 * @private
 * Lockable is a private mixin which injects lockable behavior into any
 * TablePanel subclass such as GridPanel or TreePanel. TablePanel will
 * automatically inject the Ext.grid.locking.Lockable mixin in when one of the
 * these conditions are met:
 *  - The TablePanel has the lockable configuration set to true
 *  - One of the columns in the TablePanel has locked set to true/false
 * Each TablePanel subclass must register an alias. It should have an array
 * of configurations to copy to the 2 separate tablepanel's that will be generated
 * to note what configurations should be copied. These are named normalCfgCopy and
 * lockedCfgCopy respectively.
 * Columns which are locked must specify a fixed width. They do NOT support a
 * flex width.
 * Configurations which are specified in this class will be available on any grid or
 * tree which is using the lockable functionality.
Ext.define('Ext.grid.locking.Lockable', {
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.grid.Lockable',

    requires: [

     * @cfg {Boolean} syncRowHeight Synchronize rowHeight between the normal and
     * locked grid view. This is turned on by default. If your grid is guaranteed
     * to have rows of all the same height, you should set this to false to
     * optimize performance.
    syncRowHeight: true,

     * @cfg {String} subGridXType The xtype of the subgrid to specify. If this is
     * not specified lockable will determine the subgrid xtype to create by the
     * following rule. Use the superclasses xtype if the superclass is NOT
     * tablepanel, otherwise use the xtype itself.

     * @cfg {Object} lockedViewConfig A view configuration to be applied to the
     * locked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between lockedViewConfig
     * and viewConfig will be overwritten by the lockedViewConfig.

     * @cfg {Object} normalViewConfig A view configuration to be applied to the
     * normal/unlocked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between normalViewConfig
     * and viewConfig will be overwritten by the normalViewConfig.

    headerCounter: 0,

     * @cfg {Number} scrollDelta
     * Number of pixels to scroll when scrolling the locked section with mousewheel.
    scrollDelta: 40,
     * @cfg {Object} lockedGridConfig
     * Any special configuration options for the locked part of the grid
     * @cfg {Object} normalGridConfig
     * Any special configuration options for the normal part of the grid
    lockedGridCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-inner-locked',

    // i8n text
    unlockText: 'Unlock',
    lockText: 'Lock',

    // Required for the Lockable Mixin. These are the configurations which will be copied to the
    // normal and locked sub tablepanels
    bothCfgCopy: [
    normalCfgCopy: [ 
    lockedCfgCopy: [],

    determineXTypeToCreate: function(lockedSide) {
        var me = this,
            xtypes, xtypesLn, xtype, superxtype;

        if (me.subGridXType) {
            typeToCreate = me.subGridXType;
        } else {
            // Treeness only moves down into the locked side.
            // The normal side is always just a grid
            if (!lockedSide) {
                return 'gridpanel';
            xtypes     = this.getXTypes().split('/');
            xtypesLn   = xtypes.length;
            xtype      = xtypes[xtypesLn - 1];
            superxtype = xtypes[xtypesLn - 2];

            if (superxtype !== 'tablepanel') {
                typeToCreate = superxtype;
            } else {
                typeToCreate = xtype;

        return typeToCreate;

    // injectLockable will be invoked before initComponent's parent class implementation
    // is called, so throughout this method this. are configurations
    injectLockable: function() {
        // ensure lockable is set to true in the TablePanel
        this.lockable = true;
        // Instruct the TablePanel it already has a view and not to create one.
        // We are going to aggregate 2 copies of whatever TablePanel we are using
        this.hasView = true;

        var me = this,
            scrollbarHeight = Ext.getScrollbarSize().height,
            store = me.store = Ext.StoreManager.lookup(me.store),

            // share the selection model
            selModel = me.getSelectionModel(),

            // Hash of {lockedFeatures:[],normalFeatures:[]}

            // Hash of {topPlugins:[],lockedPlugins:[],normalPlugins:[]}

            loadMask = me.viewConfig && me.viewConfig.loadMask,
            bufferedRenderer = me.findPlugin('bufferedrenderer');

        allFeatures = me.constructLockableFeatures();

        // This is just a "shell" Panel which acts as a Container for the two grids and must not use the features
        if (me.features) {
            me.features = null;

        // Distribute plugins to whichever Component needs them
        allPlugins = me.constructLockablePlugins();
        me.plugins = allPlugins.topPlugins;

        lockedGrid = Ext.apply({
            id: me.id + '-locked',
            isLocked: true,
            ownerLockable: me,
            xtype: me.determineXTypeToCreate(true),
            store: store,
            scrollerOwner: false,
            // Lockable does NOT support animations for Tree
            // Because the right side is just a grid, and the grid view doen't animate bulk insertions/removals
            animate: false,
            // If the OS does not show a space-taking scrollbar, the locked view can be overflow-y:auto
            scroll: scrollbarHeight ? false : 'vertical',
            selModel: selModel,
            border: false,
            cls: me.lockedGridCls,
            isLayoutRoot: function() {
                return false;
            features: allFeatures.lockedFeatures,
            plugins: allPlugins.lockedPlugins
        }, me.lockedGridConfig);

        normalGrid = Ext.apply({
            id: me.id + '-normal',
            isLocked: false,
            ownerLockable: me,
            xtype: me.determineXTypeToCreate(),
            store: store,
            scrollerOwner: false,
            selModel: selModel,
            border: false,
            isLayoutRoot: function() {
                return false;
            features: allFeatures.normalFeatures,
            plugins: allPlugins.normalPlugins
        }, me.normalGridConfig);

        me.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-locked');

        // Copy appropriate configurations to the respective aggregated tablepanel instances.
        // Pass 4th param true to NOT exclude those settings on our prototype.
        // Delete them from the master tablepanel.
        Ext.copyTo(normalGrid, me, me.bothCfgCopy, true);
        Ext.copyTo(lockedGrid, me, me.bothCfgCopy, true);
        Ext.copyTo(normalGrid, me, me.normalCfgCopy, true);
        Ext.copyTo(lockedGrid, me, me.lockedCfgCopy, true);
        for (i = 0; i < me.normalCfgCopy.length; i++) {
            delete me[me.normalCfgCopy[i]];
        for (i = 0; i < me.lockedCfgCopy.length; i++) {
            delete me[me.lockedCfgCopy[i]];

             * @event processcolumns
             * Fires when the configured (or **reconfigured**) column set is split into two depending on the {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#locked locked} flag.
             * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column[]} lockedColumns The locked columns.
             * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column[]} normalColumns The normal columns.

             * @event lockcolumn
             * Fires when a column is locked.
             * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} this The gridpanel.
             * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The column being locked.

             * @event unlockcolumn
             * Fires when a column is unlocked.
             * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} this The gridpanel.
             * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The column being unlocked.

        me.addStateEvents(['lockcolumn', 'unlockcolumn']);

        columns = me.processColumns(me.columns);

        // Locked grid has a right border. Locked grid must shrinkwrap columns with no horiontal scroll, so
        // we must increment by the border width: 1px. TODO: Use shrinkWrapDock on the locked grid when it works.
        lockedGrid.width = columns.lockedWidth + Ext.num(selModel.headerWidth, 0) + (columns.locked.items.length ? 1 : 0);
        lockedGrid.columns = columns.locked;
        normalGrid.columns = columns.normal;

        // normal grid should flex the rest of the width
        normalGrid.flex = 1;
        lockedGrid.viewConfig = me.lockedViewConfig || {};
        lockedGrid.viewConfig.loadingUseMsg = false;
        lockedGrid.viewConfig.loadMask = false;

        // Padding below locked grid body only if there are scrollbars on this system
        // This takes the place of any spacer element.
        // Important: The height has to be postprocessed after render to override
        // the inline border styles injected by automatic component border settings.
        if (scrollbarHeight) {
            lockedGrid.viewConfig.style = 'border-bottom:' + scrollbarHeight +
                'px solid #f6f6f6;' + (lockedGrid.viewConfig.style || '');

        normalGrid.viewConfig = me.normalViewConfig || {};
        normalGrid.viewConfig.loadMask = false;

        if (me.viewConfig && me.viewConfig.id) {
            Ext.log.warn('id specified on Lockable viewConfig, it will be shared between both views: "' + me.viewConfig.id + '"');

        Ext.applyIf(lockedGrid.viewConfig, me.viewConfig);
        Ext.applyIf(normalGrid.viewConfig, me.viewConfig);

        me.lockedGrid = Ext.ComponentManager.create(lockedGrid);

        if (me.isTree) {
            // Tree must not animate because the partner grid is unable to animate
            me.lockedGrid.getView().animate = false;

            // When this is a locked tree, the normal side is just a gridpanel, so needs the flat NodeStore
            normalGrid.store = me.lockedGrid.view.store;

            // To stay in sync with the tree side; trees don't use deferInitialRefresh by default. Overrideable by user config.
            normalGrid.deferRowRender = false;

            // Match configs between sides
            normalGrid.viewConfig.stripeRows = me.lockedGrid.view.stripeRows;
            normalGrid.rowLines = me.lockedGrid.rowLines;

        // Set up a bidirectional relationship between the two sides of the locked view
        lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView();
        normalGrid.viewConfig.lockingPartner = lockedView;
        me.normalGrid = Ext.ComponentManager.create(normalGrid);
        lockedView.lockingPartner = normalView = me.normalGrid.getView();

        me.view = new Ext.grid.locking.View({
            loadingText: normalView.loadingText,
            loadingCls: normalView.loadingCls,
            loadingUseMsg: normalView.loadingUseMsg,
            // viewConfig.loadMask === false takes priority over me.loadMask
            loadMask: loadMask === undefined ? me.loadMask : loadMask,
            locked: me.lockedGrid,
            normal: me.normalGrid,
            panel: me

        // Set up listeners for the locked view. If its SelModel ever scrolls it, the normal view must sync
        listeners = bufferedRenderer ? {} : {
            scroll: {
                fn: me.onLockedViewScroll,
                element: 'el',
                scope: me

        // If there are system scrollbars, we have to monitor the mousewheel and fake a scroll
        // Also we need to postprocess the border width because of inline border setting styles.
        // The locked grid needs a bottom border to match with any scrollbar present in the normal grid .
        // Keep locked section's bottom border width synched
        if (scrollbarHeight) {
                afterlayout: me.afterLockedViewLayout,
                scope: me

            // Ensure the overflow flags have been calculated from the various overflow configs

            // If the locked view is configured to scoll vertically, force the columns to fit initially.
            if (lockedView.scrollFlags.y) {
                me.lockedGrid.headerCt.forceFit = true;
            // If the locked view is not configured to scoll vertically, we must listen for mousewheel events to scroll it.
            else {
                listeners.mousewheel = {
                    fn: me.onLockedViewMouseWheel,
                    element: 'el',
                    scope: me

        // Set up listeners for the normal view
        listeners = bufferedRenderer ? {} : {
            scroll: {
                fn: me.onNormalViewScroll,
                element: 'el',
                scope: me
            scope: me

        lockedHeaderCt = me.lockedGrid.headerCt;
        normalHeaderCt = me.normalGrid.headerCt;

        // The top grid, and the LockingView both need to have a headerCt which is usable.
        // It is part of their private API that framework code uses when dealing with a grid or grid view
        me.headerCt = me.view.headerCt = new Ext.grid.locking.HeaderContainer(me);

        lockedHeaderCt.lockedCt = true;
        lockedHeaderCt.lockableInjected = true;
        normalHeaderCt.lockableInjected = true;

            // buffer to wait until multiple adds have fired
            add: {
                buffer: 1,
                scope: me,
                fn: me.onLockedHeaderAdd
            columnshow: me.onLockedHeaderShow,
            columnhide: me.onLockedHeaderHide,
            sortchange: me.onLockedHeaderSortChange,
            columnresize: me.onLockedHeaderResize,
            scope: me

            sortchange: me.onNormalHeaderSortChange,
            scope: me

        me.items = [me.lockedGrid, me.normalGrid];


        // The top level Lockable container does not get bound to the store, so we need to programatically add the relayer so that
        // The filterchange state event is fired.
        me.storeRelayers = me.relayEvents(store, [
             * @event filterchange
             * @inheritdoc Ext.data.Store#filterchange
             * @event groupchange
             * @inheritdoc Ext.data.Store#groupchange

        me.layout = {
            type: 'hbox',
            align: 'stretch'

    getLockingViewConfig: function(){
        return {
            xclass: 'Ext.grid.locking.View',
            locked: this.lockedGrid,
            normal: this.normalGrid,
            panel: this

    processColumns: function(columns) {
        // split apart normal and locked 
        var i,
            cp = new Ext.grid.header.Container(),
            lockedHeaders = [],
            normalHeaders = [],
            lockedHeaderCt = {
                itemId: 'lockedHeaderCt',
                stretchMaxPartner: '^^>>#normalHeaderCt',
                items: lockedHeaders
            normalHeaderCt = {
                itemId: 'normalHeaderCt',
                stretchMaxPartner: '^^>>#lockedHeaderCt',
                items: normalHeaders
            result = {
                lockedWidth: 0,
                locked: lockedHeaderCt,
                normal: normalHeaderCt

        // In case they specified a config object with items...
        if (Ext.isObject(columns)) {
            Ext.applyIf(lockedHeaderCt, columns);
            Ext.applyIf(normalHeaderCt, columns);
            Ext.apply(cp, columns);
            columns = columns.items;

        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
            column = columns[i];

            // Use the HeaderContainer object to correctly configure and create the column.
            // MUST instantiate now because the locked or autoLock config which we read here might be in the prototype.
            // MUST use a Container instance so that defaults from an object columns config get applied.
            if (!column.isComponent) {
                column = cp.lookupComponent(cp.applyDefaults(column));

            // mark the column as processed so that the locked attribute does not
            // trigger the locked subgrid to try to become a split lockable grid itself.
            column.processed = true;
            if (column.locked || column.autoLock) {
                if (!column.hidden) {
                    result.lockedWidth += this.getColumnWidth(column) || cp.defaultWidth;
            } else {
            if (!column.headerId) {
                column.headerId = (column.initialConfig || column).id || ('h' + (++this.headerCounter));
        this.fireEvent('processcolumns', this, lockedHeaders, normalHeaders);
        return result;

    // Used when calculating total locked column width in processColumns
    // Use shrinkwrapping of child columns if no top level width.
    getColumnWidth: function(column) {
        var result = column.width || 0,
            subcols, len, i;

        // <debug>
        if (column.flex) {
            Ext.Error.raise("Columns which are locked do NOT support a flex width. You must set a width on the " + column.text + "column.");
        // </debug>
        if (!result && column.isGroupHeader) {
            subcols = column.items.items;
            len = subcols.length;
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                result += this.getColumnWidth(subcols[i]);
        return result;

    // Due to automatic component border setting using inline style, to create the scrollbar-replacing
    // bottom border, we have to postprocess the locked view *after* render.
    // If there are visible normal columns, we do need the fat bottom border.
    afterLockedViewLayout: function() {
        var me = this,
            lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView(),
            lockedViewEl = lockedView.el.dom,
            spacerHeight = (me.normalGrid.headerCt.tooNarrow ? Ext.getScrollbarSize().height : 0);

        // If locked view is configured to scroll horizontally, and it overflows horizontally, then we do not need the spacer
        if (lockedView.scrollFlags.x && lockedViewEl.scrollWidth > lockedViewEl.clientWidth) {
            spacerHeight = 0;

        lockedView.el.dom.style.borderBottomWidth = spacerHeight + 'px';

        // Legacy IE browsers which cannot be forced to use the sensible border box model.
        // We have to account in the element's style height for flip-flopping border width
        if (!Ext.isBorderBox) {

     * @private
     * Listen for mousewheel events on the locked section which does not scroll.
     * Scroll it in response, and the other section will automatically sync.
    onLockedViewMouseWheel: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            scrollDelta = -me.scrollDelta,
            deltaY = scrollDelta * e.getWheelDeltas().y,
            vertScrollerEl = me.lockedGrid.getView().el.dom,
            verticalCanScrollDown, verticalCanScrollUp;

        if (!me.ignoreMousewheel) {
            if (vertScrollerEl) {
                verticalCanScrollDown = vertScrollerEl.scrollTop !== vertScrollerEl.scrollHeight - vertScrollerEl.clientHeight;
                verticalCanScrollUp   = vertScrollerEl.scrollTop !== 0;

            if ((deltaY < 0 && verticalCanScrollUp) || (deltaY > 0 && verticalCanScrollDown)) {

                // Inhibit processing of any scroll events we *may* cause here.
                // Some OSs do not fire a scroll event when we set the scrollTop of an overflow:hidden element,
                // so we invoke the scroll handler programatically below.
                vertScrollerEl.scrollTop += deltaY;
                me.normalGrid.getView().el.dom.scrollTop = vertScrollerEl.scrollTop;

                // Invoke the scroll event handler programatically to sync everything.

    onLockedViewScroll: function() {
        var me = this,
            lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView(),
            normalView = me.normalGrid.getView(),
            normalDom = normalView.el.dom,
            lockedDom = lockedView.el.dom,

        // See onNormalViewScroll
        if (normalDom.scrollTop !== lockedDom.scrollTop) {
            normalDom.scrollTop = lockedDom.scrollTop;
            // For buffered views, the absolute position is important as well as scrollTop
            if (me.store.buffered) {
                lockedTable = lockedView.el.child('table', true);
                normalTable = normalView.el.child('table', true);
                normalTable.style.position = 'absolute';
                normalTable.style.top = lockedTable.style.top;
    onNormalViewScroll: function() {
        var me = this,
            lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView(),
            normalView = me.normalGrid.getView(),
            normalDom = normalView.el.dom,
            lockedDom = lockedView.el.dom,

        // When we set the position, it will cause a scroll event on the other view, so we need to
        // check the top here. We can't just set a flag, like:
        // if (!me.scrolling) {
        //     me.scrolling = true;
        //     other.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
        //     me.scrolling = false; 
        // }
        // The browser waits until the "thread" finishes before setting the
        // top, so by the time we set scrolling = false it hasn't hit the other
        // scroll event yet
        if (normalDom.scrollTop !== lockedDom.scrollTop) {
            lockedDom.scrollTop = normalDom.scrollTop;
            // For buffered views, the absolute position is important as well as scrollTop
            if (me.store.buffered) {
                lockedTable = lockedView.el.child('table', true);
                normalTable = normalView.el.child('table', true);
                lockedTable.style.position = 'absolute';
                lockedTable.style.top = normalTable.style.top;

     * Synchronizes the row heights between the locked and non locked portion of the grid for each
     * row. If one row is smaller than the other, the height will be increased to match the larger one.
    syncRowHeights: function() {
        var me = this,
            lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView(),
            normalView = me.normalGrid.getView(),
            lockedRowEls = lockedView.all.slice(),
            normalRowEls = normalView.all.slice(),
            ln = lockedRowEls.length,

        // Ensure there are an equal number of locked and normal rows before synchronization
        if (normalRowEls.length === ln) {

            // Loop thru all rows and ask the TableView class to sync the sides.
            for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
                normalView.syncRowHeights(lockedRowEls[i], normalRowEls[i]);

            // Synchronize the scrollTop positions of the two views
            scrollTop = normalView.el.dom.scrollTop;
            normalView.el.dom.scrollTop = scrollTop;
            lockedView.el.dom.scrollTop = scrollTop;

    // inject Lock and Unlock text
    // Hide/show Lock/Unlock options
    modifyHeaderCt: function() {
        var me = this;
        me.lockedGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems = me.getMenuItems(me.lockedGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems, true);
        me.normalGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems = me.getMenuItems(me.normalGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems, false);
        me.lockedGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(me.lockedGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy, me.showMenuBy);
        me.normalGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(me.normalGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy, me.showMenuBy);

    onUnlockMenuClick: function() {

    onLockMenuClick: function() {

    showMenuBy: function(t, header) {
        var menu = this.getMenu(),
            unlockItem  = menu.down('#unlockItem'),
            lockItem = menu.down('#lockItem'),
            sep = unlockItem.prev();

        if (header.lockable === false) {
        } else {
            if (!unlockItem.initialConfig.disabled) {
                unlockItem.setDisabled(header.lockable === false);
            if (!lockItem.initialConfig.disabled) {

    getMenuItems: function(getMenuItems, locked) {
        var me            = this,
            unlockText    = me.unlockText,
            lockText      = me.lockText,
            unlockCls     = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hmenu-unlock',
            lockCls       = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hmenu-lock',
            unlockHandler = Ext.Function.bind(me.onUnlockMenuClick, me),
            lockHandler   = Ext.Function.bind(me.onLockMenuClick, me);

        // runs in the scope of headerCt
        return function() {

            // We cannot use the method from HeaderContainer's prototype here
            // because other plugins or features may already have injected an implementation
            var o = getMenuItems.call(this);
            o.push('-', {
                itemId: 'unlockItem',
                iconCls: unlockCls,
                text: unlockText,
                handler: unlockHandler,
                disabled: !locked
                itemId: 'lockItem',
                iconCls: lockCls,
                text: lockText,
                handler: lockHandler,
                disabled: locked
            return o;

     * @private
     * Updates the overall view after columns have been resized, or moved from
     * the locked to unlocked side or vice-versa.
     * If all columns are removed from either side, that side must be hidden, and the
     * sole remaining column owning grid then becomes *the* grid. It must flex to occupy the
     * whole of the locking view. And it must also allow scrolling.
     * If columns are shared between the two sides, the *locked* grid shrinkwraps the
     * width of the visible locked columns while the normal grid flexes in what space remains.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if there are visible locked columns which need refreshing.
    syncLockedWidth: function() {
        var me = this,
            locked = me.lockedGrid,
            lockedView = locked.view,
            lockedViewEl = lockedView.el.dom,
            normal = me.normalGrid,
            lockedColCount = locked.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length,
            normalColCount = normal.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length;


        // If there are still visible normal columns, then the normal grid will flex
        // while we effectively shrinkwrap the width of the locked columns
        if (normalColCount) {
            if (lockedColCount) {

                // The locked grid shrinkwraps the total column width while the normal grid flexes in what remains
                // UNLESS it has been set to forceFit
                if (!locked.headerCt.forceFit) {
                    delete locked.flex;
                    // Don't pass the purge flag here
            } else {
                // No visible locked columns: hide the locked grid
                // We also need to trigger a refresh to clear out any
                // old dom nodes

            // Fix it so that the locked view scrolls the way it was initially configured to do.

            // Ignore mousewheel events if the view is configured to scroll vertically
            me.ignoreMousewheel = lockedView.scrollFlags.y;

        // There are no normal grid columns. The "locked" grid has to be *the*
        // grid, and cannot have a shrinkwrapped width, but must flex the entire width.
        else {
            // When the normal grid is hidden, we no longer need the bottom border "scrollbar replacement"
            lockedViewEl.style.borderBottomWidth = '0';

            // The locked now becomes *the* grid and has to flex to occupy the full view width
            locked.flex = 1;
            delete locked.width;

            // Fix it so that the "locked" has the same scroll settings as the normal view.
            // Because it is the only grid view visible now.
            me.ignoreMousewheel = true;
        return [lockedColCount, normalColCount];

    onLockedHeaderAdd: function() {
        // Columns can be added to the locked grid whwen reconfiguring or during a lock
        // operation when syncLockedWidth will be called anyway, so allow adding to be ignored
        if (!this.ignoreAddLockedColumn) {

    onLockedHeaderResize: function() {

    onLockedHeaderHide: function() {

    onLockedHeaderShow: function() {

    onLockedHeaderSortChange: function(headerCt, header, sortState) {
        if (sortState) {
            // no real header, and silence the event so we dont get into an
            // infinite loop
            this.normalGrid.headerCt.clearOtherSortStates(null, true);

    onNormalHeaderSortChange: function(headerCt, header, sortState) {
        if (sortState) {
            // no real header, and silence the event so we dont get into an
            // infinite loop
            this.lockedGrid.headerCt.clearOtherSortStates(null, true);

    // going from unlocked section to locked
     * Locks the activeHeader as determined by which menu is open OR a header
     * as specified.
     * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} [header] Header to unlock from the locked section.
     * Defaults to the header which has the menu open currently.
     * @param {Number} [toIdx] The index to move the unlocked header to.
     * Defaults to appending as the last item.
     * @private
    lock: function(activeHd, toIdx, toCt) {
        var me         = this,
            normalGrid = me.normalGrid,
            lockedGrid = me.lockedGrid,
            normalHCt  = normalGrid.headerCt,

        activeHd = activeHd || normalHCt.getMenu().activeHeader;
        toCt = toCt || lockedGrid.headerCt,
        ownerCt = activeHd.ownerCt;

        // isLockable will test for making the locked side too wide
        if (!activeHd.isLockable()) {

        // if column was previously flexed, get/set current width
        // and remove the flex
        if (activeHd.flex) {
            activeHd.width = activeHd.getWidth();
            activeHd.flex = null;

        ownerCt.remove(activeHd, false);
        activeHd.locked = true;

        // Flag to the locked column add listener to do nothing
        me.ignoreAddLockedColumn = true;
        if (Ext.isDefined(toIdx)) {
            toCt.insert(toIdx, activeHd);
        } else {
        me.ignoreAddLockedColumn = false;

        refreshFlags = me.syncLockedWidth();
        if (refreshFlags[0]) {
        if (refreshFlags[1]) {

        me.fireEvent('lockcolumn', me, activeHd);

    // going from locked section to unlocked
     * Unlocks the activeHeader as determined by which menu is open OR a header
     * as specified.
     * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} [header] Header to unlock from the locked section.
     * Defaults to the header which has the menu open currently.
     * @param {Number} [toIdx=0] The index to move the unlocked header to.
     * @private
    unlock: function(activeHd, toIdx, toCt) {
        var me         = this,
            normalGrid = me.normalGrid,
            lockedGrid = me.lockedGrid,
            lockedHCt  = lockedGrid.headerCt,

        // Unlocking; user expectation is that the unlocked column is inserted at the beginning.
        if (!Ext.isDefined(toIdx)) {
            toIdx = 0;
        activeHd = activeHd || lockedHCt.getMenu().activeHeader;
        toCt = toCt || normalGrid.headerCt;

        activeHd.ownerCt.remove(activeHd, false);
        activeHd.locked = false;
        toCt.insert(toIdx, activeHd);

        // syncLockedWidth returns visible column counts for both grids.
        // only refresh what needs refreshing
        refreshFlags = me.syncLockedWidth();

        if (refreshFlags[0]) {
        if (refreshFlags[1]) {

        me.fireEvent('unlockcolumn', me, activeHd);

    // we want to totally override the reconfigure behaviour here, since we're creating 2 sub-grids
    reconfigureLockable: function(store, columns) {
        var me = this,
            oldStore = me.store,
            lockedGrid = me.lockedGrid,
            normalGrid = me.normalGrid;

        if (columns) {

            columns = me.processColumns(columns);

            // Flag to the locked column add listener to do nothing
            me.ignoreAddLockedColumn = true;
            me.ignoreAddLockedColumn = false;

            // Ensure locked grid is set up correctly with correct width and bottom border,
            // and that both grids' visibility and scrollability status is correct

        if (store && store !== oldStore) {
            store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(store);
            me.store = store;
        } else {

    constructLockableFeatures: function() {
        var features = this.features,
            i = 0, len;

        if (features) {
            if (!Ext.isArray(features)) {
                features = [ features ];
            lockedFeatures = [];
            normalFeatures = [];
            len = features.length;
            for (; i < len; i++) {
                feature = features[i];
                if (!feature.isFeature) {
                    feature = Ext.create('feature.' + feature.ftype, feature);
                switch (feature.lockableScope) {
                    case 'locked':
                    case 'normal':
                        feature.lockableScope = 'both';
                        normalFeatures.push(featureClone = feature.clone());

                        // When cloned to either side, each gets a "lockingPartner" reference to the other
                        featureClone.lockingPartner = feature;
                        feature.lockingPartner = featureClone;
        return {
            normalFeatures: normalFeatures,
            lockedFeatures: lockedFeatures

    constructLockablePlugins: function() {
        var plugins = this.plugins,
            i = 0, len,

        if (plugins) {
            if (!Ext.isArray(plugins)) {
                plugins = [ plugins ];
            topPlugins = [];
            lockedPlugins = [];
            normalPlugins = [];
            len = plugins.length;
            for (; i < len; i++) {

                plugin = plugins[i];

                // Plugin will most likely already have been instantiated by the AbstractComponent constructor
                if (plugin.init) {
                    lockableScope = plugin.lockableScope;
                // If not, it's because of late addition through a subclass's initComponent implementation, so we
                // must ascertain the lockableScope directly from the class.
                else {
                    pluginCls = plugin.ptype ? Ext.ClassManager.getByAlias(('plugin.' + plugin.ptype)) : Ext.ClassManager.get(plugin.xclass);
                    lockableScope = pluginCls.prototype.lockableScope;

                switch (lockableScope) {
                    case 'both':
                        lockedPlugins.push(lockedPlugin = plugin.clonePlugin());
                        normalPlugins.push(normalPlugin = plugin.clonePlugin());

                        // When cloned to both sides, each gets a "lockingPartner" reference to the other
                        lockedPlugin.lockingPartner = normalPlugin;
                        normalPlugin.lockingPartner = lockedPlugin;
                        // If the plugin has to be propagated down to both, a new plugin config object must be given to that side
                        // and this plugin must be destroyed.
                    case 'locked':
                    case 'normal':
        return {
            topPlugins:    topPlugins,
            normalPlugins: normalPlugins,
            lockedPlugins: lockedPlugins
    destroyLockable: function(){
        // The locking view isn't a "real" view, so we need to destroy it manually
        Ext.destroy(this.view, this.headerCt);
}, function() {
    this.borrow(Ext.AbstractComponent, ['constructPlugin']);