Basic Meta Configuration

This example demonstrates reconfiguring a grid dynamically based on the metadata returned by the server
(requires PHP). Click the "Reload Metadata" button to see a new randomized column set and data in the grid.

Note also that the grid is editable on double-click, and that the editors automatically update as well. See below for additional details.

The server response is in this format:

  data: [{ ... }],
  msg: "...",
  total: 99,
  metaData: {
    fields: [{ ... }],
    columns: [{ ... }],
    idProperty: "id",
    messageProperty: "msg",
    root: "data"

The store/model automatically read the fields config to reconfigure the data model, but you can add any additional custom data into the metaData that you need. In this example we've added a columns config that contains a grid-specific column configuration that can be passed to the grid.reconfigure() method in the store's load event handler. You could easily add other widget-specific configurations into the response as well.