 * This is a layout that manages multiple Panels in an expandable accordion style such that by default only
 * one Panel can be expanded at any given time (set {@link #multi} config to have more open). Each Panel has
 * built-in support for expanding and collapsing.
 * Note: Only Ext Panels and all subclasses of Ext.panel.Panel may be used in an accordion layout Container.
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
 *         title: 'Accordion Layout',
 *         width: 300,
 *         height: 300,
 *         defaults: {
 *             // applied to each contained panel
 *             bodyStyle: 'padding:15px'
 *         },
 *         layout: {
 *             // layout-specific configs go here
 *             type: 'accordion',
 *             titleCollapse: false,
 *             animate: true,
 *             activeOnTop: true
 *         },
 *         items: [{
 *             title: 'Panel 1',
 *             html: 'Panel content!'
 *         },{
 *             title: 'Panel 2',
 *             html: 'Panel content!'
 *         },{
 *             title: 'Panel 3',
 *             html: 'Panel content!'
 *         }],
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody()
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Accordion', {
    extend: 'Ext.layout.container.VBox',
    alias: ['layout.accordion'],
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.layout.AccordionLayout',

    targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-layout-ct',
    itemCls: [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'box-item', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-item'],

    align: 'stretch',

     * @cfg {Boolean} fill
     * True to adjust the active item's height to fill the available space in the container, false to use the
     * item's current height, or auto height if not explicitly set.
    fill : true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} autoWidth
     * Child Panels have their width actively managed to fit within the accordion's width.
     * @removed This config is ignored in ExtJS 4

     * @cfg {Boolean} titleCollapse
     * True to allow expand/collapse of each contained panel by clicking anywhere on the title bar, false to allow
     * expand/collapse only when the toggle tool button is clicked.  When set to false,
     * {@link #hideCollapseTool} should be false also. An explicit {@link Ext.panel.Panel#titleCollapse} declared
     * on the panel will override this setting.
    titleCollapse : true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} hideCollapseTool
     * True to hide the contained Panels' collapse/expand toggle buttons, false to display them.
     * When set to true, {@link #titleCollapse} is automatically set to true.
    hideCollapseTool : false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} collapseFirst
     * True to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools
     * in the contained Panels' title bars, false to render it last. By default, this will use the 
     * {@link Ext.panel.Panel#collapseFirst} setting on the panel. If the config option is specified on the layout,
     * it will override the panel value.
    collapseFirst : undefined,

     * @cfg {Boolean} animate
     * True to slide the contained panels open and closed during expand/collapse using animation, false to open and
     * close directly with no animation. Note: The layout performs animated collapsing
     * and expanding, *not* the child Panels.
    animate : true,
     * @cfg {Boolean} activeOnTop
     * Only valid when {@link #multi} is `false` and {@link #animate} is `false`.
     * True to swap the position of each panel as it is expanded so that it becomes the first item in the container,
     * false to keep the panels in the rendered order.
    activeOnTop : false,
     * @cfg {Boolean} multi
     * Set to true to enable multiple accordion items to be open at once.
    multi: false,
    defaultAnimatePolicy: {
        y: true,
        height: true

    constructor: function() {
        var me = this;


        if (!me.multi && me.animate) {
            me.animatePolicy = Ext.apply({}, me.defaultAnimatePolicy);
        } else {
            me.animatePolicy = null;

    beforeRenderItems: function (items) {
        var me = this,
            ln = items.length,
            i = 0,
            owner = me.owner,
            collapseFirst = me.collapseFirst,
            hasCollapseFirst = Ext.isDefined(collapseFirst),
            expandedItem = me.getExpanded(true)[0],
            multi = me.multi,

        for (; i < ln; i++) {
            comp = items[i];
            if (!comp.rendered) {
                // Set up initial properties for Panels in an accordion.
                if (!multi || comp.collapsible !== false) {
                    comp.collapsible = true;
                if (comp.collapsible) {
                    if (hasCollapseFirst) {
                        comp.collapseFirst = collapseFirst;
                    if (me.hideCollapseTool) {
                        comp.hideCollapseTool = me.hideCollapseTool;
                        comp.titleCollapse = true;
                    } else if (me.titleCollapse && comp.titleCollapse === undefined) {
                        // Only force titleCollapse if we don't explicitly
                        // set one on the child panel
                        comp.titleCollapse = me.titleCollapse;
                delete comp.hideHeader;
                delete comp.width;
                comp.title = comp.title || '&#160;';
                comp.addBodyCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-body');

                // If only one child Panel is allowed to be expanded
                // then collapse all except the first one found with collapsed:false
                // If we have hasExpanded set, we've already done this
                if (!multi) {
                    if (expandedItem) {
                        comp.collapsed = expandedItem !== comp;
                    } else if (comp.hasOwnProperty('collapsed') && comp.collapsed === false) {
                        expandedItem = comp;
                    } else {
                        comp.collapsed = true;

                    // If only one child Panel may be expanded, then intercept expand/show requests.
                    owner.mon(comp, {
                        show: me.onComponentShow,
                        beforeexpand: me.onComponentExpand,
                        beforecollapse: me.onComponentCollapse,
                        scope: me
                // Need to still check this outside multi because we don't want
                // a single item to be able to collapse
                owner.mon(comp, 'beforecollapse', me.onComponentCollapse, me);
                comp.headerOverCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-hd-over';

        // If no collapsed:false Panels found, make the first one expanded.
        if (!multi) {
            if (!expandedItem) {
                if (ln) {
                    items[0].collapsed = false;
            } else if (me.activeOnTop) {
                expandedItem.collapsed = false;
                if (owner.items.indexOf(expandedItem) > 0) {
                    owner.insert(0, expandedItem);

    getItemsRenderTree: function(items) {
        return this.callParent(arguments);

    renderItems : function(items, target) {


    configureItem: function(item) {

        // We handle animations for the expand/collapse of items.
        // Items do not have individual borders
        item.animCollapse = item.border = false;

        // If filling available space, all Panels flex.
        if (this.fill) {
            item.flex = 1;

    beginLayout: function (ownerContext) {

    updatePanelClasses: function(ownerContext) {
        var children = ownerContext.visibleItems,
            ln = children.length,
            siblingCollapsed = true,
            i, child, header;

        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            child = children[i];
            header = child.header;
            header.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-hd');

            if (siblingCollapsed) {
                header.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-hd-sibling-expanded');
            } else {
                header.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-hd-sibling-expanded');

            if (i + 1 == ln && child.collapsed) {
                header.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-hd-last-collapsed');
            } else {
                header.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'accordion-hd-last-collapsed');

            siblingCollapsed = child.collapsed;

    // When a Component expands, adjust the heights of the other Components to be just enough to accommodate
    // their headers.
    // The expanded Component receives the only flex value, and so gets all remaining space.
    onComponentExpand: function(toExpand) {
        var me = this,
            owner = me.owner,
            multi = me.multi,
            animate = me.animate,
            moveToTop = !multi && !me.animate && me.activeOnTop,
            expandedCount, i,

        if (!me.processing) {
            me.processing = true;
            previousValue = owner.deferLayouts;
            owner.deferLayouts = true;
            expanded = multi ? [] : me.getExpanded();
            expandedCount = expanded.length;
            // Collapse all other expanded child items (Won't loop if multi is true)
            for (i = 0; i < expandedCount; i++) {
            if (moveToTop) {
                // Prevent extra layout when moving the item
                owner.insert(0, toExpand);
            owner.deferLayouts = previousValue;
            me.processing = false;

    onComponentCollapse: function(comp) {
        var me = this,
            owner = me.owner,

        if (me.owner.items.getCount() === 1) {
            // do not allow collapse if there is only one item
            return false;

        if (!me.processing) {
            me.processing = true;
            previousValue = owner.deferLayouts;
            owner.deferLayouts = true;
            toExpand = comp.next() || comp.prev();

            // If we are allowing multi, and the "toCollapse" component is NOT the only expanded Component,
            // then ask the box layout to collapse it to its header.
            if (me.multi) {
                expanded = me.getExpanded();

                // If the collapsing Panel is the only expanded one, expand the following Component.
                // All this is handling fill: true, so there must be at least one expanded,
                if (expanded.length === 1) {

            } else if (toExpand) {
            owner.deferLayouts = previousValue;
            me.processing = false;

    onComponentShow: function(comp) {
        // Showing a Component means that you want to see it, so expand it.
    getExpanded: function(explicitCheck){
        var items = this.owner.items.items,
            len = items.length,
            i = 0,
            out = [],
        for (; i < len; ++i) {
            item = items[i];
            if (explicitCheck) {
                add = item.hasOwnProperty('collapsed') && item.collapsed === false;
            } else {
                add = !item.collapsed;
            if (add) {
        return out;