh: 'refresh',
        addrecords: 'onStoreAdd',
        removerecords: 'onStoreRemove',
        updaterecord: 'onStoreUpdate'

    initialize: function() {
        var me = this,

        me.on(me.getTriggerCtEvent(), me.onContainerTrigger, me);

        container = me.container = this.add(new Ext.dataview[me.getUseComponents() ? 'component' : 'element'].Container({
            baseCls: this.getBaseCls()
        container.dataview = me;

        me.on(me.getTriggerEvent(), me.onItemTrigger, me);

            itemtouchstart: 'onItemTouchStart',
            itemtouchend: 'onItemTouchEnd',
            itemtap: 'onItemTap',
            itemtaphold: 'onItemTapHold',
            itemtouchmove: 'onItemTouchMove',
            itemsingletap: 'onItemSingleTap',
            itemdoubletap: 'onItemDoubleTap',
            itemswipe: 'onItemSwipe',
            scope: me

        if (this.getStore()) {

    applyInline: function(config) {
        if (Ext.isObject(config)) {
            config = Ext.apply({}, config);
        return config;

    updateInline: function(newInline, oldInline) {
        var baseCls = this.getBaseCls();
        if (oldInline) {
            this.removeCls([baseCls + '-inlineblock', baseCls + '-nowrap']);
        if (newInline) {
            this.addCls(baseCls + '-inlineblock');
            if (Ext.isObject(newInline) && newInline.wrap === false) {
                this.addCls(baseCls + '-nowrap');
            else {
                this.removeCls(baseCls + '-nowrap');

     * Function which can be overridden to provide custom formatting for each Record that is used by this
     * DataView's {@link #tpl template} to render each node.
     * @param {Object/Object[]} data The raw data object that was used to create the Record.
     * @param {Number} recordIndex the index number of the Record being prepared for rendering.
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The Record being prepared for rendering.
     * @return {Array/Object} The formatted data in a format expected by the internal {@link #tpl template}'s overwrite() method.
     * (either an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'}))
    prepareData: function(data, index, record) {
        data.xindex = index + 1;
        return data;

    // apply to the selection model to maintain visual UI cues
    onContainerTrigger: function(e) {
        var me = this;
        if (e.target != me.element.dom) {
        if (me.getDeselectOnContainerClick() && me.getStore()) {

    // apply to the selection model to maintain visual UI cues
    onItemTrigger: function(me, index) {

    doAddPressedCls: function(record) {
        var me = this,
        item = me.container.getViewItems()[me.getStore().indexOf(record)];
        if (Ext.isElement(item)) {
            item = Ext.get(item);
        if (item) {

    onItemTouchStart: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        me.fireAction('itemtouchstart', [me, index, target, record, e], 'doItemTouchStart');

    doItemTouchStart: function(me, index, target, record) {
        var pressedDelay = me.getPressedDelay();

        if (record) {
            if (pressedDelay > 0) {
                me.pressedTimeout = Ext.defer(me.doAddPressedCls, pressedDelay, me, [record]);
            else {

    onItemTouchEnd: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        if (this.hasOwnProperty('pressedTimeout')) {
            delete this.pressedTimeout;

        if (record && target) {

        me.fireEvent('itemtouchend', me, index, target, record, e);

    onItemTouchMove: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        if (me.hasOwnProperty('pressedTimeout')) {
            delete me.pressedTimeout;

        if (record && target) {
        me.fireEvent('itemtouchmove', me, index, target, record, e);

    onItemTap: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        me.fireEvent('itemtap', me, index, target, record, e);

    onItemTapHold: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        me.fireEvent('itemtaphold', me, index, target, record, e);

    onItemSingleTap: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        me.fireEvent('itemsingletap', me, index, target, record, e);

    onItemDoubleTap: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        me.fireEvent('itemdoubletap', me, index, target, record, e);

    onItemSwipe: function(container, target, index, e) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.getStore(),
            record = store && store.getAt(index);

        me.fireEvent('itemswipe', me, index, target, record, e);

    // invoked by the selection model to maintain visual UI cues
    onItemSelect: function(record, suppressEvent) {
        var me = this;
        if (suppressEvent) {
            me.doItemSelect(me, record);
        } else {
            me.fireAction('select', [me, record], 'doItemSelect');

    // invoked by the selection model to maintain visual UI cues
    doItemSelect: function(me, record) {
        if (me.container && !me.isDestroyed) {
            var item = me.container.getViewItems()[me.getStore().indexOf(record)];
            if (Ext.isElement(item)) {
                item = Ext.get(item);
            if (item) {

    // invoked by the selection model to maintain visual UI cues
    onItemDeselect: function(record, suppressEvent) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.container && !me.isDestroyed) {
            if (suppressEvent) {
                me.doItemDeselect(me, record);
            else {
                me.fireAction('deselect', [me, record, suppressEvent], 'doItemDeselect');

    doItemDeselect: function(me, record) {
        var item = me.container.getViewItems()[me.getStore().indexOf(record)];

        if (Ext.isElement(item)) {
            item = Ext.get(item);

        if (item) {
            item.removeCls([me.getPressedCls(), me.getSelectedCls()]);

    updateData: function(data) {
        var store = this.getStore();
        if (!store) {
            this.setStore(Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
                data: data
        } else {

    applyStore: function(store) {
        var me = this,
            bindEvents = Ext.apply({}, me.storeEventHooks, { scope: me }),
            proxy, reader;

        if (store) {
            store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(store);
            if (store && Ext.isObject(store) && store.isStore) {
                proxy = store.getProxy();
                if (proxy) {
                    reader = proxy.getReader();
                    if (reader) {
                        reader.on('exception', 'handleException', this);
            //<debug warn>
            else {
                Ext.Logger.warn("The specified Store cannot be found", this);

        return store;

     * Method called when the Store's Reader throws an exception
     * @method handleException
    handleException: function() {

    updateStore: function(newStore, oldStore) {
        var me = this,
            bindEvents = Ext.apply({}, me.storeEventHooks, { scope: me }),
            proxy, reader;

        if (oldStore && Ext.isObject(oldStore) && oldStore.isStore) {
            if (oldStore.getAutoDestroy()) {
            else {
                proxy = oldStore.getProxy();
                if (proxy) {
                    reader = proxy.getReader();
                    if (reader) {
                        reader.un('exception', 'handleException', this);

        if (newStore) {
            if (newStore.isLoaded()) {
                this.hasLoadedStore = true;

            if (newStore.isLoading()) {
            if (me.container) {

    onBeforeLoad: function() {
        var scrollable = this.getScrollable();
        if (scrollable) {

        var loadingText = this.getLoadingText();
        if (loadingText) {
                xtype: 'loadmask',
                message: loadingText

            //disable scorlling while it is masked
            if (scrollable) {


    updateEmptyText: function(newEmptyText, oldEmptyText) {
        var me = this,

        if (oldEmptyText && me.emptyTextCmp) {
            me.remove(me.emptyTextCmp, true);
            delete me.emptyTextCmp;

        if (newEmptyText) {
            me.emptyTextCmp = me.add({
                xtype: 'component',
                cls: me.getBaseCls() + '-emptytext',
                html: newEmptyText,
                hidden: true
            store = me.getStore();
            if (store && me.hasLoadedStore && !store.getCount()) {

    onLoad: function(store) {
        var scrollable = this.getScrollable();

        //remove any masks on the store
        this.hasLoadedStore = true;

        //enable the scroller again
        if (scrollable) {
        if (!store.getCount()) {

     * Refreshes the view by reloading the data from the store and re-rendering the template.
    refresh: function() {
        var me = this,
            container = me.container;

        if (!me.getStore()) {
            if (!me.hasLoadedStore && !me.getDeferEmptyText()) {
        if (container) {
            me.fireAction('refresh', [me], 'doRefresh');

    applyItemTpl: function(config) {
        return (Ext.isObject(config) && config.isTemplate) ? config : new Ext.XTemplate(config);

    onAfterRender: function() {
        var me = this;

    getViewItems: function() {
        return this.container.getViewItems();

    doRefresh: function(me) {
        var container = me.container,
            store = me.getStore(),
            records = store.getRange(),
            items = container.getViewItems(),
            recordsLn = records.length,
            itemsLn = items.length,
            deltaLn = recordsLn - itemsLn,
            scrollable = me.getScrollable(),
            i, item;

        if (this.getScrollToTopOnRefresh() && scrollable) {

        // No items, hide all the items from the collection.
        if (recordsLn < 1) {

        // Too many items, hide the unused ones
        if (deltaLn < 0) {
            container.moveItemsToCache(itemsLn + deltaLn, itemsLn - 1);
            // Items can changed, we need to refresh our references
            items = container.getViewItems();
            itemsLn = items.length;
        // Not enough items, create new ones
        else if (deltaLn > 0) {

        // Update Data and insert the new html for existing items
        for (i = 0; i < itemsLn; i++) {
            item = items[i];
            container.updateListItem(records[i], item);

    showEmptyText: function() {
        if (this.getEmptyText() && (this.hasLoadedStore || !this.getDeferEmptyText()) ) {

    hideEmptyText: function() {
        if (this.getEmptyText()) {

    destroy: function() {
        var store = this.getStore();
        if (store.getAutoDestroy()) {

    onStoreClear: function() {
        var me = this,
            container = me.container,
            items = container.getViewItems();

        container.moveItemsToCache(0, items.length - 1);

    // private
    onStoreAdd: function(store, records) {
        if (records) {

    // private
    onStoreRemove: function(store, records, indices) {
        var container = this.container,
            ln = records.length,
        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            container.moveItemsToCache(indices[i], indices[i]);

    // private
    onStoreUpdate: function(store, record, newIndex, oldIndex) {
        var me = this,
            container = me.container;
        oldIndex = (typeof oldIndex === 'undefined') ? newIndex : oldIndex;

        if (oldIndex !== newIndex) {
            container.moveItemsToCache(oldIndex, oldIndex);
            if (me.isSelected(record)) {
                me.doItemSelect(me, record);
        else {
            // Bypassing setter because sometimes we pass the same record (different data)
            container.updateListItem(record, container.getViewItems()[newIndex]);
    //<deprecated product=touch since=2.0>
}, function() {

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method collectData
     * Function which can be overridden which returns the data object passed to
     * this DataView's template to render the whole DataView.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'collectData', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.collectData() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method findItemByChild
     * Returns the template node the passed child belongs to, or null if it doesn't belong to one.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'findItemByChild', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.findItemByChild() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method findTargetByEvent
     * Returns the template node by the Ext.EventObject or null if it is not found.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'findTargetByEvent', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.findTargetByEvent() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method getNode
     * Gets a template node.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'getNode', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.getNode() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method getNodes
     * Gets a range nodes.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'getNodes', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.getNodes() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method getRecords
     * Gets an array of the records from an array of nodes.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'getRecords', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.getRecords() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method getSelectedNodes
     * Gets the currently selected nodes.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'getSelectedNodes', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.getSelectedNodes() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method getSelectedRecords
     * Gets an array of the selected records.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'getSelectedRecords', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.getSelectedRecords() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method indexOf
     * Finds the index of the passed node.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'indexOf', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.indexOf() has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @method refreshNode
     * Refreshes an individual node's data from the store.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'refreshNode', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.refreshNode() has been removed");

     * Binds a new {@link Ext.data.Store Store} to this DataView.
     * @deprecated 2.0 please use {@link #setStore} instead
     * @method bindStore
    Ext.deprecateClassMethod(this, 'bindStore', 'setStore');

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} blockRefresh
     * Set this to true to ignore datachanged events on the bound store.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'blockRefresh', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.blockRefresh has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} itemSelector
     * A simple CSS selector that will be used to determine what nodes this DataView will be working with.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'itemSelector', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.itemSelector has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} multiSelect
     * True to allow selection of more than one item at a time.
     * @removed 2.0.0 multiSelect is deprecated. Please use {@link Ext.mixin.Selectable#mode mode} instead
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'multiSelect', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.multiSelect has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} overItemCls
     * A CSS class to apply to each item in the view on mouseover.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'overItemCls', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.overItemCls has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} selectedItemCls
     * A CSS class to apply to each selected item in the view.
     * @removed 2.0.0 Please use {@link #selectedCls selectedCls} instead
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'selectedItemCls', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.selectedItemCls has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} simpleSelect
     * True to enable multiselection by clicking on multiple items without requiring
     * the user to hold Shift or Ctrl, false to force the user to hold Ctrl or Shift
     * to select more than on item.
     * @removed 2.0.0 Please use {@link Ext.mixin.Selectable#mode mode} instead
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'simpleSelect', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.simpleSelect has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} singleSelect
     * True to allow selection of exactly one item at a time, false to allow no selection at all.
     * @removed 2.0.0 Please use {@link Ext.mixin.Selectable#mode mode} instead
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'singleSelect', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.singleSelect has been removed");

     * @member Ext.dataview.DataView
     * @cfg {Boolean} trackOver
     * True to enable mouseenter and mouseleave events.
     * @removed 2.0.0
    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'trackOver', null, "Ext.dataview.DataView.trackOver has been removed");
