 * An abstract base class which provides shared methods for Containers across the Sencha product line.
 * Please refer to sub class's documentation
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.container.AbstractContainer', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    extend: 'Ext.Component',

    requires: [

    /* End Definitions */

    renderTpl: '{%this.renderContainer(out,values)%}',

     * @cfg {String/Object} layout
     * **Important**: In order for child items to be correctly sized and
     * positioned, typically a layout manager **must** be specified through
     * the `layout` configuration option.
     * The sizing and positioning of child {@link #cfg-items} is the responsibility of
     * the Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout
     * you have in mind.  For example:
     * If the {@link #layout} configuration is not explicitly specified for
     * a general purpose container (e.g. Container or Panel) the
     * {@link Ext.layout.container.Auto default layout manager} will be used
     * which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the
     * Container (no sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation).
     * **layout** may be specified as either as an Object or as a String:
     * # Specify as an Object
     * Example usage:
     *     layout: {
     *         type: 'vbox',
     *         align: 'left'
     *     }
     *   - **type**
     *     The layout type to be used for this container.  If not specified,
     *     a default {@link Ext.layout.container.Auto} will be created and used.
     *     Valid layout <code>type</code> values are:
     *     - {@link Ext.layout.container.Auto Auto} - **Default**
     *     - {@link Ext.layout.container.Card card}
     *     - {@link Ext.layout.container.Fit fit}
     *     - {@link Ext.layout.container.HBox hbox}
     *     - {@link Ext.layout.container.VBox vbox}
     *     - {@link Ext.layout.container.Anchor anchor}
     *     - {@link Ext.layout.container.Table table}
     *   - Layout specific configuration properties
     *     Additional layout specific configuration properties may also be
     *     specified. For complete details regarding the valid config options for
     *     each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the `type`
     *     specified.
     * # Specify as a String
     * Example usage:
     *     layout: 'vbox'
     *   - **layout**
     *     The layout `type` to be used for this container (see list
     *     of valid layout type values above).
     *     Additional layout specific configuration properties. For complete
     *     details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the
     *     layout class corresponding to the `layout` specified.
     * # Configuring the default layout type
     *     If a certain Container class has a default layout (For example a {@link Ext.toolbar.Toolbar Toolbar}
     *     with a default `Box` layout), then to simply configure the default layout,
     *     use an object, but without the `type` property:
     *     xtype: 'toolbar',
     *     layout: {
     *         pack: 'center'
     *     }
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {String/Number} activeItem
     * A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be
     * initially activated within the container's layout on render.  For example,
     * activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the
     * container's collection).  activeItem only applies to layout styles that can
     * display items one at a time (like {@link Ext.layout.container.Card} and
     * {@link Ext.layout.container.Fit}).
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {Object/Object[]} items
     * A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container
     * **Unless configured with a {@link #layout}, a Container simply renders child
     * Components serially into its encapsulating element and performs no sizing or
     * positioning upon them.**
     * Example:
     *     // specifying a single item
     *     items: {...},
     *     layout: 'fit',    // The single items is sized to fit
     *     // specifying multiple items
     *     items: [{...}, {...}],
     *     layout: 'hbox', // The items are arranged horizontally
     * Each item may be:
     * - A {@link Ext.Component Component}
     * - A Component configuration object
     * If a configuration object is specified, the actual type of Component to be
     * instantiated my be indicated by using the {@link Ext.Component#xtype xtype} option.
     * Every Component class has its own {@link Ext.Component#xtype xtype}.
     * If an {@link Ext.Component#xtype xtype} is not explicitly specified, the
     * {@link #defaultType} for the Container is used, which by default is usually `panel`.
     * # Notes:
     * Ext uses lazy rendering. Child Components will only be rendered
     * should it become necessary. Items are automatically laid out when they are first
     * shown (no sizing is done while hidden), or in response to a {@link #doLayout} call.
     * Do not specify {@link Ext.panel.Panel#contentEl contentEl} or
     * {@link Ext.panel.Panel#html html} with `items`.
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {Object/Function} defaults
     * This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items whether added
     * through the {@link #cfg-items} config or via the {@link #method-add} or {@link #insert} methods.
     * Defaults are applied to both config objects and instantiated components conditionally
     * so as not to override existing properties in the item (see {@link Ext#applyIf}).
     * If the defaults option is specified as a function, then the function will be called
     * using this Container as the scope (`this` reference) and passing the added item as
     * the first parameter. Any resulting object from that call is then applied to the item
     * as default properties.
     * For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of
     * contained {@link Ext.panel.Panel} items, you could pass:
     * `defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}`.
     * Usage:
     *     defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container
     *         autoScroll: true
     *     },
     *     items: [
     *         // default will not be applied here, panel1 will be autoScroll: false
     *         {
     *             xtype: 'panel',
     *             id: 'panel1',
     *             autoScroll: false
     *         },
     *         // this component will have autoScroll: true
     *         new Ext.panel.Panel({
     *             id: 'panel2'
     *         })
     *     ]
     * @since 2.3.0

     * @cfg {Boolean} suspendLayout
     * If true, suspend calls to doLayout. Useful when batching multiple adds to a container
     * and not passing them as multiple arguments or an array.
    suspendLayout : false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [autoDestroy=true]
     * If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed
     * from it, else destruction must be handled manually.
     * @since 2.3.0
    autoDestroy : true,

      * @cfg {String} [defaultType="panel"]
      * The default {@link Ext.Component xtype} of child Components to create in this Container when
      * a child item is specified as a raw configuration object, rather than as an instantiated Component.
      * @since 2.3.0
    defaultType: 'panel',
     * @cfg {Boolean} [detachOnRemove=true]
     * True to move any component to the {@link Ext#getDetachedBody detachedBody} when the component is
     * removed from this container. This option is only applicable when the component is not destroyed while
     * being removed, see {@link #autoDestroy} and {@link #method-remove}. If this option is set to false, the DOM
     * of the component will remain in the current place until it is explicitly moved.
    detachOnRemove: true,

     * @property {Boolean} isContainer
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Container, or subclass thereof.
    isContainer : true,

     * @property {Number} layoutCounter
     * The number of container layout calls made on this object.
     * @private
    layoutCounter : 0,

    baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'container',

     * @cfg {String[]} bubbleEvents
     * An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container.
     * See {@link Ext.util.Observable#enableBubble}.
     * @since 3.4.0
    bubbleEvents: ['add', 'remove'],

    // @private
    initComponent : function(){
        var me = this;
             * @event afterlayout
             * Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.
             * @param {Ext.container.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.layout.container.Container} layout The ContainerLayout implementation for this container
             * @since 2.3.0
             * @event beforeadd
             * Fires before any {@link Ext.Component} is added or inserted into the container.
             * A handler can return false to cancel the add.
             * @param {Ext.container.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component being added
             * @param {Number} index The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection
             * @since 2.3.0
             * @event beforeremove
             * Fires before any {@link Ext.Component} is removed from the container.  A handler can return
             * false to cancel the remove.
             * @param {Ext.container.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component being removed
             * @since 2.3.0
             * @event add
             * Fires after any {@link Ext.Component} is added or inserted into the container.
             * **This event bubbles:** 'add' will also be fired when Component is added to any of
             * the child containers or their childern or ...
             * @param {Ext.container.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component that was added
             * @param {Number} index The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection
             * @since 2.3.0
             * @event remove
             * Fires after any {@link Ext.Component} is removed from the container.
             * **This event bubbles:** 'remove' will also be fired when Component is removed from any of
             * the child containers or their children or ...
             * @param {Ext.container.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component that was removed
             * @since 2.3.0



    // @private
    initItems : function() {
        var me = this,
            items = me.items;

         * The MixedCollection containing all the child items of this container.
         * @property items
         * @type Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection
         * @since 2.3.0
        me.items = new Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection(false, me.getComponentId);

        if (items) {
            if (!Ext.isArray(items)) {
                items = [items];


     * @private
     * Returns the focus holder element associated with this Container. By default, this is the Container's target
     * element. Subclasses which use embedded focusable elements (such as Window and Button) should override this for use
     * by the {@link #method-focus} method.
     * @returns {Ext.Element} the focus holding element.
    getFocusEl: function() {
        return this.getTargetEl();

    finishRenderChildren: function () {

        var layout = this.getLayout();

        if (layout) {

    beforeRender: function () {
        var me = this,
            layout = me.getLayout();


        if (!layout.initialized) {
    setupRenderTpl: function (renderTpl) {
        var layout = this.getLayout();



    // @private
    setLayout : function(layout) {
        var currentLayout = this.layout;

        if (currentLayout && currentLayout.isLayout && currentLayout != layout) {

        this.layout = layout;

     * Returns the {@link Ext.layout.container.Container layout} instance currently associated with this Container.
     * If a layout has not been instantiated yet, that is done first
     * @return {Ext.layout.container.Container} The layout
    getLayout : function() {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.layout || !me.layout.isLayout) {
            // Pass any configured in layout property, defaulting to the prototype's layout property, falling back to Auto.
            me.setLayout(Ext.layout.Layout.create(me.layout, me.self.prototype.layout || 'autocontainer'));

        return me.layout;

     * Manually force this container's layout to be recalculated. The framework uses this internally to refresh layouts
     * form most cases.
     * @return {Ext.container.Container} this
     * @since 2.3.0
    doLayout : function() {
        return this;

     * Invoked after the Container has laid out (and rendered if necessary)
     * its child Components.
     * @param {Ext.layout.container.Container} layout
     * @template
     * @protected
    afterLayout : function(layout) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.hasListeners.afterlayout) {
            me.fireEvent('afterlayout', me, layout);

    // @private
    prepareItems : function(items, applyDefaults) {
        // Create an Array which does not refer to the passed array.
        // The passed array is a reference to a user's config object and MUST NOT be mutated.
        if (Ext.isArray(items)) {
            items = items.slice();
        } else {
            items = [items];

        // Make sure defaults are applied and item is initialized
        var me = this,
            i = 0,
            len = items.length,

        for (; i < len; i++) {
            item = items[i];
            if (item == null) {
                Ext.Array.erase(items, i, 1);
            } else {
                if (applyDefaults) {
                    item = this.applyDefaults(item);

                // Tell the item we're in a container during construction
                item.isContained = me;
                items[i] = me.lookupComponent(item);
                delete item.isContained;

        return items;

    // @private
    applyDefaults : function(config) {
        var defaults = this.defaults;

        if (defaults) {
            if (Ext.isFunction(defaults)) {
                defaults = defaults.call(this, config);

            if (Ext.isString(config)) {
                config = Ext.ComponentManager.get(config);
            Ext.applyIf(config, defaults);
        return config;

    // @private
    lookupComponent : function(comp) {
        return (typeof comp == 'string') ? Ext.ComponentManager.get(comp)
                                         : Ext.ComponentManager.create(comp, this.defaultType);

    // @private - used as the key lookup function for the items collection
    getComponentId : function(comp) {
        return comp.getItemId();

     * Adds {@link Ext.Component Component}(s) to this Container.
     * ## Description:
     * - Fires the {@link #beforeadd} event before adding.
     * - The Container's {@link #defaults default config values} will be applied
     *   accordingly (see `{@link #defaults}` for details).
     * - Fires the `{@link #event-add}` event after the component has been added.
     * ## Notes:
     * If the Container is __already rendered__ when `add`
     * is called, it will render the newly added Component into its content area.
     * **If** the Container was configured with a size-managing {@link #layout} manager,
     * the Container will recalculate its internal layout at this time too.
     * Note that the default layout manager simply renders child Components sequentially
     * into the content area and thereafter performs no sizing.
     * If adding multiple new child Components, pass them as an array to the `add` method,
     * so that only one layout recalculation is performed.
     *     tb = new {@link Ext.toolbar.Toolbar}({
     *         renderTo: document.body
     *     });  // toolbar is rendered
     *     // add multiple items.
     *     // ({@link #defaultType} for {@link Ext.toolbar.Toolbar Toolbar} is 'button')
     *     tb.add([{text:'Button 1'}, {text:'Button 2'}]);
     * To inject components between existing ones, use the {@link #insert} method.
     * ## Warning:
     * Components directly managed by the BorderLayout layout manager may not be removed
     * or added.  See the Notes for {@link Ext.layout.container.Border BorderLayout} for
     * more details.
     * @param {Ext.Component[]/Ext.Component...} component
     * Either one or more Components to add or an Array of Components to add.
     * See `{@link #cfg-items}` for additional information.
     * @return {Ext.Component[]/Ext.Component} The Components that were added.
     * @since 2.3.0
    add : function() {
        var me = this,
            args = Ext.Array.slice(arguments),
            index = (typeof args[0] == 'number') ? args.shift() : -1,
            layout = me.getLayout(),
            addingArray, items, i, length, item, pos, ret;

        if (args.length == 1 && Ext.isArray(args[0])) {
            items = args[0];
            addingArray = true;
        } else {
            items = args;

        ret = items = me.prepareItems(items, true);
        length = items.length;

        if (me.rendered) {
            Ext.suspendLayouts(); // suspend layouts while adding items...

        if (!addingArray && length == 1) { // an array of 1 should still return an array...
            ret = items[0];

        // loop
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            item = items[i];
            if (!item) {
                Ext.Error.raise("Cannot add null item to Container with itemId/id: " + me.getItemId());

            pos = (index < 0) ? me.items.length : (index + i);

            // Floating Components are not added into the items collection, but to a separate floatingItems collection
            if (item.floating) {
                me.floatingItems = me.floatingItems || new Ext.util.MixedCollection();
                item.onAdded(me, pos);
            } else if ((!me.hasListeners.beforeadd || me.fireEvent('beforeadd', me, item, pos) !== false) && me.onBeforeAdd(item) !== false) {
                me.items.insert(pos, item);
                item.onAdded(me, pos);
                me.onAdd(item, pos);
                layout.onAdd(item, pos);

                if (me.hasListeners.add) {
                    me.fireEvent('add', me, item, pos);

        // We need to update our layout after adding all passed items
        if (me.rendered) {

        return ret;

     * This method is invoked after a new Component has been added. It
     * is passed the Component which has been added. This method may
     * be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon
     * the state of the child items.
     * @param {Ext.Component} component
     * @param {Number} position
     * @template
     * @protected
    onAdd : Ext.emptyFn,

     * This method is invoked after a new Component has been
     * removed. It is passed the Component which has been
     * removed. This method may be used to update any internal
     * structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.
     * @param {Ext.Component} component
     * @param {Boolean} autoDestroy
     * @template
     * @protected
    onRemove : Ext.emptyFn,

     * Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
     * {@link #beforeadd} event before inserting, then fires the {@link #event-add}
     * event after the Component has been inserted.
     * @param {Number} index The index at which the Component will be inserted
     * into the Container's items collection
     * @param {Ext.Component} component The child Component to insert.
     * Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
     * it become necessary.
     * A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
     * constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
     * inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
     * this 'lazy instantiation', set the {@link Ext.Component#xtype} config
     * property to the registered type of the Component wanted.
     * For a list of all available xtypes, see {@link Ext.Component}.
     * @return {Ext.Component} component The Component (or config object) that was
     * inserted with the Container's default config values applied.
     * @since 2.3.0
    insert : function(index, comp) {
        return this.add(index, comp);

     * Moves a Component within the Container
     * @param {Number} fromIdx The index the Component you wish to move is currently at.
     * @param {Number} toIdx The new index for the Component.
     * @return {Ext.Component} component The Component (or config object) that was moved.
    move : function(fromIdx, toIdx) {
        var items = this.items,
        item = items.removeAt(fromIdx);
        if (item === false) {
            return false;
        items.insert(toIdx, item);
        return item;

     * This method is invoked before adding a new child Component. It
     * is passed the new Component, and may be used to modify the
     * Component, or prepare the Container in some way. Returning
     * false aborts the add operation.
     * @param {Ext.Component} item
     * @template
     * @protected
    onBeforeAdd : function(item) {
        var me = this,
            border = item.border;

        // Remove from current container if it's not us.
        if (item.ownerCt && item.ownerCt !== me) {
            item.ownerCt.remove(item, false);

        if (me.border === false || me.border === 0) {
            // If the parent has no border, only use an explicitly defined border
            item.border = Ext.isDefined(border) && border !== false && border !== 0;

     * Removes a component from this container.  Fires the {@link #beforeremove} event
     * before removing, then fires the {@link #event-remove} event after the component has
     * been removed.
     * @param {Ext.Component/String} component The component reference or id to remove.
     * @param {Boolean} [autoDestroy] True to automatically invoke the removed Component's
     * {@link Ext.Component#method-destroy} function.
     * Defaults to the value of this Container's {@link #autoDestroy} config.
     * @return {Ext.Component} component The Component that was removed.
     * @since 2.3.0
    remove : function(comp, autoDestroy) {
        var me = this,
            c = me.getComponent(comp);
            if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console) && !c) {
                Ext.global.console.warn("Attempted to remove a component that does not exist. Ext.container.Container: remove takes an argument of the component to remove. cmp.remove() is incorrect usage.");

        if (c && (!me.hasListeners.beforeremove || me.fireEvent('beforeremove', me, c) !== false)) {
            me.doRemove(c, autoDestroy);
            if (me.hasListeners.remove) {
                me.fireEvent('remove', me, c);

            if (!me.destroying) {

        return c;

    // @private
    doRemove : function(component, autoDestroy) {
        var me = this,
            layout = me.layout,
            hasLayout = layout && me.rendered,
            destroying = autoDestroy === true || (autoDestroy !== false && me.autoDestroy);

        autoDestroy = autoDestroy === true || (autoDestroy !== false && me.autoDestroy);

        // Inform ownerLayout of removal before deleting the ownerLayout & ownerCt references in the onRemoved call
        if (hasLayout) {
            // Removing a component from a running layout has to cancel the layout
            if (layout.running) {
                Ext.AbstractComponent.cancelLayout(component, destroying);
            layout.onRemove(component, destroying);


        me.onRemove(component, destroying);

        // Destroy if we were explicitly told to, or we're defaulting to our autoDestroy configuration
        if (destroying) {
        // Only have the layout perform remove postprocessing if the Component is not being destroyed
        else {
            if (hasLayout) {
            if (me.detachOnRemove && component.rendered) {

     * Removes all components from this container.
     * @param {Boolean} [autoDestroy] True to automatically invoke the removed
     * Component's {@link Ext.Component#method-destroy} function.
     * Defaults to the value of this Container's {@link #autoDestroy} config.
     * @return {Ext.Component[]} Array of the removed components
     * @since 2.3.0
    removeAll : function(autoDestroy) {
        var me = this,
            removeItems = me.items.items.slice(),
            items = [],
            i = 0,
            len = removeItems.length,

        // Suspend Layouts while we remove multiple items from the container
        for (; i < len; i++) {
            item = removeItems[i];
            me.remove(item, autoDestroy);

            if (item.ownerCt !== me) {

        // Resume Layouts now that all items have been removed and do a single layout (if we removed anything!)
        return items;

    // Used by ComponentQuery to retrieve all of the items
    // which can potentially be considered a child of this Container.
    // This should be overriden by components which have child items
    // that are not contained in items. For example dockedItems, menu, etc
    // IMPORTANT note for maintainers:
    //  Items are returned in tree traversal order. Each item is appended to the result array
    //  followed by the results of that child's getRefItems call.
    //  Floating child items are appended after internal child items.
    getRefItems : function(deep) {
        var me = this,
            items = me.items.items,
            len = items.length,
            i = 0,
            result = [];

        for (; i < len; i++) {
            item = items[i];
            if (deep && item.getRefItems) {
                result.push.apply(result, item.getRefItems(true));

        // Append floating items to the list.
        if (me.floatingItems) {
            result.push.apply(result, me.floatingItems.items);

        return result;

     * Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (passed in
     * the first call), calling the specified function with each component. The scope
     * (this reference) of the function call will be the scope provided or the current
     * component. The arguments to the function will be the args provided or the current
     * component. If the function returns false at any point, the cascade is stopped on
     * that branch.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to call
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope of the function (defaults to current component)
     * @param {Array} [args] The args to call the function with. The current component
     * always passed as the last argument.
     * @return {Ext.Container} this
     * @since 2.3.0
    cascade : function(fn, scope, origArgs){
        var me = this,
            cs = me.items ? me.items.items : [],
            len = cs.length,
            i = 0,
            args = origArgs ? origArgs.concat(me) : [me],
            componentIndex = args.length - 1;

        if (fn.apply(scope || me, args) !== false) {
            for (; i < len; i++){
                c = cs[i];
                if (c.cascade) {
                    c.cascade(fn, scope, origArgs);
                } else {
                    args[componentIndex] = c;
                    fn.apply(scope || cs, args);
        return this;

     * Determines whether **this Container** is an ancestor of the passed Component.
     * This will return `true` if the passed Component is anywhere within the subtree
     * beneath this Container.
     * @param {Ext.Component} possibleDescendant The Component to test for presence
     * within this Container's subtree.
    isAncestor: function(possibleDescendant) {
        while (possibleDescendant) {
            if (possibleDescendant.ownerCt === this) {
                return true;
            possibleDescendant = possibleDescendant.ownerCt;

     * Examines this container's {@link #property-items} **property** and gets a direct child
     * component of this container.
     * @param {String/Number} comp This parameter may be any of the following:
     * - a **String** : representing the {@link Ext.Component#itemId itemId}
     *   or {@link Ext.Component#id id} of the child component.
     * - a **Number** : representing the position of the child component
     *   within the {@link #property-items} **property**
     * For additional information see {@link Ext.util.MixedCollection#get}.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The component (if found).
     * @since 2.3.0
    getComponent : function(comp) {
        if (Ext.isObject(comp)) {
            comp = comp.getItemId();

        return this.items.get(comp);

     * Retrieves all descendant components which match the passed selector.
     * Executes an Ext.ComponentQuery.query using this container as its root.
     * @param {String} [selector] Selector complying to an Ext.ComponentQuery selector.
     * If no selector is specified all items will be returned.
     * @return {Ext.Component[]} Components which matched the selector
    query : function(selector) {
        selector = selector || '*';
        return Ext.ComponentQuery.query(selector, this);
     * Retrieves all descendant components which match the passed function.
     * The function should return false for components that are to be
     * excluded from the selection.
     * @param {Function} fn The matcher function. It will be called with a single argument,
     * the component being tested.
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope in which to run the function. If not specified,
     * it will default to the active component.
     * @return {Ext.Component[]} Components matched by the passed function
    queryBy: function(fn, scope) {
        var out = [],
            items = this.getRefItems(true),
            i = 0,
            len = items.length,
        for (; i < len; ++i) {
            item = items[i];
            if (fn.call(scope || item, item) !== false) {
        return out;
     * Finds a component at any level under this container matching the id/itemId.
     * This is a shorthand for calling ct.down('#' + id);
     * @param {String} id The id to find
     * @return {Ext.Component} The matching id, null if not found
    queryById: function(id){
        return this.down('#' + id);

     * Retrieves the first direct child of this container which matches the passed selector.
     * The passed in selector must comply with an Ext.ComponentQuery selector.
     * @param {String} [selector] An Ext.ComponentQuery selector. If no selector is
     * specified, the first child will be returned.
     * @return Ext.Component
    child : function(selector) {
        selector = selector || '';
        return this.query('> ' + selector)[0] || null;

    nextChild: function(child, selector) {
        var me = this,
            childIndex = me.items.indexOf(child);

        if (childIndex !== -1) {
            result = selector ? Ext.ComponentQuery(selector, me.items.items.slice(childIndex + 1)) : me.items.getAt(childIndex + 1);
            if (!result && me.ownerCt) {
                result = me.ownerCt.nextChild(me, selector);
        return result;

    prevChild: function(child, selector) {
        var me = this,
            childIndex = me.items.indexOf(child);

        if (childIndex !== -1) {
            result = selector ? Ext.ComponentQuery(selector, me.items.items.slice(childIndex + 1)) : me.items.getAt(childIndex + 1);
            if (!result && me.ownerCt) {
                result = me.ownerCt.nextChild(me, selector);
        return result;

     * Retrieves the first descendant of this container which matches the passed selector.
     * The passed in selector must comply with an Ext.ComponentQuery selector.
     * @param {String} [selector] An Ext.ComponentQuery selector. If no selector is
     * specified, the first child will be returned.
     * @return Ext.Component
    down : function(selector) {
        return this.query(selector)[0] || null;

    // @private
    // Enable all immediate children that was previously disabled
    // Override enable because onEnable only gets called when rendered
    enable: function() {

        var itemsToDisable = this.getChildItemsToDisable(),
            length         = itemsToDisable.length,
            item, i;

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            item = itemsToDisable[i];

            if (item.resetDisable) {

        return this;

    // Inherit docs
    // Disable all immediate children that was previously disabled
    // Override disable because onDisable only gets called when rendered
    disable: function() {

        var itemsToDisable = this.getChildItemsToDisable(),
            length         = itemsToDisable.length,
            item, i;

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            item = itemsToDisable[i];

            if (item.resetDisable !== false && !item.disabled) {
                item.resetDisable = true;

        return this;
     * Gets a list of child components to enable/disable when the container is
     * enabled/disabled
     * @private
     * @return {Ext.Component[]} Items to be enabled/disabled
    getChildItemsToDisable: function(){
        return this.query('[isFormField],button');

     * Occurs before componentLayout is run. Returning false from this method
     * will prevent the containerLayout from being executed.
     * @template
     * @protected
    beforeLayout: function() {
        return true;

    // @private
    // @since 2.3.0
    beforeDestroy : function() {
        var me = this,
            items = me.items,

        if (items) {
            while ((c = items.first())) {
                me.doRemove(c, true);
