 * @author Ed Spencer
 * Base Writer class used by most subclasses of {@link Ext.data.proxy.Server}. This class is responsible for taking a
 * set of {@link Ext.data.Operation} objects and a {@link Ext.data.Request} object and modifying that request based on
 * the Operations.
 * For example a Ext.data.writer.Json would format the Operations and their {@link Ext.data.Model} instances based on
 * the config options passed to the JsonWriter's constructor.
 * Writers are not needed for any kind of local storage - whether via a {@link Ext.data.proxy.WebStorage Web Storage
 * proxy} (see {@link Ext.data.proxy.LocalStorage localStorage} and {@link Ext.data.proxy.SessionStorage
 * sessionStorage}) or just in memory via a {@link Ext.data.proxy.Memory MemoryProxy}.
 * # Dates
 * Before sending dates to the server, they can be formatted using one of the {@link Ext.Date} formats.
 * These formats can be specified both on the field and the writer itself. In terms of precedence, from highest to lowest:
 * -  {@link #dateFormat Writer.dateFormat} The writer dateFormat will always have the highest precedence
 * -  {@link Ext.data.Field#dateWriteFormat} The dateWriteFormat will be used if no format is specified on the writer
 * -  {@link Ext.data.Field#dateFormat Field.dateFormat}/{@link Ext.data.Field#dateReadFormat Field.dateReadFormat} 
 * Finally, if none of the above options are specified the field will be formatted using the format that was used to read the date from the server.
Ext.define('Ext.data.writer.Writer', {
    alias: 'writer.base',
    alternateClassName: ['Ext.data.DataWriter', 'Ext.data.Writer'],

     * @cfg {Boolean} writeAllFields
     * True to write all fields from the record to the server. If set to false it will only send the fields that were
     * modified. Note that any fields that have {@link Ext.data.Field#persist} set to false will still be ignored.
    writeAllFields: true,

     * @cfg {String} dateFormat
     * This is used for each field of type date in the model to format the value before
     * it is sent to the server.

     * @cfg {String} nameProperty
     * This property is used to read the key for each value that will be sent to the server. For example:
     *     Ext.define('Person', {
     *         extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
     *         fields: [{
     *             name: 'first',
     *             mapping: 'firstName'
     *         }, {
     *             name: 'last',
     *             mapping: 'lastName'
     *         }, {
     *             name: 'age'
     *         }]
     *     });
     *     new Ext.data.writer.Writer({
     *         writeAllFields: true,
     *         nameProperty: 'mapping'
     *     });
     *     // This will be sent to the server
     *     {
     *         firstName: 'first name value',
     *         lastName: 'last name value',
     *         age: 1
     *     }
     * If the value is not present, the field name will always be used.
    nameProperty: 'name',

     * @cfg {Boolean} [writeRecordId]
     * By default, each record's id is always included in the output for non-phantom records since in most
     * cases the id will be required on the server to process the record action. This is helpful since the id
     * will normally not be modified, and so would not be sent to the server unless {@link #writeAllFields}
     * was explicitly enabled.
     * However, there are cases where it is not desirable for the record id to be passed in the data directly.
     * For example, when using a RESTful API the record id would typically be appended to the url instead.
    writeRecordId: true,

     * @property {Boolean} isWriter
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Writer, or subclass thereof.
    isWriter: true,

     * Creates new Writer.
     * @param {Object} [config] Config object.
    constructor: function(config) {
        Ext.apply(this, config);

     * Prepares a Proxy's Ext.data.Request object
     * @param {Ext.data.Request} request The request object
     * @return {Ext.data.Request} The modified request object
    write: function(request) {
        var operation = request.operation,
            records   = operation.records || [],
            len       = records.length,
            i         = 0,
            data      = [];

        for (; i < len; i++) {
            data.push(this.getRecordData(records[i], operation));
        return this.writeRecords(request, data);

     * Formats the data for each record before sending it to the server. This
     * method should be overridden to format the data in a way that differs from the default.
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record that we are writing to the server.
     * @param {Ext.data.Operation} [operation] An operation object.
     * @return {Object} An object literal of name/value keys to be written to the server.
     * By default this method returns the data property on the record.
    getRecordData: function(record, operation) {
        var isPhantom = record.phantom === true,
            writeAll = this.writeAllFields || isPhantom,
            fields = record.fields,
            fieldItems = fields.items,
            data = {},
            clientIdProperty = record.clientIdProperty,
            f, fLen;

        if (writeAll) {
            fLen = fieldItems.length;

            for (f = 0; f < fLen; f++) {
                field = fieldItems[f];
                if (field.persist) {
                    this.writeValue(data, field, record);
        } else if (operation && operation.action === 'destroy') {
            this.writeValue(data, record.idField, record);
        } else {
            // Only write the changes
            changes = record.getChanges();
            for (key in changes) {
                if (changes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    field = fields.get(key);
                    if (field.persist) {
                        this.writeValue(data, field, record);
        if (isPhantom) {
            if (clientIdProperty && operation && operation.records.length > 1) {
                // include clientId for phantom records, if multiple records are being written to the server in one operation.
                // The server can then return the clientId with each record so the operation can match the server records with the client records
                data[clientIdProperty] = record.internalId;
        } else if (this.writeRecordId) {
            // Make sure that if a mapping is in place the mapped id name is used instead of the default field name. 
            mappedIdProperty = fields.get(record.idProperty)[this.nameProperty] || record.idProperty;
            data[mappedIdProperty] = record.getId();

        return data;

    writeValue: function(data, field, record){
        var name = field[this.nameProperty],
            dateFormat = this.dateFormat || field.dateWriteFormat || field.dateFormat,
            value = record.get(field.name);

        // Allow the nameProperty to yield a numeric value which may be zero.
        // For example, using a field's numeric mapping to write an array for output.
        if (name == null) {
            name = field.name;

        if (field.serialize) {
            data[name] = field.serialize(value, record);
        } else if (field.type === Ext.data.Types.DATE && dateFormat && Ext.isDate(value)) {
            data[name] = Ext.Date.format(value, dateFormat);
        } else {
            data[name] = value;