// @tag dom,core
Ext.define('Ext.dom.Element_style', {
    override: 'Ext.dom.Element'
function() {

var Element = this,
    view = document.defaultView,
    adjustDirect2DTableRe = /table-row|table-.*-group/,
    INTERNAL = '_internal',
    HIDDEN = 'hidden',
    HEIGHT = 'height',
    WIDTH = 'width',
    ISCLIPPED = 'isClipped',
    OVERFLOW = 'overflow',
    OVERFLOWX = 'overflow-x',
    OVERFLOWY = 'overflow-y',
    ORIGINALCLIP = 'originalClip',
    DOCORBODYRE = /#document|body/i,
    // This reduces the lookup of 'me.styleHooks' by one hop in the prototype chain. It is
    // the same object.
    styleHooks, verticalStyleHooks90, verticalStyleHooks270,
    edges, k, edge, borderWidth;

if (!view || !view.getComputedStyle) {
    Element.prototype.getStyle = function (property, inline) {
        var me = this,
            dom = me.dom,
            multiple = typeof property != 'string',
            hooks = me.styleHooks,
            prop = property,
            props = prop,
            len = 1,
            isInline = inline,
            camel, domStyle, values, hook, out, style, i;

        if (multiple) {
            values = {};
            prop = props[0];
            i = 0;
            if (!(len = props.length)) {
                return values;

        if (!dom || dom.documentElement) {
            return values || '';

        domStyle = dom.style;

        if (inline) {
            style = domStyle;
        } else {
            style = dom.currentStyle;

            // fallback to inline style if rendering context not available
            if (!style) {
                isInline = true;
                style = domStyle;

        do {
            hook = hooks[prop];

            if (!hook) {
                hooks[prop] = hook = { name: Element.normalize(prop) };

            if (hook.get) {
                out = hook.get(dom, me, isInline, style);
            } else {
                camel = hook.name;

                // In some cases, IE6 will throw Invalid Argument exceptions for properties
                // like fontSize (/examples/tabs/tabs.html in 4.0 used to exhibit this but
                // no longer does due to font style changes). There is a real cost to a try
                // block, so we avoid it where possible...
                if (hook.canThrow) {
                    try {
                        out = style[camel];
                    } catch (e) {
                        out = '';
                } else {
                    // EXTJSIV-5657 - In IE9 quirks mode there is a chance that VML root element 
                    // has neither `currentStyle` nor `style`. Return '' this case.
                    out = style ? style[camel] : '';

            if (!multiple) {
                return out;

            values[prop] = out;
            prop = props[++i];
        } while (i < len);

        return values;

    getHeight: function(contentHeight, preciseHeight) {
        var me = this,
            hidden = me.isStyle('display', 'none'),

        if (hidden) {
            return 0;

        height = me.dom.offsetHeight;

        // IE9/10 Direct2D dimension rounding bug
        if (Ext.supports.Direct2DBug) {
            floating = me.adjustDirect2DDimension(HEIGHT);
            if (preciseHeight) {
                height += floating;
            else if (floating > 0 && floating < 0.5) {

        if (contentHeight) {
            height -= me.getBorderWidth("tb") + me.getPadding("tb");

        return (height < 0) ? 0 : height;

    getWidth: function(contentWidth, preciseWidth) {
        var me = this,
            dom = me.dom,
            hidden = me.isStyle('display', 'none'),
            rect, width, floating;

        if (hidden) {
            return 0;

        // Gecko will in some cases report an offsetWidth that is actually less than the width of the
        // text contents, because it measures fonts with sub-pixel precision but rounds the calculated
        // value down. Using getBoundingClientRect instead of offsetWidth allows us to get the precise
        // subpixel measurements so we can force them to always be rounded up. See
        // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458617
        // Rounding up ensures that the width includes the full width of the text contents.
        if (Ext.supports.BoundingClientRect) {
            rect = dom.getBoundingClientRect();
            // IE9 is the only browser that supports getBoundingClientRect() and
            // uses a filter to rotate the element vertically.  When a filter
            // is used to rotate the element, the getHeight/getWidth functions
            // are not inverted (see setVertical).
            width = (me.vertical && !Ext.isIE9 && !Ext.supports.RotatedBoundingClientRect) ?
                    (rect.bottom - rect.top) : (rect.right - rect.left);
            width = preciseWidth ? width : Math.ceil(width);
        } else {
            width = dom.offsetWidth;

        // IE9/10 Direct2D dimension rounding bug: https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJSIV-603
        // there is no need make adjustments for this bug when the element is vertically
        // rotated because the width of a vertical element is its rotated height
        if (Ext.supports.Direct2DBug && !me.vertical) {
            // get the fractional portion of the sub-pixel precision width of the element's text contents
            floating = me.adjustDirect2DDimension(WIDTH);
            if (preciseWidth) {
                width += floating;
            // IE9 also measures fonts with sub-pixel precision, but unlike Gecko, instead of rounding the offsetWidth down,
            // it rounds to the nearest integer. This means that in order to ensure that the width includes the full
            // width of the text contents we need to increment the width by 1 only if the fractional portion is less than 0.5
            else if (floating > 0 && floating < 0.5) {

        if (contentWidth) {
            width -= me.getBorderWidth("lr") + me.getPadding("lr");

        return (width < 0) ? 0 : width;

    setWidth: function(width, animate) {
        var me = this;
        width = me.adjustWidth(width);
        if (!animate || !me.anim) {
            me.dom.style.width = me.addUnits(width);
        else {
            if (!Ext.isObject(animate)) {
                animate = {};
                to: {
                    width: width
            }, animate));
        return me;

    setHeight : function(height, animate) {
        var me = this;

        height = me.adjustHeight(height);
        if (!animate || !me.anim) {
            me.dom.style.height = me.addUnits(height);
        else {
            if (!Ext.isObject(animate)) {
                animate = {};
                to: {
                    height: height
            }, animate));

        return me;

    applyStyles: function(style) {
        Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.dom, style);
        return this;

    setSize: function(width, height, animate) {
        var me = this;

        if (Ext.isObject(width)) { // in case of object from getSize()
            animate = height;
            height = width.height;
            width = width.width;

        width = me.adjustWidth(width);
        height = me.adjustHeight(height);

        if (!animate || !me.anim) {
            me.dom.style.width = me.addUnits(width);
            me.dom.style.height = me.addUnits(height);
        else {
            if (animate === true) {
                animate = {};
                to: {
                    width: width,
                    height: height
            }, animate));

        return me;

    getViewSize : function() {
        var me = this,
            dom = me.dom,
            isDoc = DOCORBODYRE.test(dom.nodeName),

        // If the body, use static methods
        if (isDoc) {
            ret = {
                width : Element.getViewWidth(),
                height : Element.getViewHeight()
        } else {
            ret = {
                width : dom.clientWidth,
                height : dom.clientHeight

        return ret;

    getSize: function(contentSize) {
        return {width: this.getWidth(contentSize), height: this.getHeight(contentSize)};

    // TODO: Look at this

    // private  ==> used by Fx
    adjustWidth : function(width) {
        var me = this,
            isNum = (typeof width == 'number');

        if (isNum && me.autoBoxAdjust && !me.isBorderBox()) {
            width -= (me.getBorderWidth("lr") + me.getPadding("lr"));
        return (isNum && width < 0) ? 0 : width;

    // private   ==> used by Fx
    adjustHeight : function(height) {
        var me = this,
            isNum = (typeof height == "number");

        if (isNum && me.autoBoxAdjust && !me.isBorderBox()) {
            height -= (me.getBorderWidth("tb") + me.getPadding("tb"));
        return (isNum && height < 0) ? 0 : height;

     * Return the CSS color for the specified CSS attribute. rgb, 3 digit (like `#fff`) and valid values
     * are convert to standard 6 digit hex color.
     * @param {String} attr The css attribute
     * @param {String} defaultValue The default value to use when a valid color isn't found
     * @param {String} [prefix] defaults to #. Use an empty string when working with
     * color anims.
    getColor : function(attr, defaultValue, prefix) {
        var v = this.getStyle(attr),
            color = prefix || prefix === '' ? prefix : '#',
            h, len, i=0;

        if (!v || (/transparent|inherit/.test(v))) {
            return defaultValue;
        if (/^r/.test(v)) {
             v = v.slice(4, v.length - 1).split(',');
             len = v.length;
             for (; i<len; i++) {
                h = parseInt(v[i], 10);
                color += (h < 16 ? '0' : '') + h.toString(16);
        } else {
            v = v.replace('#', '');
            color += v.length == 3 ? v.replace(/^(\w)(\w)(\w)$/, '$1$1$2$2$3$3') : v;
        return(color.length > 5 ? color.toLowerCase() : defaultValue);

     * Set the opacity of the element
     * @param {Number} opacity The new opacity. 0 = transparent, .5 = 50% visibile, 1 = fully visible, etc
     * @param {Boolean/Object} [animate] a standard Element animation config object or `true` for
     * the default animation (`{duration: 350, easing: 'easeIn'}`)
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    setOpacity: function(opacity, animate) {
        var me = this;

        if (!me.dom) {
            return me;

        if (!animate || !me.anim) {
            me.setStyle('opacity', opacity);
        else {
            if (typeof animate != 'object') {
                animate = {
                    duration: 350,
                    easing: 'ease-in'

                to: {
                    opacity: opacity
            }, animate));
        return me;

     * Clears any opacity settings from this element. Required in some cases for IE.
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    clearOpacity : function() {
        return this.setOpacity('');

     * @private
     * Returns 1 if the browser returns the subpixel dimension rounded to the lowest pixel.
     * @return {Number} 0 or 1
    adjustDirect2DDimension: function(dimension) {
        var me = this,
            dom = me.dom,
            display = me.getStyle('display'),
            inlineDisplay = dom.style.display,
            inlinePosition = dom.style.position,
            originIndex = dimension === WIDTH ? 0 : 1,
            currentStyle = dom.currentStyle,

        if (display === 'inline') {
            dom.style.display = 'inline-block';

        dom.style.position = display.match(adjustDirect2DTableRe) ? 'absolute' : 'static';

        // floating will contain digits that appears after the decimal point
        // if height or width are set to auto we fallback to msTransformOrigin calculation
        // Use currentStyle here instead of getStyle. In some difficult to reproduce 
        // instances it resets the scrollWidth of the element
        floating = (parseFloat(currentStyle[dimension]) || parseFloat(currentStyle.msTransformOrigin.split(' ')[originIndex]) * 2) % 1;

        dom.style.position = inlinePosition;

        if (display === 'inline') {
            dom.style.display = inlineDisplay;

        return floating;

     * Store the current overflow setting and clip overflow on the element - use {@link #unclip} to remove
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    clip : function() {
        var me = this,
            data = (me.$cache || me.getCache()).data,

        if (!data[ISCLIPPED]) {
            data[ISCLIPPED] = true;
            style = me.getStyle([OVERFLOW, OVERFLOWX, OVERFLOWY]);
            data[ORIGINALCLIP] = {
                o: style[OVERFLOW],
                x: style[OVERFLOWX],
                y: style[OVERFLOWY]
            me.setStyle(OVERFLOW, HIDDEN);
            me.setStyle(OVERFLOWX, HIDDEN);
            me.setStyle(OVERFLOWY, HIDDEN);
        return me;

     * Return clipping (overflow) to original clipping before {@link #clip} was called
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    unclip : function() {
        var me = this,
            data = (me.$cache || me.getCache()).data,

        if (data[ISCLIPPED]) {
            data[ISCLIPPED] = false;
            clip = data[ORIGINALCLIP];
            if (clip.o) {
                me.setStyle(OVERFLOW, clip.o);
            if (clip.x) {
                me.setStyle(OVERFLOWX, clip.x);
            if (clip.y) {
                me.setStyle(OVERFLOWY, clip.y);
        return me;

     * Wraps the specified element with a special 9 element markup/CSS block that renders by default as
     * a gray container with a gradient background, rounded corners and a 4-way shadow.
     * This special markup is used throughout Ext when box wrapping elements ({@link Ext.button.Button},
     * {@link Ext.panel.Panel} when {@link Ext.panel.Panel#frame frame=true}, {@link Ext.window.Window}).
     * The markup is of this form:
     *     Ext.dom.Element.boxMarkup =
     *     '<div class="{0}-tl"><div class="{0}-tr"><div class="{0}-tc"></div></div></div>
     *     <div class="{0}-ml"><div class="{0}-mr"><div class="{0}-mc"></div></div></div>
     *     <div class="{0}-bl"><div class="{0}-br"><div class="{0}-bc"></div></div></div>';
     * Example usage:
     *     // Basic box wrap
     *     Ext.get("foo").boxWrap();
     *     // You can also add a custom class and use CSS inheritance rules to customize the box look.
     *     // 'x-box-blue' is a built-in alternative -- look at the related CSS definitions as an example
     *     // for how to create a custom box wrap style.
     *     Ext.get("foo").boxWrap().addCls("x-box-blue");
     * @param {String} [class='x-box'] A base CSS class to apply to the containing wrapper element.
     * Note that there are a number of CSS rules that are dependent on this name to make the overall effect work,
     * so if you supply an alternate base class, make sure you also supply all of the necessary rules.
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} The outermost wrapping element of the created box structure.
    boxWrap : function(cls) {
        cls = cls || Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'box';
        var el = Ext.get(this.insertHtml("beforeBegin", "<div class='" + cls + "' role='presentation'>" + Ext.String.format(Element.boxMarkup, cls) + "</div>"));
        Ext.DomQuery.selectNode('.' + cls + '-mc', el.dom).appendChild(this.dom);
        return el;

     * Returns either the offsetHeight or the height of this element based on CSS height adjusted by padding or borders
     * when needed to simulate offsetHeight when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements
     * if a height has not been set using CSS.
     * @return {Number}
    getComputedHeight : function() {
        var me = this,
            h = Math.max(me.dom.offsetHeight, me.dom.clientHeight);
        if (!h) {
            h = parseFloat(me.getStyle(HEIGHT)) || 0;
            if (!me.isBorderBox()) {
                h += me.getFrameWidth('tb');
        return h;

     * Returns either the offsetWidth or the width of this element based on CSS width adjusted by padding or borders
     * when needed to simulate offsetWidth when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements
     * if a width has not been set using CSS.
     * @return {Number}
    getComputedWidth : function() {
        var me = this,
            w = Math.max(me.dom.offsetWidth, me.dom.clientWidth);

        if (!w) {
            w = parseFloat(me.getStyle(WIDTH)) || 0;
            if (!me.isBorderBox()) {
                w += me.getFrameWidth('lr');
        return w;

     * Returns the sum width of the padding and borders for the passed "sides". See getBorderWidth()
     * for more information about the sides.
     * @param {String} sides
     * @return {Number}
    getFrameWidth : function(sides, onlyContentBox) {
        return (onlyContentBox && this.isBorderBox()) ? 0 : (this.getPadding(sides) + this.getBorderWidth(sides));

     * Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is over this element
     * @param {String} className The class to add
     * @param {Function} [testFn] A test function to execute before adding the class. The passed parameter
     * will be the Element instance. If this functions returns false, the class will not be added.
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to execute the testFn in.
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    addClsOnOver : function(className, testFn, scope) {
        var me = this,
            dom = me.dom,
            hasTest = Ext.isFunction(testFn);
            function() {
                if (hasTest && testFn.call(scope || me, me) === false) {
                Ext.fly(dom, INTERNAL).addCls(className);
            function() {
                Ext.fly(dom, INTERNAL).removeCls(className);
        return me;

     * Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when this element has the focus
     * @param {String} className The class to add
     * @param {Function} [testFn] A test function to execute before adding the class. The passed parameter
     * will be the Element instance. If this functions returns false, the class will not be added.
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to execute the testFn in.
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    addClsOnFocus : function(className, testFn, scope) {
        var me = this,
            dom = me.dom,
            hasTest = Ext.isFunction(testFn);
        me.on("focus", function() {
            if (hasTest && testFn.call(scope || me, me) === false) {
                return false;
            Ext.fly(dom, INTERNAL).addCls(className);
        me.on("blur", function() {
            Ext.fly(dom, INTERNAL).removeCls(className);
        return me;

     * Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is down and then up on this element (a click effect)
     * @param {String} className The class to add
     * @param {Function} [testFn] A test function to execute before adding the class. The passed parameter
     * will be the Element instance. If this functions returns false, the class will not be added.
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to execute the testFn in.
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    addClsOnClick : function(className, testFn, scope) {
        var me = this,
            dom = me.dom,
            hasTest = Ext.isFunction(testFn);
        me.on("mousedown", function() {
            if (hasTest && testFn.call(scope || me, me) === false) {
                return false;
            Ext.fly(dom, INTERNAL).addCls(className);
            var d = Ext.getDoc(),
                fn = function() {
                    Ext.fly(dom, INTERNAL).removeCls(className);
                    d.removeListener("mouseup", fn);
            d.on("mouseup", fn);
        return me;

     * Returns the dimensions of the element available to lay content out in.
     * getStyleSize utilizes prefers style sizing if present, otherwise it chooses the larger of offsetHeight/clientHeight and
     * offsetWidth/clientWidth. To obtain the size excluding scrollbars, use getViewSize.
     * Sizing of the document body is handled at the adapter level which handles special cases for IE and strict modes, etc.
     * @return {Object} Object describing width and height.
     * @return {Number} return.width
     * @return {Number} return.height
    getStyleSize : function() {
        var me = this,
            d = this.dom,
            isDoc = DOCORBODYRE.test(d.nodeName),
            s ,
            w, h;

        // If the body, use static methods
        if (isDoc) {
            return {
                width : Element.getViewWidth(),
                height : Element.getViewHeight()

        s = me.getStyle([HEIGHT, WIDTH], true);  //seek inline
        // Use Styles if they are set
        if (s.width && s.width != 'auto') {
            w = parseFloat(s.width);
            if (me.isBorderBox()) {
                w -= me.getFrameWidth('lr');
        // Use Styles if they are set
        if (s.height && s.height != 'auto') {
            h = parseFloat(s.height);
            if (me.isBorderBox()) {
                h -= me.getFrameWidth('tb');
        // Use getWidth/getHeight if style not set.
        return {width: w || me.getWidth(true), height: h || me.getHeight(true)};

    statics: {
        selectableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'selectable',
        unselectableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'unselectable'

     * Enable text selection for this element (normalized across browsers)
     * @return {Ext.Element} this
    selectable : function() {
        var me = this;

        // We clear this property for all browsers, not just Opera. This is so that rendering templates don't need to
        // condition on Opera when making elements unselectable.
        me.dom.unselectable = '';


        return me;

     * Disables text selection for this element (normalized across browsers)
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element} this
    unselectable : function() {
        // The approach used to disable text selection combines CSS, HTML attributes and DOM events. Importantly the
        // strategy is designed to be expressible in markup, so that elements can be rendered unselectable without
        // needing modifications post-render. e.g.:
        // <div class="x-unselectable" unselectable="on"></div>
        // Changes to this method may need to be reflected elsewhere, e.g. ProtoElement.
        var me = this;

        // The unselectable property (or similar) is supported by various browsers but Opera is the only browser that
        // doesn't support any of the other techniques. The problem with it is that it isn't inherited by child
        // elements. Theoretically we could add it to all children but the performance would be terrible. In certain
        // key locations (e.g. panel headers) we add unselectable="on" to extra elements during rendering just for
        // Opera's benefit.
        if (Ext.isOpera) {
            me.dom.unselectable = 'on';

        // In Mozilla and WebKit the CSS properties -moz-user-select and -webkit-user-select prevent a selection
        // originating in an element. These are inherited, which is what we want.
        // In IE we rely on a listener for the selectstart event instead. We don't need to register a listener on the
        // individual element, instead we use a single listener and rely on event propagation to listen for the event at
        // the document level. That listener will walk up the DOM looking for nodes that have either of the classes
        // x-selectable or x-unselectable. This simulates the CSS inheritance approach.
        // IE 10 is expected to support -ms-user-select so the listener may not be required.

        return me;

     * Changes this Element's state to "vertical" (rotated 90 or 270 degrees).
     * This involves inverting the getters and setters for height and width,
     * and applying hooks for rotating getters and setters for border/margin/padding.
     * (getWidth becomes getHeight and vice versa), setStyle and getStyle will
     * also return the inverse when height or width are being operated on.
     * @param {Number} angle the angle of rotation - either 90 or 270
     * @param {String} cls an optional css class that contains the required
     * styles for switching the element to vertical orientation. Omit this if
     * the element already contains vertical styling.  If cls is provided,
     * it will be removed from the element when {@link #setHorizontal} is called.
     * @private
    setVertical: function(angle, cls) {
        var me = this,
            proto = Element.prototype,

        me.vertical = true;
        if (cls) {
            me.addCls(me.verticalCls = cls);

        me.setWidth = proto.setHeight;
        me.setHeight = proto.setWidth;
        if (!Ext.isIE9m) {
            // In browsers that use CSS3 transforms we must invert getHeight and
            // get Width. In IE9 and below no adjustment is needed because we use
            // a BasicImage filter to rotate the element and the element's
            // offsetWidth and offsetHeight are automatically inverted.
            me.getWidth = proto.getHeight;
            me.getHeight = proto.getWidth;

        // Switch to using the appropriate vertical style hooks
        me.styleHooks = (angle === 270) ?
            Element.prototype.verticalStyleHooks270 : Element.prototype.verticalStyleHooks90;

     * Removes "vertical" state from this element (reverses everything done
     * by {@link #setVertical}).
     * @private
    setHorizontal: function() {
        var me = this,
            cls = me.verticalCls;

        delete me.vertical;
        if (cls) {
            delete me.verticalCls;

        // delete the inverted methods and revert to inheriting from the prototype 
        delete me.setWidth;
        delete me.setHeight;
        if (!Ext.isIE9m) {
            delete me.getWidth;
            delete me.getHeight;

        // revert to inheriting styleHooks from the prototype
        delete me.styleHooks;

Element.prototype.styleHooks = styleHooks = Ext.dom.AbstractElement.prototype.styleHooks;

// When elements are rotated 80 or 270 degrees, their border, margin and padding hooks
// need to be rotated as well.
Element.prototype.verticalStyleHooks90 = verticalStyleHooks90 = Ext.Object.chain(Element.prototype.styleHooks);
Element.prototype.verticalStyleHooks270 = verticalStyleHooks270 = Ext.Object.chain(Element.prototype.styleHooks);

verticalStyleHooks90.width = { name: 'height' };
verticalStyleHooks90.height = { name: 'width' };
verticalStyleHooks90['margin-top'] = { name: 'marginLeft' };
verticalStyleHooks90['margin-right'] = { name: 'marginTop' };
verticalStyleHooks90['margin-bottom'] = { name: 'marginRight' };
verticalStyleHooks90['margin-left'] = { name: 'marginBottom' };
verticalStyleHooks90['padding-top'] = { name: 'paddingLeft' };
verticalStyleHooks90['padding-right'] = { name: 'paddingTop' };
verticalStyleHooks90['padding-bottom'] = { name: 'paddingRight' };
verticalStyleHooks90['padding-left'] = { name: 'paddingBottom' };
verticalStyleHooks90['border-top'] = { name: 'borderLeft' };
verticalStyleHooks90['border-right'] = { name: 'borderTop' };
verticalStyleHooks90['border-bottom'] = { name: 'borderRight' };
verticalStyleHooks90['border-left'] = { name: 'borderBottom' };

verticalStyleHooks270.width = { name: 'height' };
verticalStyleHooks270.height = { name: 'width' };
verticalStyleHooks270['margin-top'] = { name: 'marginRight' };
verticalStyleHooks270['margin-right'] = { name: 'marginBottom' };
verticalStyleHooks270['margin-bottom'] = { name: 'marginLeft' };
verticalStyleHooks270['margin-left'] = { name: 'marginTop' };
verticalStyleHooks270['padding-top'] = { name: 'paddingRight' };
verticalStyleHooks270['padding-right'] = { name: 'paddingBottom' };
verticalStyleHooks270['padding-bottom'] = { name: 'paddingLeft' };
verticalStyleHooks270['padding-left'] = { name: 'paddingTop' };
verticalStyleHooks270['border-top'] = { name: 'borderRight' };
verticalStyleHooks270['border-right'] = { name: 'borderBottom' };
verticalStyleHooks270['border-bottom'] = { name: 'borderLeft' };
verticalStyleHooks270['border-left'] = { name: 'borderTop' };

if (Ext.isIE7m) {
    styleHooks.fontSize = styleHooks['font-size'] = {
        name: 'fontSize',
        canThrow: true
    styleHooks.fontStyle = styleHooks['font-style'] = {
        name: 'fontStyle',
        canThrow: true
    styleHooks.fontFamily = styleHooks['font-family'] = {
        name: 'fontFamily',
        canThrow: true

// override getStyle for border-*-width
if (Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE && Ext.ieVersion <= 8) {
    function getBorderWidth (dom, el, inline, style) {
        if (style[this.styleName] == 'none') {
            return '0px';
        return style[this.name];

    edges = ['Top','Right','Bottom','Left'];
    k = edges.length;

    while (k--) {
        edge = edges[k];
        borderWidth = 'border' + edge + 'Width';

        styleHooks['border-'+edge.toLowerCase()+'-width'] = styleHooks[borderWidth] = {
            name: borderWidth,
            styleName: 'border' + edge + 'Style',
            get: getBorderWidth

// The following hack is needed to support padding on dom elements with display:table.
// It was added because at one point auto layout's "outerCt" element had padding applied
// to it. The padding is now appplied to the innerCt which is display:table-cell, so this
// hack is not currently needed.
//if (Ext.isIE9 && Ext.isStrict) {
//    // In IE9, getComputedStyle always returns 0px for padding if the element has
//    // "display:table", so we use currentStyle instead.
//    var names = {
//            padding: 'padding',
//            paddingTop: 'padding-top',
//            paddingRight: 'padding-right',
//            paddingBottom: 'padding-bottom',
//            paddingLeft: 'padding-left'
//        },
//        createHook = function(name, camelCaseName) {
//            styleHooks[name] = styleHooks[camelCaseName] = {
//                name: name,
//                get: function(dom) {
//                    return dom.currentStyle[name];
//                }
//            }
//        },
//        camelCaseName;
//    for (camelCaseName in names) {
//        createHook(names[camelCaseName], camelCaseName);
//    }

// Element.unselectable relies on this listener to prevent selection in IE. Some other browsers support the event too
// but it is only strictly required for IE. In WebKit this listener causes subtle differences to how the browser handles
// the non-selection, e.g. whether or not the mouse cursor changes when attempting to select text.
Ext.getDoc().on('selectstart', function(ev, dom) {
    var doc = document.documentElement,
        selectableCls = Element.selectableCls,
        unselectableCls = Element.unselectableCls,
        tagName = dom && dom.tagName;

    tagName = tagName && tagName.toLowerCase();

    // Element.unselectable is not really intended to handle selection within text fields and it is important that
    // fields inside menus or panel headers don't inherit the unselectability. In most browsers this is automatic but in
    // IE 9 the selectstart event can bubble up from text fields so we have to explicitly handle that case.
    if (tagName === 'input' || tagName === 'textarea') {

    // Walk up the DOM checking the nodes. This may be 'slow' but selectstart events don't fire very often
    while (dom && dom.nodeType === 1 && dom !== doc) {
        var el = Ext.fly(dom);

        // If the node has the class x-selectable then stop looking, the text selection is allowed
        if (el.hasCls(selectableCls)) {

        // If the node has class x-unselectable then the text selection needs to be stopped
        if (el.hasCls(unselectableCls)) {

        dom = dom.parentNode;


Ext.onReady(function () {
    var opacityRe = /alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i,
        trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
        hooks = Ext.dom.Element.prototype.styleHooks;

    // Ext.supports flags are not populated until onReady...
    hooks.opacity = {
        name: 'opacity',
        afterSet: function(dom, value, el) {
            if (el.isLayer) {
    if (!Ext.supports.Opacity && Ext.isIE) {
        Ext.apply(hooks.opacity, {
            get: function (dom) {
                var filter = dom.style.filter,
                    match, opacity;
                if (filter.match) {
                    match = filter.match(opacityRe);
                    if (match) {
                        opacity = parseFloat(match[1]);
                        if (!isNaN(opacity)) {
                            return opacity ? opacity / 100 : 0;
                return 1;
            set: function (dom, value) {
                var style = dom.style,
                    val = style.filter.replace(opacityRe, '').replace(trimRe, '');

                style.zoom = 1; // ensure dom.hasLayout

                // value can be a number or '' or null... so treat falsey as no opacity
                if (typeof(value) == 'number' && value >= 0 && value < 1) {
                    value *= 100;
                    style.filter = val + (val.length ? ' ' : '') + 'alpha(opacity='+value+')';
                } else {
                    style.filter = val;
    // else there is no work around for the lack of opacity support. Should not be a
    // problem given that this has been supported for a long time now...