 * @class Ext.form.Labelable

 * @var {color}
 * The text color of form field labels
$form-label-font-color: $color !default;

 * @var {string}
 * The font-weight of form field labels
$form-label-font-weight: normal !default;

 * @var {number}
 * The font-size of form field labels
$form-label-font-size: $font-size !default;

 * @var {string}
 * The font-family of form field labels
$form-label-font-family: $font-family !default;

 * @var {number}
 * The line-height of form field labels
$form-label-line-height: 22px !default;

// private
$form-label-font: $form-label-font-weight #{$form-label-font-size}/#{$form-label-line-height} $form-label-font-family !default;

 * @var {number}
 * The line-height of toolbar form field labels
$form-toolbar-label-line-height: $form-toolbar-field-height !default;

 * @var {number}
 * Width for form error icons.
$form-error-icon-width: 16px !default;

 * @var {number}
 * Height for form error icons.
$form-error-icon-height: 16px !default;

 * @var {number/list}
 * Margin for error icons that are aligned to the side of the field
$form-error-icon-side-margin: 0 1px !default;

 * @var {number}
 * The space between the icon and the message for errors that display under the field
$form-error-under-icon-spacing: 4px !default;

 * @var {number/list}
 * The padding on errors that display under the form field
$form-error-under-padding: 2px 2px 2px 0 !default;

 * @var {color}
 * The text color of form error messages
$form-error-msg-color: $form-field-invalid-border-color !default;

 * @var {string}
 * The font-weight of form error messages
$form-error-msg-font-weight: normal !default;

 * @var {number}
 * The font-size of form error messages
$form-error-msg-font-size: $font-size !default;

 * @var {string}
 * The font-family of form error messages
$form-error-msg-font-family: $font-family !default;

// private
$form-error-msg-font: $form-error-msg-font-weight $form-error-msg-font-size $form-error-msg-font-family !default;

 * @var {number}
 * The line-height of form error messages
$form-error-msg-line-height: $form-error-icon-height !default;

// private
$form-exclamation-icon: 'form/exclamation' !default;

 * @var {measurement} $form-item-margin-bottom
 * The bottom margin to apply to form items when in auto, anchor, vbox, or table layout
$form-item-margin-bottom: 5px !default;