// @tag core /** * This class compiles the XTemplate syntax into a function object. The function is used * like so: * * function (out, values, parent, xindex, xcount) { * // out is the output array to store results * // values, parent, xindex and xcount have their historical meaning * } * * @markdown * @private */ Ext.define('Ext.XTemplateCompiler', { extend: 'Ext.XTemplateParser', // Chrome really likes "new Function" to realize the code block (as in it is // 2x-3x faster to call it than using eval), but Firefox chokes on it badly. // IE and Opera are also fine with the "new Function" technique. useEval: Ext.isGecko, // See http://jsperf.com/nige-array-append for quickest way to append to an array of unknown length // (Due to arbitrary code execution inside a template, we cannot easily track the length in var) // On IE6 to 8, myArray[myArray.length]='foo' is better. On other browsers myArray.push('foo') is better. useIndex: Ext.isIE8m, useFormat: true, propNameRe: /^[\w\d\$]*$/, compile: function (tpl) { var me = this, code = me.generate(tpl); // When using "new Function", we have to pass our "Ext" variable to it in order to // support sandboxing. If we did not, the generated function would use the global // "Ext", not the "Ext" from our sandbox (scope chain). // return me.useEval ? me.evalTpl(code) : (new Function('Ext', code))(Ext); }, generate: function (tpl) { var me = this, // note: Ext here is properly sandboxed definitions = 'var fm=Ext.util.Format,ts=Object.prototype.toString;', code; // Track how many levels we use, so that we only "var" each level's variables once me.maxLevel = 0; me.body = [ 'var c0=values, a0=' + me.createArrayTest(0) + ', p0=parent, n0=xcount, i0=xindex, k0, v;\n' ]; if (me.definitions) { if (typeof me.definitions === 'string') { me.definitions = [me.definitions, definitions ]; } else { me.definitions.push(definitions); } } else { me.definitions = [ definitions ]; } me.switches = []; me.parse(tpl); me.definitions.push( (me.useEval ? '$=' : 'return') + ' function (' + me.fnArgs + ') {', me.body.join(''), '}' ); code = me.definitions.join('\n'); // Free up the arrays. me.definitions.length = me.body.length = me.switches.length = 0; delete me.definitions; delete me.body; delete me.switches; return code; }, //----------------------------------- // XTemplateParser callouts doText: function (text) { var me = this, out = me.body; text = text.replace(me.aposRe, "\\'").replace(me.newLineRe, '\\n'); if (me.useIndex) { out.push('out[out.length]=\'', text, '\'\n'); } else { out.push('out.push(\'', text, '\')\n'); } }, doExpr: function (expr) { var out = this.body; out.push('if ((v=' + expr + ') != null) out'); // Coerce value to string using concatenation of an empty string literal. // See http://jsperf.com/tostringvscoercion/5 if (this.useIndex) { out.push('[out.length]=v+\'\'\n'); } else { out.push('.push(v+\'\')\n'); } }, doTag: function (tag) { var expr = this.parseTag(tag); if (expr) { this.doExpr(expr); } else { // if we cannot match on tagRe handle as plain text this.doText('{' + tag + '}'); } }, doElse: function () { this.body.push('} else {\n'); }, doEval: function (text) { this.body.push(text, '\n'); }, doIf: function (action, actions) { var me = this; // If it's just a propName, use it directly in the if if (action === '.') { me.body.push('if (values) {\n'); } else if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) { me.body.push('if (', me.parseTag(action), ') {\n'); } // Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values) else { me.body.push('if (', me.addFn(action), me.callFn, ') {\n'); } if (actions.exec) { me.doExec(actions.exec); } }, doElseIf: function (action, actions) { var me = this; // If it's just a propName, use it directly in the else if if (action === '.') { me.body.push('else if (values) {\n'); } else if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) { me.body.push('} else if (', me.parseTag(action), ') {\n'); } // Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values) else { me.body.push('} else if (', me.addFn(action), me.callFn, ') {\n'); } if (actions.exec) { me.doExec(actions.exec); } }, doSwitch: function (action) { var me = this; // If it's just a propName, use it directly in the switch if (action === '.') { me.body.push('switch (values) {\n'); } else if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) { me.body.push('switch (', me.parseTag(action), ') {\n'); } // Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values) else { me.body.push('switch (', me.addFn(action), me.callFn, ') {\n'); } me.switches.push(0); }, doCase: function (action) { var me = this, cases = Ext.isArray(action) ? action : [action], n = me.switches.length - 1, match, i; if (me.switches[n]) { me.body.push('break;\n'); } else { me.switches[n]++; } for (i = 0, n = cases.length; i < n; ++i) { match = me.intRe.exec(cases[i]); cases[i] = match ? match[1] : ("'" + cases[i].replace(me.aposRe,"\\'") + "'"); } me.body.push('case ', cases.join(': case '), ':\n'); }, doDefault: function () { var me = this, n = me.switches.length - 1; if (me.switches[n]) { me.body.push('break;\n'); } else { me.switches[n]++; } me.body.push('default:\n'); }, doEnd: function (type, actions) { var me = this, L = me.level-1; if (type == 'for' || type == 'foreach') { /* To exit a for or foreach loop we must restore the outer loop's context. The code looks like this (which goes with that produced by doFor or doForEach): for (...) { // the part generated by doFor or doForEach ... // the body of the for loop // ... any tpl for exec statement goes here... } parent = p1; values = r2; xcount = n1; xindex = i1 */ if (actions.exec) { me.doExec(actions.exec); } me.body.push('}\n'); me.body.push('parent=p',L,';values=r',L+1,';xcount=n'+L+';xindex=i',L,'+1;xkey=k',L,';\n'); } else if (type == 'if' || type == 'switch') { me.body.push('}\n'); } }, doFor: function (action, actions) { var me = this, s, L = me.level, up = L-1, parentAssignment; // If it's just a propName, use it directly in the switch if (action === '.') { s = 'values'; } else if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) { s = me.parseTag(action); } // Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values) else { s = me.addFn(action) + me.callFn; } /* We are trying to produce a block of code that looks like below. We use the nesting level to uniquely name the control variables. // Omit "var " if we have already been through level 2 var i2 = 0, n2 = 0, c2 = values['propName'], // c2 is the context object for the for loop a2 = Array.isArray(c2); r2 = values, // r2 is the values object p2, // p2 is the parent context (of the outer for loop) k2; // object key - not used by for loop but doEnd needs this to be declared // If iterating over the current data, the parent is always set to c2 p2 = parent = c2; // If iterating over a property in an object, set the parent to the object p2 = parent = a1 ? c1[i1] : c1 // set parent if (c2) { if (a2) { n2 = c2.length; } else if (c2.isMixedCollection) { c2 = c2.items; n2 = c2.length; } else if (c2.isStore) { c2 = c2.data.items; n2 = c2.length; } else { c2 = [ c2 ]; n2 = 1; } } // i2 is the loop index and n2 is the number (xcount) of this for loop for (xcount = n2; i2 < n2; ++i2) { values = c2[i2] // adjust special vars to inner scope xindex = i2 + 1 // xindex is 1-based The body of the loop is whatever comes between the tpl and /tpl statements (which is handled by doEnd). */ // Declare the vars for a particular level only if we have not already declared them. if (me.maxLevel < L) { me.maxLevel = L; me.body.push('var '); } if (action == '.') { parentAssignment = 'c' + L; } else { parentAssignment = 'a' + up + '?c' + up + '[i' + up + ']:c' + up; } me.body.push('i',L,'=0,n', L, '=0,c',L,'=',s,',a',L,'=', me.createArrayTest(L),',r',L,'=values,p',L,',k',L,';\n', 'p',L,'=parent=',parentAssignment,'\n', 'if (c',L,'){if(a',L,'){n', L,'=c', L, '.length;}else if (c', L, '.isMixedCollection){c',L,'=c',L,'.items;n',L,'=c',L,'.length;}else if(c',L,'.isStore){c',L,'=c',L,'.data.items;n',L,'=c',L,'.length;}else{c',L,'=[c',L,'];n',L,'=1;}}\n', 'for (xcount=n',L,';i',L,'<n'+L+';++i',L,'){\n', 'values=c',L,'[i',L,']'); if (actions.propName) { me.body.push('.', actions.propName); } me.body.push('\n', 'xindex=i',L,'+1\n'); if (actions.between) { me.body.push('if(xindex>1){ out.push("',actions.between,'"); } \n'); } }, doForEach: function (action, actions) { var me = this, s, L = me.level, up = L-1, parentAssignment; // If it's just a propName, use it directly in the switch if (action === '.') { s = 'values'; } else if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) { s = me.parseTag(action); } // Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values) else { s = me.addFn(action) + me.callFn; } /* We are trying to produce a block of code that looks like below. We use the nesting level to uniquely name the control variables. // Omit "var " if we have already been through level 2 var i2 = -1, n2 = 0, c2 = values['propName'], // c2 is the context object for the for loop a2 = Array.isArray(c2); r2 = values, // r2 is the values object p2, // p2 is the parent context (of the outer for loop) k2; // k2 is the object key while looping // If iterating over the current data, the parent is always set to c2 p2 = parent = c2; // If iterating over a property in an object, set the parent to the object p2 = parent = a1 ? c1[i1] : c1 // set parent for(k2 in c2){ xindex = ++i + 1; // xindex is 1-based xkey = k2; values = c2[k2]; // values is the property value The body of the loop is whatever comes between the tpl and /tpl statements (which is handled by doEnd). */ // Declare the vars for a particular level only if we have not already declared them. if (me.maxLevel < L) { me.maxLevel = L; me.body.push('var '); } if (action == '.') { parentAssignment = 'c' + L; } else { parentAssignment = 'a' + up + '?c' + up + '[i' + up + ']:c' + up; } me.body.push('i',L,'=-1,n',L,'=0,c',L,'=',s,',a',L,'=',me.createArrayTest(L),',r',L,'=values,p',L,',k',L,';\n', 'p',L,'=parent=',parentAssignment,'\n', 'for(k',L,' in c',L,'){\n', 'xindex=++i',L,'+1;\n', 'xkey=k',L,';\n', 'values=c',L,'[k',L,'];'); if (actions.propName) { me.body.push('.', actions.propName); } if (actions.between) { me.body.push('if(xindex>1){ out.push("',actions.between,'"); } \n'); } }, createArrayTest: ('isArray' in Array) ? function(L) { return 'Array.isArray(c' + L + ')'; } : function(L) { return 'ts.call(c' + L + ')==="[object Array]"'; }, doExec: function (action, actions) { var me = this, name = 'f' + me.definitions.length; me.definitions.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {', ' try { with(values) {', ' ' + action, ' }} catch(e) {', //<debug> 'Ext.log("XTemplate Error: " + e.message);', //</debug> '}', '}'); me.body.push(name + me.callFn + '\n'); }, //----------------------------------- // Internal addFn: function (body) { var me = this, name = 'f' + me.definitions.length; if (body === '.') { me.definitions.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {', ' return values', '}'); } else if (body === '..') { me.definitions.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {', ' return parent', '}'); } else { me.definitions.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {', ' try { with(values) {', ' return(' + body + ')', ' }} catch(e) {', //<debug> 'Ext.log("XTemplate Error: " + e.message);', //</debug> '}', '}'); } return name; }, parseTag: function (tag) { var me = this, m = me.tagRe.exec(tag), name, format, args, math, v; if (!m) { return null; } name = m[1]; format = m[2]; args = m[3]; math = m[4]; // name = "." - Just use the values object. if (name == '.') { // filter to not include arrays/objects/nulls if (!me.validTypes) { me.definitions.push('var validTypes={string:1,number:1,boolean:1};'); me.validTypes = true; } v = 'validTypes[typeof values] || ts.call(values) === "[object Date]" ? values : ""'; } // name = "#" - Use the xindex else if (name == '#') { v = 'xindex'; } // name = "$" - Use the xkey else if (name == '$') { v = 'xkey'; } else if (name.substr(0, 7) == "parent.") { v = name; } // compound Javascript property name (e.g., "foo.bar") else if (isNaN(name) && name.indexOf('-') == -1 && name.indexOf('.') != -1) { v = "values." + name; } // number or a '-' in it or a single word (maybe a keyword): use array notation // (http://jsperf.com/string-property-access/4) else { v = "values['" + name + "']"; } if (math) { v = '(' + v + math + ')'; } if (format && me.useFormat) { args = args ? ',' + args : ""; if (format.substr(0, 5) != "this.") { format = "fm." + format + '('; } else { format += '('; } } else { return v; } return format + v + args + ')'; }, // @private evalTpl: function ($) { // We have to use eval to realize the code block and capture the inner func we also // don't want a deep scope chain. We only do this in Firefox and it is also unhappy // with eval containing a return statement, so instead we assign to "$" and return // that. Because we use "eval", we are automatically sandboxed properly. eval($); return $; }, newLineRe: /\r\n|\r|\n/g, aposRe: /[']/g, intRe: /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/, tagRe: /^([\w-\.\#\$]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?(\s?[\+\-\*\/]\s?[\d\.\+\-\*\/\(\)]+)?$/ }, function () { var proto = this.prototype; proto.fnArgs = 'out,values,parent,xindex,xcount,xkey'; proto.callFn = '.call(this,' + proto.fnArgs + ')'; });