// @tag foundation,core
// @require String.js
// @define Ext.Number

 * @class Ext.Number
 * A collection of useful static methods to deal with numbers
 * @singleton

Ext.Number = new function() {

    var me = this,
        isToFixedBroken = (0.9).toFixed() !== '1',
        math = Math;

    Ext.apply(this, {
         * Checks whether or not the passed number is within a desired range.  If the number is already within the
         * range it is returned, otherwise the min or max value is returned depending on which side of the range is
         * exceeded. Note that this method returns the constrained value but does not change the current number.
         * @param {Number} number The number to check
         * @param {Number} min The minimum number in the range
         * @param {Number} max The maximum number in the range
         * @return {Number} The constrained value if outside the range, otherwise the current value
        constrain: function(number, min, max) {
            var x = parseFloat(number);

            // Watch out for NaN in Chrome 18
            // V8bug: http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2056

            // Operators are faster than Math.min/max. See http://jsperf.com/number-constrain
            // ... and (x < Nan) || (x < undefined) == false
            // ... same for (x > NaN) || (x > undefined)
            // so if min or max are undefined or NaN, we never return them... sadly, this
            // is not true of null (but even Math.max(-1,null)==0 and isNaN(null)==false)
            return (x < min) ? min : ((x > max) ? max : x);

         * Snaps the passed number between stopping points based upon a passed increment value.
         * The difference between this and {@link #snapInRange} is that {@link #snapInRange} uses the minValue
         * when calculating snap points:
         *     r = Ext.Number.snap(56, 2, 55, 65);        // Returns 56 - snap points are zero based
         *     r = Ext.Number.snapInRange(56, 2, 55, 65); // Returns 57 - snap points are based from minValue
         * @param {Number} value The unsnapped value.
         * @param {Number} increment The increment by which the value must move.
         * @param {Number} minValue The minimum value to which the returned value must be constrained. Overrides the increment.
         * @param {Number} maxValue The maximum value to which the returned value must be constrained. Overrides the increment.
         * @return {Number} The value of the nearest snap target.
        snap : function(value, increment, minValue, maxValue) {
            var m;

            // If no value passed, or minValue was passed and value is less than minValue (anything < undefined is false)
            // Then use the minValue (or zero if the value was undefined)
            if (value === undefined || value < minValue) {
                return minValue || 0;

            if (increment) {
                m = value % increment;
                if (m !== 0) {
                    value -= m;
                    if (m * 2 >= increment) {
                        value += increment;
                    } else if (m * 2 < -increment) {
                        value -= increment;
            return me.constrain(value, minValue,  maxValue);

         * Snaps the passed number between stopping points based upon a passed increment value.
         * The difference between this and {@link #snap} is that {@link #snap} does not use the minValue
         * when calculating snap points:
         *     r = Ext.Number.snap(56, 2, 55, 65);        // Returns 56 - snap points are zero based
         *     r = Ext.Number.snapInRange(56, 2, 55, 65); // Returns 57 - snap points are based from minValue
         * @param {Number} value The unsnapped value.
         * @param {Number} increment The increment by which the value must move.
         * @param {Number} [minValue=0] The minimum value to which the returned value must be constrained.
         * @param {Number} [maxValue=Infinity] The maximum value to which the returned value must be constrained.
         * @return {Number} The value of the nearest snap target.
        snapInRange : function(value, increment, minValue, maxValue) {
            var tween;

            // default minValue to zero
            minValue = (minValue || 0);

            // If value is undefined, or less than minValue, use minValue
            if (value === undefined || value < minValue) {
                return minValue;

            // Calculate how many snap points from the minValue the passed value is.
            if (increment && (tween = ((value - minValue) % increment))) {
                value -= tween;
                tween *= 2;
                if (tween >= increment) {
                    value += increment;

            // If constraining within a maximum, ensure the maximum is on a snap point
            if (maxValue !== undefined) {
                if (value > (maxValue = me.snapInRange(maxValue, increment, minValue))) {
                    value = maxValue;

            return value;

         * Formats a number using fixed-point notation
         * @param {Number} value The number to format
         * @param {Number} precision The number of digits to show after the decimal point
        toFixed: isToFixedBroken ? function(value, precision) {
            precision = precision || 0;
            var pow = math.pow(10, precision);
            return (math.round(value * pow) / pow).toFixed(precision);
        } : function(value, precision) {
            return value.toFixed(precision);

         * Validate that a value is numeric and convert it to a number if necessary. Returns the specified default value if
         * it is not.

    Ext.Number.from('1.23', 1); // returns 1.23
    Ext.Number.from('abc', 1); // returns 1

         * @param {Object} value
         * @param {Number} defaultValue The value to return if the original value is non-numeric
         * @return {Number} value, if numeric, defaultValue otherwise
        from: function(value, defaultValue) {
            if (isFinite(value)) {
                value = parseFloat(value);

            return !isNaN(value) ? value : defaultValue;

         * Returns a random integer between the specified range (inclusive)
         * @param {Number} from Lowest value to return.
         * @param {Number} to Highst value to return.
         * @return {Number} A random integer within the specified range.
        randomInt: function (from, to) {
           return math.floor(math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);
         * Corrects floating point numbers that overflow to a non-precise
         * value because of their floating nature, for example `0.1 + 0.2`
         * @param {Number} The number
         * @return {Number} The correctly rounded number
        correctFloat: function(n) {
            // This is to correct the type of errors where 2 floats end with
            // a long string of decimals, eg 0.1 + 0.2. When they overflow in this
            // manner, they usually go to 15-16 decimals, so we cut it off at 14.
            return parseFloat(n.toPrecision(14));

     * @deprecated 4.0.0 Please use {@link Ext.Number#from} instead.
     * @member Ext
     * @method num
     * @inheritdoc Ext.Number#from
    Ext.num = function() {
        return me.from.apply(this, arguments);