 * An abstract base class which provides shared methods for Components across the Sencha product line.
 * Please refer to sub class's documentation.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.AbstractComponent', {

    /* Begin Definitions */
    requires: [

    mixins: {
        positionable: 'Ext.util.Positionable',
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable',
        animate: 'Ext.util.Animate',
        elementCt: 'Ext.util.ElementContainer',
        renderable: 'Ext.util.Renderable',
        state: 'Ext.state.Stateful'

    // The "uses" property specifies class which are used in an instantiated AbstractComponent.
    // They do *not* have to be loaded before this class may be defined - that is what "requires" is for.
    uses: [

    statics: {
        AUTO_ID: 1000,

        pendingLayouts: null,

        layoutSuspendCount: 0,

         * Cancels layout of a component.
         * @param {Ext.Component} comp
        cancelLayout: function(comp, isDestroying) {
            var context = this.runningLayoutContext || this.pendingLayouts;

            if (context) {
                context.cancelComponent(comp, false, isDestroying);

         * Performs all pending layouts that were scheduled while
         * {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#suspendLayouts suspendLayouts} was in effect.
         * @static
        flushLayouts: function () {
            var me = this,
                context = me.pendingLayouts;

            if (context && context.invalidQueue.length) {
                me.pendingLayouts = null;
                me.runningLayoutContext = context;

                Ext.override(context, {
                    runComplete: function () {
                        // we need to release the layout queue before running any of the
                        // finishedLayout calls because they call afterComponentLayout
                        // which can re-enter by calling doLayout/doComponentLayout.
                        me.runningLayoutContext = null;
                        var result = this.callParent(); // not "me" here!
                        if (Ext.globalEvents.hasListeners.afterlayout) {                            
                        return result;


         * Resumes layout activity in the whole framework.
         * {@link Ext#suspendLayouts} is alias of {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#suspendLayouts}.
         * @param {Boolean} [flush=false] `true` to perform all the pending layouts. This can also be
         * achieved by calling {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#flushLayouts flushLayouts} directly.
         * @static
        resumeLayouts: function (flush) {
            if (this.layoutSuspendCount && ! --this.layoutSuspendCount) {
                if (flush) {
                if (Ext.globalEvents.hasListeners.resumelayouts) {

         * Stops layouts from happening in the whole framework.
         * It's useful to suspend the layout activity while updating multiple components and
         * containers:
         *     Ext.suspendLayouts();
         *     // batch of updates...
         *     Ext.resumeLayouts(true);
         * {@link Ext#suspendLayouts} is alias of {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#suspendLayouts}.
         * See also {@link Ext#batchLayouts} for more abstract way of doing this.
         * @static
        suspendLayouts: function () {

         * Updates layout of a component.
         * @param {Ext.Component} comp The component to update.
         * @param {Boolean} [defer=false] `true` to just queue the layout if this component.
         * @static
        updateLayout: function (comp, defer) {
            var me = this,
                running = me.runningLayoutContext,

            if (running) {
            } else {
                pending = me.pendingLayouts || (me.pendingLayouts = new Ext.layout.Context());

                if (!defer && !me.layoutSuspendCount && !comp.isLayoutSuspended()) {

    /* End Definitions */

     * @property {Boolean} isComponent
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Component, or subclass thereof.
    isComponent: true,

     * @private
    getAutoId: function() {
        this.autoGenId = true;
        return ++Ext.AbstractComponent.AUTO_ID;

    deferLayouts: false,

     * @cfg {String} id
     * The **unique id of this component instance.**
     * It should not be necessary to use this configuration except for singleton objects in your application. Components
     * created with an `id` may be accessed globally using {@link Ext#getCmp Ext.getCmp}.
     * Instead of using assigned ids, use the {@link #itemId} config, and {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery}
     * which provides selector-based searching for Sencha Components analogous to DOM querying. The {@link
     * Ext.container.Container Container} class contains {@link Ext.container.Container#down shortcut methods} to query
     * its descendant Components by selector.
     * Note that this `id` will also be used as the element id for the containing HTML element that is rendered to the
     * page for this component. This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific instance of this
     * component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements using this component's `id` as the parent.
     * **Note:** To avoid complications imposed by a unique `id` also see `{@link #itemId}`.
     * **Note:** To access the container of a Component see `{@link #ownerCt}`.
     * Defaults to an {@link #getId auto-assigned id}.
     * @since 1.1.0

     * @property {Boolean} autoGenId
     * `true` indicates an `id` was auto-generated rather than provided by configuration.
     * @private
    autoGenId: false,

     * @cfg {String} itemId
     * An `itemId` can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component when no object reference is
     * available. Instead of using an `{@link #id}` with {@link Ext}.{@link Ext#getCmp getCmp}, use `itemId` with
     * {@link Ext.container.Container}.{@link Ext.container.Container#getComponent getComponent} which will retrieve
     * `itemId`'s or {@link #id}'s. Since `itemId`'s are an index to the container's internal MixedCollection, the
     * `itemId` is scoped locally to the container -- avoiding potential conflicts with {@link Ext.ComponentManager}
     * which requires a **unique** `{@link #id}`.
     *     var c = new Ext.panel.Panel({ //
     *         {@link Ext.Component#height height}: 300,
     *         {@link #renderTo}: document.body,
     *         {@link Ext.container.Container#layout layout}: 'auto',
     *         {@link Ext.container.Container#cfg-items items}: [
     *             {
     *                 itemId: 'p1',
     *                 {@link Ext.panel.Panel#title title}: 'Panel 1',
     *                 {@link Ext.Component#height height}: 150
     *             },
     *             {
     *                 itemId: 'p2',
     *                 {@link Ext.panel.Panel#title title}: 'Panel 2',
     *                 {@link Ext.Component#height height}: 150
     *             }
     *         ]
     *     })
     *     p1 = c.{@link Ext.container.Container#getComponent getComponent}('p1'); // not the same as {@link Ext#getCmp Ext.getCmp()}
     *     p2 = p1.{@link #ownerCt}.{@link Ext.container.Container#getComponent getComponent}('p2'); // reference via a sibling
     * Also see {@link #id}, `{@link Ext.container.Container#query}`, `{@link Ext.container.Container#down}` and
     * `{@link Ext.container.Container#child}`.
     * **Note**: to access the container of an item see {@link #ownerCt}.
     * @since 3.4.0

     * @property {Ext.Container} ownerCt
     * This Component's owner {@link Ext.container.Container Container} (is set automatically
     * when this Component is added to a Container).
     * *Important.* This is not a universal upwards navigation pointer. It indicates the Container which owns and manages
     * this Component if any. There are other similar relationships such as the {@link Ext.button.Button button} which activates a {@link Ext.button.Button#cfg-menu menu}, or the
     * {@link Ext.menu.Item menu item} which activated a {@link Ext.menu.Item#cfg-menu submenu}, or the
     * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column column header} which activated the column menu.
     * These differences are abstracted away by the {@link #up} method.
     * **Note**: to access items within the Container see {@link #itemId}.
     * @readonly
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {String/Object} autoEl
     * A tag name or {@link Ext.DomHelper DomHelper} spec used to create the {@link #getEl Element} which will
     * encapsulate this Component.
     * You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes {@link Ext.Component} and
     * {@link Ext.container.Container}, this defaults to **'div'**. The more complex Sencha classes use a more
     * complex DOM structure specified by their own {@link #renderTpl}s.
     * This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components encapsulated by
     * different DOM elements. Example usage:
     *     {
     *         xtype: 'component',
     *         autoEl: {
     *             tag: 'img',
     *             src: 'http://www.example.com/example.jpg'
     *         }
     *     }, {
     *         xtype: 'component',
     *         autoEl: {
     *             tag: 'blockquote',
     *             html: 'autoEl is cool!'
     *         }
     *     }, {
     *         xtype: 'container',
     *         autoEl: 'ul',
     *         cls: 'ux-unordered-list',
     *         items: {
     *             xtype: 'component',
     *             autoEl: 'li',
     *             html: 'First list item'
     *         }
     *     }
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/String/String[]} renderTpl
     * An {@link Ext.XTemplate XTemplate} used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating
     * {@link #getEl Element}.
     * You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes {@link Ext.Component} and
     * {@link Ext.container.Container}, this defaults to **`null`** which means that they will be initially rendered
     * with no internal structure; they render their {@link #getEl Element} empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch
     * classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.
     * This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized
     * internal structure.
     * Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the
     * {@link #renderSelectors} and {@link #cfg-childEls} options.
     * @protected
    renderTpl: '{%this.renderContent(out,values)%}',

     * @cfg {Object} renderData
     * The data used by {@link #renderTpl} in addition to the following property values of the component:
     * - id
     * - ui
     * - uiCls
     * - baseCls
     * - componentCls
     * - frame
     * See {@link #renderSelectors} and {@link #cfg-childEls} for usage examples.

     * @cfg {Object} renderSelectors
     * An object containing properties specifying {@link Ext.DomQuery DomQuery} selectors which identify child elements
     * created by the render process.
     * After the Component's internal structure is rendered according to the {@link #renderTpl}, this object is iterated through,
     * and the found Elements are added as properties to the Component using the `renderSelector` property name.
     * For example, a Component which renders a title and description into its element:
     *     Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
     *         renderTpl: [
     *             '<h1 class="title">{title}</h1>',
     *             '<p>{desc}</p>'
     *         ],
     *         renderData: {
     *             title: "Error",
     *             desc: "Something went wrong"
     *         },
     *         renderSelectors: {
     *             titleEl: 'h1.title',
     *             descEl: 'p'
     *         },
     *         listeners: {
     *             afterrender: function(cmp){
     *                 // After rendering the component will have a titleEl and descEl properties
     *                 cmp.titleEl.setStyle({color: "red"});
     *             }
     *         }
     *     });
     * For a faster, but less flexible, alternative that achieves the same end result (properties for child elements on the
     * Component after render), see {@link #cfg-childEls} and {@link #addChildEls}.

     * @cfg {Object[]} childEls
     * An array describing the child elements of the Component. Each member of the array
     * is an object with these properties:
     * - `name` - The property name on the Component for the child element.
     * - `itemId` - The id to combine with the Component's id that is the id of the child element.
     * - `id` - The id of the child element.
     * If the array member is a string, it is equivalent to `{ name: m, itemId: m }`.
     * For example, a Component which renders a title and body text:
     *     @example
     *     Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
     *         renderTpl: [
     *             '<h1 id="{id}-title">{title}</h1>',
     *             '<p>{msg}</p>',
     *         ],
     *         renderData: {
     *             title: "Error",
     *             msg: "Something went wrong"
     *         },
     *         childEls: ["title"],
     *         listeners: {
     *             afterrender: function(cmp){
     *                 // After rendering the component will have a title property
     *                 cmp.title.setStyle({color: "red"});
     *             }
     *         }
     *     });
     * A more flexible, but somewhat slower, approach is {@link #renderSelectors}.

     * @cfg {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} renderTo
     * Specify the `id` of the element, a DOM element or an existing Element that this component will be rendered into.
     * **Notes:**
     * Do *not* use this option if the Component is to be a child item of a {@link Ext.container.Container Container}.
     * It is the responsibility of the {@link Ext.container.Container Container}'s
     * {@link Ext.container.Container#layout layout manager} to render and manage its child items.
     * When using this config, a call to `render()` is not required.
     * See also: {@link #method-render}.
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {Boolean} frame
     * Specify as `true` to have the Component inject framing elements within the Component at render time to provide a
     * graphical rounded frame around the Component content.
     * This is only necessary when running on outdated, or non standard-compliant browsers such as Microsoft's Internet
     * Explorer prior to version 9 which do not support rounded corners natively.
     * The extra space taken up by this framing is available from the read only property {@link #frameSize}.

     * @property {Object} frameSize
     * @readonly
     * Indicates the width of any framing elements which were added within the encapsulating
     * element to provide graphical, rounded borders. See the {@link #frame} config. This
     * property is `null` if the component is not framed.
     * This is an object containing the frame width in pixels for all four sides of the
     * Component containing the following properties:
     * @property {Number} [frameSize.top=0] The width of the top framing element in pixels.
     * @property {Number} [frameSize.right=0] The width of the right framing element in pixels.
     * @property {Number} [frameSize.bottom=0] The width of the bottom framing element in pixels.
     * @property {Number} [frameSize.left=0] The width of the left framing element in pixels.
     * @property {Number} [frameSize.width=0] The total width of the left and right framing elements in pixels.
     * @property {Number} [frameSize.height=0] The total height of the top and right bottom elements in pixels.
    frameSize: null,

     * @cfg {String/Object} componentLayout
     * The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout
     * manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.
     * Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal
     * elements sizing (Such as {@link Ext.form.field.Base input fields}) come with their own componentLayout managers.
     * The {@link Ext.layout.container.Auto default layout manager} will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component
     * class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the
     * {@link #setSize} method.

     * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/Ext.Template/String/String[]} tpl
     * An {@link Ext.Template}, {@link Ext.XTemplate} or an array of strings to form an Ext.XTemplate. Used in
     * conjunction with the `{@link #data}` and `{@link #tplWriteMode}` configurations.
     * @since 3.4.0

     * @cfg {Object} data
     * The initial set of data to apply to the `{@link #tpl}` to update the content area of the Component.
     * @since 3.4.0

     * @cfg {Ext.enums.Widget} xtype
     * This property provides a shorter alternative to creating objects than using a full
     * class name. Using `xtype` is the most common way to define component instances,
     * especially in a container. For example, the items in a form containing text fields
     * could be created explicitly like so:
     *      items: [
     *          Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
     *              fieldLabel: 'Foo'
     *          }),
     *          Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
     *              fieldLabel: 'Bar'
     *          }),
     *          Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', {
     *              fieldLabel: 'Num'
     *          })
     *      ]
     * But by using `xtype`, the above becomes:
     *      items: [
     *          {
     *              xtype: 'textfield',
     *              fieldLabel: 'Foo'
     *          },
     *          {
     *              xtype: 'textfield',
     *              fieldLabel: 'Bar'
     *          },
     *          {
     *              xtype: 'numberfield',
     *              fieldLabel: 'Num'
     *          }
     *      ]
     * When the `xtype` is common to many items, {@link Ext.container.AbstractContainer#defaultType}
     * is another way to specify the `xtype` for all items that don't have an explicit `xtype`:
     *      defaultType: 'textfield',
     *      items: [
     *          { fieldLabel: 'Foo' },
     *          { fieldLabel: 'Bar' },
     *          { fieldLabel: 'Num', xtype: 'numberfield' }
     *      ]
     * Each member of the `items` array is now just a "configuration object". These objects
     * are used to create and configure component instances. A configuration object can be
     * manually used to instantiate a component using {@link Ext#widget}:
     *      var text1 = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
     *          fieldLabel: 'Foo'
     *      });
     *      // or alternatively:
     *      var text1 = Ext.widget({
     *          xtype: 'textfield',
     *          fieldLabel: 'Foo'
     *      });
     * This conversion of configuration objects into instantiated components is done when
     * a container is created as part of its {Ext.container.AbstractContainer#initComponent}
     * process. As part of the same process, the `items` array is converted from its raw
     * array form into a {@link Ext.util.MixedCollection} instance.
     * You can define your own `xtype` on a custom {@link Ext.Component component} by specifying
     * the `xtype` property in {@link Ext#define}. For example:
     *     Ext.define('MyApp.PressMeButton', {
     *         extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
     *         xtype: 'pressmebutton',
     *         text: 'Press Me'
     *     });
     * Care should be taken when naming an `xtype` in a custom component because there is
     * a single, shared scope for all xtypes. Third part components should consider using
     * a prefix to avoid collisions.
     *     Ext.define('Foo.form.CoolButton', {
     *         extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
     *         xtype: 'ux-coolbutton',
     *         text: 'Cool!'
     *     });
     * See {@link Ext.enums.Widget} for list of all available xtypes.
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {String} tplWriteMode
     * The Ext.(X)Template method to use when updating the content area of the Component.
     * See `{@link Ext.XTemplate#overwrite}` for information on default mode.
     * @since 3.4.0
    tplWriteMode: 'overwrite',

     * @cfg {String} [baseCls='x-component']
     * The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this
     * component like Panel's body will get a class `x-panel-body`. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and
     * you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the `baseCls` `x-panel` and use
     * `componentCls` to add specific styling for this component.
    baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'component',

     * @cfg {String} componentCls
     * CSS Class to be added to a components root level element to give distinction to it via styling.

     * @cfg {String} [cls='']
     * An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element. This can be useful
     * for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
     * @since 1.1.0

     * @cfg {String} [overCls='']
     * An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves over the Element,
     * and removed when the mouse moves out. This can be useful for adding customized 'active' or 'hover' styles to the
     * component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {String} [disabledCls='x-item-disabled']
     * CSS class to add when the Component is disabled.
    disabledCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'item-disabled',

     * @cfg {String} ui
     * A UI style for a component.
    ui: 'default',

     * @cfg {String[]} uiCls
     * An array of of `classNames` which are currently applied to this component.
     * @private
    uiCls: [],

     * @cfg {String/Object} style
     * A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to
     * {@link Ext.Element#applyStyles}.
     *     new Ext.panel.Panel({
     *         title: 'Some Title',
     *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
     *         width: 400, height: 300,
     *         layout: 'form',
     *         items: [{
     *             xtype: 'textarea',
     *             style: {
     *                 width: '95%',
     *                 marginBottom: '10px'
     *             }
     *         },
     *         new Ext.button.Button({
     *             text: 'Send',
     *             minWidth: '100',
     *             style: {
     *                 marginBottom: '10px'
     *             }
     *         })
     *         ]
     *     });
     * @since 1.1.0

     * @cfg {Number} width
     * The width of this component in pixels.

     * @cfg {Number} height
     * The height of this component in pixels.

     * @cfg {Number/String/Boolean} border
     * Specifies the border size for this component. The border can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can
     * be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).
     * For components that have no border by default, setting this won't make the border appear by itself.
     * You also need to specify border color and style:
     *     border: 5,
     *     style: {
     *         borderColor: 'red',
     *         borderStyle: 'solid'
     *     }
     * To turn off the border, use `border: false`.

     * @cfg {Number/String} padding
     * Specifies the padding for this component. The padding can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it
     * can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

     * @cfg {Number/String} margin
     * Specifies the margin for this component. The margin can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can
     * be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

     * @cfg {Boolean} hidden
     * `true` to hide the component.
     * @since 2.3.0
    hidden: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} disabled
     * `true` to disable the component.
     * @since 2.3.0
    disabled: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [draggable=false]
     * Allows the component to be dragged.

     * @property {Boolean} draggable
     * Indicates whether or not the component can be dragged.
     * @readonly
    draggable: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} floating
     * Create the Component as a floating and use absolute positioning.
     * The z-index of floating Components is handled by a ZIndexManager. If you simply render a floating Component into the DOM, it will be managed
     * by the global {@link Ext.WindowManager WindowManager}.
     * If you include a floating Component as a child item of a Container, then upon render, Ext JS will seek an ancestor floating Component to house a new
     * ZIndexManager instance to manage its descendant floaters. If no floating ancestor can be found, the global WindowManager will be used.
     * When a floating Component which has a ZindexManager managing descendant floaters is destroyed, those descendant floaters will also be destroyed.
    floating: false,

     * @cfg {String} hideMode
     * A String which specifies how this Component's encapsulating DOM element will be hidden. Values may be:
     *   - `'display'` : The Component will be hidden using the `display: none` style.
     *   - `'visibility'` : The Component will be hidden using the `visibility: hidden` style.
     *   - `'offsets'` : The Component will be hidden by absolutely positioning it out of the visible area of the document.
     *     This is useful when a hidden Component must maintain measurable dimensions. Hiding using `display` results in a
     *     Component having zero dimensions.
     * @since 1.1.0
    hideMode: 'display',

     * @cfg {String} contentEl
     * Specify an existing HTML element, or the `id` of an existing HTML element to use as the content for this component.
     * This config option is used to take an existing HTML element and place it in the layout element of a new component
     * (it simply moves the specified DOM element _after the Component is rendered_ to use as the content.
     * **Notes:**
     * The specified HTML element is appended to the layout element of the component _after any configured
     * {@link #html HTML} has been inserted_, and so the document will not contain this element at the time
     * the {@link #event-render} event is fired.
     * The specified HTML element used will not participate in any **`{@link Ext.container.Container#layout layout}`**
     * scheme that the Component may use. It is just HTML. Layouts operate on child
     * **`{@link Ext.container.Container#cfg-items items}`**.
     * Add either the `x-hidden` or the `x-hide-display` CSS class to prevent a brief flicker of the content before it
     * is rendered to the panel.
     * @since 3.4.0

     * @cfg {String/Object} [html='']
     * An HTML fragment, or a {@link Ext.DomHelper DomHelper} specification to use as the layout element content.
     * The HTML content is added after the component is rendered, so the document will not contain this HTML at the time
     * the {@link #event-render} event is fired. This content is inserted into the body _before_ any configured {@link #contentEl}
     * is appended.
     * @since 3.4.0

     * @cfg {Number} minHeight
     * The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.
     * **Warning:** This will override any size management applied by layout managers.
     * @cfg {Number} minWidth
     * The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.
     * **Warning:** This will override any size management applied by layout managers.
     * @cfg {Number} maxHeight
     * The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.
     * **Warning:** This will override any size management applied by layout managers.
     * @cfg {Number} maxWidth
     * The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.
     * **Warning:** This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

     * @cfg {Ext.ComponentLoader/Object} loader
     * A configuration object or an instance of a {@link Ext.ComponentLoader} to load remote content
     * for this Component.
     *     Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     *         loader: {
     *             url: 'content.html',
     *             autoLoad: true
     *         },
     *         renderTo: Ext.getBody()
     *     });

     * @cfg {Ext.ComponentLoader/Object/String/Boolean} autoLoad
     * An alias for {@link #loader} config which also allows to specify just a string which will be
     * used as the url that's automatically loaded:
     *     Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     *         autoLoad: 'content.html',
     *         renderTo: Ext.getBody()
     *     });
     * The above is the same as:
     *     Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     *         loader: {
     *             url: 'content.html',
     *             autoLoad: true
     *         },
     *         renderTo: Ext.getBody()
     *     });
     * Don't use it together with {@link #loader} config.
     * @deprecated 4.1.1 Use {@link #loader} config instead.

     * @cfg {Boolean} autoShow
     * `true` to automatically show the component upon creation. This config option may only be used for
     * {@link #floating} components or components that use {@link #autoRender}.
     * @since 2.3.0
    autoShow: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean/String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} autoRender
     * This config is intended mainly for non-{@link #cfg-floating} Components which may or may not be shown. Instead of using
     * {@link #renderTo} in the configuration, and rendering upon construction, this allows a Component to render itself
     * upon first _{@link Ext.Component#method-show show}_. If {@link #cfg-floating} is `true`, the value of this config is omitted as if it is `true`.
     * Specify as `true` to have this Component render to the document body upon first show.
     * Specify as an element, or the ID of an element to have this Component render to a specific element upon first
     * show.
    autoRender: false,

    // @private
    allowDomMove: true,

     * @cfg {Ext.AbstractPlugin[]/Ext.AbstractPlugin/Object[]/Object/Ext.enums.Plugin[]/Ext.enums.Plugin} plugins
     * An array of plugins to be added to this component. Can also be just a single plugin instead of array.
     * Plugins provide custom functionality for a component. The only requirement for
     * a valid plugin is that it contain an `init` method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component
     * is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a
     * reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide
     * its functionality.
     * Plugins can be added to component by either directly referencing the plugin instance:
     *     plugins: [Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {clicksToEdit: 1})],
     * By using config object with ptype:
     *     plugins: [{ptype: 'cellediting', clicksToEdit: 1}],
     * Or with just a ptype:
     *     plugins: ['cellediting', 'gridviewdragdrop'],
     * See {@link Ext.enums.Plugin} for list of all ptypes.
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @property {Boolean} rendered
     * Indicates whether or not the component has been rendered.
     * @readonly
     * @since 1.1.0
    rendered: false,

     * @property {Number} componentLayoutCounter
     * @private
     * The number of component layout calls made on this object.
    componentLayoutCounter: 0,

     * @cfg {Boolean/Number} [shrinkWrap=2]
     * If this property is a number, it is interpreted as follows:
     *   - 0: Neither width nor height depend on content. This is equivalent to `false`.
     *   - 1: Width depends on content (shrink wraps), but height does not.
     *   - 2: Height depends on content (shrink wraps), but width does not. The default.
     *   - 3: Both width and height depend on content (shrink wrap). This is equivalent to `true`.
     * In CSS terms, shrink-wrap width is analogous to an inline-block element as opposed
     * to a block-level element. Some container layouts always shrink-wrap their children,
     * effectively ignoring this property (e.g., {@link Ext.layout.container.HBox},
     * {@link Ext.layout.container.VBox}, {@link Ext.layout.component.Dock}).
    shrinkWrap: 2,

     * @cfg {Number} [weight=0]
     * A value to control how Components are laid out in a {@link Ext.layout.container.Border Border} layout or as docked items.
     * In a Border layout, this can control how the regions (not the center) region lay out if the west or east take full height
     * or if the north or south region take full width. Also look at the {@link Ext.layout.container.Border#regionWeights} on the Border layout. An example to show how you can
     * take control of this is:
     *     Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
     *         layout      : 'border',
     *         defaultType : 'panel',
     *         items       : [
     *             {
     *                 region : 'north',
     *                 title  : 'North',
     *                 height : 100
     *             },
     *             {
     *                 region : 'south',
     *                 title  : 'South',
     *                 height : 100,
     *                 weight : -25
     *             },
     *             {
     *                 region : 'west',
     *                 title  : 'West',
     *                 width  : 200,
     *                 weight : 15
     *             },
     *             {
     *                 region : 'east',
     *                 title  : 'East',
     *                 width  : 200
     *             },
     *             {
     *                 region : 'center',
     *                 title  : 'center'
     *             }
     *         ]
     *     });
     * If docked items, the weight will order how the items are laid out. Here is an example to put a {@link Ext.toolbar.Toolbar} above
     * a {@link Ext.panel.Panel}'s header:
     *     Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
     *         renderTo    : document.body,
     *         width       : 300,
     *         height      : 300,
     *         title       : 'Panel',
     *         html        : 'Panel Body',
     *         dockedItems : [
     *             {
     *                 xtype : 'toolbar',
     *                 items : [
     *                     {
     *                         text : 'Save'
     *                     }
     *                 ]
     *             },
     *             {
     *                 xtype  : 'toolbar',
     *                 weight : -10,
     *                 items  : [
     *                     {
     *                         text : 'Remove'
     *                     }
     *                 ]
     *             }
     *         ]
     *     });
    weight: 0,

     * @property {Boolean} maskOnDisable
     * This is an internal flag that you use when creating custom components. By default this is set to `true` which means
     * that every component gets a mask when it's disabled. Components like FieldContainer, FieldSet, Field, Button, Tab
     * override this property to `false` since they want to implement custom disable logic.
    maskOnDisable: true,

     * @property {Boolean} [_isLayoutRoot=false]
     * Setting this property to `true` causes the {@link #isLayoutRoot} method to return
     * `true` and stop the search for the top-most component for a layout.
     * @protected
    _isLayoutRoot: false,

     * @property {String} [contentPaddingProperty='padding']
     * The name of the padding property that is used by the layout to manage
     * padding.  See {@link Ext.layout.container.Auto#managePadding managePadding}
    contentPaddingProperty: 'padding',
    horizontalPosProp: 'left',

    // private
    borderBoxCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-box',
    rootCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'body',

     * Creates new Component.
     * @param {Object} config  (optional) Config object.
    constructor : function(config) {
        var me = this,
            i, len, xhooks;

        if (config) {
            Ext.apply(me, config);

            xhooks = me.xhooks;
            if (xhooks) {
                delete me.xhooks;
                Ext.override(me, xhooks);
        } else {
            config = {};

        me.initialConfig = config;


             * @event beforeactivate
             * Fires before a Component has been visually activated. Returning `false` from an event listener can prevent
             * the activate from occurring.
             * **Note** This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a {@link Ext.container.Container}
             * that uses {@link Ext.layout.container.Card} as it's layout.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @event activate
             * Fires after a Component has been visually activated.
             * **Note** This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a {@link Ext.container.Container}
             * that uses {@link Ext.layout.container.Card} as it's layout or this Component is a floating Component.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @event beforedeactivate
             * Fires before a Component has been visually deactivated. Returning `false` from an event listener can
             * prevent the deactivate from occurring.
             * **Note** This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a {@link Ext.container.Container}
             * that uses {@link Ext.layout.container.Card} as it's layout.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @event deactivate
             * Fires after a Component has been visually deactivated.
             * **Note** This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a {@link Ext.container.Container}
             * that uses {@link Ext.layout.container.Card} as it's layout or this Component is a floating Component.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @event added
             * Fires after a Component had been added to a Container.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @param {Ext.container.Container} container Parent Container
             * @param {Number} pos position of Component
             * @since 3.4.0
             * @event disable
             * Fires after the component is disabled.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event enable
             * Fires after the component is enabled.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event beforeshow
             * Fires before the component is shown when calling the {@link Ext.Component#method-show show} method. Return `false` from an event
             * handler to stop the show.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event show
             * Fires after the component is shown when calling the {@link Ext.Component#method-show show} method.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event beforehide
             * Fires before the component is hidden when calling the {@link Ext.Component#method-hide hide} method. Return `false` from an event
             * handler to stop the hide.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event hide
             * Fires after the component is hidden. Fires after the component is hidden when calling the {@link Ext.Component#method-hide hide}
             * method.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event removed
             * Fires when a component is removed from an Ext.container.Container
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @param {Ext.container.Container} ownerCt Container which holds the component
             * @since 3.4.0
             * @event beforerender
             * Fires before the component is {@link #rendered}. Return `false` from an event handler to stop the
             * {@link #method-render}.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event render
             * Fires after the component markup is {@link #rendered}.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event afterrender
             * Fires after the component rendering is finished.
             * The `afterrender` event is fired after this Component has been {@link #rendered}, been postprocessed by any
             * `afterRender` method defined for the Component.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 3.4.0
             * @event boxready
             * Fires *one time* - after the component has been laid out for the first time at its initial size.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @param {Number} width The initial width.
             * @param {Number} height The initial height.
             * @event beforedestroy
             * Fires before the component is {@link #method-destroy}ed. Return `false` from an event handler to stop the
             * {@link #method-destroy}.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event destroy
             * Fires after the component is {@link #method-destroy}ed.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @since 1.1.0
             * @event resize
             * Fires after the component is resized. Note that this does *not* fire when the component is first laid out at its initial
             * size. To hook that point in the life cycle, use the {@link #boxready} event.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @param {Number} width The new width that was set.
             * @param {Number} height The new height that was set.
             * @param {Number} oldWidth The previous width.
             * @param {Number} oldHeight The previous height.
             * @event move
             * Fires after the component is moved.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @param {Number} x The new x position.
             * @param {Number} y The new y position.
             * @event focus
             * Fires when this Component receives focus.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} The focus event.
             * @event blur
             * Fires when this Component loses focus.
             * @param {Ext.Component} this
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} The blur event.



        // initComponent, beforeRender, or event handlers may have set the style or `cls` property since the `protoEl` was set up
        // so we must apply styles and classes here too.
        if (me.cls) {
            me.initialCls = me.cls;
        if (me.style) {
            me.initialStyle = me.style;

        me.renderData = me.renderData || {};
        me.renderSelectors = me.renderSelectors || {};

        if (me.plugins) {
            me.plugins = me.constructPlugins();

        // we need this before we call initComponent
        if (!me.hasListeners) {
            me.hasListeners = new me.HasListeners();


        // ititComponent gets a chance to change the id property before registering

        // Don't pass the config so that it is not applied to 'this' again
        me.mixins.state.constructor.call(me, config);

        // Save state on resize.

        // Move this into Observable?
        if (me.plugins) {
            for (i = 0, len = me.plugins.length; i < len; i++) {
                me.plugins[i] = me.initPlugin(me.plugins[i]);

        me.loader = me.getLoader();

        if (me.renderTo) {
            // EXTJSIV-1935 - should be a way to do afterShow or something, but that
            // won't work. Likewise, rendering hidden and then showing (w/autoShow) has
            // implications to afterRender so we cannot do that.

        // Auto show only works unilaterally on *uncontained* Components.
        // If contained, then it is the Container's responsibility to do the showing at next layout time.
        if (me.autoShow && !me.isContained) {

        if (Ext.isDefined(me.disabledClass)) {
            if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) {
                Ext.global.console.warn('Ext.Component: disabledClass has been deprecated. Please use disabledCls.');
            me.disabledCls = me.disabledClass;
            delete me.disabledClass;

    initComponent: function () {
        var me = this;

        // If plugins have been added by a subclass's initComponent before calling up to here,
        // The processed flag will not have been set, and we must process them again.
        if (me.plugins && !me.plugins.processed) {
            me.plugins = me.constructPlugins();

        // this will properly (ignore or) constrain the configured width/height to their
        // min/max values for consistency.
        me.setSize(me.width, me.height);

     * The supplied default state gathering method for the AbstractComponent class.
     * This method returns dimension settings such as `flex`, `anchor`, `width` and `height` along with `collapsed`
     * state.
     * Subclasses which implement more complex state should call the superclass's implementation, and apply their state
     * to the result if this basic state is to be saved.
     * Note that Component state will only be saved if the Component has a {@link #stateId} and there as a StateProvider
     * configured for the document.
     * @return {Object}
    getState: function() {
        var me = this,
            state = null,
            sizeModel = me.getSizeModel();

        if (sizeModel.width.configured) {
            state = me.addPropertyToState(state, 'width');
        if (sizeModel.height.configured) {
            state = me.addPropertyToState(state, 'height');

        return state;

     * Save a property to the given state object if it is not its default or configured
     * value.
     * @param {Object} state The state object.
     * @param {String} propName The name of the property on this object to save.
     * @param {String} [value] The value of the state property (defaults to `this[propName]`).
     * @return {Boolean} The state object or a new object if state was `null` and the property
     * was saved.
     * @protected
    addPropertyToState: function (state, propName, value) {
        var me = this,
            len = arguments.length;

        // If the property is inherited, it is a default and we don't want to save it to
        // the state, however if we explicitly specify a value, always save it
        if (len == 3 || me.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
            if (len < 3) {
                value = me[propName];

            // If the property has the same value as was initially configured, again, we
            // don't want to save it.
            if (value !== me.initialConfig[propName]) {
                (state || (state = {}))[propName] = value;

        return state;

    show: Ext.emptyFn,

    animate: function(animObj) {
        var me = this,
            curWidth, w, curHeight, h, isExpanding,

        animObj = animObj || {};
        to = animObj.to || {};

        if (Ext.fx.Manager.hasFxBlock(me.id)) {
            return me;

        hasToWidth = Ext.isDefined(to.width);
        if (hasToWidth) {
            toWidth = Ext.Number.constrain(to.width, me.minWidth, me.maxWidth);

        hasToHeight = Ext.isDefined(to.height);
        if (hasToHeight) {
            toHeight = Ext.Number.constrain(to.height, me.minHeight, me.maxHeight);

        // Special processing for animating Component dimensions.
        if (!animObj.dynamic && (hasToWidth || hasToHeight)) {
            curWidth = (animObj.from ? animObj.from.width : undefined) || me.getWidth();
            w = curWidth;
            curHeight = (animObj.from ? animObj.from.height : undefined) || me.getHeight();
            h = curHeight;
            isExpanding = false;

            if (hasToHeight && toHeight > curHeight) {
                h = toHeight;
                isExpanding = true;
            if (hasToWidth && toWidth > curWidth) {
                w = toWidth;
                isExpanding = true;

            // During animated sizing, overflow has to be hidden to clip expanded content
            if (hasToHeight || hasToWidth) {
                oldOverflow = me.el.getStyle('overtflow');
                if (oldOverflow !== 'hidden') {
                    me.el.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden');

            // If any dimensions are being increased, we must resize the internal structure
            // of the Component, but then clip it by sizing its encapsulating element back to original dimensions.
            // The animation will then progressively reveal the larger content.
            if (isExpanding) {
                clearWidth = !Ext.isNumber(me.width);
                clearHeight = !Ext.isNumber(me.height);

                // Lay out this component at the new, larger size to get the internals correctly laid out.
                // Then size the encapsulating **Element** back down to size.
                // We will then just animate the element to reveal the correctly laid out content.
                me.setSize(w, h);
                me.el.setSize(curWidth, curHeight);

                if (clearWidth) {
                    delete me.width;
                if (clearHeight) {
                    delete me.height;
            if (hasToWidth) {
                to.width = toWidth;

            if (hasToHeight) {
                to.height = toHeight;

        // No constraining during the animate - the "to" size has already been calculated with respect to all settings.
        // Arrange to reinstate any constraining after the animation has completed
        wasConstrained = me.constrain;
        wasConstrainedHeader = me.constrainHeader;
        if (wasConstrained || wasConstrainedHeader) {
            me.constrain = me.constrainHeader = false;
            passedCallback = animObj.callback;
            animObj.callback = function() {
                me.constrain = wasConstrained;
                me.constrainHeader = wasConstrainedHeader;
                // Call the original callback if any
                if (passedCallback) {
                    passedCallback.call(animObj.scope||me, arguments);
                if (oldOverflow !== 'hidden') {
                    me.el.setStyle('overflow', oldOverflow);
        return me.mixins.animate.animate.apply(me, arguments);
    setHiddenState: function(hidden){
        var hierarchyState = this.getHierarchyState();
        this.hidden = hidden;
        if (hidden) {
            hierarchyState.hidden = true;
        } else {
            delete hierarchyState.hidden;

    onHide: function() {
        // Only lay out if there is an owning layout which might be affected by the hide
        if (this.ownerLayout) {
            this.updateLayout({ isRoot: false });

    onShow : function() {
        this.updateLayout({ isRoot: false });

     * @private
     * @param {String/Object} ptype string or config object containing a ptype property.
     * Constructs a plugin according to the passed config object/ptype string.
     * Ensures that the constructed plugin always has a `cmp` reference back to this component.
     * The setting up of this is done in PluginManager. The PluginManager ensures that a reference to this
     * component is passed to the constructor. It also ensures that the plugin's `setCmp` method (if any) is called. 
    constructPlugin: function(plugin) {
        var me = this;
        // ptype only, pass as the defultType
        if (typeof plugin == 'string') {
            plugin = Ext.PluginManager.create({}, plugin, me);
        // Object (either config with ptype or an instantiated plugin)
        else {
            plugin = Ext.PluginManager.create(plugin, null, me);
        return plugin;

     * @private
     * Returns an array of fully constructed plugin instances. This converts any configs into their
     * appropriate instances.
     * It does not mutate the plugins array. It creates a new array.
    constructPlugins: function() {
        var me = this,
            plugins = me.plugins,
            result, i, len;

        if (plugins) {
            result = [];

            // The processed flag indicates that the plugins have been constructed. THis is usually done
            // at construction time, so if at initComponent time, there is a non-zero array of plugins which
            // does NOT have the processed flag, it needs to be processed again.
            result.processed = true;
            if (!Ext.isArray(plugins)) {
                plugins = [ plugins ];
            for (i = 0, len = plugins.length; i < len; i++) {
                // this just returns already-constructed plugin instances...
                result[i] = me.constructPlugin(plugins[i]);

        me.pluginsInitialized = true;
        return result;

    // @private
    initPlugin : function(plugin) {

        return plugin;

    // @private
    // Adds a plugin. May be called at any time in the component's lifecycle.
    addPlugin: function(plugin) {
        var me = this;

        plugin = me.constructPlugin(plugin);
        if (me.plugins) {
        } else {
            me.plugins = [ plugin ];
        if (me.pluginsInitialized) {
        return plugin;

    removePlugin: function(plugin) {
        Ext.Array.remove(this.plugins, plugin);

     * Retrieves plugin from this component's collection by its `ptype`.
     * @param {String} ptype The Plugin's ptype as specified by the class's `alias` configuration.
     * @return {Ext.AbstractPlugin} plugin instance.
    findPlugin: function(ptype) {
        var i,
            plugins = this.plugins,
            ln = plugins && plugins.length;
        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            if (plugins[i].ptype === ptype) {
                return plugins[i];

     * Retrieves a plugin from this component's collection by its `pluginId`.
     * @param {String} pluginId
     * @return {Ext.AbstractPlugin} plugin instance.
    getPlugin: function(pluginId) {
        var i,
            plugins = this.plugins,
            ln = plugins && plugins.length;
        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            if (plugins[i].pluginId === pluginId) {
                return plugins[i];

     * Occurs before componentLayout is run. In previous releases, this method could
     * return `false` to prevent its layout but that is not supported in Ext JS 4.1 or
     * higher. This method is simply a notification of the impending layout to give the
     * component a chance to adjust the DOM. Ideally, DOM reads should be avoided at this
     * time to reduce expensive document reflows.
     * @template
     * @protected
    beforeLayout: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Called by Component#doAutoRender
     * Register a Container configured `floating: true` with this Component's {@link Ext.ZIndexManager ZIndexManager}.
     * Components added in this way will not participate in any layout, but will be rendered
     * upon first show in the way that {@link Ext.window.Window Window}s are.
    registerFloatingItem: function(cmp) {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.floatingDescendants) {
            me.floatingDescendants = new Ext.ZIndexManager(me);

    unregisterFloatingItem: function(cmp) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.floatingDescendants) {

    layoutSuspendCount: 0,

    suspendLayouts: function () {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.rendered) {
        if (++me.layoutSuspendCount == 1) {
            me.suspendLayout = true;

    resumeLayouts: function (flushOptions) {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.rendered) {
        if (! --me.layoutSuspendCount) {
            me.suspendLayout = false;
            if (flushOptions && !me.isLayoutSuspended()) {

    setupProtoEl: function() {
        var cls = this.initCls();

        this.protoEl = new Ext.util.ProtoElement({
            cls: cls.join(' ') // in case any of the parts have multiple classes

    initCls: function() {
        var me = this,
            cls = [ me.baseCls, me.getComponentLayout().targetCls ];

        //<deprecated since=0.99>
        if (Ext.isDefined(me.cmpCls)) {
            if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) {
                Ext.global.console.warn('Ext.Component: cmpCls has been deprecated. Please use componentCls.');
            me.componentCls = me.cmpCls;
            delete me.cmpCls;

        if (me.componentCls) {
        } else {
            me.componentCls = me.baseCls;

        return cls;

     * Sets the UI for the component. This will remove any existing UIs on the component. It will also loop through any
     * `uiCls` set on the component and rename them so they include the new UI.
     * @param {String} ui The new UI for the component.
    setUI: function(ui) {
        var me = this,
            uiCls = me.uiCls,
            activeUI = me.activeUI,

        if (ui === activeUI) {
            // The ui hasn't changed

        // activeUI will only be set if setUI has been called before. If it hasn't there's no need to remove anything
        if (activeUI) {
            classes = me.removeClsWithUI(uiCls, true);

            if (classes.length) {

            // Remove the UI from the element
        else {
            // We need uiCls to be empty otherwise our call to addClsWithUI won't do anything
            me.uiCls = [];

        // Set the UI
        me.ui = ui;

        // After the first call to setUI the values ui and activeUI should track each other but initially we need some
        // way to tell whether the ui has really been set.
        me.activeUI = ui;

        // Add the new UI to the element

        classes = me.addClsWithUI(uiCls, true);

        if (classes.length) {

        // Changing the ui can lead to significant changes to a component's appearance, so the layout needs to be
        // updated. Internally most calls to setUI are pre-render. Buttons are a notable exception as setScale changes
        // the ui and often requires the layout to be updated.
        if (me.rendered) {

     * Adds a `cls` to the `uiCls` array, which will also call {@link #addUIClsToElement} and adds to all elements of this
     * component.
     * @param {String/String[]} classes A string or an array of strings to add to the `uiCls`.
     * @param {Object} skip (Boolean) skip `true` to skip adding it to the class and do it later (via the return).
    addClsWithUI: function(classes, skip) {
        var me = this,
            clsArray = [],
            i = 0,
            uiCls = me.uiCls = Ext.Array.clone(me.uiCls),
            activeUI = me.activeUI,

        if (typeof classes === "string") {
            classes = (classes.indexOf(' ') < 0) ? [classes] : Ext.String.splitWords(classes);

        length = classes.length;

        for (; i < length; i++) {
            cls = classes[i];

            if (cls && !me.hasUICls(cls)) {

                // We can skip this bit if there isn't an activeUI because we'll be called again from setUI
                if (activeUI) {
                    clsArray = clsArray.concat(me.addUIClsToElement(cls));

        if (skip !== true && activeUI) {

        return clsArray;

     * Removes a `cls` to the `uiCls` array, which will also call {@link #removeUIClsFromElement} and removes it from all
     * elements of this component.
     * @param {String/String[]} cls A string or an array of strings to remove to the `uiCls`.
    removeClsWithUI: function(classes, skip) {
        var me = this,
            clsArray = [],
            i = 0,
            extArray = Ext.Array,
            remove = extArray.remove,
            uiCls = me.uiCls = extArray.clone(me.uiCls),
            activeUI = me.activeUI,
            length, cls;

        if (typeof classes === "string") {
            classes = (classes.indexOf(' ') < 0) ? [classes] : Ext.String.splitWords(classes);

        length = classes.length;

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            cls = classes[i];

            if (cls && me.hasUICls(cls)) {
                remove(uiCls, cls);

                //If there's no activeUI then there's nothing to remove
                if (activeUI) {
                    clsArray = clsArray.concat(me.removeUIClsFromElement(cls));

        if (skip !== true && activeUI) {

        return clsArray;

     * Checks if there is currently a specified `uiCls`.
     * @param {String} cls The `cls` to check.
    hasUICls: function(cls) {
        var me = this,
            uiCls = me.uiCls || [];

        return Ext.Array.contains(uiCls, cls);

    frameElementsArray: ['tl', 'tc', 'tr', 'ml', 'mc', 'mr', 'bl', 'bc', 'br'],

     * Method which adds a specified UI + `uiCls` to the components element. Can be overridden to remove the UI from more
     * than just the components element.
     * @param {String} ui The UI to remove from the element.
    addUIClsToElement: function(cls) {
        var me = this,
            baseClsUi = me.baseCls + '-' + me.ui + '-' + cls,
            result = [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + cls, me.baseCls + '-' + cls, baseClsUi],
            frameElementsArray, frameElementsLength, i, el, frameElement;

        if (me.rendered && me.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) {
            // define each element of the frame
            frameElementsArray = me.frameElementsArray;
            frameElementsLength = frameElementsArray.length;

            // loop through each of them, and if they are defined add the ui
            for (i = 0; i < frameElementsLength; i++) {
                frameElement = frameElementsArray[i];
                el = me['frame' + frameElement.toUpperCase()];

                if (el) {
                    el.addCls(baseClsUi + '-' + frameElement);

        return result;

     * Method which removes a specified UI + `uiCls` from the components element. The `cls` which is added to the element
     * will be: `this.baseCls + '-' + ui`.
     * @param {String} ui The UI to add to the element.
    removeUIClsFromElement: function(cls) {
        var me = this,
            baseClsUi = me.baseCls + '-' + me.ui + '-' + cls,
            result = [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + cls, me.baseCls + '-' + cls, baseClsUi],
            frameElementsArray, frameElementsLength, i, el, frameElement;

        if (me.rendered && me.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) {
            // define each element of the frame
            frameElementsArray = me.frameElementsArray;
            frameElementsLength = frameElementsArray.length;

            // loop through each of them, and if they are defined add the ui
            for (i = 0; i < frameElementsLength; i++) {
                frameElement = frameElementsArray[i];
                el = me['frame' + frameElement.toUpperCase()];

                if (el) {
                    el.removeCls(baseClsUi + '-' + frameElement);

        return result;

     * Method which adds a specified UI to the components element.
     * @private
    addUIToElement: function() {
        var me = this,
            baseClsUI = me.baseCls + '-' + me.ui,
            frameElementsArray, frameElementsLength, i, el, frameElement;


        if (me.rendered && me.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) {
            // define each element of the frame
            frameElementsArray = me.frameElementsArray;
            frameElementsLength = frameElementsArray.length;

            // loop through each of them, and if they are defined add the ui
            for (i = 0; i < frameElementsLength; i++) {
                frameElement = frameElementsArray[i];
                el = me['frame' + frameElement.toUpperCase()];

                if (el) {
                    el.addCls(baseClsUI + '-' + frameElement);

     * Method which removes a specified UI from the components element.
     * @private
    removeUIFromElement: function() {
        var me = this,
            baseClsUI = me.baseCls + '-' + me.ui,
            frameElementsArray, frameElementsLength, i, el, frameElement;


        if (me.rendered && me.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) {
            // define each element of the frame
            frameElementsArray = me.frameElementsArray;
            frameElementsLength = frameElementsArray.length;

            for (i = 0; i < frameElementsLength; i++) {
                frameElement = frameElementsArray[i];
                el = me['frame' + frameElement.toUpperCase()];

                if (el) {
                    el.removeCls(baseClsUI + '-' + frameElement);

     * @private
    getTpl: function(name) {
        return Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, name);

     * Applies padding, margin, border, top, left, height, and width configs to the
     * appropriate elements.
     * @private
    initStyles: function(targetEl) {
        var me = this,
            Element = Ext.Element,
            margin = me.margin,
            border = me.border,
            cls = me.cls,
            style = me.style,
            x = me.x,
            y = me.y,
            width, height;


        if (margin != null) {
            targetEl.setStyle('margin', this.unitizeBox((margin === true) ? 5 : margin));

        if (border != null) {
            me.setBorder(border, targetEl);

        // initComponent, beforeRender, or event handlers may have set the style or cls property since the protoEl was set up
        // so we must apply styles and classes here too.
        if (cls && cls != me.initialCls) {
            me.cls = me.initialCls = null;
        if (style && style != me.initialStyle) {
            me.style = me.initialStyle = null;

        if (x != null) {
            targetEl.setStyle(me.horizontalPosProp, (typeof x == 'number') ? (x + 'px') : x);
        if (y != null) {
            targetEl.setStyle('top', (typeof y == 'number') ? (y + 'px') : y);

        if (!me.ownerCt || me.floating) {
            if (Ext.scopeCss) {
            if (Ext.isBorderBox) {

        // Framed components need their width/height to apply to the frame, which is
        // best handled in layout at present.
        if (!me.getFrameInfo()) {
            width = me.width;
            height = me.height;

            // If we're using the content box model, we also cannot assign numeric initial sizes since we do not know the border widths to subtract
            if (width != null) {
                if (typeof width === 'number') {
                    if (Ext.isBorderBox) {
                        targetEl.setStyle('width', width + 'px');
                } else {
                    targetEl.setStyle('width', width);
            if (height != null) {
                if (typeof height === 'number') {
                    if (Ext.isBorderBox) {
                        targetEl.setStyle('height', height + 'px');
                } else {
                    targetEl.setStyle('height', height);

     * Initializes padding by applying it to the target element, or if the layout manages
     * padding ensures that the padding on the target element is "0".
     * @private
    initPadding: function(targetEl) {
        var me = this,
            padding = me.padding;

        if (padding != null) {
            if (me.layout && me.layout.managePadding && me.contentPaddingProperty === 'padding') {
                // If the container layout manages padding, the layout will apply the 
                // padding to an inner element rather than the target element.  The
                // assumed intent is for the configured padding to override any padding
                // that is applied to the target element via stylesheet rules.  It is
                // therefore necessary to set the target element's padding to "0".
                targetEl.setStyle('padding', 0);
            } else {
                // Convert the padding, margin and border properties from a space seperated string
                // into a proper style string
                targetEl.setStyle('padding', this.unitizeBox((padding === true) ? 5 : padding));
    parseBox: function(box) {
        return Ext.dom.Element.parseBox(box);    
    unitizeBox: function(box) {
        return Ext.dom.Element.unitizeBox(box);    
     * Sets the margin on the target element.
     * @param {Number/String} margin The margin to set. See the {@link #margin} config.
    setMargin: function(margin, /* private */ preventLayout) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.rendered) {
            if (!margin && margin !== 0) {
                margin = '';
            } else {
                if (margin === true) {
                    margin = 5;
                margin = this.unitizeBox(margin);
            me.getTargetEl().setStyle('margin', margin);
            if (!preventLayout) {
        } else {
            me.margin = margin;

     * Initialize any events on this component
     * @protected
    initEvents : function() {
        var me = this,
            afterRenderEvents = me.afterRenderEvents,
            afterRenderEvent, el, property, index, len;

        if (afterRenderEvents) {
            for (property in afterRenderEvents) {
                el = me[property];

                if (el && el.on) {
                    afterRenderEvent = afterRenderEvents[property];

                    for (index = 0, len = afterRenderEvent.length ; index < len ; ++index) {
                        me.mon(el, afterRenderEvent[index]);

        // This will add focus/blur listeners to the getFocusEl() element if that is naturally focusable.
        // If *not* naturally focusable, then the FocusManager must be enabled to get it to listen for focus so that
        // the FocusManager can track and highlight focus.

     * @private
     * Sets up the focus listener on this Component's {@link #getFocusEl focusEl} if it has one.
     * Form Components which must implicitly participate in tabbing order usually have a naturally focusable
     * element as their {@link #getFocusEl focusEl}, and it is the DOM event of that receiving focus which drives
     * the Component's `onFocus` handling, and the DOM event of it being blurred which drives the `onBlur` handling.
     * If the {@link #getFocusEl focusEl} is **not** naturally focusable, then the listeners are only added
     * if the {@link Ext.FocusManager FocusManager} is enabled.
    addFocusListener: function() {
        var me = this,
            focusEl = me.getFocusEl(),

        // All Containers may be focusable, not only "form" type elements, but also
        // Panels, Toolbars, Windows etc.
        // Usually, the <DIV> element they will return as their focusEl will not be able to receive focus
        // However, if the FocusManager is invoked, its non-default navigation handlers (invoked when
        // tabbing/arrowing off of certain Components) may explicitly focus a Panel or Container or FieldSet etc.
        // Add listeners to the focus and blur events on the focus element

        // If this Component returns a focusEl, we might need to add a focus listener to it.
        if (focusEl) {
            // getFocusEl might return a Component if a Container wishes to delegate focus to a descendant.
            // Window can do this via its defaultFocus configuration which can reference a Button.
            if (focusEl.isComponent) {
                return focusEl.addFocusListener();

            // If the focusEl is naturally focusable, then we always need a focus listener to drive the Component's
            // onFocus handling.
            // If *not* naturally focusable, then we only need the focus listener if the FocusManager is enabled.
            needsTabIndex = focusEl.needsTabIndex();
            if (!me.focusListenerAdded && (!needsTabIndex || Ext.FocusManager.enabled)) {
                if (needsTabIndex) {
                    focusEl.dom.tabIndex = -1;
                    focus: me.onFocus,
                    blur: me.onBlur,
                    scope: me
                me.focusListenerAdded = true;

     * @private
     * Returns the focus holder element associated with this Component. At the Component base class level, this function returns `undefined`.
     * Subclasses which use embedded focusable elements (such as Window, Field and Button) should override this
     * for use by the {@link Ext.Component#method-focus focus} method.
     * Containers which need to participate in the {@link Ext.FocusManager FocusManager}'s navigation and Container focusing scheme also
     * need to return a `focusEl`, although focus is only listened for in this case if the {@link Ext.FocusManager FocusManager} is {@link Ext.FocusManager#method-enable enable}d.
     * @returns {undefined} `undefined` because raw Components cannot by default hold focus.
    getFocusEl: Ext.emptyFn,

    isFocusable: function() {
        var me = this,
        if ((me.focusable !== false) && (focusEl = me.getFocusEl()) && me.rendered && !me.destroying && !me.isDestroyed && !me.disabled && me.isVisible(true)) {

            // getFocusEl might return a Component if a Container wishes to delegate focus to a descendant.
            // Window can do this via its defaultFocus configuration which can reference a Button.
            // Both Component and Element implement isFocusable, so always ask that.
            return focusEl.isFocusable(true);

     * Template method to do any pre-focus processing.
     * @protected
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
    beforeFocus: Ext.emptyFn,

    // private
    onFocus: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            focusCls = me.focusCls,
            focusEl = me.getFocusEl();

        if (!me.disabled) {
            if (focusCls && focusEl) {
                focusEl.addCls(me.addClsWithUI(focusCls, true));
            if (!me.hasFocus) {
                me.hasFocus = true;
                me.fireEvent('focus', me, e);

     * Template method to do any pre-blur processing.
     * @protected
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
    beforeBlur : Ext.emptyFn,

    // private
    onBlur : function(e) {
        var me = this,
            focusCls = me.focusCls,
            focusEl = me.getFocusEl();

        if (me.destroying) {

        if (focusCls && focusEl) {
            focusEl.removeCls(me.removeClsWithUI(focusCls, true));
        if (me.validateOnBlur) {
        me.hasFocus = false;
        me.fireEvent('blur', me, e);

     * Template method to do any post-blur processing.
     * @protected
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
    postBlur : Ext.emptyFn,

     * Tests whether this Component matches the selector string.
     * @param {String} selector The selector string to test against.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if this Component matches the selector.
    is: function(selector) {
        return Ext.ComponentQuery.is(this, selector);

     * Navigates up the ownership hierarchy searching for an ancestor Container which matches any passed selector or component.
     * *Important.* There is not a universal upwards navigation pointer. There are several upwards relationships
     * such as the {@link Ext.button.Button button} which activates a {@link Ext.button.Button#cfg-menu menu}, or the
     * {@link Ext.menu.Item menu item} which activated a {@link Ext.menu.Item#cfg-menu submenu}, or the
     * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column column header} which activated the column menu.
     * These differences are abstracted away by this method.
     * Example:
     *     var owningTabPanel = grid.up('tabpanel');
     * @param {String/Ext.Component} [selector] The selector component or actual component to test. If not passed the immediate owner/activater is returned.
     * @param {String/Number/Ext.Component} [limit] This may be a selector upon which to stop the upward scan, or a limit of the number of steps, or Component reference to stop on.
     * @return {Ext.container.Container} The matching ancestor Container (or `undefined` if no match was found).
    up: function (selector, limit) {
        var result = this.getRefOwner(),
            limitSelector = typeof limit === 'string',
            limitCount = typeof limit === 'number',
            limitComponent = limit && limit.isComponent,
            steps = 0;

        if (selector) {
            for (; result; result = result.getRefOwner()) {
                if (selector.isComponent) {
                    if (result === selector) {
                        return result;
                } else {
                    if (Ext.ComponentQuery.is(result, selector)) {
                        return result;

                // Stop when we hit the limit selector
                if (limitSelector && result.is(limit)) {
                if (limitCount && steps === limit) {
                if (limitComponent && result === limit) {
        return result;

     * Returns the next sibling of this Component.
     * Optionally selects the next sibling which matches the passed {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery} selector.
     * May also be referred to as **`next()`**
     * Note that this is limited to siblings, and if no siblings of the item match, `null` is returned. Contrast with
     * {@link #nextNode}
     * @param {String} [selector] A {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery} selector to filter the following items.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The next sibling (or the next sibling which matches the selector).
     * Returns `null` if there is no matching sibling.
    nextSibling: function(selector) {
        var o = this.ownerCt, it, last, idx, c;
        if (o) {
            it = o.items;
            idx = it.indexOf(this) + 1;
            if (idx) {
                if (selector) {
                    for (last = it.getCount(); idx < last; idx++) {
                        if ((c = it.getAt(idx)).is(selector)) {
                            return c;
                } else {
                    if (idx < it.getCount()) {
                        return it.getAt(idx);
        return null;

     * Returns the previous sibling of this Component.
     * Optionally selects the previous sibling which matches the passed {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery}
     * selector.
     * May also be referred to as **`prev()`**
     * Note that this is limited to siblings, and if no siblings of the item match, `null` is returned. Contrast with
     * {@link #previousNode}
     * @param {String} [selector] A {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery} selector to filter the preceding items.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The previous sibling (or the previous sibling which matches the selector).
     * Returns `null` if there is no matching sibling.
    previousSibling: function(selector) {
        var o = this.ownerCt, it, idx, c;
        if (o) {
            it = o.items;
            idx = it.indexOf(this);
            if (idx != -1) {
                if (selector) {
                    for (--idx; idx >= 0; idx--) {
                        if ((c = it.getAt(idx)).is(selector)) {
                            return c;
                } else {
                    if (idx) {
                        return it.getAt(--idx);
        return null;

     * Returns the previous node in the Component tree in tree traversal order.
     * Note that this is not limited to siblings, and if invoked upon a node with no matching siblings, will walk the
     * tree in reverse order to attempt to find a match. Contrast with {@link #previousSibling}.
     * @param {String} [selector] A {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery} selector to filter the preceding nodes.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The previous node (or the previous node which matches the selector).
     * Returns `null` if there is no matching node.
    previousNode: function(selector, /* private */ includeSelf) {
        var node = this,
            ownerCt = node.ownerCt,
            it, i, sib;

        // If asked to include self, test me
        if (includeSelf && node.is(selector)) {
            return node;

        if (ownerCt) {
            for (it = ownerCt.items.items, i = Ext.Array.indexOf(it, node) - 1; i > -1; i--) {
                sib = it[i];
                if (sib.query) {
                    result = sib.query(selector);
                    result = result[result.length - 1];
                    if (result) {
                        return result;
                if (sib.is(selector)) {
                    return sib;
            return ownerCt.previousNode(selector, true);
        return null;

     * Returns the next node in the Component tree in tree traversal order.
     * Note that this is not limited to siblings, and if invoked upon a node with no matching siblings, will walk the
     * tree to attempt to find a match. Contrast with {@link #nextSibling}.
     * @param {String} [selector] A {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery} selector to filter the following nodes.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The next node (or the next node which matches the selector).
     * Returns `null` if there is no matching node.
    nextNode: function(selector, /* private */ includeSelf) {
        var node = this,
            ownerCt = node.ownerCt,
            it, len, i, sib;

        // If asked to include self, test me
        if (includeSelf && node.is(selector)) {
            return node;

        if (ownerCt) {
            for (it = ownerCt.items.items, i = Ext.Array.indexOf(it, node) + 1, len = it.length; i < len; i++) {
                sib = it[i];
                if (sib.is(selector)) {
                    return sib;
                if (sib.down) {
                    result = sib.down(selector);
                    if (result) {
                        return result;
            return ownerCt.nextNode(selector);
        return null;

     * Retrieves the `id` of this component. Will auto-generate an `id` if one has not already been set.
     * @return {String}
    getId : function() {
        return this.id || (this.id = 'ext-comp-' + (this.getAutoId()));

     * Returns the value of {@link #itemId} assigned to this component, or when that
     * is not set, returns the value of {@link #id}.
     * @return {String}
    getItemId : function() {
        return this.itemId || this.id;

     * Retrieves the top level element representing this component.
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element}
     * @since 1.1.0
    getEl : function() {
        return this.el;

     * This is used to determine where to insert the 'html', 'contentEl' and 'items' in this component.
     * @private
    getTargetEl: function() {
        return this.frameBody || this.el;
     * Get an el for overflowing, defaults to the target el
     * @private
    getOverflowEl: function(){
        return this.getTargetEl();

     * @private
     * Returns the CSS style object which will set the Component's scroll styles. This must be applied
     * to the {@link #getTargetEl target element}.
    getOverflowStyle: function() {
        var me = this,
            result = null,
            auto = me.autoScroll,
            ox, oy,

        // Note to maintainer. To save on waves of testing, setting and defaulting, the code below
        // rolls assignent statements into conditional test value expressions and property object initializers.
        // This avoids sprawling code. Maintain with care.
        if (typeof auto === 'boolean') {
            result = {
                overflow: overflowStyle = (auto ? 'auto' : '')
            me.scrollFlags = {
                overflowX: overflowStyle,
                overflowY: overflowStyle,
                x: auto,
                y: auto,
                both: auto
        } else {
            ox = me.overflowX;
            oy = me.overflowY;
            if (ox !== undefined || oy !== undefined) {
                if (ox && ox === true) {
                    ox = 'auto';
                if (oy && oy === true) {
                    oy = 'auto';
                result = {
                    'overflowX':  ox = ox || '',
                    'overflowY':  oy = oy || ''

                * @member Ext.Component
                * @property {Object} scrollFlags
                * An object property which provides unified information as to which dimensions are scrollable based upon
                * the {@link #autoScroll}, {@link #overflowX} and {@link #overflowY} settings (And for *views* of trees and grids, the owning panel's {@link Ext.panel.Table#scroll scroll} setting).
                * Note that if you set overflow styles using the {@link #style} config or {@link Ext.panel.Panel#bodyStyle bodyStyle} config, this object does not include that information;
                * it is best to use {@link #autoScroll}, {@link #overflowX} and {@link #overflowY} if you need to access these flags.
                * This object has the following properties:
                * @property {Boolean} scrollFlags.x `true` if this Component is scrollable horizontally - style setting may be `'auto'` or `'scroll'`.
                * @property {Boolean} scrollFlags.y `true` if this Component is scrollable vertically - style setting may be `'auto'` or `'scroll'`.
                * @property {Boolean} scrollFlags.both `true` if this Component is scrollable both horizontally and vertically.
                * @property {String} scrollFlags.overflowX The `overflow-x` style setting, `'auto'` or `'scroll'` or `''`.
                * @property {String} scrollFlags.overflowY The `overflow-y` style setting, `'auto'` or `'scroll'` or `''`.
                * @readonly
                me.scrollFlags = {
                    overflowX: ox,
                    overflowY: oy,
                    x: ox = (ox === 'auto' || ox === 'scroll'),
                    y: oy = (oy === 'auto' || oy === 'scroll'),
                    both: ox && oy
            } else {
                me.scrollFlags = {
                    overflowX: '',
                    overflowY: '',
                    x: false,
                    y: false,
                    both: false

        // The scrollable container element must be non-statically positioned or IE6/7 will make
        // positioned children stay in place rather than scrolling with the rest of the content
        if (result && Ext.isIE7m) {
            result.position = 'relative';

        return result;

     * Tests whether or not this Component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this Component is descended
     * from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (`shallow = true`).
     * **If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype to participate in
     * determination of inherited xtypes.**
     * For a list of all available xtypes, see the {@link Ext.Component} header.
     * Example usage:
     *     @example
     *     var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
     *     var isText = t.isXType('textfield');        // true
     *     var isBoxSubclass = t.isXType('field');       // true, descended from Ext.form.field.Base
     *     var isBoxInstance = t.isXType('field', true); // false, not a direct Ext.form.field.Base instance
     * @param {String} xtype The xtype to check for this Component
     * @param {Boolean} [shallow=false] `true` to check whether this Component is directly of the specified xtype, `false` to
     * check whether this Component is descended from the xtype.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if this component descends from the specified xtype, `false` otherwise.
     * @since 2.3.0
    isXType: function(xtype, shallow) {
        if (shallow) {
            return this.xtype === xtype;
        else {
            return this.xtypesMap[xtype];

     * Returns this Component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all available xtypes, see the
     * {@link Ext.Component} header.
     * **If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype to participate in
     * determination of inherited xtypes.**
     * Example usage:
     *     @example
     *     var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
     *     alert(t.getXTypes());  // alerts 'component/field/textfield'
     * @return {String} The xtype hierarchy string
     * @since 2.3.0
    getXTypes: function() {
        var self = this.self,
            xtypes, parentPrototype, parentXtypes;

        if (!self.xtypes) {
            xtypes = [];
            parentPrototype = this;

            while (parentPrototype) {
                parentXtypes = parentPrototype.xtypes;

                if (parentXtypes !== undefined) {
                    xtypes.unshift.apply(xtypes, parentXtypes);

                parentPrototype = parentPrototype.superclass;

            self.xtypeChain = xtypes;
            self.xtypes = xtypes.join('/');

        return self.xtypes;

     * Update the content area of a component.
     * @param {String/Object} htmlOrData If this component has been configured with a template via the tpl config then
     * it will use this argument as data to populate the template. If this component was not configured with a template,
     * the components content area will be updated via Ext.Element update.
     * @param {Boolean} [loadScripts=false] Only legitimate when using the `html` configuration.
     * @param {Function} [callback] Only legitimate when using the `html` configuration. Callback to execute when
     * scripts have finished loading.
     * @since 3.4.0
    update : function(htmlOrData, loadScripts, cb) {
        var me = this,
            isData = (me.tpl && !Ext.isString(htmlOrData)),

        if (isData) {
            me.data = htmlOrData;
        } else {
            me.html = Ext.isObject(htmlOrData) ? Ext.DomHelper.markup(htmlOrData) : htmlOrData;

        if (me.rendered) {
            el = me.isContainer ? me.layout.getRenderTarget() : me.getTargetEl();
            if (isData) {
                me.tpl[me.tplWriteMode](el, htmlOrData || {});
            } else {
                el.update(me.html, loadScripts, cb);


     * Convenience function to hide or show this component by Boolean.
     * @param {Boolean} visible `true` to show, `false` to hide.
     * @return {Ext.Component} this
     * @since 1.1.0
    setVisible : function(visible) {
        return this[visible ? 'show': 'hide']();

     * Returns `true` if this component is visible.
     * @param {Boolean} [deep=false] Pass `true` to interrogate the visibility status of all parent Containers to
     * determine whether this Component is truly visible to the user.
     * Generally, to determine whether a Component is hidden, the no argument form is needed. For example when creating
     * dynamically laid out UIs in a hidden Container before showing them.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if this component is visible, `false` otherwise.
     * @since 1.1.0
    isVisible: function(deep) {
        var me = this,

        if (me.hidden || !me.rendered || me.isDestroyed) {
            hidden = true;
        } else if (deep) {
            hidden = me.isHierarchicallyHidden();

        return !hidden;

    isHierarchicallyHidden: function() {
        var child = this,
            hidden = false,
            parent, parentHierarchyState;

        // It is possible for some components to be immune to collapse meaning the immune
        // component remains visible when its direct parent is collapsed, e.g. panel header.
        // Because of this, we must walk up the component hierarchy to determine the true
        // visible state of the component.
        for (; (parent = child.ownerCt || child.floatParent); child = parent) {
            parentHierarchyState = parent.getHierarchyState();
            if (parentHierarchyState.hidden) {
                hidden = true;
            if (child.getHierarchyState().collapseImmune) {
                // The child or one of its ancestors is immune to collapse.
                if (parent.collapsed && !child.collapseImmune) {
                    // If the child's direct parent is collapsed, and the child
                    // itself does not have collapse immunity we know that
                    // the child is not visible.
                    hidden = true;
            } else {
                // We have ascended the tree to a point where collapse immunity
                // is not in play.  This means if any anscestor above this point
                // is collapsed, then the component is not visible.
                hidden = !!parentHierarchyState.collapsed;

        return hidden;

     * Invoked when this component has first achieved size. Occurs after the
     * {@link #componentLayout} has completed its initial run.
     * @param {Number} width The width of this component
     * @param {Number} height The height of this component
     * @template
     * @protected
    onBoxReady: function(width, height) {
        var me = this;

        if (me.disableOnBoxReady) {
        } else if (me.enableOnBoxReady) {
        if (me.resizable) {

        // Draggability must be initialized after resizability
        // Because if we have to be wrapped, the resizer wrapper must be dragged as a pseudo-Component
        if (me.draggable) {
        if (me.hasListeners.boxready) {
            me.fireEvent('boxready', me, width, height);

     * Enable the component
     * @param {Boolean} [silent=false] Passing `true` will suppress the `enable` event from being fired.
     * @since 1.1.0
    enable: function(silent) {
        var me = this;

        delete me.disableOnBoxReady;
        if (me.rendered) {
        } else {
            me.enableOnBoxReady = true;

        me.disabled = false;
        delete me.resetDisable;

        if (silent !== true) {
            me.fireEvent('enable', me);

        return me;

     * Disable the component.
     * @param {Boolean} [silent=false] Passing `true` will suppress the `disable` event from being fired.
     * @since 1.1.0
    disable: function(silent) {
        var me = this;

        delete me.enableOnBoxReady;
        if (me.rendered) {
        } else {
            me.disableOnBoxReady = true;

        me.disabled = true;

        if (silent !== true) {
            delete me.resetDisable;
            me.fireEvent('disable', me);

        return me;

     * Allows addition of behavior to the enable operation.
     * After calling the superclass's `onEnable`, the Component will be enabled.
     * @template
     * @protected
    onEnable: function() {
        if (this.maskOnDisable) {
            this.el.dom.disabled = false;

     * Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation.
     * After calling the superclass's `onDisable`, the Component will be disabled.
     * @template
     * @protected
    onDisable : function() {
        var me = this,
            focusCls = me.focusCls,
            focusEl = me.getFocusEl();
        if (focusCls && focusEl) {
            focusEl.removeCls(me.removeClsWithUI(focusCls, true));
        if (me.maskOnDisable) {
            me.el.dom.disabled = true;

    mask: function (msg, msgCls, elHeight) {
        var box = this.lastBox,
            target = this.getMaskTarget();

        // Pass it the height of our element if we know it.
        if (box) {
            elHeight = box.height;
        target.mask(msg, msgCls, elHeight);

    unmask: function() {

    getMaskTarget: function(){
        return this.el;

     * Method to determine whether this Component is currently disabled.
     * @return {Boolean} the disabled state of this Component.
    isDisabled : function() {
        return this.disabled;

     * Enable or disable the component.
     * @param {Boolean} disabled `true` to disable.
    setDisabled : function(disabled) {
        return this[disabled ? 'disable': 'enable']();

     * Method to determine whether this Component is currently set to hidden.
     * @return {Boolean} the hidden state of this Component.
    isHidden : function() {
        return this.hidden;

     * Adds a CSS class to the top level element representing this component.
     * @param {String/String[]} cls The CSS class name to add.
     * @return {Ext.Component} Returns the Component to allow method chaining.
    addCls : function(cls) {
        var me = this,
            el = me.rendered ? me.el : me.protoEl;

        el.addCls.apply(el, arguments);
        return me;

     * @inheritdoc Ext.AbstractComponent#addCls
     * @deprecated 4.1 Use {@link #addCls} instead.
     * @since 2.3.0
    addClass : function() {
        return this.addCls.apply(this, arguments);

     * Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node.
     * @param {String} className The CSS class to check for.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if the class exists, else `false`.
     * @method
    hasCls: function (cls) {
        var me = this,
            el = me.rendered ? me.el : me.protoEl;

        return el.hasCls.apply(el, arguments);

     * Removes a CSS class from the top level element representing this component.
     * @param {String/String[]} cls The CSS class name to remove.
     * @returns {Ext.Component} Returns the Component to allow method chaining.
    removeCls : function(cls) {
        var me = this,
            el = me.rendered ? me.el : me.protoEl;

        el.removeCls.apply(el, arguments);
        return me;

    // @since 2.3.0
    removeClass : function() {
        if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) {
            Ext.global.console.warn('Ext.Component: removeClass has been deprecated. Please use removeCls.');
        return this.removeCls.apply(this, arguments);

    addOverCls: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.disabled) {

    removeOverCls: function() {

    addListener : function(element, listeners, scope, options) {
        var me = this,

        if (Ext.isString(element) && (Ext.isObject(listeners) || options && options.element)) {
            if (options.element) {
                fn = listeners;

                listeners = {};
                listeners[element] = fn;
                element = options.element;
                if (scope) {
                    listeners.scope = scope;

                for (option in options) {
                    if (options.hasOwnProperty(option)) {
                        if (me.eventOptionsRe.test(option)) {
                            listeners[option] = options[option];

            // At this point we have a variable called element,
            // and a listeners object that can be passed to on
            if (me[element] && me[element].on) {
                me.mon(me[element], listeners);
            } else {
                me.afterRenderEvents = me.afterRenderEvents || {};
                if (!me.afterRenderEvents[element]) {
                    me.afterRenderEvents[element] = [];

        return me.mixins.observable.addListener.apply(me, arguments);

    // inherit docs
    removeManagedListenerItem: function(isClear, managedListener, item, ename, fn, scope){
        var me = this,
            element = managedListener.options ? managedListener.options.element : null;

        if (element) {
            element = me[element];
            if (element && element.un) {
                if (isClear || (managedListener.item === item && managedListener.ename === ename && (!fn || managedListener.fn === fn) && (!scope || managedListener.scope === scope))) {
                    element.un(managedListener.ename, managedListener.fn, managedListener.scope);
                    if (!isClear) {
                        Ext.Array.remove(me.managedListeners, managedListener);
        } else {
            return me.mixins.observable.removeManagedListenerItem.apply(me, arguments);

     * Provides the link for Observable's `fireEvent` method to bubble up the ownership hierarchy.
     * @return {Ext.container.Container} the Container which owns this Component.
     * @since 3.4.0
    getBubbleTarget : function() {
        return this.ownerCt;

     * Method to determine whether this Component is floating.
     * @return {Boolean} the floating state of this component.
    isFloating : function() {
        return this.floating;

     * Method to determine whether this Component is draggable.
     * @return {Boolean} the draggable state of this component.
    isDraggable : function() {
        return !!this.draggable;

     * Method to determine whether this Component is droppable.
     * @return {Boolean} the droppable state of this component.
    isDroppable : function() {
        return !!this.droppable;

     * Method to manage awareness of when components are added to their
     * respective Container, firing an #added event. References are
     * established at add time rather than at render time.
     * Allows addition of behavior when a Component is added to a
     * Container. At this stage, the Component is in the parent
     * Container's collection of child items. After calling the
     * superclass's `onAdded`, the `ownerCt` reference will be present,
     * and if configured with a ref, the `refOwner` will be set.
     * @param {Ext.container.Container} container Container which holds the component.
     * @param {Number} pos Position at which the component was added.
     * @template
     * @protected
     * @since 3.4.0
    onAdded : function(container, pos) {
        var me = this;

        me.ownerCt = container;

        if (me.hierarchyState) {
            // if component has a hierarchyState at this point we set an invalid flag in the
            // hierarchy state so that descendants of this component know to re-initialize
            // their hierarchyState the next time it is requested (see getHierarchyState())
            me.hierarchyState.invalid = true;
            // We can now delete the old hierarchyState since it is invalid.  IMPORTANT:
            // the descendants are still linked to the old hierarchy state via the
            // prototype chain, and their heirarchyState property will be synced up 
            // the next time their getHierarchyState() method is called.  For this reason
            // hierarchyState should always be accessed using getHierarchyState()
            delete me.hierarchyState;

        if (me.hasListeners.added) {
            me.fireEvent('added', me, container, pos);

     * Method to manage awareness of when components are removed from their
     * respective Container, firing a #removed event. References are properly
     * cleaned up after removing a component from its owning container.
     * Allows addition of behavior when a Component is removed from
     * its parent Container. At this stage, the Component has been
     * removed from its parent Container's collection of child items,
     * but has not been destroyed (It will be destroyed if the parent
     * Container's `autoDestroy` is `true`, or if the remove call was
     * passed a truthy second parameter). After calling the
     * superclass's `onRemoved`, the `ownerCt` and the `refOwner` will not
     * be present.
     * @param {Boolean} destroying Will be passed as `true` if the Container performing the remove operation will delete this
     * Component upon remove.
     * @template
     * @protected
     * @since 3.4.0
    onRemoved : function(destroying) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.hasListeners.removed) {
            me.fireEvent('removed', me, me.ownerCt);
        delete me.ownerCt;
        delete me.ownerLayout;

     * Invoked before the Component is destroyed.
     * @method
     * @template
     * @protected
    beforeDestroy : Ext.emptyFn,

     * Allows addition of behavior to the resize operation.
     * Called when Ext.resizer.Resizer#drag event is fired.
     * @method
     * @template
     * @protected
    onResize: function(width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight) {
        var me = this;

        // constrain is a config on Floating
        if (me.floating && me.constrain) {
        if (me.hasListeners.resize) {
            me.fireEvent('resize', me, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight);

     * Sets the width and height of this Component. This method fires the {@link #resize} event. This method can accept
     * either width and height as separate arguments, or you can pass a size object like `{width:10, height:20}`.
     * @param {Number/String/Object} width The new width to set. This may be one of:
     *   - A Number specifying the new width in the {@link #getEl Element}'s {@link Ext.Element#defaultUnit}s (by default, pixels).
     *   - A String used to set the CSS width style.
     *   - A size object in the format `{width: widthValue, height: heightValue}`.
     *   - `undefined` to leave the width unchanged.
     * @param {Number/String} height The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg).
     * This may be one of:
     *   - A Number specifying the new height in the {@link #getEl Element}'s {@link Ext.Element#defaultUnit}s (by default, pixels).
     *   - A String used to set the CSS height style. Animation may **not** be used.
     *   - `undefined` to leave the height unchanged.
     * @return {Ext.Component} this
    setSize : function(width, height) {
        var me = this;

        // support for standard size objects
        if (width && typeof width == 'object') {
            height = width.height;
            width  = width.width;

        // Constrain within configured maxima
        if (typeof width == 'number') {
            me.width = Ext.Number.constrain(width, me.minWidth, me.maxWidth);
        } else if (width === null) {
            delete me.width;
        if (typeof height == 'number') {
            me.height = Ext.Number.constrain(height, me.minHeight, me.maxHeight);
        } else if (height === null) {
            delete me.height;

        // If not rendered, all we need to is set the properties.
        // The initial layout will set the size
        if (me.rendered && me.isVisible()) {

            // If we are changing size, then we are not the root.
                isRoot: false

        return me;

     * Determines whether this Component is the root of a layout. This returns `true` if
     * this component can run its layout without assistance from or impact on its owner.
     * If this component cannot run its layout given these restrictions, `false` is returned
     * and its owner will be considered as the next candidate for the layout root.
     * Setting the {@link #_isLayoutRoot} property to `true` causes this method to always
     * return `true`. This may be useful when updating a layout of a Container which shrink
     * wraps content, and you know that it will not change size, and so can safely be the
     * topmost participant in the layout run.
     * @protected
    isLayoutRoot: function() {
        var me = this,
            ownerLayout = me.ownerLayout;

        // Return true if we have been explicitly flagged as the layout root, or if we are floating.
        // Sometimes floating Components get an ownerCt ref injected into them which is *not* a true ownerCt, merely
        // an upward link for reference purposes. For example a grid column menu is linked to the
        // owning header via an ownerCt reference.
        if (!ownerLayout || me._isLayoutRoot || me.floating) {
            return true;

        return ownerLayout.isItemLayoutRoot(me);

     * Returns `true` if layout is suspended for this component. This can come from direct
     * suspension of this component's layout activity ({@link Ext.Container#suspendLayout}) or if one
     * of this component's containers is suspended.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` layout of this component is suspended.
    isLayoutSuspended: function () {
        var comp = this,

        while (comp) {
            if (comp.layoutSuspendCount || comp.suspendLayout) {
                return true;

            ownerLayout = comp.ownerLayout;
            if (!ownerLayout) {

            // TODO - what about suspending a Layout instance?

            // this works better than ownerCt since ownerLayout means "is managed by" in
            // the proper sense... some floating components have ownerCt but won't have an
            // ownerLayout
            comp = ownerLayout.owner;

        return false;

     * Updates this component's layout. If this update affects this components {@link #ownerCt},
     * that component's `updateLayout` method will be called to perform the layout instead.
     * Otherwise, just this component (and its child items) will layout.
     * @param {Object} [options] An object with layout options.
     * @param {Boolean} options.defer `true` if this layout should be deferred.
     * @param {Boolean} options.isRoot `true` if this layout should be the root of the layout.
    updateLayout: function (options) {
        var me = this,
            lastBox = me.lastBox,
            isRoot = options && options.isRoot;

        if (lastBox) {
            // remember that this component's last layout result is invalid and must be
            // recalculated
            lastBox.invalid = true;

        if (!me.rendered || me.layoutSuspendCount || me.suspendLayout) {

        if (me.hidden) {
        } else if (typeof isRoot != 'boolean') {
            isRoot = me.isLayoutRoot();

        // if we aren't the root, see if our ownerLayout will handle it...
        if (isRoot || !me.ownerLayout || !me.ownerLayout.onContentChange(me)) {
            // either we are the root or our ownerLayout doesn't care
            if (!me.isLayoutSuspended()) {
                // we aren't suspended (knew that), but neither is any of our ownerCt's...
                defer = (options && options.hasOwnProperty('defer')) ? options.defer : me.deferLayouts;
                Ext.AbstractComponent.updateLayout(me, defer);

     * Returns an object that describes how this component's width and height are managed.
     * All of these objects are shared and should not be modified.
     * @return {Object} The size model for this component.
     * @return {Ext.layout.SizeModel} return.width The {@link Ext.layout.SizeModel size model}
     * for the width.
     * @return {Ext.layout.SizeModel} return.height The {@link Ext.layout.SizeModel size model}
     * for the height.
    getSizeModel: function (ownerCtSizeModel) {
        var me = this,
            models = Ext.layout.SizeModel,
            ownerContext = me.componentLayout.ownerContext,
            width = me.width,
            height = me.height,
            typeofWidth, typeofHeight,
            hasPixelWidth, hasPixelHeight,
            heightModel, ownerLayout, policy, shrinkWrap, topLevel, widthModel;

        if (ownerContext) {
            // If we are in the middle of a running layout, always report the current,
            // dynamic size model rather than recompute it. This is not (only) a time
            // saving thing, but a correctness thing since we cannot get the right answer
            // otherwise.
            widthModel = ownerContext.widthModel;
            heightModel = ownerContext.heightModel;

        if (!widthModel || !heightModel) {
            hasPixelWidth = ((typeofWidth = typeof width) == 'number');
            hasPixelHeight = ((typeofHeight = typeof height) == 'number');
            topLevel = me.floating || !(ownerLayout = me.ownerLayout);

            // Floating or no owner layout, e.g. rendered using renderTo
            if (topLevel) {
                policy = Ext.layout.Layout.prototype.autoSizePolicy;
                shrinkWrap = me.floating ? 3 : me.shrinkWrap;

                if (hasPixelWidth) {
                    widthModel = models.configured;

                if (hasPixelHeight) {
                    heightModel = models.configured;
            } else {
                policy = ownerLayout.getItemSizePolicy(me, ownerCtSizeModel);
                shrinkWrap = ownerLayout.isItemShrinkWrap(me);

            if (ownerContext) {
                ownerContext.ownerSizePolicy = policy;

            shrinkWrap = (shrinkWrap === true) ? 3 : (shrinkWrap || 0); // false->0, true->3

            // Now that we have shrinkWrap as a 0-3 value, we need to turn off shrinkWrap
            // bits for any dimension that has a configured size not in pixels. These must
            // be read from the DOM.
            if (topLevel && shrinkWrap) {
                if (width && typeofWidth == 'string') {
                    shrinkWrap &= 2; // percentage, "30em" or whatever - not width shrinkWrap
                if (height && typeofHeight == 'string') {
                    shrinkWrap &= 1; // percentage, "30em" or whatever - not height shrinkWrap

            if (shrinkWrap !== 3) {
                if (!ownerCtSizeModel) {
                    ownerCtSizeModel = me.ownerCt && me.ownerCt.getSizeModel();

                if (ownerCtSizeModel) {
                    shrinkWrap |= (ownerCtSizeModel.width.shrinkWrap ? 1 : 0) | (ownerCtSizeModel.height.shrinkWrap ? 2 : 0);

            if (!widthModel) {
                if (!policy.setsWidth) {
                    if (hasPixelWidth) {
                        widthModel = models.configured;
                    } else {
                        widthModel = (shrinkWrap & 1) ? models.shrinkWrap : models.natural;
                } else if (policy.readsWidth) {
                    if (hasPixelWidth) {
                        widthModel = models.calculatedFromConfigured;
                    } else {
                        widthModel = (shrinkWrap & 1) ? models.calculatedFromShrinkWrap :
                } else {
                    widthModel = models.calculated;

            if (!heightModel) {
                if (!policy.setsHeight) {
                    if (hasPixelHeight) {
                        heightModel = models.configured;
                    } else {
                        heightModel = (shrinkWrap & 2) ? models.shrinkWrap : models.natural;
                } else if (policy.readsHeight) {
                    if (hasPixelHeight) {
                        heightModel = models.calculatedFromConfigured;
                    } else {
                        heightModel = (shrinkWrap & 2) ? models.calculatedFromShrinkWrap :
                } else {
                    heightModel = models.calculated;

        // We return one of the cached objects with the proper "width" and "height" as the
        // sizeModels we have determined.
        return widthModel.pairsByHeightOrdinal[heightModel.ordinal];

    isDescendant: function(ancestor) {
        if (ancestor.isContainer) {
            for (var c = this.ownerCt; c; c = c.ownerCt) {
                if (c === ancestor) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * This method needs to be called whenever you change something on this component that requires the Component's
     * layout to be recalculated.
     * @return {Ext.container.Container} this
    doComponentLayout : function() {
        return this;

     * Forces this component to redo its componentLayout.
     * @deprecated 4.1.0 Use {@link #updateLayout} instead.
    forceComponentLayout: function () {

    // @private
    setComponentLayout : function(layout) {
        var currentLayout = this.componentLayout;
        if (currentLayout && currentLayout.isLayout && currentLayout != layout) {
        this.componentLayout = layout;

    getComponentLayout : function() {
        var me = this;

        if (!me.componentLayout || !me.componentLayout.isLayout) {
            me.setComponentLayout(Ext.layout.Layout.create(me.componentLayout, 'autocomponent'));
        return me.componentLayout;

     * Called by the layout system after the Component has been laid out.
     * @param {Number} width The width that was set
     * @param {Number} height The height that was set
     * @param {Number/undefined} oldWidth The old width, or `undefined` if this was the initial layout.
     * @param {Number/undefined} oldHeight The old height, or `undefined` if this was the initial layout.
     * @template
     * @protected
    afterComponentLayout: function(width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight) {
        var me = this;

        if (++me.componentLayoutCounter === 1) {
            me.afterFirstLayout(width, height);

        if (width !== oldWidth || height !== oldHeight) {
            me.onResize(width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight);

     * Occurs before `componentLayout` is run. Returning `false` from this method will prevent the `componentLayout` from
     * being executed.
     * @param {Number} adjWidth The box-adjusted width that was set.
     * @param {Number} adjHeight The box-adjusted height that was set.
     * @template
     * @protected
    beforeComponentLayout: function(width, height) {
        return true;

     * @member Ext.Component
     * Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use {@link Ext.Component#setPagePosition setPagePosition}. This
     * method fires the {@link #event-move} event.
     * @param {Number/Number[]/Object} x The new left, an array of `[x,y]`, or animation config object containing `x` and `y` properties.
     * @param {Number} [y] The new top.
     * @param {Boolean/Object} [animate] If `true`, the Component is _animated_ into its new position. You may also pass an
     * animation configuration.
     * @return {Ext.Component} this
    setPosition: function(x, y, animate) {
        var me = this,
            pos = me.beforeSetPosition.apply(me, arguments);

        if (pos && me.rendered) {
            x = pos.x;
            y = pos.y;

            if (animate) {
                // Proceed only if the new position is different from the current
                // one. We only do these DOM reads in the animate case as we don't
                // want to incur the penalty of read/write on every call to setPosition
                if (x !== me.getLocalX() || y !== me.getLocalY()) {
                        duration: 1000,
                        listeners: {
                            afteranimate: Ext.Function.bind(me.afterSetPosition, me, [x, y])
                        to: {
                            // Use local coordinates for a component
                            // We don't need to normalize this for RTL, the anim.target.Component
                            // calls setPosition, which will normalize the x value to right when
                            // it's necessary
                            left: x,
                            top: y
                    }, animate));
            } else {
                me.setLocalXY(x, y);
                me.afterSetPosition(x, y);
        return me;

     * @private Template method called before a Component is positioned.
     * Ensures that the position is adjusted so that the Component is constrained if so configured.
    beforeSetPosition: function (x, y, animate) {
        var pos, x0;

        // Decode members of x if x is an array or an object.
        // If it is numeric (including zero), we need do nothing.
        if (x) {
            // Position in first argument as an array of [x, y]
            if (Ext.isNumber(x0 = x[0])) {
                animate = y;
                y = x[1];
                x = x0;
            // Position in first argument as object w/ x & y properties
            else if ((x0 = x.x) !== undefined) {
                animate = y;
                y = x.y;
                x = x0;

        if (this.constrain || this.constrainHeader) {
            pos = this.calculateConstrainedPosition(null, [x, y], true);
            if (pos) {
                x = pos[0];
                y = pos[1];

        // Set up the return info and store the position in this object
        pos = {
            x : this.x = x,
            y : this.y = y,
            anim: animate,
            hasX: x !== undefined,
            hasY: y !== undefined

        return (pos.hasX || pos.hasY) ? pos : null;

     * Template method called after a Component has been positioned.
     * @param {Number} x
     * @param {Number} y
     * @template
     * @protected
    afterSetPosition: function(x, y) {
        var me = this;
        me.onPosition(x, y);
        if (me.hasListeners.move) {
            me.fireEvent('move', me, x, y);

     * Called after the component is moved, this method is empty by default but can be implemented by any
     * subclass that needs to perform custom logic after a move occurs.
     * @param {Number} x The new x position.
     * @param {Number} y The new y position.
     * @template
     * @protected
    onPosition: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Sets the width of the component. This method fires the {@link #resize} event.
     * @param {Number} width The new width to setThis may be one of:
     *   - A Number specifying the new width in the {@link #getEl Element}'s {@link Ext.Element#defaultUnit}s (by default, pixels).
     *   - A String used to set the CSS width style.
     * @return {Ext.Component} this
    setWidth : function(width) {
        return this.setSize(width);

     * Sets the height of the component. This method fires the {@link #resize} event.
     * @param {Number} height The new height to set. This may be one of:
     *   - A Number specifying the new height in the {@link #getEl Element}'s {@link Ext.Element#defaultUnit}s (by default, pixels).
     *   - A String used to set the CSS height style.
     *   - _undefined_ to leave the height unchanged.
     * @return {Ext.Component} this
    setHeight : function(height) {
        return this.setSize(undefined, height);

     * Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.
     * @param {Boolean} [contentSize] true to get the width/size minus borders and padding
     * @return {Object} An object containing the element's size:
     * @return {Number} return.width
     * @return {Number} return.height
    getSize : function(contentSize) {
        return this.el.getSize(contentSize);

     * Gets the current width of the component's underlying element.
     * @return {Number}
    getWidth : function() {
        return this.el.getWidth();

     * Gets the current height of the component's underlying element.
     * @return {Number}
    getHeight : function() {
        return this.el.getHeight();

     * Gets the {@link Ext.ComponentLoader} for this Component.
     * @return {Ext.ComponentLoader} The loader instance, null if it doesn't exist.
    getLoader: function(){
        var me = this,
            autoLoad = me.autoLoad ? (Ext.isObject(me.autoLoad) ? me.autoLoad : {url: me.autoLoad}) : null,
            loader = me.loader || autoLoad;

        if (loader) {
            if (!loader.isLoader) {
                me.loader = new Ext.ComponentLoader(Ext.apply({
                    target: me,
                    autoLoad: autoLoad
                }, loader));
            } else {
            return me.loader;

        return null;

     * Sets the dock position of this component in its parent panel. Note that this only has effect if this item is part
     * of the `dockedItems` collection of a parent that has a DockLayout (note that any Panel has a DockLayout by default)
     * @param {Object} dock The dock position.
     * @param {Boolean} [layoutParent=false] `true` to re-layout parent.
     * @return {Ext.Component} this
    setDocked : function(dock, layoutParent) {
        var me = this;

        me.dock = dock;
        if (layoutParent && me.ownerCt && me.rendered) {
        return me;

     * @param {String/Number} border The border, see {@link #border}. If a falsey value is passed
     * the border will be removed.
    setBorder: function(border, /* private */ targetEl) {
        var me = this,
            initial = !!targetEl;

        if (me.rendered || initial) {
            if (!initial) {
                targetEl = me.el;

            if (!border) {
                border = 0;
            } else if (border === true) {
                border = '1px';
            } else {
                border = this.unitizeBox(border);
            targetEl.setStyle('border-width', border);
            if (!initial) {
        me.border = border;

    onDestroy : function() {
        var me = this;

        if (me.monitorResize && Ext.EventManager.resizeEvent) {
            Ext.EventManager.resizeEvent.removeListener(me.setSize, me);

        // Destroying the floatingItems ZIndexManager will also destroy descendant floating Components

     * Destroys the Component.
     * @since 1.1.0
    destroy : function() {
        var me = this,
            selectors = me.renderSelectors,

        if (!me.isDestroyed) {
            if (!me.hasListeners.beforedestroy || me.fireEvent('beforedestroy', me) !== false) {
                me.destroying = true;

                if (me.floating) {
                    delete me.floatParent;
                    // A zIndexManager is stamped into a *floating* Component when it is added to a Container.
                    // If it has no zIndexManager at render time, it is assigned to the global Ext.WindowManager instance.
                    if (me.zIndexManager) {
                } else if (me.ownerCt && me.ownerCt.remove) {
                    me.ownerCt.remove(me, false);


                // Attempt to destroy all plugins

                if (me.hasListeners.destroy) {
                    me.fireEvent('destroy', me);


                // make sure we clean up the element references after removing all events
                if (me.rendered) {
                    if (!me.preserveElOnDestroy) {
                    me.mixins.elementCt.destroy.call(me); // removes childEls
                    if (selectors) {
                        for (selector in selectors) {
                            if (selectors.hasOwnProperty(selector)) {
                                el = me[selector];
                                if (el) { // in case any other code may have already removed it
                                    delete me[selector];

                    delete me.el;
                    delete me.frameBody;
                    delete me.rendered;

                me.destroying = false;
                me.isDestroyed = true;

     * Determines whether this component is the descendant of a particular container.
     * @param {Ext.Container} container
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if the component is the descendant of a particular container, otherwise `false`.
    isDescendantOf: function(container) {
        return !!this.findParentBy(function(p){
            return p === container;

     * A component's hierarchyState is used to keep track of aspects of a component's
     * state that affect its descendants hierarchically like "collapsed" and "hidden".
     * For example, if this.hierarchyState.hidden == true, it means that either this
     * component, or one of its ancestors is hidden. 
     * Hierarchical state management is implemented by chaining each component's
     * hierarchyState property to its parent container's hierarchyState property via the
     * prototype. The result is such that if a component's hierarchyState does not have
     * it's own property, it inherits the property from the nearest ancestor that does.
     * To set a hierarchical "hidden" value:
     *     this.getHierarchyState().hidden = true;
     * It is important to remember when unsetting hierarchyState properties to delete
     * them instead of just setting them to a falsy value.  This ensures that the
     * hierarchyState returns to a state of inheriting the value instead of overriding it
     * To unset the hierarchical "hidden" value:
     *     delete this.getHierarchyState().hidden;
     * IMPORTANT! ALWAYS access hierarchyState using this method, not by accessing
     * this.hierarchyState directly.  The hierarchyState property does not exist until
     * the first time getHierarchyState() is called.  At that point getHierarchyState()
     * walks up the component tree to establish the hierarchyState prototype chain.
     * Additionally the hierarchyState property should NOT be relied upon even after
     * the initial call to getHierarchyState() because  it is possible for the
     * hierarchyState to be invalidated. Invalidation typically happens when a component
     * is moved to a new container. In such a case the hierarchy state remains invalid
     * until the next time getHierarchyState() is called on the component or one of its
     * descendants.
     * @private
    getHierarchyState: function (inner) {
        var me = this,
            hierarchyState = (inner && me.hierarchyStateInner) || me.hierarchyState,
            ownerCt = me.ownerCt,
            parent, layout, hierarchyStateInner, getInner;
        if (!hierarchyState || hierarchyState.invalid) {
            // Use upward navigational link, not ownerCt.
            // 99% of the time, this will use ownerCt/floatParent.
            // Certain floating components do not have an ownerCt, but they are still linked
            // into a navigational hierarchy. The getRefOwner method normalizes these differences.
            parent = me.getRefOwner();
            if (ownerCt) {
                // This will only be true if the item is a "child" of its owning container
                // For example, a docked item will not get the inner hierarchy state
                getInner = me.ownerLayout === ownerCt.layout;

            me.hierarchyState = hierarchyState =
                // chain this component's hierarchyState to that of its parent.  If it
                // doesn't have a parent, then chain to the rootHierarchyState.  This is
                // done so that when there is a viewport, all component's will inherit
                // from its hierarchyState, even components that are not descendants of
                // the viewport.
                Ext.Object.chain(parent ? parent.getHierarchyState(getInner)
                                        : Ext.rootHierarchyState);

            if ((layout = me.componentLayout).initHierarchyState) {

            if (me.isContainer) {
                me.hierarchyStateInner = hierarchyStateInner = Ext.Object.chain(hierarchyState);

                layout = me.layout;
                if (layout && layout.initHierarchyState) {
                    layout.initHierarchyState(hierarchyStateInner, hierarchyState);
                if (inner) {
                    hierarchyState = hierarchyStateInner;

        return hierarchyState;

     * Called by {@link #getHierarchyState} to initialize the hierarchyState the first
     * time it is requested.
     * @private
    initHierarchyState: function(hierarchyState) {
        var me = this;

        if (me.collapsed) {
            hierarchyState.collapsed = true;
        if (me.hidden) {
            hierarchyState.hidden = true;
        if (me.collapseImmune) {
            hierarchyState.collapseImmune = true;

    // **********************************************************************************
    // Begin Positionable methods
    // **********************************************************************************

    getAnchorToXY: function(el, anchor, local, mySize) {
        return el.getAnchorXY(anchor, local, mySize);

    getBorderPadding: function() {
        return this.el.getBorderPadding();

    getLocalX: function() {
        return this.el.getLocalX();

    getLocalXY: function() {
        return this.el.getLocalXY();

    getLocalY: function() {
        return this.el.getLocalY();

    getX: function() {
        return this.el.getX();

    getXY: function() {
        return this.el.getXY();

    getY: function() {
        return this.el.getY();

    setLocalX: function(x) {

    setLocalXY: function(x, y) {
        this.el.setLocalXY(x, y);

    setLocalY: function(y) {

    setX: function(x, animate) {
        this.el.setX(x, animate);

    setXY: function(xy, animate) {
        this.el.setXY(xy, animate);

    setY: function(y, animate) {
        this.el.setY(y, animate);

    // **********************************************************************************
    // End Positionable methods
    // **********************************************************************************
}, function() {
    var AbstractComponent = this;

        on: 'addListener',
        prev: 'previousSibling',
        next: 'nextSibling'

     * @inheritdoc Ext.AbstractComponent#resumeLayouts
     * @member Ext
    Ext.resumeLayouts = function (flush) {

     * @inheritdoc Ext.AbstractComponent#suspendLayouts
     * @member Ext
    Ext.suspendLayouts = function () {

     * Utility wrapper that suspends layouts of all components for the duration of a given function.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to execute.
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (`this` reference) in which the specified function is executed.
     * @member Ext
    Ext.batchLayouts = function(fn, scope) {
        // Invoke the function