 * Ext.tab.Bar is used internally by {@link Ext.tab.Panel} to create the bar of tabs that appears at the top of the tab
 * panel. It's unusual to use it directly, instead see the {@link Ext.tab.Panel tab panel docs} for usage instructions.
 * Used in the {@link Ext.tab.Panel} component to display {@link Ext.tab.Tab} components.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.tab.Bar', {
    extend: 'Ext.Toolbar',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.TabBar',
    xtype : 'tabbar',

    requires: ['Ext.tab.Tab'],

    config: {
         * @cfg
         * @inheritdoc
        baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tabbar',

        // @private
        defaultType: 'tab',

        // @private
        layout: {
            type: 'hbox',
            align: 'middle'

    eventedConfig: {
         * @cfg {Number/String/Ext.Component} activeTab
         * The initially activated tab. Can be specified as numeric index,
         * component ID or as the component instance itself.
         * @accessor
         * @evented
        activeTab: null

     * @event tabchange
     * Fired when active tab changes.
     * @param {Ext.tab.Bar} this
     * @param {Ext.tab.Tab} newTab The new Tab
     * @param {Ext.tab.Tab} oldTab The old Tab

    initialize: function() {
        var me = this;

            tap: 'onTabTap',

            delegate: '> tab',
            scope   : me

    // @private
    onTabTap: function(tab) {

     * @private
    applyActiveTab: function(newActiveTab, oldActiveTab) {
        if (!newActiveTab && newActiveTab !== 0) {

        var newTabInstance = this.parseActiveTab(newActiveTab);

        if (!newTabInstance) {
            // <debug warn>
            if (oldActiveTab) {
                Ext.Logger.warn('Trying to set a non-existent activeTab');
            // </debug>
        return newTabInstance;

     * @private
     * When docked to the top, pack left, when on the bottom pack center
    doSetDocked: function(newDocked) {
        var layout = this.getLayout(),
            pack   = newDocked == 'bottom' ? 'center' : 'left';

        //layout isn't guaranteed to be instantiated so must test
        if (layout.isLayout) {
        } else {
            layout.pack = (layout && layout.pack) ? layout.pack : pack;

     * @private
     * Sets the active tab
    doSetActiveTab: function(newTab, oldTab) {
        if (newTab) {

        //Check if the parent is present, if not it is destroyed
        if (oldTab && oldTab.parent) {

     * @private
     * Parses the active tab, which can be a number or string
    parseActiveTab: function(tab) {
        //we need to call getItems to initialize the items, otherwise they will not exist yet.
        if (typeof tab == 'number') {
            return this.getInnerItems()[tab];
        else if (typeof tab == 'string') {
            tab = Ext.getCmp(tab);
        return tab;