 * This class is used as a mixin.
 * This class is to be used to provide basic methods for binding/unbinding stores to other
 * classes. In general it will not be used directly.
Ext.define('Ext.util.Bindable', {

     * Binds a store to this instance.
     * @param {Ext.data.AbstractStore/String} [store] The store to bind or ID of the store.
     * When no store given (or when `null` or `undefined` passed), unbinds the existing store.
    bindStore: function(store, initial, propertyName) {
        // Private params
        // @param {Boolean} [initial=false] True to not remove listeners from existing store.
        // @param {String} [propertyName="store"] The property in this object under which to cache the passed Store.
        propertyName = propertyName || 'store';

        var me = this,
            oldStore = me[propertyName];

        if (!initial && oldStore) {
            // Perform implementation-specific unbinding operations *before* possible Store destruction.
            me.onUnbindStore(oldStore, initial, propertyName);

            if (store !== oldStore && oldStore.autoDestroy) {
            } else {
        if (store) {
            store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(store);
            me.onBindStore(store, initial, propertyName);
        me[propertyName] = store || null;
        return me;

     * Gets the current store instance.
     * @return {Ext.data.AbstractStore} The store, null if one does not exist.
    getStore: function(){
        return this.store;

     * Unbinds listeners from this component to the store. By default it will remove
     * anything bound by the bindStoreListeners method, however it can be overridden
     * in a subclass to provide any more complicated handling.
     * @protected 
     * @param {Ext.data.AbstractStore} store The store to unbind from
    unbindStoreListeners: function(store) {
        // Can be overridden in the subclass for more complex removal
        var listeners = this.storeListeners;
        if (listeners) {

     * Binds listeners for this component to the store. By default it will add
     * anything bound by the getStoreListeners method, however it can be overridden
     * in a subclass to provide any more complicated handling.
     * @protected 
     * @param {Ext.data.AbstractStore} store The store to bind to
    bindStoreListeners: function(store) {
        // Can be overridden in the subclass for more complex binding
        var me = this,
            listeners = Ext.apply({}, me.getStoreListeners(store));

        if (!listeners.scope) {
            listeners.scope = me;
        me.storeListeners = listeners;

     * Gets the listeners to bind to a new store.
     * @protected
     * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The Store which is being bound to for which a listeners object should be returned.
     * @return {Object} The listeners to be bound to the store in object literal form. The scope
     * may be omitted, it is assumed to be the current instance.
    getStoreListeners: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Template method, it is called when an existing store is unbound
     * from the current instance.
     * @protected
     * @param {Ext.data.AbstractStore} store The store being unbound
     * @param {Boolean} initial True if this store is being bound as initialization of the instance.
    onUnbindStore: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Template method, it is called when a new store is bound
     * to the current instance.
     * @protected
     * @param {Ext.data.AbstractStore} store The store being bound
     * @param {Boolean} initial True if this store is being bound as initialization of the instance.
    onBindStore: Ext.emptyFn    